sevown · 3 years
woman, your anger is considered “inappropriate”. If, in a discussion or a debate with a man, you raise your voice or show emotion, you will be considered over emotional, irrational, bossy or any other adjective that is primarily reserved just for women.
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sevown · 3 years
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated interceding incredible incentives on your journey inestimable value for the development of The Song of Songs - O thou fairest among women the chiefest among ten thousand and the future of society nurturing growth in others, defending the vulnerable, and making a difference in the world making the world a more loving, humane place.
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sevown · 3 years
A Brooklyn high school graduate swiped an encrypted key with the entire company’s portfolio containing the Wall Street Firm’s electronic standards and practices The Compendium; a weak artificial intelligence system capable of high frequency arbitrage.
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