sgigems-blog · 6 years
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sgigems-blog · 6 years
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sgigems-blog · 6 years
Winter Health Tips and Diet Foods for Young Budding Engineers & Other Students
In winter, Every Young Budding Engineers & Doctors needs to maintain good health, nutrition, energy levels and ability to fight infections.  Everybody enjoy two endless rounds of parties i.e. Christmas and New Year. Winter is full of seasonal effective disorder because, in winter days are short and night is long, due to this disorder Engineers and Medical students need rich carbohydrate foods in diet with proper health tips. In this article you will enjoy your winter by reading winter health tips and diet foods that will keep you stay fit and strong.  
Winter Health Tips
Ø Take Good amount of Sleeping
Ø Dress Warm Cloth properly
Ø Do Exercise Regularly
Ø Jump On
Ø Listen to Music
Let read all winter health tips one by one.
Take Good Amount Of Sleeping: Good amount of sleeping in winter is very necessary. Because study and sleeping both require good balance. As winter morning are very chilled.
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It is very difficult to get out of the bed. Some studies said that winter is the best season to sleep well inside cozy blanket and bed.
Dress Warm Cloth properly. As in today era so many students of engineering and doctor filed avoid to wear heavy warm cloth. They follow more fashion and today’s tread but it is not good. You must dress properly.  Use scarf or knit mask that is used to cover your face and mouth. In order to change the taste you can wear it in different fashion with different treading colors, with trousers, jeans.
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Remember your sleeves should be snug at the wrist. It will protect you from chilled air. Always wear lightweight and breathable fabrics so that it will be comfortable to wear for long time in winter.
Do Exercise Regularly: Winter is a season where your hunger cannot satisfy with cold food, whenever you see some hot snacks and food, you cannot control. So staying fit in winter season is a big challenge. To avoid weight gain start right eating at the right time. Winter increases hunger due to loss of energy to keep your body warm.
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Most of the inactivity in winter also responsible for weight increase in winter. Just perform some basic exercises like stretching, and walk to strength your stamina. Exercises also keep you good in digestion of food.  Some winter supplements are also discussed in this post. Wear good quality of track suit.
Along with eating and good sleeping little bit yoga workout will also keep you relaxing when students done it slowly and gently with deep breathing rounds.
Jump On: In winter sometimes student’s feels too cold with chilled atmosphere and this chilled nature of the environment obstacle in focusing on study. Now let learn how to overcome this problem in winter; its mantra is just stand and  jump on  with jumping rope and count no of jumps and gradually increase it.
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Jumping on rope will gives you two way benefits, first laziness gone so you can study well and second, jumping activity will strength the heart along with range of upper and lower body muscles. But remember if you are new on jumping activity then start very slowly and gradually increase the speed to get used to motion.
Listen to Music: Sometime listing to good music is proven idea in winter to get calm. As in today’s era student have capability to do multiple task at the same time.
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Along with the listen to music they can also do study very well. So just adopt this wonderful idea and reduce Anxiety and Nervousness of the Examination.  
Winter Diet Foods
Ø Include Ginger in your Diet
Ø Fasting Winter Food
Ø Eat Rich Antioxidant Food Items
Ø Drink Well and Get Hydrated
Ø Eat Dark chocolate:
Ø Eat Homemade Food
Ø Include milk in your Diet:
Let’s read each winter diet food one by one.
Include Ginger in your Diet: Some common winter food that keeps you warm and get rid away from cold and cough and helpful to increase immunity is Ginger.
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You can eat it in raw form; definitely in winter time its combo with black tea, milk tea, green tea and also its lemon tea are awesome. It will boost and charge students mind muscles and helpful to increase concentration on studies. It also cures you from throat infection and cough related issue.
Fasting Winter Food: Most of students are Theist and frequently they do fasting, in winter time Sweet Potatoes may be good choice as it is not only sweet with its name but it is also sweet with its properties like it drastically reduce Hunger and very powerful to reduce Stress symptoms.
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Let’s discuss some more food that will satisfy short hunger and overeating habit of students.
Eat Seasonal Fruits: You can also eat Seasonal Fruits like vegetables, Fresh Green Salad, Herbs, Millets and Nuts, because these foods are very good for boosting your Immune properties.  
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Eat Rich Antioxidant Food Items: Eating, berries, orange, greens, and carrot because all foods are rich in antioxidants. It is helpful to enhance Engineering & Medical Student mental energy and memory function.
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Drink Well and Get Hydrated: You can drink warming liquids like Soups, Green Teas, and herbal infusions.
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Eat Homemade Food: Also avoid heavy dinners, greasy and junk foods and eats natural and homemade food.
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Eat Dark chocolate: : It good to change mood of the student’s taste buds and also increases yours on study due to mood swing nature of chocolate.
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Include milk in your Diet: In your diet with protein powder and little bit haldi and avoid caffeine, alcohol and aerated drinks in winters.
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Author: - Student Center - Sagar Institute of Research & Technology
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sgigems-blog · 6 years
What you think you are ?
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sgigems-blog · 7 years
The Importance of Body Awareness for Fitness
If there is one thing you should fit into your day, or at least once a week, is practicing body awareness.  I’m not going to get all spiritual on you but do you find it strange that the one thing we tend to ignore on top of materialist items is our own body?
Just by connecting our mind and body we can create awareness that can bring about a flood gate of benefits.
So, by consciously…yep…consciously practicing body awareness this brings about a balance and focusing on the now, instead of what the future holds.
Conscious relaxation helps us release our defense mechanisms and be more present in life. It is from this centeredness that we can move out of reaction and into better decision-making in all aspects of life.
I’m a big believer in intuition but you’re not fully able to connect to this until you have pealed the layers and really connected to the present moment and what our mind and emotions are really telling us.
So how does this all fit in with an active lifestyle?  Well, we exercise to improve our overall health, strength and mobility but this is heavily focused on pushing ourselves and blocking out what the body is saying…And that’s usually how we reach our goals.
Deep Panday
B.TECH (5th SEM )
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sgigems-blog · 7 years
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