shadyvoidthing · 3 years
The Old Testament
The Old Testament and the Qur-an condemn the doctrine of three persons in God; the New Testament does not expressly hold or defend it.
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shadyvoidthing · 3 years
In conclusion
In conclusion, I must remind Christians that unless they believe in the absolute unity of God, and renounce the belief in the three persons, they are certainly unbelievers in the true God. Strictly speaking, Christians are polytheists, only with this exception, that the god of the heathen are false and imaginary, whereas the three gods of the Churches have a distinct character, of whom the Father - as another epithet for Creator - is the One true God, but the son is only a prophet and servant of God, and the third person one of the innumerable holy spirits in the service of the Almighty God. 
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shadyvoidthing · 3 years
Allah's Essence
His essence transcends all attributes in which it could only be defined. Allah has many names which in reality are only objectives derived from His essence through His various manifestations in the universe which He alone has formed. We call Allah by the appellations Almighty, Eternal, Omnipresent, Omniscient, Merciful, and so forth, because we conceived the eternity, omnipresence, universal knowledge, mercifulness, as emanating from His essence, and belonging to Him alone and absolutely. He is alone the Infinitely Knowing, Powerful, Living, Holy, Beautiful, Good, Loving, Glorious, Terrible Avenger because it is from Him alone that emanate and flow the qualities of knowledge, power, life, holiness, beauty and rest. God has no attributes in the sense we understand them.
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shadyvoidthing · 3 years
He fills and encompasses every space and particle.
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shadyvoidthing · 3 years
The Christian Trinity
The Christian Trinity - inasmuch as it admits a plurality of persons in the Deity, attributes distinct personal properties to each person; and makes use of family names similar or those in the pagan mythology - cannot be accepted as a true conception of the Deity. Allah is neither the father of a son nor the son of a father. He has not mother, nor is He self-made. The belief in “God the Father and God the Son and the Holy Ghost” is flagrant denial of the unity of God, and an audacious confession in three imperfect beings who, unitedly or separately, cannot be true God. 
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shadyvoidthing · 3 years
It will be noticed that the Greek form of the genetive case “Theou,” i.e. “God’s” was corrupted into “Theos”
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shadyvoidthing · 3 years
The Qur’an was created
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shadyvoidthing · 3 years
The Story of Gog and Magog 
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shadyvoidthing · 3 years
The Day of Judgement
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shadyvoidthing · 3 years
His Revelation
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shadyvoidthing · 3 years
We read the following words in the Book of Deuterenomy, chapter xviii. verse 18: "I will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee; and I will put my words in his mouth.
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shadyvoidthing · 3 years
Tumblr media
Allah, The Powerful ONE
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shadyvoidthing · 3 years
The Prophet of Arabia as Spoken of in the Bible
"The Burden Upon Arabia"
Mary, the Virgin - Joseph, the Carpenter
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shadyvoidthing · 3 years
Kalimatun minho (Qur'an)
Jesus Christ in the Qur'an. The Word from Him.
God is goodness.
God is Love, Knowledge, Word.
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shadyvoidthing · 3 years
He said
"Be it became."
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shadyvoidthing · 3 years
The Third Three
Allah, in His Holy Qur'an, condemns this belief in these solemn words:- "They are certainly believers, who say God is the third of three, for there is no God but the one God; and if they refrain not from what they say, a painful chastisement shall surely be inflicted on such of them as are unbelievers."
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shadyvoidthing · 3 years
a Roman Catholic - Bishop of Uramiah
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