shannon-moore 4 years
Wow, hello! Unsure who still checks this, (if anyone,) but I just recalled this account this morning and thought I鈥檇 hop on and leave a note. 2020 has been something special and I hope everyone is well - sending out all the good vibes whether you see this post or not 馃
Please connect with me on Instagram! My username鈥檚 @ jessica_gregorio - let me know who you are and I鈥檒l follow right away. Would love to catch up with you, all the love!
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shannon-moore 8 years
love and miss u all this is crazy life is crazy
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shannon-moore 8 years
love you all so much to this day and that will never change; you seriously made my middle school self feel so accepted as a being. wow it was such a hard time like school was so shitty for me back then and blah i鈥檓 in a sentimental mood, just xoxoxo i hope you鈥檙e all doing well and if any of you have pets pls hug them for me or just hug yourself and pretend it鈥檚 me ? ok
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shannon-moore 9 years
iM IN COLLEGE GUYS !! ! 聽! it鈥檚 taking me so much time to adjust like i keep crying lmao but it鈥檚 getting better each day and my roomies are swag af so it鈥檚 all working out <33 ily
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shannon-moore 9 years
om g i go to college tomorrow .... wh a t
i鈥檓 so nervous and excited but idk i鈥檓 really freaked out about making friends like ?? how ? it took me awhile to meet my group of friends at home but like now i鈥檓 going into this whole new experience without knowing anyone and aH i don鈥檛 like it D:
low key wish i was going to pca instead of college聽
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shannon-moore 9 years
going back and looking at the old blogs and funny posts just made me so sad and nostalgic don鈥橳 do it i s2g it鈥檚 a trap !!!
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shannon-moore 9 years
guys college is coming up hella soon aka in like two - three weeks i鈥檓 freaKIng out聽
nerves to the max sos :(
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shannon-moore 9 years
holy frick u guys!! tomorrow is my last day of high school and i have graduation in about two weeks wth where has the time gone this is insane! still remember trolling on here till the am on my first day of freshman year and man was i freaked out w o w but yeah !! so crazy to think that i鈥檒l be going to college in the fall and lik e doing official things like wh at why am i old what is going on聽
and prom was trill af, almost as trill as the pca dances (remember the masquerade hah tbt ily guys)
i鈥檓 still gonna check in ofc - i hope you all are healthy and doing well!! miss you, xoxo
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shannon-moore 9 years
hi idk i just miss you guys a lot
i'm in kind of a bad place rn?? like not literally but i've just been really upset and down lately and the people closest to me are kinda turning away from me and gosh i don't even know what i'm writing i'm just really upset聽
just wanted to say thank you for being there when i had moments like this in the past. reading your supporting messages still helps me today and ily聽
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shannon-moore 9 years
miss you guys a whole lot !! i just finished applying for college today which is woW so surreal but exciting and i'm currently directing a play i wrote which is pretty crazy too tbh and i still try to rp every once in awhile but damn roleplays these days last about a day and it's just so exhausting bc i really do try to create unique characters then baM nobody goes on the dash and the main gets deleted the next day like fuck that聽
wow and i'm procrastinating hw at 11 at night bc i reaLLY DON't want to go to school tomorrow sigh
but i hope you all are doing well !! i miss talking to you guys and joking around and crap ya feel but my personal's here so yEAH y'all can contact me there and junk but i'm still gonna check this account like usual :)) ttfn!
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shannon-moore 10 years
supposed to be writing an essay but ???
hello how r u guys school is majorly sucking for me bc college and hw and testing and stRESS to the max but aye what can ya do聽
i miss you a lot tho?? :**** sO
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shannon-moore 10 years
btw do any of u guys have aim?? i just made one for rp purposes so i'd love to chat with y'all on there if u want i dk ok
but anyway it's @lynnffs mainly bc i use lynn as an alias in rp ideK OKAY
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shannon-moore 10 years
who is this
hey guys so i鈥檓 really freakin upset and stressed and teary right now and i sometimes get like this idK and i like to come on here and just vent and reminisce when this happens bc like i said before it鈥檚 nice knowing that someone will actually read this idk?? it鈥檚 just comforting that someone鈥檚...
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shannon-moore 10 years
hey guys so i'm really freakin upset and stressed and teary right now and i sometimes get like this idK and i like to come on here and just vent and reminisce when this happens bc like i said before it's nice knowing that someone will actually read this idk?? it's just comforting that someone's out there sigh idk sorry if that sounds dumb but
yeah i miss you all loads. like so so much. i miss having internet/rp buddies and now i'm sort of kinda alone in the rp world and it's lonesome u feel (anD i blame it on the fact that rps these days last a fuckin day) but yeah ok i hope your lives are all lovely and i'll hopefully check in before the school year starts so i'll talk to you all again soon? i hope? ok, love you. xo
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shannon-moore 10 years
guys wow i really really really miss you all so much and i'm just feeling really nostalgic today and wow my life has been so shitty and boring lately and i'm just not in a good mood but coming on here makes me rly happy and i know that sounds creepy and strange but idk just logging on here gives me a place to vent and talk and feel like i have somewhere to turn to ykno idk
time has gone by so fast, too. like i have one year left of high school and then i'm off to college in like august/september 2015 how strange is that?? idek what i want to do with my life what the heck i am too young for this
but anyway i just love you all and miss you all loads.
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shannon-moore 10 years
hi dudes!!! i miss you all and i still find it miraculous how we still come on our accounts like seriously do any other rps do this i mean this is crazy wow anyway this is just a little message/update thingy saying hi and that i miss you all and yeah ykno
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shannon-moore 10 years
o mg i forgot my pass so they're probs ded?? but i was looking thru old stuff and remember when you joined an rp i was in and i said your name was blueberry and people believed us i聽
o m g heeeey. how鈥檚 your puffles??
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