moved blogs. same url.
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“I can see his time running out like a ticking clock that is starting to slow.” Makaria can sense the hesitation in this man, his stubborn nature throbbing in his aura. “………I can break your gun, if that will help you let me take care of this. He won’t reach his destination, regardless. 2.3 miles down the road, his heart will fail.” 
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          SKEPTICISM IS STILL ON HIS FEATURES. no ,  jack  doesn’t  quite  believe  her ,  but  there  is  something  in  his  gut  that  tells  him  she  means  business .  and  that  what  he  does  won’t  matter .  but  a  thought  strikes .  “  if  he’s  so  close  to  dying ,  what’s  the  difference  if  i  shoot  him  or  his  heart  gives  out ? ”
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temperance immediate drops everything and is focused on him and what seems to be the matter. her hands free, with him seemingly out of breath there are already a few scenarios crossing her mind. but until she’s sure, she can’t do anything with him. before he fell he said he had trouble walking which eliminates a few more things but still. god, she isn’t sure how to help right now a wave of helplessness rushing over her. she doesn’t carry medicine with her for any reason. and besides nothing that would be prescribed to him. ‘          sir, what’s going on??          ‘ she was going to ask if he was okay, but of course he wasn’t okay. he was practically writhing on the ground in pain. perhaps he could even tell her how to help and if not, she would call an ambulance for them. 
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          THE SPAZEM LEAVES JACK BREATHLESS.  sweat   coats  every  surface  but  he  seems  to  have  stilled ,  for  now .  with  what  strength  he  has ,  the  agent  peers  through  the  window  to  see  if  his  attackers  are  following  him .  he  doesn’t  see  anyone .  but  that  doesn’t  mean  they  are  out  of  danger ,  yet .  focus  returns  to  the  woman .
          “ it’s  just  a  really  bad  day . ”  he  offers ,  a  lop  sided  grin .  it’s  colored  with  pain  though .  jack  ryan  continues .  “ an  old  war  injury  is  flaring  up  and  there  are  a  couple  of  guys  who  wanna  kill  me . ”  might  as  well  not  keep  secrets .   “  so ,  just  trying  to  survive . ”
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SUBJECT ID   :   @doctcra·
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she’d been shopping, when in her periphery, she catches sight of the tall blonde, sweating, using the wall as support. there is part of her that tells her not to get involved. but her duty as a doctor comes first and he looks like he’s in pain. she isn’t even sure he would want her help and she isn’t sure of what is wrong with him in the first place and how she could help there without any instruments or any consumable tablets. but still she wanders over, looking for his attention. ‘          excuse me? sir? are you alright? i couldn’t help but notice you struggling. i’m a doctor.          ‘
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THE MAN NEARLY JUMPS AT THE PRESENCE OF THE OTHER.  a  low  curse  leaves  his  lips  as  he  works  to  calm  his  breath .  at  least  jack  isn’t  bleeding ,  visibly .   as  for  his  insides...that  could  be  a  different  story .  but  the  spy  slaps  on  a  fake  grin  and  tries  to  push  the  woman’s  worry  aside .  although  he  could  really  use  her  help .  his  back  twinges  in  pain ,  making  his  legs  ache .   jack  can  not  yet  stand .   “  ah ,  yeah .  just ,  having  trouble  walking .  i’ll  be  fine .  just  need  a  sec-.”   a  spasm  of  pain  as  jack  finds  himself  all  but  withering  on  the  floor .  face  turns  beet  red ,  veins  straining  against  his  skin  as  he  clenches  his  teeth  tight .  he  doesn’t  want  to  scream  out  in  pain .
pull  yourself  together ,  jack .  you  need  to  get  out  of  here .  you  don’t  want  to  put  this  woman  in  danger .
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SUBJECT ID   :   @doctcra
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FEAR AND PANIC WAR FOR DOMINANCE.    eyes  dart  around  looking  for  cover .  breath  is  labored  as  jack  flees  for  his  life .  how  this  mission  got  turned  around  and  screwed  up  is  beyond  him  but  he’s  a  wou- nded  animal .  jack  needs  a  place  to  hide ,  recuperate ,  and  call  for  extraction .  it’s  going  to  be  close .  his  back  is  flaring  in  pain ,  making  it  near  impossible  to  walk ,  let  alone  run  straight .  finding  a  shop  in  a  throng  of  buildings ,  the  spy  darts  in  and  hides ,  slumping  against  the  wall .
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‘ that’s what you get for picking fights. ’
@doctcra   /   meme   !
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A ROLL OF HIS EYES.  the analyst isn’t really amused. but he supposes temperance is right. shame on him for being a fool, wanting to test out his knew fighting skills. you could say his training made him feel a bit empowered. but deep down, he is still just an analyst for the CIA. “yeah, doc. spare me the lecture. i’ve learned the hard way.” a dry laugh.
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‘ where’s your gratitude? i rescued you! ’
@fateprotected   /   meme   !
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“RESCUED ME MY ASS!”  the man cries in frustration, gun still in hand as fingers curl into the fringes of sun kissed hair. feet paced rapidly, desp-erate to find a solution to this clusterfuck of a problem. “i didn’t need saving! i’m in the middle of a mission. now my target has vanished and i blame you!” maybe jack is laying it on a bit thick but he’s till new to this field work. this isn’t what he’s used to and he sure as hell doesn’t want to mess it all up. “fuck.”
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@legendaryhanded   /   gv. artemis 
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 he’s  working  on  his  padd  when  the  man  comes  to. leonard  doesn’t  bother  looking  up  at  first,  just  finishes  typing  notes  in  his  chart.  most  of  their  members  had  charts  that  were  a  mile  long.  this  man’s,  not  the  case.  a  newbie.  “welcome  ta  the  artemis.  i’m  the  head  doctor  here.  “  he  stands  up,  walking  over  to  the  computer  station  in  front  of  his  bed.  “  yer  very  lucky  that  yer  friends  knew  where  to  take  you.  i  almost  didn’t  get  ya  back.  “  
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ORBS BLINK FRANTICALLY, PANIC still pushing in on his chest. though he shows no outward appearance of his anxiety, the heart monitor gives him away. jack closes his eyes and takes in a deep breathe. he doesn’t remem- ber what happened nor how he ended up here. what friend was this doctor talking about? he doesn’t comment. “what happened to me?” he questions, orbs blinking again as if to clear away a fog. maybe this is a dream and he’s actually been captured.
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‘ are you bleeding? ’
‘ take it easy. you hit your head. ’
‘ where does it hurt? ’ 
‘ sit still and let me take a look! ’
‘ how did you get that black eye? ’ 
‘ you should see the other guy. ’ 
‘ did i say you could get out of bed? ’
‘ that’s going to leave a bruise. ’
‘ i’ll get some ice. ’ 
‘ that’s what you get for picking fights. ’
‘ are you trying to give me a heart attack? ’
‘ what’s wrong with you? ’
‘ you can barely stand. ’
‘ did you throw the first punch? ’
‘ that’s a nasty bump. ’
‘ get in the car. you’re going to the hospital. ’
‘ at least bandage it. ’ 
‘ no, you’ll get an infection. ’ 
‘ wet floor signs are there for a reason, you know. ’
‘ you’re lucky. that icicle could’ve killed you. ’
‘ where’s your gratitude? i rescued you! ’
‘ i’m calling the nurse. ’
‘ was that stupid dare worth it? ’
‘ what happened to you? ’
‘ sit down. i’ll make some hot chocolate and fix you right up. ’
‘ are those bandages? ’
‘ you need stitches. ’
‘ look out for that tree branch. ’
‘ i’ve got you. just stay awake. can you do that for me? ’
‘ lean on me. ’
‘ you got two choices: let me carry you, or die out here. take your pick. ’
‘ shit, you’re burning up. ’  
‘ you’re not dying. it’s only a sprained ankle. ’
‘ lie down. ’
‘ i’m sorry. i know it hurts. here, hold my hand. ’
‘ you’re in no condition to be walking around. ’
‘ wake up! wake up! ’
‘ i don’t feel sorry for you. ’
‘ look at your face! ’
* hurt prompts
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CODE NAME: fateprotected
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Something about his response–that’s what makes her eyes narrow. Even in a hurry, Jim’s not usually quite so vague. But then, she  doesn’t know the whole story. It’s not unlike him to end up in some  sort of chaos. “What’s so important?” She’ll help, with whatever it is. 
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HE KNEW SHE WASN’T APART OF HIS MISSION but her asking about what he needs makes his skin crawl and confirm that he does not, in fact, know this person. no code word was given, no way to let jack know that she was a spy too. so, he keeps his lips sealed shut and just books it to the small computer room. it’s empty like he had hoped and the flash drive still there. a sense of relief washes over him as he pockets the device. the spy makes sure to note where it is, just in case this woman tries to steal it. flashing her a quick smile, he departs the room. “we’re good now. let’s get out of here.”
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JACK RYAN, A YOUNG AMERICAN UNIVERSITY STUDENT  studying at the London School of Economic became a   U.S. Marine   after the 9/11 attacks.   while fighting in Afghanistan, his helicopter was  SHOT DOWN,   severely injuring his spine, leading him to a lengthy recovery.   jack learned to walk and run again under the attention of Cathy Muller, a medical student.  during his rehabilitation process, jack drew the attention of thomas harper, an official with the CIA.   thomas recruited jack.   he took the job.
twelve years later, jack works on wall street, undercover for the CIA, looking for any suspicious financial transactions that would indicate terrorism.  while researching, he discovered a ploy in russia to cripple the american economy after the loss of a key vote before the united nations. viktor cherevin became his main target for this plot. contacting thomas, and with his position within the company having relations with cherevin’s business,    jack finds himself suddenly thrust into the spy world.
in a whirlwind of adventure, ryan discovers just how deep the rabbit hole goes. he’s the expert capable enough to figure out the russian’s dirty little secret and stop an impending terrorist attack.  pressed into high stress situations, jack discovers    just what he’s made of.     car chases, kidnappings and gun fights, jack manages to prevent a well placed explosion on wall street from destroying the united states’ economy.
finding that he was indeed quite adequate at field work, jack later went to serve as a spy for several years with the u.s. government, mainly dealing in economy plots and analytics.  he eventually took a desk job again, where he continued his analytic work with the CIA.
WHILE CONTINUING HIS WORK WITH  the CIA, jack was recruited by    the treadstone program.    they had been impressed with his field work dealing with the russians that they wanted him to join their ranks.  after all, he had military history.  finding that he wouldn’t mind field work again, jack joined.  the true depths of the program were withheld from him.  all ties to his old life were cut and he was made into a super assassin for the american government.
given the new name of    sebastian “bass” westscott,    bass went on to work for treadstone, racking up numerous kills and trophies for his hard work.  the downside to his enhancement though, was his lack of control over his aggression.  little things set him off, sending him into a fit of rage.  most of the time it worked in his favor, making him impossible to kill, and extremely good at his job. other times, it got him into tough situations that he sometimes couldn’t get out of. finding his lack of control and increasing liability, treadstone put out an order on westscott to bring him in for decommissioned.  knowing just what that would entail, bass ditched all ties with his government and went underground.
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HE DOESN’T EXACTLY REMEMBER COMING TOO. nor how he came to lay in a fancy bed with fancy drink and decor. a deep breath in and jack tries to sit upright but everything hurts. there is a faint beeping sound to his left. head slowly turns to find the source....a monitor. a heart monitor? hand raises to find a clip on his finger. oh right. the spy relaxes and lays back down on his fluffy bed. there had been an explosion of sorts and he’d been caught it in. still didn’t explain why he wasn’t in a proper hospital. 
/ open gv starter
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Pris pulls her hood back over her head, exasperated by the change in plans. But she follows him. Of course she does. How could she ever do anything else? Loyalty is as ingrained in her as curiosity. 
“What for? The guards will be back if we’re not gone quickly.”
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HE DOESN’T RESPOND TO THE NAME. at least he’s getting one step closer to figuring out who she’s talking about. well, his name at least. jim, who is a captain. doesn’t help him with his intel. “i have something i need to get. it’s just down here.” luckily they didn’t see the flash drive he had plugged into the computer to get the data. at least, jack hoped they didn’t see it. his entire mission is riding on that small piece of tech.
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i   will...   eventually   write   up   all   my   bios   and   verses   and   such   .
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CODENAME: fateprotected
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She doesn’t notice the confusion in his eyes as she looks down, fiddling with the old-fashioned lock for a few moments before it clicks and the gate swings open. Pris holds out a hand, cautious but open.
“We need to get out of here. The rock here is too thick for a transporter  lock.”
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WORDS ARE FOREIGN TO HIM.    transporter to lock. he’s assuming it’s some sort of way to travel and obviously, it can’t penetrate rock. but what sort of transport? car? bus? laser beams? heaven if he knows. jack follows the woman cautiously, not saying a word. if she leads him out, he can escape the clutches of the fortress and be on his way with the intel.  SHIT.  “i need to make a quick stop, first.” he says, heading in a different direction.
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CODE NAME: awishurheartmakes
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          hands bumbling to stop the files from slipping through his fingers, ford gave an embarrassed laugh, nearly running into a new face on ‘accident’.  ❝ butterfingers, ❞ he offered meekly as an excuse, pushing up his glasses to get a better look at the man. ❝ —OH, i’m sorry? you are? ❞ he asked, his brows pushing together in confusion. some of it somewhat genuine. sherringford had been asked to come in and assess a problem, but he had no intel on who this person was. he was an unknown…—how INTERESTING.
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JACK DOESN’T BELIEVE IN FLUKES or accidents. the man that nearly bumps into him, threatening to spill his files everywhere sends a horrible pang to his system. but he ignores it, offering a steady hand and a quick smile. “okay there?” he asks, making sure nothing falls. jack doesn’t know who this person is either but he could be useful. “jack ryan. transfer from another branch. i was told you needed some help with the audit logs.” another tentative smile. “he is quite good with numbers.”
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CODE NAME: hellfireandhightops
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Her head cocks, studying the man in front of her like a curious bird. “While I appreciate the thought behind your actions, it is largely unnecessary.” The pale eyes of the goddess glaze over a bit as she looks beyond, focused on a different plane than that of this living world. “His time will come, before others are hurt. And without your intervention. A man who indulges as he does? Does not have the strongest heart.”
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WHO THE HELL IS THIS CHICK? she’s give jack hella weird vibes but some- thing tells him, if he tries to fire again, she’s going to stop him. but the soldier has orders. kill his target. sure, he could flub, say his gun jammed or something got in the way, but jack doesn’t want to lie. “oh yeah? and what makes you so sure he’s just gonna up and die?”
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