sfa2mikio-archive · 11 years
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sfa2mikio-archive · 11 years
Roleplayers are not obligated:
To follow you because you are part of the fandom they RP in.
To follow you back just because you appear in their followers list.
To continue following you just because you don’t want them to “abandon” you.
To continue following you if you spam/harrass/distress them.
To follow your friends because you want them to.
To unfollow another blog because you and that third person do not get along.
To roleplay with you every time you snap your fingers for an interaction.
To roleplay with you during a time not suitable for them (e.g during times of RL stress).
To better their writing skills to an advanced level (or to tone them down instead) just to get the “honour” of roleplaying with you.
To put up with any unfairness in a roleplay with you (e.g Godmodding).
To put up with any OOC drama you create due to your roleplay with them.
To continue roleplaying with you when they would rather stop interacting with you due to one reason or another.
To answer every message they receive.
To answer repeats of messages they have received before.
To answer messages they find inappropriate.
To answer messages in the manner you demand (e.g they can be as cryptic or subtle as they like with TMI Tuesday questions).
To answer spam messages.
To answer messages/questions/prompts they did not request in the first place.
To accept magic anons.
To accept the exact conditions set by magic anons.
To answer anon hate.
To answer hate dropped in their inbox pertaining to someone they follow.
To ship the characters you do.
To agree with the opinions you have on certain ships.
To put up with any bashing on your part of the ships they support.
To put up with you dictating how they should portray the character they have chosen to roleplay (if you don’t like what they do, click the damn unfollow button, create a new blog and YOU play the character how YOU see fit).
The individual people - the REAL HUMAN BEINGS - behind the computer screen, behind the character they RP, are not obligated:
To put up with any criticisms or judgements of them as a person based solely on who/what they roleplay.
To put up with any hate directed to them as a person, rather than hate directed to how they roleplay (yes, both are far from nice, but there is a difference).
To put up with any death threats or messages telling them to die.
To put up with any negative attitude you give them, regardless of your “reasoning” behind said attitude.
To defend you in an argument or fight with a third RPer, especially if you are actually in the wrong to start with.
To coddle you whenever roleplaying takes a sour turn or when you have a falling out with someone.
To continue talking to you OOC and IC/following you/etc. if there comes a point that they no longer like you (e.g over time your true colours have actually come out and your pretense has dropped and they don’t like the person you truly are).
To put up with any false accusations you make about them, regardless of your “reasons”.
To discuss issues they have with you in private, especially if you do not listen to them when they try to be courteous enough to not air the dirty laundry in public.
To discuss issues they have with you, period (some people might prefer to cut all ties with you when things go so far downhill that all bridges between you and them have been burned).
To listen to each and every one of your RP and RL troubles and woes. Remember that even if they do, they have their own lives to deal with and cannot hold your hand through every problem you might have.
To put up with any abuse your hurl at them IC and/or OOC, because you’re in a “mood”.
To put up with any OOC drama you create in general that will affect them
Now I might have repeated a few things in this, I might have missed some things out. I’m almost certain that I have.
But the basic message is this: Roleplayers are here for fun (although there can be other reasons as to why they’ve decided to RP). They are not here to please the masses, they are here for their own enjoyment and they will roleplay however they wish to. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to follow them, nor you do not have the right to pester them or send them hate or cause them any form of distress because they don’t meet your “standards”. They are not paid to cater to your wants and likes. They do not need to take any bullshit from fellow RPers or the users of tumblr in general. If you want to see a certain portrayal of a character? Do it yourself.
And what some - not all, but some - people forget is the fact that behind that portrayal of a character, behind that blog, behind that computer screen, there is a person. A person just like you. They breathe and bleed just like you, they have feelings just like you. Treat others as you yourself would like to be treated. Would you like it if you had a crapload of hate and abuse in your inbox, either harshly judging your RPing or directed solely at you? Would you like to be made to feel worthless and ugly and insignificant? Would you like to be harassed so much that you eventually feel like the world would be better off without you? No? Then don’t treat other people in such a way that they would end up experiencing such things. They are just as human and capable of feelings are you are. They can be hurt as easily as you, can be forced to extremes as easily as you. You have no right to belittle another person, just as no-one has the right to belittle you.
And that, as they say, is that. I shall end this post here, else I’ll end up repeating myself all over again. I’m sure that, by now, anyone who reads this gets the point.
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sfa2mikio-archive · 11 years
【 ★» "Fourth grade? That was a loooooong long long super duper long time ago!! And childish is just a trait, and 'imbecile' is a really dumb word, you know!" The boy rolled his eyes ignoring the other's rudeness. Such a grumpy jerk, must be something underneath that frown. Though it was rather upsetting; he was supposed to meet some new roommate or something, so his time with this mister grumpypants would be cut short! "I never said my life story, there's nothing really interesting! And if I emit anything, it's not stupidity, more like happiness. Jeez, grumpy. Meh! Whatever." The boy grinned. "I have to go and see a roomate now. Sorry I can't 'annoy you with my stupidness'!" Of course, the android didn't care, unaffected by the words the other called him by this time. 】
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»gяєєтιηgѕ тσ му яσσмaтє« |ѕƒa2мiкio|
【 ★» “..But I never got a birth! You’re confusing.” The man pouted to the other. “You’re not gonna make any friends with that grumpy, frowny additude, mister! And I’m guessing a apology is outta the question huh?” The guy laughed a bit, his head swaying to the side, his ahoge twirling just a bit. “And I don’t wanna go. I guess since this is my new place for the college and crud, I guess I might as well go around and see everyone here! Or like.. Try to!” Mikio laughed a bit. Such a innocent laugh for the man, despite how much Matsuda had insulted him! Of course, he would never pay much attention to it, it never mattered to him. Insults were just words, words could never ever hurt a person! Except for that one time with Rin.. but still! Words could never hurt, and that’s how it was with him! Words are words, actions are actions! That’s how it always was to the childish android. “Now what about you, mr fancy-hair? Why are you just sleeping here?” 】
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sfa2mikio-archive · 11 years
【 ★» "..But I never got a birth! You're confusing." The man pouted to the other. "You're not gonna make any friends with that grumpy, frowny additude, mister! And I'm guessing a apology is outta the question huh?" The guy laughed a bit, his head swaying to the side, his ahoge twirling just a bit. "And I don't wanna go. I guess since this is my new place for the college and crud, I guess I might as well go around and see everyone here! Or like.. Try to!" Mikio laughed a bit. Such a innocent laugh for the man, despite how much Matsuda had insulted him! Of course, he would never pay much attention to it, it never mattered to him. Insults were just words, words could never ever hurt a person! Except for that one time with Rin.. but still! Words could never hurt, and that's how it was with him! Words are words, actions are actions! That's how it always was to the childish android. "Now what about you, mr fancy-hair? Why are you just sleeping here?" 】
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【 ★» Of course, majority of the words the man spewed with distaste flew right above the android’s head. Such insults would never hit the man, and even if they did he wouldn’t care because he’d brush it off. He’s perfect and good how he is, so who mattered but him? Keeping his normal smile upon his face, he tilted his head.
“…Ah?” Of course, he didn’t even realize how hurtful his words were. “..You talk with rather long words, now do you? It sounds pretty funny!” He laughed a bit. 】
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sfa2mikio-archive · 11 years
"--! Not in a long while though, that's all.. adult-y stuff!"
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“Oh, okay then. Whatever you say. Though, you do know someday that stuff is able to happen to you, correct?”
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sfa2mikio-archive · 11 years
> Note: Please tag your gore, ghost and horror stuff.
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sfa2mikio-archive · 11 years
"..Well, kind of! People on this planet call people from other countries and lands and stuff foreigners, but like from other worlds and galaxies, I guess they would say 'alien'? Hm. It's kind of odd. But you look human at least!"
The boy grinned, but then paused a bit at his last question.
"..Yeah. Last I remember, it's just me and my sis, but she's gone too.. We don't really have 'parents' either, so to say." And a nervous chuckle from the other.
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" Is that what beings outside of this world are called?" Loki inquired with a chuckle, his profile enlightened by the pequiliar way of speaking as performed by the other.
"Then yes, I must be in fact foreigner; I am of the golden realm of Asgard."
The raven haired male nodded his head, continiously amused at his companion's words.
" When I must refer to Midgardian; I speak of humans in planet Earth, young one.
Surely you must know of their existance..."
The God of Mischief's brow arched; his green expressive eyes widening at his final thought.
" You have nothing?" The raven haired male inquired curiously; his head tilted slgihtly to the side. " Do describe in detail as to what that means..."
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sfa2mikio-archive · 11 years
【 ★>> Of course, majority of the words the man spewed with distaste flew right above the android's head. Such insults would never hit the man, and even if they did he wouldn't care because he'd brush it off. He's perfect and good how he is, so who mattered but him? Keeping his normal smile upon his face, he tilted his head.
"...Ah?" Of course, he didn't even realize how hurtful his words were. "..You talk with rather long words, now do you? It sounds pretty funny!" He laughed a bit. 】
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.☂} “…Lay off the tallow, you corpulent creature.” His blood red optics had inimically glared into the redhead. He had been in a rather indifferent mood these days; the perfect exemplar would be this morning when Matsuda had awoken to only find his blueberry soda stash finished. It was gruesome to even bother sluggishly muster the last bits of energy that lingered from his daily hours of sleep. Feeling rather fatigued, the blunette slumped over on a nearby bench, quite frankly he had hoped a presence wouldn’t provoke him to awake his nap. But of course… “Who exactly do you take me for? Allow me to annotate your sense of fashion — for you’re already needy a normal sense of fashion.”
.☂} “So take your leave at this very moment. Sticking around such imbeciles would only ruin my stable IQ. Rather, your IQ is most likely much like a pebble, is it not?” 
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sfa2mikio-archive · 11 years
((Reblog if you are a Roleplay Blog of any sort))
((It is highly advised that you reblog this as it is for special purposes.))
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sfa2mikio-archive · 11 years
【 ★>> It wasn't often that the boy found himself tired to the point of resting, but for now, he supposed a moment of resting from his daily run would have been good for him! Slowing down, the man was blissfully unaware of the man resting on the bench he usually was around. Upon sitting, he blinked. This seat.. was a lot more lumpier than usual. Odd! It was never like this. Perhaps he's sitting on it wrong? Moving a bit, he blinked, staring down, then jumping off. Oh dear lord, he was on a person--! 】
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【 ★>> The horror of actually possibly hurting another! The boy was awestruck, but then focused more on the boy asleep on the peach. He had no odd clothes, so he wasn't a Vocaloid... maybe one of those Utau fellows though, considering his hair and appearance? How odd, he was so.. normal-looking! Though..  A signal of sadness struck on his face. For the boy to be sleeping on a bench in a park, the poor boy must have gotten abandoned or something! 】
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【 ★>> Feeling rather guilty, he rummaged into his pocket, finding dollar and slipping it into the other's pocket. 】
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sfa2mikio-archive · 11 years
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"Well met, mr serious glasses-man... Say, why do you wear one glove, mr serious glasses purple-hair man?"
femdan, eggplantking, reijisakamaki, suupaisu, and mischievous-shinigami
“— Where did all of you come from?”
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sfa2mikio-archive · 11 years
Look, okay, this hopefully will be my last post about this.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry I was misinformed.
I didn't even know better, and yes, I do admit, I could have researched it. That was my fault. But please, don't say that I don't care.
Like Tetomun said, really, if I didn't care, I wouldn't have been making posts about it. I'm just trying to actually make everyone happy, which I know is a stupid thing to do.
Jebus guys, everyone makes mistakes. There's no point to drag it out.
All I can ask right now is if you guys still have the posts and who ever does still has this, please delete it. Or if you want, just delete my stupid parts about Pixiv getting shut down, which was a lie.
My apologies for doing this.
0 notes
sfa2mikio-archive · 11 years
Well gee, isn't someone nice.
I've already offended enough people and had people call me a dumbass for me getting misinformed, I was just actually trying to be cautious not to offend even more people, but apparently that's impossible.
How the fuck do you know "it’s very clear that your apology isn’t sincere at all"? I'm sorry, did you know my intentions?
My apology was sincere because I had so many people getting worried about the information that I was told for the past four months. People make mistakes, but you saying this really doesn't help.
People like this are why you really, really need to make it a habit to verify information before you spread it. This person clearly doesn’t care at all.If you “guess” you’re sorry, it’s very clear that your apology isn’t sincere at all.
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sfa2mikio-archive · 11 years
-- Jesus fucking christ, it's only been a hour and it's almost at 2,000.
Now.. I need to tell you guys.
Alright, I.. I guess I'm sorry for being misinformed?
I'm sorry for actually trying to help and do that post, because I've seen stolen and reposted/nonsourced art and edits and it just got out of hand, and that was a huge mistake since this was posted. Look, I'm sorry for scaring people, worrying everyone, like they said, it doesn't make sense for that to happen.
On my main I've seen multiple posts after posts of saying that, and I guess I believed it since it was from my friends, but now that it's a lie I guess I'm sorry?
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sfa2mikio-archive · 11 years
Let me just pause ooc for a moment.
I'm sorry but it's really annoying to see this keep happening on my dash. For those who don't know, Pixiv is considering shutting down access to western users.
Because of edits and reposts onto social media sights, such as Tumblr, Facebook, even Twitter. The problem has been here for the past months and I really just get sad seeing everyone reblog edits and reposts of art that's UNSOURCED.
I'm sorry if I seem bitchy, but this is a critical issue, because not only would this cut off fandom posters, it cuts off any person in the US from accessing Pixiv.
Pixiv artists are already deleting their works and accounts, more and more artists are deleting everything because of this. I have already made a post about this on my main,  and so have two of my friends. You may say we're throwing a big deal about this, but the thing is- we're just trying to make sure that us fans and future fans have the art resources.
Things to know:
If you really absolutely don't know, try the Google Images source thing.
Or better yet- Saucenao is a better one, as if it's a Pixiv work, it shows you the original pixiv link, if it's deleted or not, and the artist.
If you don't know the source, DO THOSE STEPS ABOVE, and if they don't work, state you don't know it and ask around.
Oh, and biggest thing for the Vocaloid fandom mainly, along with other fandoms:
This is a list of Pixiv artists who DO NOT want their art reposted or edited at all.
If you ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO REPOST THEIR WORK, ASK THEM FIRST!It won't hurt you to be polite, and even if they don't understand english they probably will understand what you're saying.
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sfa2mikio-archive · 11 years
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sfa2mikio-archive · 11 years
"...There are more than one of me?"
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Of course, the man knew nothing of that. He knew there were more than one or two of others, like Luka, Miku, and them, but... more than one of him?
"...tHAT'D BE SPECTACULAR~! I can't say I've met another, but oh gosh what if I did!! We'd run together, play pranks together, gosh golly that'd be amazingly spectacudoobular!"
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Rin giggled.  “Well, I’m glad you approve!”  It was sort of silly, really, but she supposed that she was protective of all Lens, not just the one that she was related to.
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