shainawexlertarot · 3 months
Shaina has been recognized as a seer, intuitive and channel.
Using the tarot, visions, and messages she receives, Shaina acts as translator between Spirit/Source/God/Universe to help her clients receive answers, direction, and clarity for the questions on their hearts and minds.
Through reads, guided meditations, and spiritual healing sessions, you will receive guidance, emotional/spiritual healing, deeper insights into your life experiences, and abounding peace.
Shaina believes that, as humans, we all need trusted guidance as a regular part of our lives. She feels incredibly grateful to be able to help channel and transmit that for you! Shaina's spiritual guidance sessions are virtual, thereby making it possible for you to work with her no matter where you live in the world!
For the past seven years, Shaina has used her spiritual gifts as a way to fulfill her life mission of helping people connect to the magic within themselves, and to aid in reigniting inspiration, passion, and joy in this world!
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shainawexlertarot · 3 months
*First Time Client Tarot/Channeling Session (Virtual): $250 (1.5hrs)
Using the tarot, channeled messages and visions, Shaina will act as a translator between you and Spirit/God/Universe to help you receive answers, clarity and insight into the questions on your mind and heart.
*Tarot/Channeling Sessions (Virtual): $200 per hour (1hour, 1.5 hour, 2 hour, and 2.5 hour sessions available)
Using the tarot, channeled messages and visions, Shaina will act as a translator between you and Spirit/God/Universe to help you receive answers, clarity and insight into the questions on your mind and heart.
*Guided Meditation (Virtual): $250 (1hr. )
Using the messages that are uncovered for you during a tarot/channeling session, Shaina will guide you, while you are either seated, or laying down, through vivid visualizations and channeled affirmations that will help you uncover and heal deep layers and roots within. 
* Spiritual Healing Sessions (Virtual): $250 (1hr.)
Using channeled messages and chakra reads, while you are laying down, Shaina will gently lead you into alpha and theta states to help guide your subconscious mind and spirit towards spaces of deep healing, restoration, and freedom.
*Same Day Session (Virtual): $275 per hour      
Sessions booked for less than 24hrs out are considered a Same Day Session.                                                                                                    Shaina understands that there are moments when receiving guidance can feel rather urgent, and she will do her very best to coordinate with your schedule in these cases.
*In-Person Tarot/Channeling Sessions: $425 per hour
In a one-on-one, in-person meeting with Shaina, she will use the tarot, channeled messages and visions to help you receive answers, clarity and insight into the questions on your mind and heart.
(Contact Shaina directly [email protected] to book an in-person session)
* “Learn The Tarot” Level 1 (Virtual):  $1,499 (eight week course)
Learn to read, interpret, and understand the tarot with eight weeks of one on one sessions with Shaina. You will have one private, one hour session each week.
Requirements: You will need your own Rider Waite Smith tarot deck for this course.
* “Learn the Tarot” Level 2 (Virtual): $1,899 (ten week course)
Take your tarot readings to the next level with in-depth revelations of the deep meaning of sequence, numerology and symbolism in each of the 78 cards of the Major and Minor Arcana. You will have one private, one hour session each week.
Requirements: You will need your own Rider Waite Smith tarot deck for this course. Only clients who have completed "Learn the Tarot Level 1" are eligible for this course.
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shainawexlertarot · 3 months
“Tarot readings with Shaina have been jaw-dropping in their accuracy. Guided meditations bring nagging questions into clear focus. We have received messages in our late son's vernacular, that we clearly recognize as his “voice”- the essence of his spirit. Shaina has never wavered in her confidence or humility. Yes, both. Though she is humble about her gifts, her confidence in their authenticity shines through. Shaina is a sweet, gentle, compassionate soul, we are grateful to have in our lives.” - Shelley and Chris Buck (Film Director- Los Angeles, CA, USA.)
“When you enter into a session with Shaina you get the immediate sense that she genuinely wants to help. Her calming and understanding presence alone is healing and centering, and she creates a space that is safe and clear of illusion or judgment…People have to earn my trust, and I heavily value ethics and honor. So, when I tell you I trust this person and see them as a mentor that I value a lot- it holds weight.”
“Shaina’s intuition and empathy is extremely impressive. She always knows exactly where the blockage is, and where it is living in my body…She taps into you and leads you to the tools you’ll need next on your journey. She treats divination like the sacred act it is, and she is very grounded and sincere in her approach.”
"As a professor of anthropology, I tend to regard tarot and other 'new age' practices with a mix of fascination and skepticism...the experience was not what I expected in many ways, and in other ways it was precisely what I envisioned. Shaina is always an engaging, attentive and generous interlocutor; someone who really listens to your stories and engages with your thoughts and feelings in a way that reflects her understanding of YOUR experience, as opposed to someone who simply puts HERSELF in your shoes. It's perhaps this capacity - as a truly empathetic person that makes her such an amazing tarot practitioner. She takes your story, your energy, your situation, and helps you to understand it more clearly in a way that makes sense to YOU. Perhaps it's the lack of hubris that Shaina brings to the practice that makes her so compelling. She's not there to prove anything, to mete out wisdom that only she has access to, or to position herself as some kind of authority figure. Rather, she works with you, through you, using the tools she has at hand, to bring a truly enriching experience. Shaina, for all the reasons I mentioned, but especially because of her capacity for genuine, unpretentious and generous empathy, has a gift for tarot. If you've ever been 'taro-curious', I would highly recommend seeking a reading with Shaina." - Tanya J. King (Anthropology Professor. Melbourne, Australia)
“I have received guidance from Shaina Wexler for three years. I am a transgender guy and during my transition, spiritual awakening, and healing journey, her holistic guidance has been one of my favorite tools in my toolbox. Initially I was only going to her for vocal coaching, but her skills in healing breathwork and healing movements—along with her talents in channeling, divining, spiritual interpretation and insight—have all worked together in this beautiful way that has allowed me to unlock the self confidence, personal empowerment, and self knowledge I have needed in order for me to access my real voice.” - Devin Atticus (Tik-Tok Personality, Creative, Artist. San Francisco, CA, USA.)
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