shewalksineternity · 11 years
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"Grey's is a lot like Dr. Sexy," Joan mused. "You'd like it. I'll show you a few episodes, maybe, when we get home." It had been almost a year and a half since she met him, a year since they became something real, something tangible, and yet she still wasn't used to that word. Home. She had never really had one, not since she was very young on Gallifrey, not since before she took her granddaughter and climbed into an antique time capsule and flew away. The TARDIS had been home, in a way - closest thing to it, anyway. But that wasn't the first thing that came to mind when she thought of the TARDIS. The TARDIS was somehow much more of a caretaker, her oldest friend, too much of a person to be reduced to a simple structure for living inside. No, at this point, Joan was about as used to using the word 'home' as she was to having one.
She gave him a small smile, leaning against him. "You are, though," she insisted. "Your entire species is. Human beings, absolutely incredible. You are unique in the universe." She paused, tilting her head to the side as she looked up at him. "You are unique in the universe," she repeated, the emphasis she placed on the first word making it clear that she was now speaking only of him specifically rather than his entire race. Like she was saying 'I love your entire species, but you especially'.
Hold onto me as we go,
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shewalksineternity · 11 years
The place was beautiful. Absolutely, stunningly beautiful. Joan had seen lovelier places, of course - when you live as long as she had, it was inevitable that even if you saved the universe a thousand times, you would still have a day off here and there, and she had always loved a good trip to a planet known for its beauty when she had the chance. Visits to such places had become especially frequent in her ninth regeneration, when her (well, his at that point) primary concern was showing Rose Tyler everything the universe had to offer. Rose did always love a beautiful view. Susan was the same, so many centuries ago. So yes, of course Joan had a thousand unbelievably marvelous sights inked into her memory, a million view to take one's breath away, but somehow... somehow, this was so much better than any of them.
She smiled as he opened the door with a bow; going along with it, she tilted her chin up and placed her hand daintily in his as she climbed out of the car. "It's not a soap opera, Dean," she replied, her tone lightly teasing. "It's a medical drama." She gazed around the campsite, a softer smile forming on her lips as she took in the view. "It's amazing," she said earnestly, turning to look at him. "You're amazing."
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Hold onto me as we go,
 As we roll down this unfamiliar road… And although this wave is stringing us along… Just know you’re not alone, ‘cause I’m gonna make this place your home… 
How many times had he passed that tree already? For somebody who’d grown up on the road, you think Dean would’ve been better at navigating more backwoods roads, but he was still 100% sure that four lefts in a row were not taking him in the right direction. Twenty more minutes passed before he was sure they’d gotten here. After an argument with an owner and more confusion, the hunter had ushered Joan back into the car, and they’d gone and drove for another hour. 
After what seemed like years, the Impala’s purr cut itself off short, rolling to a slow stop outside the campsite, which really couldn’t have been described as anything other than breathtaking. Isolated from most of the other sites in the area, tall bushes made the campsite seem more personal and hidden. Past those, the sandy beach seemed to stretch on forever before it finally hit the dark blue ocean, which was so close it was deafening and calming at the same time. Clouds and fog were already settling in, making the whole campsite look beautiful enough for a postcard.
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And Dean, not-so-subtly trying to make the vacation as large and extravagant as he could, had called ahead for a little “extra magic”, as Sam had recommended for him to do. Fairy lights tangled up in between the thorny branches of the brush, blending in with the stars that were already popping out from the darkened sky. A fire had been started in the small rocky pit, and the ingredients for stereotypical camping food lay on a picnic bench not too far away. 
Turning to the passenger’s seat, the corners of the hunter’s eyes crinkled up happily as he spoke. “Is it too cheesy? It’s your first time camping, I wanted to make it special. Besides, pretty sure I saw something like this on those soap operas you watch." He remarked with a laugh, his soft smile sliding into a cocky grin before he hopped out of the Impala. Walking over to her side, he opened the door with a mock bow and held out his hand, the cocky smirk still plastered on his lips. “Nice place for our one-year-of-dating-and-putting-up-with-my-shit anniversary trip, right?"
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shewalksineternity · 11 years
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Hey guys, I’m doing a poster giveaway, yay!
So here’s the skinny
I have no need for all of these posters and to be honest, they’re gonna get hidden away and never used if I continue keeping them so why not just give them away? Most of these posters are brand new/in perfect condition, the big Sucker Punch and Priest posters have tiny holes in the four corners where I put them on the wall and minor damage to the top sides, but nothing too noticeable. 
So, here’s where you come in, if you reblog this, you enter for a chance to win any poster of your choice. Here are your choices. 
Sucker Punch (large…approx 27x40)
Priest (large…approx 24x36…or something like that lol but slightly smaller than the sucker punch one)
Star Trek into Darkness: John Harrison (11x17)
Star Trek into Darkness: James Kirk (11x17)
Kill Bill Japanese Poster (11x17)
Captain America (there are two of these and they are both 11x17)
Priest (11x17 version)
So the rules? 
You DO NOT have to be following me. Why? ‘cause then all of you will just unfollow anyway after this is over, lol so if you genuinely like my blog..well, follow if you want. It won’t help your chances though. 
Reblog as many times as you like because apparently, it’ll only show up once in the notes. lol. But you CAN’T have a giveaway blog(s), ‘cause that’s just unfair. lol.
Shipping USA ONLY. I don’t have the money to ship out of the USA. And I want to make sure these puppies get to their destinations safe and sound and it’ll be harder to do it internationally. 
You can win ONE of these posters, so first place gets to choose first, then second place and so on and so forth. 
I know that some of you will only want a certain poster so if you win and your poster gets taken, you’ll win 5 US Dollars instead, yay! Paid to your Paypal account or something. Because I want you to be happy.
Giveaway ends July 5th, 7pm PST
Good luck all you crazy kids.
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shewalksineternity · 11 years
Joan reeled backwards; her mug shattered against the floor as she stumbled until her back hit the wall, and she slid down to the floor, leaving a red smear or blood on the wall. She was shaking, she couldn't stop shaking, why couldn't she stop shaking - 
Had she slept like this?
She couldn't feel any pain, no gaping wound, but in the back of her head a small voice that tasted a little like sanity reminded her that sometimes people who suffered extreme injuries felt no pain at first. Shock or something like that. There could be a bullet in her stomach and she might not know - oh, god, she was going to die -
"D-Dean," she gasped, vaguely aware that tears were creating stripes of clean, shining flesh on her blood-spattered face. "I don't - I don't know, I just - I can't -" She heaved a loud, gasping breath, still shaking, hands grabbing at the floor for something to hold onto to steady herself, but finding nothing but smooth, slippery tile. "Oh, god."
bleeding heart || au || closed rp
Joan was barely awake when she rolled out of bed - literally rolled, barely managing to get her feet in position to catch her before she toppled off the side. She tossed the sheets out of her way, standing up and swaying slightly; her eyes were only half open and it took effort simply to stand still. Odd. She thought she’d gotten a good night’s rest, but for some reason she could barely stay awake. Ah, well. She’d feel better after a cup of coffee.
She staggered out of her room towards the kitchen, barely noticing the way her feet almost seemed to stick to the floor a bit. In fact, her entire body felt a bit sticky. Maybe it was sweat or something? She’d have to check the flat’s air conditioning. And she’d have to take a shower. 
She pushed her hair back from her forehead - her hair was a bit stiff and sticky, too. She’d definitely have to check out the AC. She wandered across the kitchen floor to the counter, getting a mug out of the cabinet. It wasn’t until she glanced down to look at the coffee pot that she noticed the red stain that blossomed across her white nightgown. 
She looked down at herself frantically, suddenly alert - it wasn’t just on the bodice of her dress. It was everywhere. Staining the skirt, coating her fingers, darkening her hair, sticking to the bottoms of her feet. There were red footprints leading across the floor from her bedroom to where she stood. There were red fingerprints on her light blue ceramic mug.
That’s when she started to scream.
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shewalksineternity · 11 years
bleeding heart || au || closed rp
Joan was barely awake when she rolled out of bed - literally rolled, barely managing to get her feet in position to catch her before she toppled off the side. She tossed the sheets out of her way, standing up and swaying slightly; her eyes were only half open and it took effort simply to stand still. Odd. She thought she'd gotten a good night's rest, but for some reason she could barely stay awake. Ah, well. She'd feel better after a cup of coffee.
She staggered out of her room towards the kitchen, barely noticing the way her feet almost seemed to stick to the floor a bit. In fact, her entire body felt a bit sticky. Maybe it was sweat or something? She'd have to check the flat's air conditioning. And she'd have to take a shower. 
She pushed her hair back from her forehead - her hair was a bit stiff and sticky, too. She'd definitely have to check out the AC. She wandered across the kitchen floor to the counter, getting a mug out of the cabinet. It wasn't until she glanced down to look at the coffee pot that she noticed the red stain that blossomed across her white nightgown. 
She looked down at herself frantically, suddenly alert - it wasn't just on the bodice of her dress. It was everywhere. Staining the skirt, coating her fingers, darkening her hair, sticking to the bottoms of her feet. There were red footprints leading across the floor from her bedroom to where she stood. There were red fingerprints on her light blue ceramic mug.
That's when she started to scream.
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shewalksineternity · 11 years
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The wind blew her hair into her face as she walked down the sidewalk; she swept it back repeatedly, trying to keep it tucked behind her ears so she could see. She heard her text tone again - several times, muffled by the fabric of her pocket. She took her phone out, read the texts, and began typing again.
[text] That's ridiculous. It doesn't look anything like a face. There's no nose.
[text] How the bloody hell is :3 a cat?
[text] More importantly, under what circumstances would one feel the need to text a cat face?
Into Your Arms | Open Fluffy Roleplay
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shewalksineternity · 11 years
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Hell. He'd never told her that much about it, never wanted to talk about it. But what he'd just described... it didn't really seem like it could be anything else. Oh, now that was just cruel. The one and only thing he can remember - torture and eternal damnation?
"It's okay," she told him, swallowing and putting an attempt at a light, reassuring smile on her face. "It'll be okay. My name's Joan Smith. You don't remember... anything about me? Anything at all?"
Perfect World | Amnesia!Dean | Open
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shewalksineternity · 11 years
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Joan gave a small smile as she heard the text tone of the mobile phone Dean had finally convinced her to get. She took it out of her pocket, her smile widening when she saw his name on the screen. She unlocked it and read the text before beginning to type.
[text] I still don't understand what :) is
[text] It's a colon and a right parenthesis.
[text] You know, human texting abbreviations are impossible to understand. It's like an alien dialect. I don't have the TARDIS to translate for me anymore, you realize.
[text] Fine. I'm on my way.
She shoved her mobile back into her pocket, sweeping her hair back and grabbing her apartment keys; she slid her feet into her shoes, grabbed her jacket and put it on, headed out the door, locked it up behind her, and started on the walk to where he was.
Into Your Arms | Open Fluffy Roleplay
Dean glanced out of the window, his groggy grimace quickly fading into a weak smirk. Raining. He always liked the rain. Not when he was driving, but inside was always tonight. And he’d finished his hunt yesterday. So today was free.
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With a yawn, he felt the bedside table for his phone, grunting as he failed to pick it up a few times before finally finding it, pulling it out and texting the one person he wanted right now. 
[Text] Mornin. Come over, I want 2 c u :)
He smiled, knowing how smiley faces always annoyed the other when he texted, but he added it anyway, closing his phone with a second yawn before standing up, shuffling over to the coffee maker with his blanket wrapped tightly around him.
Coffee and cuddling. That sounds nice. But I’ll ask about cuddling when she gets that cute little ass over here.
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shewalksineternity · 11 years
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Joan's face fell; a flicker of fear sparked in her eyes. He... couldn't remember her? Couldn't remember anything? No. First Donna, and now... not him. Rassilon, please, not Dean. 
Still, she took a deep breath and composed herself. Stay calm, Doctor. It'll be fine. You'll figure this out. "Can you..." She swallowed. "Can you remember anything? Anything at all?"
Perfect World | Amnesia!Dean | Open
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shewalksineternity · 11 years
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"Shh." Joan walked to his bedside, taking his hand and gently squeezing it. "It's me. It's Joan." She smiled softly, relieved. "You had me a bit worried there."
Perfect World | Amnesia!Dean | Open
Dean grunted, bright florescent lights temporarily blinding him. “Doctor, he’s waking up again.” An firm female voice stated a few feet away from him, and a man replied with a short and dismissive “Oh, yes, I’ll get the visitor.”
The hunter grunted again, his head throbbing. He tried to move a hand up to clutch it, but it was too much work for his weak body. Shaky, wavy images floated before his eyes, the ceiling barely coming into focus before he heard the door opening, and a man mumbling to whoever had just walked in. “He’s just woken up. We’re not sure how the accident effected his memory, you’ll have to see for yourself. We’ll leave you alone with him.” And with that, the employees left the room, leaving Dean with his visitor.
He could barely even roll his head to the side to stare at the person in confusion. “Where am I? ….W-Who are you?” He barely managed to choke out, another surge of pain flashing through him as he spoke.
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shewalksineternity · 11 years
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She sighed, wiping away the beginnings of tears. "I love you, too, idiot. Why do you think I'm still here. Because I meant the promises I made to you. But you can't do this. Because if it were anyone but you, I'd walk away."
Lies | shewalksineternity + deanwinchesterthepiesexual
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shewalksineternity · 11 years
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"You know, I find it ironic that I seem to understand more about human marriages than you," she told him. "What makes me your wife, hmm? A piece of paper, a stupid dress, and a few words. And if none of that changes the way you act, if none of that means anything to you, which obviously it doesn't - then what are we left with?"
Lies | shewalksineternity + deanwinchesterthepiesexual
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shewalksineternity · 11 years
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shewalksineternity · 11 years
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"I'm not leaving," she told him, her voice still angry and quavering. "Because I don't walk away, Dean. Because we have a life and a family and because we made vows, and that means something to me. Dean -" She raked her hands through her hair, swearing loudly in Gallifreyan. "You haven't matured! You're still going off and getting drunk and throwing yourself at any woman you find attractive. So what makes me any more important to you than any of them? Hmm?"
Lies | shewalksineternity + deanwinchesterthepiesexual
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shewalksineternity · 11 years
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"No," she said, letting her voice shake now. She took a step back, away from his hand. "You don't get to sleep with some other woman and then walk in here and call me sugar. I -" She put a hand on her forehead, turning away from him. "I thought we were past the little manwhore stage of your life, Dean. I really thought you'd matured."
Lies | shewalksineternity + deanwinchesterthepiesexual
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shewalksineternity · 11 years
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"It's not?" she asked, taking a step away from him, betrayal etched on her face. "Then what is it, Dean?" She spread her arms, daring him to answer her. "I'm all ears."
Lies | shewalksineternity + deanwinchesterthepiesexual
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shewalksineternity · 11 years
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Joan was practically choking - the reek of alcohol on his breath would be bad enough without her superior Time Lord senses. "You know," she said, forcing herself to keep her voice steady, "when you marry someone, you make vows. And you're not supposed to break those vows, because if you do, they start to wonder if they ever meant anything at all."
Lies | shewalksineternity + deanwinchesterthepiesexual
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