sfmg 10 months
Alright I failed my 100 days of "productivity" and tried to relax. But there ain't no rest for the wicked and I feel stressed and tired at all times. NO WORRIES, I WILL REST WHEN I AM DONE
I still did study a lot and introspected and stuff. So here is the new plan:
Discovered obsidian and I am going to test its supposed usefulness, along with the zettlekasnetnenfjnwbf method, which I will try out while learning a bit of biology, chemistry and obviously math and physics and actually every other science while summer is not over
I found out German would be better for me than French so I redirected my sights on it. And since I have to learn it on at least B1 method in basically a year, I need to be more serious about it. So every day I must do one of the following: memorise a batch of new words (or at least try to), complete at least one lesson in Deutsche Welle (very useful btw) and obviously take notes on stuff
For the science stuff I consider trying to learn everything in one day to be not very productive in my current state. So I will need to learn at least SOMETHING STEM related every day ("something" because I need small things to get the ball rolling and eventually snowball into doing "A CRAP TON" of STEM)
In addition to that I also have a ton of books which are potentially helpful to me but I don't read or stopped reading. So every day I must read at least ONE page (baby steps). In addition to that I also did read a lot of helpful books(like Atomic Habits) but didn't take notes, so I mustt also do that every day (just one smol note)
And lastly. The stuff I need to get done before summer ends:
1. Learn Taylor series. I hate them, I got horrible grades on them the last year. I. WILL NOT. HAVE THEM LAUGH AT ME
2. Take notes on lectures from the courses we will have in the third semester to get slightly ahead of everyone else, in particular notes on statics
3. I think that's it actually
Also in addition to that I want to finally learn a programming language and maybe make games or something else for fun. So in the future daily code practice may be included
Now, let us begin
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sfmg 10 months
I am starting to relax more and picking up steam. Most of the time I spent learning german and on art studies, but today I spent a good chunk of my time reviewing the material we will have in the third semester and the homework we will need to do. I understood nothing but that's part of the learning process
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sfmg 11 months
GOD DAMN IT. Most of the stuff that happened was none of the internet people's business so I will just say. After coming back home I couldn't physically get back on the grind AND I DIDN'T HAVE REST EITHER
No matter, I decided that German would be much better than French for me so I need to blitz through it this summer
So here are my goals:
Learn German to a somewhat coherent level
Learn several subjects in an upcoming semesters to whatever extent I am able to and do homework/tests if I can. That way I'll have a good headstart once uni begins again
Learn Taylor series (I suck hot ass at them)
Learn how to draw good enough to not be ashamed to show it to people
Maybe go to the gym?
Learn basic biology and chemistry (I am considering changing the major from aerospace engineering to a more medical research relevant one because I HAVE A FUCKING WORD TO SPEAK WITH THE GRIM REAPER)
Anyways I will not be ridiculed by some random internet people and will keep up this challenge
Today I also just did German, practiced art (expressions, hands, legs, a random art that I won't show) and not much else
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sfmg 11 months
HOLY DHIT I PASSED. AND I AM GOING HOME. BECAUSE OF THAT I COUDLDN'T STUDY TODAY AND WON'T BE ABLE TO STUDY TOMORROW. Had to gather my stuff and clean up the dorm room, tomorrow we will be driving from 6 am till the night the entire day. And then the day after that we will also be driving but maybe less and I'll be able to study
I see this as a valid reason. Will start to reorganise once I am home and hopefully after this summer I will get back in the fight overpowered as heck compared to my peers
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sfmg 11 months
Bad bad bad bad bad. Very very bad. I am veeeeeeeeeeeeeery bad at being productive but this is why I participate in this challenge: to learn how to be productive. I just studied physics.... inefficiently... and not a lot. Tomorrow is the exam and I am severely unprepared but FUCK IT WE BALL
Will probably have to retake it though, I do not believe in myself but will try anyways
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sfmg 11 months
Will leave this untagged too. I DID NOT ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING BRUH. BUT TO BE FAIR, MY COUNTRY WAS ON A BRINK OF A CIVIL WAR SO I TRACKED THAT THE WHOLE DAY. SO plan for tomorrow: same thing, but I put my phone away into my backpack. Will leave this untagged because embarassed
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sfmg 11 months
Literally just completed my mandatory hour. Very sleepy, I outlined what I will do tomorrow in a previous post and making this right now purely to catch up. Very sleepy and it's very late, didn't do anything really productive, just looked through the needed theory for physics and read some of it
Hoping to go sicko mode tomorrow
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sfmg 11 months
Yesterday had a exam on calculus, passed, somehow. We have a physics exam in a few days and DAWG I DID NOT PREPARE FOR IT AT ALL. So, since I have a few days I am going sicko mode and want to stuff as much knowledge into my head as I can. I will be trying to study at least 3 hours for the next 3 days again and will try to structure them, we'll see how that goes
For tomorrow I want to solve at least 16 possible problems from the exam. 1 right after I wake up, 5 thirty minutes after breakfast, another 5 an hour later and then the last 5 an hour and thirty minutes later. This is the bare minimum, I will try to do more
But yeah this blog so far has been good enough to kick my ass and force me to study at least something every day and have accountability so that's cool
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sfmg 11 months
Past 2 days were horrible, personal tragedy happened so I couldn't make myself write a thing yesterday. Anyways, tomorrow I have an exam and I am very fucked, I feel incredibly unprepared but eh FUCK IT WE BALL. IF I AM TO DIE - I DIE STANDING
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sfmg 11 months
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sfmg 11 months
Holy heck I almost forgor to write about yesterday. I am picking up the pace again and decided that 3 hours since the start was a bit too big. So, genius idea, 1 hour + 10 minutes of studying per day. Once I feel comfortable with that I will raise it more and more and more. 3 hours was probably too much but seemed so little to people who study for 12 hours per day (and those 12 hours might have not even been effective, I want to maximise what I gain from every hour) so yesterday just did practice tests for calculus exam. Today hoping to do the same but with a bit of physics too
Gotta add too, this blog is making me study somewhat consistently because I can't let internet people call me cringe baby. Also made me introspect more on what I am doing than I usually do, so no matter how alien I feel I also feel like I'm actually learning
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sfmg 11 months
Hhhh, getting back on the grind is hard. Every day I feel like doing nothing but this challenge makes me study at least a bit. Yesterday started preparing both for calculus and physics exams, I FEEL VERY NOT READY BUT FUCK IT WE BALL. Hopefully today I'll make myself study more
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sfmg 11 months
WE WIN THESE. Yesterday I went to my first exam and got a good grade on it somehow. Then proceeded to do barely anything celebrating my victory, today need to prepare for the next exam. I am still feeling very tired but as Syspihus ULTRAKILL said "Keep 'em coming"
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sfmg 11 months
For the past few days have been feeling very exhausted for some reason. Maybe burn out but idk why would I burn out if I procrastinated so much. Just sort of lay in bed almost all day and think of what I could have and should have done when studying. Today just did some practice for theoretical mechanics exam which is tomorrow. Feeling very tired and barely motivated which is very unusual for me, gonna have to figure that out I guess
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sfmg 11 months
I'm late yet again, yesterday I just prepared for the exam and was at sort of additional class preparing for the exam, was not that useful tbh and I was very tired and sleepy throughout the day. Hopefully will do better today because the exam is tomorrow
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sfmg 11 months
Yesterday was very lazy and tired. Today was less tired and less lazy. Not much to tell besides just: practiced theoretical mechanics, did some french today
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Very tired. Going to eep so I could suffer tomorrow
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sfmg 11 months
Aight, I am very very tired and couldn't maintain the 3 hour goal yesterday and went to sleep late again. So now I am going to have new requirements for a bit. Instead of mandatory 3 hours, I will have mandatory 1 hour and a set of problems in order to prepare for theoretical mechanics exam. 6 problems and 9 theory questions at least starting today
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My failure from yesterday
I am hoping to pick up the pace in the next dew days to my 3 hours again but I am still very tired I want to just lie down and do nothing. Can't let that happen though, need to keep up my grindset
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