sevrynth · 1 year
Do you like vintage scientific illustrations?
Do you like not spending huge amounts of money on them?
This website has a huge collection of high quality vintage illustrations that you can download FOR FREE
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They got pretty much everything!! Vintage maps, mushrooms, flowers, trees, bugs, birds, corals, fish, palm trees, feathers, tropical fruits, you name it!!
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They even got some works of my dude Ernst Haeckel on there!!!!
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I could go on and on but I suggest you check it out yourself. Personally, I will be covering my entire apartment with these once copyshops are open again. But even if you don’t want to do that, just browsing all these beautiful illustrations is a great way to spend your time. 
Have fun and stay save!
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sevrynth · 2 years
Exclusionary politics deprive us of accepting what it is to be human
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Oh look, yet another cis woman of color who was excelling in her sport has been deemed ineligible because of bullshit "gender verification."
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sevrynth · 2 years
If you’ve never heard of it before, this is your PSA to watch Phil Tippet’s 1984 short film Prehistoric Beast
(CW for blood and animal death)
Words honestly cannot sum up how much I love this film, it is absolutely dripping with atmosphere and character. It literally is a natural history museum diorama come to life, and it’s a bit rough around the edges in places but that only adds to the raw, untamed feeling of the film. It’s a masterpiece of tension, animation and cinematography that was made by legendary animator Phil Tippett and a small team of artists in an actual garage in 1984.
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You might have heard of Phil Tippett as the “Dinosaur Supervisor” of Jurassic Park (people died, Phil), but what that title actually means is that he was in charge of supervising the motion and animation of the CG dinosaurs in the movie.
And why did he have the role? Because Phil Tippett’s stop motion animation was legendary, especially his stop motion dinosaurs. The original plan for Jurassic Park was to have the dinosaurs animated using stop motion, and Tippett was brought on board while this was still the plan. However, when the decision was made to switch to CG dinosaurs, his expertise with stop motion rigs was incredibly valuable.
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The team created a stop motion rig that translated movements onto a CG model specifically to keep Phil Tippett on board because stop motion or not, he was the master of making dinosaurs move! Before he worked on Jurassic Park he was creating stop motion short films featuring dinosaurs in the Cretaceous, the most famous of which is Prehistoric Beast.
This is an absolute gem of dinosaur media history, and I cannot recommend it enough!
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sevrynth · 2 years
“animals should be treated well before they’re eaten but eating them isn’t wrong” really isn’t a hard belief to understand
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sevrynth · 2 years
I was forwarding these to a friend and figured it’d be worth sharing them all here too so enjoy some free books and essays and things in no particular order:
Jeanette Winterson - Art Objects
Does Your Daughter Know It’s Okay To Be Angry? - Soraya Chemaly
Braiding Sweetgrass - Robin Wall Kimmerer
Zami, Sister Outsider, Undersong - Audre Lorde
Garments Against Women - Anne Boyer
Laziness Does Not Exist - Devon Price
Learn Socialism Resources
Do Economists Actually Know What Wealth Is? - Nathan J. Robinson
Love Dialogue: CÉLINE SCIAMMA on Portrait of a Lady on Fire - Carlos Augilar
Teaching To Transgress - Bell Hooks
Sexing the Cherry - Jeanette Winterson
Sinister Wisdom Archives
Why Pop Culture Links Women and Killer Plants - Amandas Ong
How To Suppress Women’s Writing - Joanna Russ
Women’s Voices Now
The Life of Tove Jansson
Unbearable Weight; Feminism, Western Culture and the Body - Susan Bordo
‘A Simple Favour’ and That Whole Lesbian Psycho Thing - Ciara Wardlow
OUTWEEK Archives
AirPods Are a Tragedy - Caroline Haskins
Devotions - Mary Oliver
Go Tell It On The Mountain - James Baldwin
Nevertheless, She Feasted: Why Girls Get Hungry in Horror Movies - Francesca Fau
Written on the Body - Jeanette Winterson
Sula - Toni Morrison
Not Vanishing - Chrystos
The Fever - Wallace Shawn
Portrait of a Lady on Fire director Céline Sciamma: ‘Ninety per cent of what we look at is the male gaze’ - Alexandra Pollard
Minimalism Is Just Another Boring Product Wealthy People Can Buy - Chelsea Fagan
AIDS, Art and Activism: Remembering Gran Fury - John d’Addario
In the Day of the Postman - Rebecca Solnit
Blood and Guts in Highschool - Kathy Acker
Mark My Words: The Subversive History of Women Using Thread as Ink - Rosalind Jana
Exploring Frida Kahlo’s Relationship With Her Body - Rebecca Fulleylove
Ravens have paranoid, abstract thoughts about other minds - Emily Reynolds
The Lady in the Looking Glass - Virginia Woolf
Angela Carter talks beauties and beasts with Terry Jones
A Girl is a Half-Formed Thing - Eimear McBride
Why Female Cannibals Frighten and Fascinate - Kate Robertson
Lesbian Herstory Archives
Guggenheim Books
We Are Lisa Simpson: 30 Years with the Smartest and Saddest Kid in Grade Two - Sara David
On Beauty - Zadie Smith
Her Body and Other Parties - Carmen Maria Machado
How Millennials Became The Burnout Generation - Anne Helen Petersen
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sevrynth · 2 years
Someone just paid me fifteen dollars to tell y'all my opinions on white vegans so here you go.
It's bullshit. The entire premise is bullshit. Everything about veganism is bullshit just in general, but white veganism in general is the fucking SSS-tier FGO Merlin levels of bullshit.
If you're a vegan out of dietary necessity--this post is not about you, move on with your life. That includes "just don't like meat/animal products" because we protect picky eaters indiscriminately in this household.
If you're a vegan because you think it's more ethical your head is so far up your ass you might as well be eating animal products cuz that's what shit sure is.
There is not a single thing ethical about white veganism. It's ridiculous to act that way. Veganism is literally turning your diet into imperialism. What, you think that your quinoa and acai smoothie made with coconut milk and nutella isn't a horrific injustice done to pretty much every indigenous piece of land in the name of feeding your consumerist fad bullshit?
If killing cows is so bad, what's y'all's take on the palm oil plantations they're burning down the Amazon for? Sure, orangutans are really charismatic and all, but what about the 1/3rd known species of birds worldwide and a full 30,000 species of endemic plants in it as well? Where does turning once-staple foods of indigenous people, like quinoa, into massive monocultures which the people who grew it can no longer afford it since it's all getting shipped out via cargo plane to your friendly neighborhood Target factor in?
The meat industry is hurting the environment due to greenhouse gases, you say? What about all the produce that's having to be shipped in from overseas and international waters because it's not like you can fucking grow your pineapples in North Dakota? Where does that carbon footprint factor into the situation? Are you actually being vegan out of concern for the environment, or is it a meaningless gesture to be popular on social media about while refusing to examine the inherent classism and racism baked into the very foundations of your "anyone can do it" diet?
Do you dislike factory farms? Join the club! Neither do most farmers, funnily enough! But where's the exploitation in your neighbor's backyard chicken coop eggs? Is the rabbit fur an angora naturally sheds on its own being spun into high-quality yarn cruelty to the animal? Can you explain to me where the honeybees are getting the bad deal?
If your issue on ethical veganism is animal cruelty, then you campaign for more stringent animal husbandry regulations. You support your local small-scale farmers which treat their animals right that are otherwise getting shoved out of the market due to corporate farm fields. Because if you've got enough grocery money to shop exclusively vegan, you're the kind of person who can go to a farmer's market and actually support your community that way with no real issue, because again, your entire diet culture is wrapped up in needing to be seen as better than others more than anything else. You turned a type of food into evangelical protestantism.
Nothing about white veganism makes any fucking sense the second you look at it for .2 seconds. It is a performative diet made for wannabe Instagram influencers who get off on telling other people that they're evil for eating honey, graciously ignoring that their agave nectar is causing an ecological crisis of overharvesting and throwing desert ecosystems out of whack, among everything else.
It's foolish. It's ridiculous. It's literally not how any of this fucking works. I'm exhausted of people not treating veganism for what it is: Just another fad diet made to take money out of "empaths"' wallets, only this time it's actually managing to fuck over the entire global environment and multiple levels of working class citizens, rather than just being a waste of everyone's fucking time! Congrats, vegans. You have done literally nothing right. You made every single wrong choice and have to double down on it now, because just like in a cult, the second you admit to yourself that maybe this whole schtick isnt environmentally friendly in the slightest, you now have to deal with the repercussions of Literally Everything You Did!
Much easier to just talk about how much healthier you are now that you take a shot of apple cider vinegar every morning on the internet. Takes less effort that way. Get well soon.
EDIT: For clarification just in case any vegans would prefer not to get needlessly mad at me for shit I did not say or mean on a post that I did not tag yet got notes anyway:
"When we say white veganism, we are not saying vegans who are white (as so many of them seem to think). White veganism is a specific type of militant veganism perpetrated by white people in which their diet is a status symbol masquerading as social media activism, where it's more important to stay updated with the current instagram superfood trend than any meaningful activism. The focus has become even less on animal care and has reduced into reactionary anti-animal, and anti-human.
White veganism is a direct cause of purity and social media-based performative culrure and its inherent anxieties, and can act significantly closer to a cult than merely a style of eating. They are often evangelist and militant in their natures, shaming nonvegans out of the concept that "anyone can choose to be vegan" and therefore not living vegan is a moral crime, as well as perpetuating racism, classism, and ableism in their ideals.
I have genuinely no opinion on veganism or vegans. At best I find them often empathetic but misguided and not understanding the full picture (or, if they are vegan out of dietary restrictions or needs, that is not relevant to any of this and i would not presume to speak about nor for them).
But I do have a deep and passionate disdain for veganism as an Instagram trend, especially when those who view it as such act as though it is a moral superiority and prerogative, rather than a fad choice which has become commercialized and sought to make large profits on, often at great social and cultural harm to countless indigenous cultures."
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sevrynth · 2 years
What’s Mia Eating
hey ho, more from the pile of recipes that I got by calling my parents and guesstimating recipes from the list of ingredients my parents recall. Remember, these recipes have no actual amounts in them:
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Stewed Chicken Legs!
Recipe also works with thighs or wings, anything bone-in
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slice some ginger, put it in a little container with some star anise
poke some cuts into the raw chicken to let the flavour in
It’ll make it easier if you have all these flavouring ingredients already mixed in one container beforehand:
dark soy sauce
regular soy sauce
shaoxing wine
oyster sauce (ours was expired so I went with a splash of hoisin)
chili (you can do dried flakes but i had sriracha on hand)
>>put pot/wok on the heat
add oil add sliced ginger and star anise,
>>fry for a moment
add chicken
>> stir fry, high heat for a moment
add sauce marinade from earlier
>> stir fry, high heat for a moment
pour in cold water, just enough to submerge, wait until boil
>>simmer for 20-35 minutes, depending on how much chicken you’re working with
I prefer to take it off the heat and let it cool down whilst sitting in the sauce, and then I serve it (often over rice)
Happy Cooking!
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sevrynth · 2 years
Yo, I really wanna share this garden planning hack with you, especially, if like me, you have ADHD or for some other reason, just forget nearly everything*.
So here's the thing I did. I combined Johnny's succession planning worksheet (which, if you haven't checked out their grower's library yet- go now!) here:
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But like, added some varieties and adjusted it for my last & first frost dates and added color coding for some reason**:
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And then use those dates to put reminders in my calendar!
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And now I'll have reminders of when to sow seeds all growing season!
The next step is to edit the calendar event to stop when sowings should stop, but I'm not there yet.
Is it 100% perfect? No! We don't get enough heat to bother with succession planting melons, for example. But has it already reminded me to do some direct sowing? YES!
* holy commas, batman!
**the reason was it was like, January, and I really wanted to be gardening but couldn't!
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sevrynth · 2 years
Are you ANGRY??
Are you FULL OF RAGE???
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sevrynth · 2 years
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sevrynth · 2 years
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sevrynth · 2 years
In terms of like, Please For The Love Of God Get Hobbies That Aren't Scrolling Through An App For Six Hours A Day, I understand and experience completely the argument of like. with the stressors of modern work, you don't have the energy at the end of the day to do anything but mindlessly watch Netflix and scroll through your phone. but like I would like to gently encourage you to simply force yourself for a time to do something instead of pick up your phone, bc the phone is literally designed to light up your brain with no effort from you whatsoever and it does in fact rot your brain. It makes literally anything but scrolling on your phone seem difficult and joyless. But if you stop scrolling on your phone all the time, and start like, reading or embroidering or gardening or going for walks, you will eventually find the joy in them once more
I understand and it is true that it is hard to have a life outside work and scrolling but there is not a near future where that won't be the case and you should still live a life. And you won't create a future where that isn't the case if you don't have the confidence and experience and drive to fight for it
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sevrynth · 2 years
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I think this is super important to remember.
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sevrynth · 2 years
What can we do, as citizens of tumblr, to help the meme ecosystem?
Feed native memes by reblogging them. Remember, your attention is the largest portion of their diet!
Encourage native memes to adapt to new habitats by applying them to different types of post. Perhaps your own personal thoughts can provide vital habitat for a native meme you hadn't considered!
Encourage offshoot memes to grow in your blog. Your "I agree" could be an "oh worm" or even "big worm"! The more diverse memes that a given phrase has as ancestors, the more it benefits the environment.
Allow memes that use camouflage to exist in your blog. They can't surprise anyone if they're never given the chance!
Don't feed invasive memes. When you see a Chad, Nordic Man, or other invasive meme, don't reblog it! If you find yourself about to reference one, try to think of a native meme to use instead.
Revitalize endangered meme populations by establishing symbiosis with more common ones
Fight against commercial hunting, trapping, and harvesting of native memes. If you see a tumblr meme on a t-shirt or mug, find out if it was ethically sourced.
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sevrynth · 2 years
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compilation of defaced racist monuments feel free to add more!
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sevrynth · 2 years
If you like the wellerman, try on this classic
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sevrynth · 2 years
The world's most unwanted plants help trees make more fruit
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