shaunaaaxo · 2 years
Evaluation for brand
To evaluate, my group reached the criteria/task because we went into details about our brand. Our brand name is ‘Libby’ which represents ‘for the liberated woman’ we design clothes for woman between 20-40. We even did a social media survey and we compared our brand to other brands and our brand outcome was very similar. We even made an Instagram page and a website to go more in depth with our brand. While doing this module we used illustrator to create a t-shirt and me doing that stressed me at first because I started it off on a mac which was very easy and then I finished it on an iPad which was very difficult but after watching Youtube videos on how to use illustrator adobe on an iPad I got a hang of it. At the beginning of the module we had some sort of class when we had to get to know the people in our group. I very much like that activity due to the fact I didn’t know anyone in my group. Doing this activity helped bring the group together. 
What I like about this module is that I learnt how to make a brand because I always wondered how people create one because I was planning to create one soon but now that I’ve done this module I now know how to make it. What I also like about this module is that it made me work on communication and teamwork with other people because normally I’m a solo player. What I didn’t like was the T-shirt illustrator because I spent a lot of time making one t-shirt and trying to get everything right.
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shaunaaaxo · 2 years
Continuous brand
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These are the extra words I added to my presentation when I had to redo it. In these posts I went into specific details about certain parts of the presentation such as the customers powerpoint, survey results powerpoint and packaging. At the end of my presentation my teachers asked me questions that I struggled to answer a little bit but I got through it.
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shaunaaaxo · 2 years
I had to redo my presentation because I couldn’t speak on the day I was supposed to do it with my group because I lost my voice. So I was redoing it on teams with my teachers. I think my presentation went well because I spoke about my pitch and what I did such as I did the pictures layout and the moodboard. Even in my presentation I added more words to the powerpoint when I had to redo it on teams
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Here I’m showing the picture layout and moodboard that I did because the rest of my group did the writings. When I asked if there was anything they wanted me to do they said they just need someone to do the pictures layout and the moodboards.
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shaunaaaxo · 2 years
To evaluate, I feel like my final outcome met some of the task/criteria because my lookbook was in detail and I described it in some sort of detail and I also linked it back to my trend. I showed the further explanation of how trend analysis can be used in professional practice. I used numerous techniques on Photoshop but not that much with indesign. I learnt how to blend in photoshop and make things look transparent. But I found working on photoshop a little bit difficult but most of the time it was easy. I very much found Indesign difficult hence why I didn’t do much on that software. I found photoshop more easier than Indesign. I regret not exploring Indesign enough hence why I found it very difficult to use. I used the ‘blending options’ a lot to create my final outcome so I could make it very effective. I went through different types of moodboard on photoshop and Indesign to get me where I’m at now because I had back to back one- on-one with my teachers. 
What I liked about doing this module is that it taught me new things and now I know how people create those cool effects on Pinterest and google images. I also know how people create magazine covers, lookbooks or flyers. What I didn’t like about this module was not understanding Indesign properly. Next time I would like to take time out and learn Indesign step by step.
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shaunaaaxo · 2 years
Indesign 3
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These are my lookbook pages and what I like about it is that it forecasts my trend and tells you everything about it by describing the concept and everything it has to do about the trend. What I could do to improve it is probably write more things on it such as for the colour page I could have written why those colours have those specific meanings.
My lookbook links to my trend because of the back ground, description and the type of pictures I used. I can tell because wrote about the material being eco-friendly and describing what it is made out of. An example is when I pointed out that ‘the materials are waterproof and suitable for the cold weather’. This links back to my trend because on the WGSN it says how I have to find materials that’s waterproof and that’s suitable for bad weather and I did.
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shaunaaaxo · 2 years
Indesign 1
Indesign is an adobe software where you can create/design publish and page layout designing. You can create posters, magazines, presentations, books, posters, flyers, newspapers and lookbooks. 
Today I’ll be creating a lookbook. 
The images I’ll be using for my lookbook are: 
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I’ll be using the font Castellar because it gives off more of an outdoor tech vibe. I was on google searching for a different type of outdoor typing font and I saw one that I wanted but it wasn’t on indesign software any more so I used a font that looks similar to it which is Castellar font. Castellar font reminds me of outdoor tech because of how bold it is and I feel like you will only see fonts like that on outdoor things.
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For the front and back moodboard the writing I put on it is the name of my trend so everyone can  know what my trend is. The font on this page is very effective because of how perfectly it goes with the image. But I had to make the writing more bold so people could be able to see it.
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shaunaaaxo · 2 years
Indesign 2
This is the final page for my front and back lookbook. I like it because it explores my trend by just showing the starter before we get into more depth about my lookbook and trend.
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For my Narrative I wrote about describing what type of outdoor tech it is which is the type that involves economic climate weather. I also spoke about the concept of my trend and what it is good for and why it's a good investment. What I like about this page is that it explains everything it needs to explain and it shows my trend in a specific view.
This was my first narrative lookbook page but then I had a one to one with my teachers and they told me to add more details and to use the WGSN page to help me.
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After my one to one with my teachers 
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For my Colour palette moodboard lookbook I labelled the names of all the colours and what type of colours they are. The writing I did on it explains where the colours come from and what’s the significance of the colours. What I like about this page is that it links to my trend because of the description because I went into details.
This was my first colour palette moodboard lookbook until I had a one to one with my teachers and they told me to add the meanings of the colours and what it shows. 
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After my one to one with my teachers.
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For my keyshape moodboard lookbook I labelled all the different materials and wrote what they are suitable for. I even wrote what type of materials they are such as they are ‘long lasting and breathable’. These labels and writing shows the linkage between my trend and what I made because it describes everything the trend is about. 
This was my first keyshape moodboard until I had a one on one with my teachers and they told me to be more specific about the materials and how they are a good investment to the outdoor tech industry.
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After my one to one
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shaunaaaxo · 2 years
Photoshop for keyshape
Step 1- In this step I started off with 2 background pictures. I used these pictures because it helps link to my trend because of the weather. One is from Google and the other is from the WGSN website. The one from Google is the foggy wet road picture. The blending effect mode I used on this image is the Darken mode and the blending options scale is on 78%. Darken mode is blending layers and the base layers and keeps the darker code. The mode is good for colouring shadows. Using this mode gives my image more of a dramatic broody effect. I used the same mode for the image from WGSN and it gave the same effect. Having those two images combined together with the blending mode gives a good mixture with the two images and creates a blending image. 
Step 2- In this step, the guy with the burgundy raincoat on I got this image from WGSN. For this image I used lasso to cut around the image so it can fit in with the keyshape moodboard. Whilst playing with the blending mode/scale I used the mode ‘Darker color’. Darker color is a mode that darkens the image. Darker color gives off the effect of blending in. Using this on my Keyshape moodboard gives an appealing effect due to the fact how sharp it makes it look. 
Step 3- In this step the guy in the purple and brownish coat I got that image of WGSN I didn’t really want to do anything to that image because it already looks perfect and it blends in well already. So what I did is use a lasso tool to cut around the image and place it in a specific place I think it will go well in. 
Step 4- In this step the guy in the gold rain waterstone coat I got from Google. I used a lasso tool to cut around the image and for the blending mode I used hard light mode. Hard light mode combines multiply and screen blending modes using the brightness values of the blend layer to make it even out. Using this effect on the image gives it a bright effect which can come across intensely. Having this image and mode on the keyshape moodboard adds more colour to it and helps explore my trend more because of what type of coat he is wearing, which is a raincoat because my trend involves rain and wind. 
Step 5- In this step I added materials to the Keyboard mood board because it helps to understand the concept of my trend. The materials I used in these images are Cordura, Dyneema and recycled polyester. I didn’t use any blending mode or tool on these images because I didn’t really need to. I only placed it and controlled the size of the image. 
Step 6- In this step I used the blending mode on the fabric Nylon because it was going to overlap with other layers. The blending mode I used was ‘Multiply’. The mode ‘multiply’ is blending layer and base layers to make a darker colour. This mode is very useful for colouring shadows. Because there's layers being layered together it creates a contrast between dark and light and creates a shadow. It also makes the image transparent which looks good on the keyshape moodboard.
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What I like about my keyshape moodboard is that it links very well with my trend because I have 3 main outdoor tech images which link to my trend, even the background which shows the contrast between wind and rain and what outdoor tech is made out of which is waterproof materials. Even better if I involved images where they got the idea of their design from, what inspired them.
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shaunaaaxo · 2 years
Photoshop for Colour Palette
In these screenshots I’m going to tell you step by step how I got my final colour palette mood board.
Step 1- In this step I started off with my first colour palette moodboard and what I did was I got colours from the WGSN website and Google so I can link back to my trend. I used lasso to cut around the colours 1 by 1.
Step 2- In this step I got a picture of colours in a wheel and used lasso to cut around the edges so I can make it look clean so that my final colour palette moodboard can turn out right. 
Step 3- I got an image of a guy from WGSN and duplicated it so I can cut around one of the images by using lasso. 
Step 4- In this step I started playing around with the blending options and scale on the original image and ended up using ‘Hard light’. Hard light gives the effect of a camera light so it could give a lighter effect. Hard light creates sharp gradations between light and shadows. 
Step 5- In this step I started playing around with the blending options for the cut out image and I ended up using the effect ‘Difference’. The effect difference makes it easy to blend layers together. It creates a camera light shadow which gives it a stereoscopic image. 
Step 6- In this step I combined the 2 and decided to put the colours on the image with the boy on it because after my one to one talk with my teachers they told me it looks more like a colour palette instead of a front page cover because of the different colours that were on the image.
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shaunaaaxo · 2 years
Photoshop for front and back cover
Step 1- In this image I duplicate a picture. I kept one at its natural state and then I used Lasso to cut around the picture so It can look natural and immaculate. 
Step 2- In this step I started playing with the blending mode and blending scale for the cut out image. While I was doing that I used the mode luminosity which gave it a 3D look because luminosity creates a hue and saturation colour and that effect gives me a spectrum look. I also lowered the blending scale to 76% which makes it brighter so it looks like some sort of shadow for the original picture. 
Step 3- In this step because the original image didn’t look right because one had blending options on it and the other didn’t it looked off a little bit. So I started playing with the blending option and I used pin light so we could see the cut out image through the original image. Pin light is a mode that blends dark and light tones simultaneously which creates a mid-tone and a special effect. 
Step 4- In this step I duplicated the one that has been cut out because since I’m going to make it front and back page I thought about having one image in the middle and having two same images on the side so when you put the look book together it will make up as one big image.
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The final images: 
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What I like about my front and back page cover is that it makes it look like a shadow that's next to the main image because of the light and dark contrast. Even better if I added more pictures that link to my trend so I can get more sort of effect out of this. Also, if I could add another background such as rain or bad weather so it can link more to my trend. It links to my trend because of the type of outerwear tech he is wearing.
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shaunaaaxo · 2 years
Photoshop for narrative
Photoshop for narrative
In these screenshots it shows step by step how I got my final narrative moodboard.
Step 1- Step 1 is the first two pictures. What I did there was I must have kept the first image and then duplicated it and used Lesso/quick selection on it to get a neat cut around the person in the image. 
Step 2- After I was playing around with the blending option with the duplicated layer and made it ‘Vivid Light’ and the blending scale 65%. By doing this I like the outcome for that layer because it gives it a sharp look and having it layered up gives an illusion look. 
Step 3- For the first image I kept the blending on normal but with the blending scale I put it down to 61% only because I know I’m going to have another background and me having a normal background gives it more image. I’m going to layer it up to show a contrast between the two. What I like about doing this to this layer is that I like how it gives a stormy atmospheric look and is artistic. 
Step 4- In this step I had another one to one with my teacher and this is where my narrative moodboard changed for the better. This is when I added one more background which was the rainy background and took away a few things on the moodboard such as the trainers and gloves, I took it away because it doesn’t go with the narrative at all, my narrative is based on outdoor tech such as weather economic climate and adding trainers and gloves is giving my narrative bike riding or hiking vibes.The raining background gives my narrative more meaning towards it and it show’s what type of narrative it is. It gives it more of an autumn and winter touch. Having those two backgrounds layered and merged gives it an appealing look. 
Step 5- In the 6th picture, I added another image which is the guy that’s in the golden coat with his back against the camera. What I did to the image is that I used lasso around the image to cut out a fine part of the picture and then playing with the blend mode I ended up using the mode hard light which made the image stand out and clean but it makes it transparent at the same time, hence why you can see a part of the umbrella and rain in the image. What I like about this picture with the moodboard is that it blends well because of the colour and the type of coat it is. It matches the exact outdoor tech that I am doing. 
Step 6- For step 6 I added the picture of the guy in the big red long coat. What I did was I used Lasso to make a neat cut around the image so it can be presentable. Using this image I realized that the image doesn't really go with the picture because of the colours and how it's shaped. All of the other images are shaped like a normal outdoor tech coat and then the big red coat is shaped like an alien.
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This is my final moodboard for the narrative
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What I like about my narrative moodboard is that it links to my narrative/trend because of the type out images I used, it links because of the shape and the background images that I used such as the rain and the cold humid stormy weather. Even better if I used more pictures that linked to my trend/narrative and if I didn’t use the big red coat images because it doesn’t link to my narrative and the colour scheme. 
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shaunaaaxo · 2 years
Front and back cover
Front and back cover
For the front and back page this is the image I used. The images link to my trend because of the weather, location and what the person is wearing. The guy wearing the big coat shows his wearing it because of the economic climate. The coat looks like it's for economic climate instead of outdoor activity tech because of how puffy it is. The weather makes the image link to my trend because of how cloudy it is which shows that it might rain or it's windy.
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This used to be my front and back page. 
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But after having a one to one with my teachers they helped me see that the front and back page I previously had is more likely to be the colour palette page because of the type of colours that the image shows and how all the colours link to my trend. 
Now this is my Front and page colour. 
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shaunaaaxo · 2 years
Continuous with keyshape trend
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shaunaaaxo · 2 years
Keyshape trend
To get my pictures for outdoor tech in Keyshape I used WGSN and Google. The pictures I used are materials, coats from waterstone and other brands and backgrounds that relate to rain and wind. The material pictures I used are recycled  polyesters which are the bottles because that’s what recycled polyesters are made out of. The materials I also used are Cordura, Dyneema and Nylon and those materials are waterproof. The other pictures of the weather such as the wet leaf on the floor. The wet leaf being on the floor drenched in rain shows it is autumn because of the colour of it and people normally wear big coats in autumn or winter. The colour is orange/yellowish colour. The other background picture shows a cold, windy and rainy humid weather which also links to the keyshape of my theme.
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The keyshape moodboard that I made for my look book was this 
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But, after having a one to one with my teachers they gave me help and told me the narrative that I made was more of a keyshape and the narrative that I made was more of a keyshape. So what I did was switch the two and removed somethings off and my final moodboard was this. 
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shaunaaaxo · 2 years
Narrative trend
Narrative pictures
These are the pictures I used in my narrative. After having a one to one with my teachers they told me I can use 3 main pictures for my narrative, as long as it has a strong linkage to my narrative. As you could see my theme is outdoor tech so I went on WGSN and Google and got images that relate to outdoor tech. These pictures you can see the key shape as well for example what type of shape outdoor tech will be in. Also, in the background in one of the pictures you can see the weather and how the sky looks. The sky looks cloudy like it's about to rain and looks windy because of how some of the grass that’s on the floor is getting blown to one direction. In one of the pictures it shows an umbrella and rain. That picture shows the concept of my theme in the narrative.
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What I like about these pictures is that it’s very relative to my narrative and it explores the outdoor trend. I also, like how the images are vivid and very much straight up. It also, forecasts my trend. 
This was my narrative before
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But, after having a one to one with my teachers my narrative has changed to this 
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shaunaaaxo · 2 years
The trend colours
The colours I have here are:
Black, French Navy, Uniform Green, Wavellite, Algae Green and Verdigris. 
These colours reminds me of 70′s/90′s outdoor Autumn colours. 
In fashion psychology these colours have a meaning towards it such as black, black can speak volumes about a person and how they perceive themselves. Being dressed in black which ‘symbols power’. The colour French Navy is considered a neutral, fairy universal colour. The French Navy is considered a winter colour; it symbolizes dependability, stability, trust, consistency, authority and strength. Uniform green gives me camouflage or like war colour. But some green symbolizes happiness and peace such as a lighter green whereas, a darker green symbolized war. The colour Wavellite gives me vividness and masculine colour. It symbolizes control, reliability and calming. The colour Algae green gives me camouflage and nature vibes but it symbolizes peace, growth and balance. The colour Verdigris is a silent blue colour that symbolizes immortality and wisdom. 
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For my look book this was my colour palate page but after having a one to one with me teachers they helped me improve it. 
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After my one to one with my teacher
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shaunaaaxo · 2 years
My trend
Menswear Forecast A/W 22/23: Rerooted Nature on WGSN 
My theme is Outdoor Tech 
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What I like about this trend is that it shows how creative people are when it comes to outdoor tech because of the shape, they be getting their ideas from buildings and how they use outdoor colours or make outdoor colours link. I also, like how there’s different type of outdoor wear. 
What I specifically like about this trend of industrial colours is that it reminds me of the 70's/90’s outdoor tech colour palette and how the colours have a meaning towards it. They use colours that relate to outdoor tech and it also gives me nature industry vibes as well which is very outdoor tech.
This trend explores the rerouted nature because the type of clothes we’re gonna be looking at e.g. outdoor tech. Outdoor tech will be showing us economic climates and what people wear during those type of weather such as rainy and windy. It will give us a description.
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