setapartaynne · 5 years
It spreads like epidemic.
One person gets it then it goes on. It continues to pass on without everyone noticing it.
It feels as though it’s the white elephant in the room, it’s felt by everyone but no one has the courage to speak up about it.
But then you will think, why do we actually let them control your life? Why do we let them dictate where we go, who we should see, how we should do things?
Why do we let them have a control over our lives?
What if they are the very reason hindering you from your happiness.
Why do we still stay?
We all have a choice. We can make our own reasonable decisions and if ever we make bad ones, the hell with it. That’s part of LIFE.
We’ve created this façade that what they say is true and correct at all times.
Do they even know you? Do they even consider how you feel? Will you be able to approach them?
They say that certain people stay in our lives for certain seasons only, that when they’ve done their part they would eventually leave. But why is it most of the time you find yourself stuck with those who don’t have any good interest at heart for you? Why do you let them stay in your life, while the good ones eventually just leave and you don’t even fight for them?
I guess it all boils down to our choices, our decisions at the end of the day. We can choose. We can decide. We can have control over our lives. But it starts by taking the first step- decide.
How long will you be able to endure this? How long will you let them do this to you?
You decide.
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setapartaynne · 6 years
I am such a mess. One second I believe what God says about me then the next second I question about everything He says I am. Despite it all, He is always so kind to nudge me in truth (that I am all He says I am) when it seems like the truth is so far away and impossible to believe
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setapartaynne · 6 years
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setapartaynne · 6 years
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setapartaynne · 6 years
“Lord, guard my heart for I do not want to offer it to the wrong person”
— (via godlydatingandfeelings)
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setapartaynne · 6 years
“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:9 🙌🏻 Living abroad, working nonstop and immersing yourself with a culture far different from your own, truly there will be times when you want to second guess the decision you made when you started out on this journey. Moments of second guessing keeps on lingering in but the Lord has placed us on this moment, on this place to be far more what we can imagine for ourselves. Truly, His thoughts are higher than ours, His plans are grander than ours. Today we may not know the reason why, but surely tomorrow He will reveal to us why. All eyes on Jesus, to the one who has set our paths before us, trusting in Him, having faith, and believing that all things will fall according to His plan. Let us desire a life that is dependent on His vision and promises for us. #alifeworthliving #shareHisword #pleaseforgivemyvoice
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setapartaynne · 6 years
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You might have many questions in mind, when, who, why? Even in your preoccupied time table you can’t help but ask. When everything around you seem to be doing well except with the matters of the heart.
But dear one, don’t be anxious. For one day, it will all make sense.
One day in your ordinary busy world, the universe will just suddenly stop. And in that moment the stars would align and point directly at that beautiful person. Your person.
Your person will be the answer to all your whens, whos, and whys. Your person will make you realize why you had to wait. Why you had to go through that rough patch. Why you had to be where you were and why the others never fought for you.
Your person will fight for you in every day. Your person will put an end to all the searching. Your person will love you in every way that you deserve. Your person will be everything more than you could ever ask for.
And one day you will just find yourself saying it was worth the wait. You will even wonder how it happened, how can something so lovely and something so precious could finally be yours. You will just be overwhelmed and perplexed by everything that has happened.
And in that place where you kept questioning and kept looking, will be the exact same place where you will find your bliss.
Do not to worry about it, all things will fall into place for you, you just need to give it some time. And while you are at it, keep being you. Be the best version of you. Because the best is yet to come for you.
Until that day, stay in your waiting. Stay patient. Stay faithful. Trust the waiting. Trust the process. Good things come to those who wait.
Your person will come one day soon.
Your person is worth the wait.
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setapartaynne · 6 years
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Ikaw sa araw-araw
Ikaw pala ang dahilan kung bakit kinailangan magpaalam sa aking kahapon Ikaw ang rason kung bakit makulay ang aking ngayon Ikaw at ang Iyong pagmamahal ang nais makamtam ng aking bukas
Ikaw at ikaw lamang Panginoon, kahapon, bukas, at ngayon
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setapartaynne · 6 years
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Have you ever had that aching feeling of God calling you to do something, but you're too hesitant to do it, and you make up in your head all the reasons why you should not pursue it?
Well, here's a confirmation, DO IT!
It isn't by accident He placed that desire in your heart. He purposely called you to be a medium of His love and His word. Lay down to Him all the possible reasons why you think YOU CAN'T and get ready to to hear all His reasons why YOU CAN. 
Don't hold yourself back from being the best version of yourself that God has planned for you. Let Him lead you to great heights that you yourself could have never imagined on your own, let Him bring you to a beautiful transformation for His greater glory.
But all these are easier said than done, He will most definitely ask you to let go of certain things, certain habits, and certain  relationships, you would have to sacrifice something you hold dearly along the way. But this should not scare you, for we need to decrease in order for Him to increase for the Kingdom of God.
He knows all your strengths and weaknesses. All the things you can do, and all the things you can still do. Rise up to the plate, wave His banner, He will sustain you in this endeavor. All you need to do is stand up and believe that He will give you the strength and the joy throughout this process.  Believe that our God is more than able and that He is always with us, and that He will never forsake us. 
Keep your eyes fixed on the creator who has called you to do grander things, and be amazed of the things He will do through your life.
Don't hold yourself back, rise up, and remember He does not call the equipped, He equips the called. 
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setapartaynne · 6 years
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It’s officially the year 2018! 🎉 Here’s to a new year filled with chances and changes. Here’s to a new year filled with laughter and excitement. Here’s to a new year filled with ups and downs. Here’s to a new year filled with positivity! Here’s to a brand new year! 🥂✨ 2018, will be our year! A year of expanding our horizons. A year of stepping out and stepping up. A year of chasing more dreams and making them come true. A year of visiting new places and not wanting to leave. A year of meeting new people and learning from them. A year of making mistakes, but striving to do better. A year of changes and embracing it with arms wide open. A year of new firsts and new adventures. A year of creating more memories, the good and the bad. A year of the unknown and the unseen. A year of believing and having more faith. A year more of Him and His word. 2018, here we come! Let’s get ready to receive more and to give more. Let’s be excited for what’s to come, let’s prepare ourselves for the inevitable things. Have heart that this year all things will fall into place. 2018, will be a year of miracles, our YEAR OF PELEH! 🙌🏻 Get ready to move and celebrate life! The best is coming! 🤩
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setapartaynne · 6 years
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i know it’s hard some times, but
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setapartaynne · 6 years
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He left just like that. 
And there was no explanation given as to why. He kept her hanging on the edge wondering what happened along the way. She deserved an explanation, but it wasn’t given to her. She wondered if she wasn’t worth the truth, she even wondered if she was worth anything at all. But then one day it dawned on her, he only liked the idea of her.
He liked the idea of someone out there is waiting for him.
He liked the idea of someone out there is willing to listen to his countless rants.
He liked the idea of someone who would possibly love him.
He liked the idea of someone checking on him.
He liked the idea of someone trying to be part of his life.
But he never really liked the person embodying it.
You see, if he really liked her and not just the idea of her, he would have done something grand and loud about how he felt. Instead, he did the exact opposite and took advantage of the situation.
He played with her heart and toyed with her mind. He played his little mind trick games to keep her hoping, to keep her coming back. And then suddenly, he got tired of playing, he just cut off loose ends as if nothing ever happened, and as if nothing ever mattered.
And so, he left, just like that.
But even though he left her hanging, even though he didn’t give her any explanation, she still couldn’t get mad with him. It’s not because she’s a martyr, it’s just how she is. Even if she saw the red flags, she still stayed and remained patient. She still tried her best to understand him, that is both her strength and her weakness; seeing the good in people even if she’s already being taken advantage of.
Even though he caused her to question her worth, she still wants what’s best for him. Even though she must pick up the pieces by herself, she only wants happiness for him. She will still be her friend, but remain only as her friend.
Sometimes, we reach a point where we think we finally found the one, but along the way the universe would bring you to a state of epiphany and you will just realize, you did find the one, the one who would lead you to the right one.
She was worth more than his ideal girl, she was worth more than just the idea of someone.
He only liked the idea of her, not the person itself.
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setapartaynne · 7 years
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Your worth is found in who the creator of the universe says you are. The moment you live like you were created to be set apart is the moment you walk in the freedom you were always destined to walk in. Walk in your calling, walk in humble obedience. You were created for more than getting caught up in a temporary and fleeting things in this life. You are beautiful, priceless, smart, courageous, compassionate, inspiring, funny, and worth pursuing. You are loved, cherished, bought with a price, and beautiful in so many ways. You are worth it 👑✨ Beautiful by Chelsea Crockett 📝
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setapartaynne · 7 years
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, ngunit
pareho ang nadarama, ngunit hindi makapag simula
pareho ang nadarama, ngunit hindi sigurado sa isa’t isa
pareho ang nadarama, ngunit kalungkutan lamang ang dala
pareho ang nadarama, ngunit hindi nila panahon pa
pareho ang nadarama, ngunit hanggang dito na nga lang ba
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setapartaynne · 7 years
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paano? kung sasabihin ko kung paano, ito ba ay iyong magagawa? 
saan? kung sasabihin ko kung saan, ikaw ba ay makakapunta? 
bakit? kung sasabihin ko kung bakit, ikaw ba ay maniniwala?
kailan? kung sasabihin kung kailan, ikaw ba ay matutuloy pa? 
 aking mga katanungan kaya mo ba bigyan ng mga kasagutan
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setapartaynne · 7 years
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Waves of changes are coming. Courage, dear heart. We can do this! 💗
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setapartaynne · 7 years
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Neon Signs
There will always be signs that we cannot understand no matter how much we ponder on it, but despite of it with patience, trust, and time choose to believe that it will make sense soon enough.
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