Hanging out at Grandma's to finish up my candle run, and I ended up playing music. After two other players and I kept blowing kisses at each other nonstop lol
Another player came down and played a lullaby, the three of us also there did various falling asleep emotions
The lullaby player then evil laughed and tiptoed away
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So fun story
I drew a skykid on my school whiteboard
Someone I saw today replied... with their own skykid
So now I drew my current character, and left a friend code. I just named the code after my school, but signed my name
Wonder if they'll take it...
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At Grandma's, this one sky kid was messing around with a plushie. Every time they dropped it someone would bring it back to them :)
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Took photos of Wasteland Temple with different combinations of sunglass filters + shard skies and then spliced them together, is this anything
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Today my friend and I were messing around near the office because we were bored. Saying stuff like "Let us in!!!" as a joke lol
We merged with a server two people were chilling in, they both had office capes. One of them friended us and let us into the office :)
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Sky: Children of the Light is a game known for its kind and friendly community. But, that doesn't mean everyone is nice.
With the ever growing playerbase, more and more toxic players join. While it's certainly not bad yet, I fear this game may have a slow and painful death of its reputation.
From what I know about fanbases, the bigger the fanbase the more toxic it is. Not because there's a lot of toxic people, but because those people are loud. Sky is an exception to this rule. It's a decently sized community, but you don't hear a lot of toxic stuff, it's there, but it seems our community is very good at pushing the wholesome stuff forward.
That's why I love Sky, because for every one toxic person I encounter there's hundreds of kind people. And I don't encounter toxic people very often.
With all this being said, I have a proposition.
I call it: Operation Share The Light
What this involves is: as often as you can, do something kind for another player, and share something kind a player has done for you.
By doing this, we can try to reduce the number of new players who think Sky is a dating game, and encourage people to keep playing.
I'll post and reblog thing with the tag #operation: share the light.
Asks and submissions will also be open for people to tell stories :)
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