serballestrero-blog · 6 years
“Oh, I’m sure they’re gathering at this very moment.” He knew all about the politics of situations like this. Even though there was a method and process in place for this kind of matter, personal preferences and biases were bound to take place. There were already people in line that the council had under their thumb and at their beck and call. Needless to say, should Krasmir and Antonio win the crown, they’re tearing everything down and rebuilding from the ground up. In all honesty, the land has been needing a total reset for a good long while. He smiled and waved at the people that passed them by, genuinely happy that the people seemed to receive them well and there wasn’t any kind of immediate backlash.
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This aspect of his life was one he was wanting most to share with Antonio -- the recognition, the appreciation. Assuredly, not all in the city were as supportive of Krasmir as those that were passing by, if his earlier mood were any indication. Still, those that were tended to react well to him on the street. Now that they were seen, it was time to hit the point home.
Krasmir hooked his arm with one of Antonio’s, standing for as long as the other would need to best acquaint himself, before starting to steer them towards the bazaar. “Was there anything specific you wanted to pretend to shop for?” His other hand reached across his chest to pat Antonio’s arm. 
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serballestrero-blog · 6 years
Even though everyone knew he was a Seeker, Antonio always works better in the shadows. That was another way in that the two of them were opposites attracting. Krasmir had to be right upfront in center to be able to do what he does. The shadows were his domain and The Raven Queen was his patron goddess. The sneakier he could get, the better. That’s why he was such an effective assassin. He knew how to make the most of what he was working with. He could be in an out of a completely crowded room and nobody would even be able to say they saw him there. “Of course not. Only a fool would invest in something like that when there are so any other options to decide from.”
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Maybe one day, him and the assassin would be ready to settle down, perhaps when all the adventuring and war-avoiding and continent-saving was handled by someone else. Krasmir moved in the circles that he knew how to move in. He was a crack-shot (the event with the dragon not withstanding) and a master tactician, a military commander and a not-so-secret agent. Simple things didn’t have the thrill for him that they had for other people, so Krasmir leaned more towards adventure, towards danger, towards Antonio.
So many of his cues now came from his husband. When Antonio was on the move, Krasmir was packing. When Anotnio would be ready for a break, Krasmir would be holstering the crossbows for as long as he could. In the mean time, more adventure seemed to be on the menu. “Did the Raven Queen tell you to say that?” The sniper said with a grin, rolling to grab for Antonio’s hips, see where the man’s mind was at.
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back to the action
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serballestrero-blog · 6 years
Of course, Dante wanted to hear more about the other’s past once he began to open up. His father always told him to look toward your past if you want to understand your future. If this man was to be a part of their lives now, he wanted to be able to understand him and appreciate him for everything that he had to offer, not just as some guard assigned to them by The Lion of Ashbury. He knew that no man, no matter how simple he may seem on the outside, was completely one-dimensional.
“Well, it definitely sounds like you were born for this kind of position. I can honestly say I’ve never thought to use a door as a shield before. It’s pretty ingenious. I’ve never been much of a fighter myself. I consider myself more of a talker than a fighter.”
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Both Dante and Krasmir had commended his use of the door; Marcel was more inclined to believe his spur-of-the-moment decision was foolish, but repeated praise had him reconsidering. “Arrows couldn’t even touch me,” the soldier acquiesced, a bit of that bashfulness returning.
“If you’re not a fighter, then that’s why we’re here.” Marcel waved a signal to Britan, who actually yelled a cheer. He winced and nodded to her, before turning back to Dante. “She really, really likes the job. I hold the choke point, she takes the flank.” Already, he was feeling more comfortable in the home. “Is there anything we, as your personal guard, need to be aware of in the area?” His more soldierly-guise slipped on like a helmet or a mask, his mind turning back to his duties. “Business rivals, local crime, known hideouts?”
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to intimidate
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serballestrero-blog · 6 years
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For some, it was far easier to be submissive than it was for other people. Antonio was about as fluid as the snake that bore its resemblance on their family crest. Everything was aligning for him in this moment and he wasn’t ashamed to let it be known to Krasmir and anyone else that happened to hear what was going on between them in this time of theirs. The side of his face was completely pressed into the flooring while his ass was pretty much raised as high as it could get into the air without any kind of levitation assist. He felt the other’s large tough hands all over his body and knew that he was getting ready for something special to occur. “Don’t hold back. Let it happen naturally.” He even began to whine and keen slightly when his package was being played with so effortlessly.  
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The force with which Krasmir was pushing into Antonio would’ve folded a lesser man, sent him bucking and writhing into the floor. However, it seemed the harder Krasmir fucked down into Antonio, the more the man pushed up against him. Wanting to feel his fiance crumble underneath him, Krasmir kneaded Antonio’s balls with a bit more strength in his grip, working the head of his cock with more intent, a quicker rhythm. “You gonna cum for me, again?” Krasmir rumbled, taking a deep inhale just to push his chest harder against Antonio’s back. “Cum on my cock, milk me for everything I’m worth, deep inside you?” Already, he was starting to throb; whether or not Anotnio was going to match him, Krasmir was about to flood his fiance full.
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serballestrero-blog · 6 years
It doesn’t matter what economic class you find yourself in. There’s one universal truth that proves itself to be right at every available possibility. That truth? People love to gossip. As soon as they see him and Krasmir Ballestrero, someone will say something that will set off the chain reaction that will soon reach to every person in the land. He wasn’t unaffected by that either. He loved a good piece of gossip every now and again. You have to be able to entertain yourself somehow, after all. He got down from the carriage and presented himself to everyone that had their eyes on him. It felt good to have all the attention on him, even if it was only for a brief moment in time. He did, though, give a smile and a small wave.
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Not too far away, moving along from stall to store building, was a man held at the arm of another. Lord Leonus Stormblood, though of higher political stature than the man at his side, was being led by the elbow to watch his family’s gold be guzzled down; his now-fiance’s tastes were expensive, his respect was minimal, and his goals were lofty. Leonus turned in time to catch a glimpse of the newly revealed couple, eyes flashing with recognition -- the Lion of Ashbury -- with a man at his side that any in the courts would recognize. A Greenling, a family once held in high esteem, but fallen from grace. Gears were turning in the young Lord’s mind as he was tugged along to stumble, the man at his side growing impatient with his demands being ignored for more than a few seconds.
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Pride bloomed in Krasmir’s chest. Men and women stopped to in their tracks to catch a glimpse, then move on with their days’ shopping -- not wanting to give the impression of being a gawker, of course. The knight was a man of many motivations; rather than struggle with differing desires at once, he was more often inclined to let each personal drive take the wheel when it was needed. The want for public approval, like a balm over war-torn skin, was steering the knight as he offered his arm to his fiance. “How soon before the council tries to convene in secret?” Krasmir whispered, leaning to the side under the guise of fixing one of Antonio’s clasps. “Not that we don’t already have men in place to keep our seats in that meeting warm, for us.”
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serballestrero-blog · 6 years
He could already tell that Marcel was more of the kind of man to want to stay in the background when it came to situations like this. It was either that he could let him shrink into the background and then suddenly get forcefully pulled out or he could introduce him slowly. He figured he would appreciate a slow introduction between the two options. Sure, he wasn’t exactly expecting the comment he chose to make be about the color of their hair but it wasn’t anything that he couldn’t work with. They all had to start somewhere.
“Well, when you have to work the land like we do, you tend to turn out the appreciate the value of hard work.” He knew that the Greenlings were…of a particular body type. The sons more than the father. He wasn’t the most muscular man of the four brothers but Dante liked to think that he had a little to offer in the body department. “I’m sure you understand that, right? I’m sure it can’t be easy doing what you do for your Ser Ballestrero.”
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Marcel gave a nod at that, eyeing the other a bit more relaxed than before. Dante’s gradual ease of the soldier into the room was much appreciated, and starting to have its intended effect. “Hard work is all I’ve known,” he admitted. “I met Ser Ballestrero on the opposite side of a battle. All I wanted was to protect my farmland and the land of my neighbors, since all we hear is soldiers coming through and eating all the crops, then burning the land out.”
Then Marcel huffed a laugh. “Nobody wanted to stand with me, so there I was. A farmer with a pitchfork in one hand, and a door strapped to my other arm, like I could hold back the army.”
After that, the soldier realized just how much he’d revealed about hiself, and locked back into something akin to attention. “I mean. I understand. The whole hard hard work thing.”
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to intimidate
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serballestrero-blog · 6 years
Being a Seeker didn’t mean that you were always on call. Yes, you were expected to be ready for when Prince Owen called for you but that wasn’t a frequent thing. The Seekers were only to be used when there was no other option to be had. They usually had a fair amount of time between missions and he felt like a pirate adventure was exactly what they needed. He wasn’t the type to just sit around for too long. He loved his mother but she knew the son she raised. He was an adventurous one.
“We’re Seekers. Everyone in Iaboros knows who we are. If they don’t respect us just because of our reputation, we can make them respect us. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.” With the two of them, there wasn’t anything that they couldn’t do. They’d make the most fearsome pirate crew and conquer the sea as well as they’ve conquered the land.
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As a seeker -- but also as a commander, Krasmir’s time was almost wholly consumed. When not running missions for the Prince, the man was often instead training the next generation of leaders in the Iaborian military. His tactical mind was best put to use in challenging the men, acting as a lone enemy commander that the up-and-comers had to try to outmaneuver with differing goals in mind; minimal loss of life, swiftest conclusion, not allowing the enemy beyond a certain location as to best protect civilians.
With the prince’s order, Krasmir was granted blessed rest. At least, until Antonio would find something to occupy their time.
“And all this gold we’re going to find isn’t going to go into building a home of our own, on the land I requested from the prince, right next to the Greenling farm?” Krasmir’s smirk was wicked. Mostly still asleep, but wicked.
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back to the action
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serballestrero-blog · 6 years
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 He was willing to freely give himself to any man that he felt earned it. He wasn’t about to give himself to someone that couldn’t handle it. That would only result in him having to take the reins from them and making him his bitch just for wasting his time. He could tell that he would never have to do anytihng like that with Kramsir. The man was experienced and he was hitting every single spot that Antonio had. He was pleasuring him in a way that he hadn’t felt in a good amount of time.
He felt the other position himself to make better use of their encounter and he loved that. He loved movement. He never wanted to just be in one position the whole time he was fucking or being fucked. That just wasn’t fun. He needed variety. “Yeah, take me harder!” He exclaimed. He wanted the best that could be provided, not some watered down version that he could get from someone else.
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Hearing Antonio echo the words back almost knocked Krasmir our of the moment. The man sounded so into it, easily riding the wave that Krasmir had to descend through layers of training to sink into. With each complete withdraw, Antonio’s tight ring was massaging over Krasmir’s sensitive head and crown, driving him further and further along with each reentry. After a near miss, a large spurt of precum splashed over the farmer’s fucked-open hole as the knight had to clamp down to keep his climax back. That was Krasmir’s sign to roughly shove back in, burying himself to the hilt and riding down on Antonio's ass for maximum depth, pushing the other down with all of his bulk, his strength and his weight.
“Not gonna hold out for much longer,” the knight groaned, voice a growl against Antonio’s ear. Large paws of hands; rough, claiming fingers, would slide under Antonio’s hips to start working the man’s length over again. One on the man’s crown, milking and massaging over the flare of his head; the other taking Antonio’s heavy balls in hand, gently kneading them against the farmer’s root.
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serballestrero-blog · 6 years
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If there was one thing that Antonio knew, it was the value of commitment. He committed himself to Krasmir and he would treat him exactly how he would want to be treated in this situation. He would want to be comforted so it was easy for him to provide that to the man that he was to be his husband. What kind of mate would be if he were to leave the other in the current state that he was in? It wouldn’t be right and he knew the man deserved nothing but the best from him. “Well, I guess I’m not like most people.” He received the kiss warmly and waited for the door to open to announce their engagement to the people that would hopefully become their loyal subjects.
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With the swing of the door, their intentions were visible to any and all who had an angle to view into the carriage. Rumor mills would spin to life, analysts and councilmen slowly coming to the realization of what might actually occur. Power, consolidated. One of the former king’s closest allies finally settling down. Bards occasionally had songs about the Lion of Ashbury, but he more often was a character or reference point in other tales they told; a foil formed up of duty, honor, and respect on the battlefield -- for good or for ill.
Krasmir easily leapt from the carriage to land on both feet, then turned to watch for Antonio to follow after. Though he itched to offer his arm, to assist the other in getting out, he didn’t want to subvert Antonio’s image to the public in any way. They were to be equals, and that perception started as early as now.
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serballestrero-blog · 6 years
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“You don’t even need to ask something like that. You can take as long as you need to.” He held the other tight to him and cupped the back of his head to help him eel as comforted and secured as possible. He knew that the other needed a moment to get himself together and that’s what he was going to give him. That’s what a relationship was all about, after all. You’re supposed to support each other when it’s needed. He even turned his head and pressed his lips into the other’s neck just to make sure he got the message across loud and clear. “There’s no need to thank me. Even the strongest of us have to lay down their burdens once in a while.” 
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Antonio was surprisingly apt at providing the knight comfort, despite their rather brief courtship. Bare arms would slowly unravel as he leaned back, pulling himself free from the other man’s grasp. Eye contact was swiftly sought, then held once attained. “Still, though. I’m grateful and I want you to know it. You could’ve just as easily expected a soldier to carry their burdens silently, diligently, just like so many others do.” Krasmir kept their contact as he ran his hands down Antonio’s arms, until he could grip the man’s wrists. “As soon as we step out of the carriage, we’re on...but you knew that already.”
With a final smile that was just as much for himself as it was for Antonio, Krasmir leaned in for one last private kiss, before moving to open the carriage door.
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serballestrero-blog · 6 years
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 Antonio was more than willing to ride Krasmir for the rest of the night. He was more than content to just ride the wave of this encounter out fully seated in the man’s lap, getting driven into time and time again. He could tell that the man knew what he was doing and the slow increase in possessive behavior didn’t go unnoticed by him at all. He could feel the other’s grip tightening on him and his affections becoming more pointed. He was loving all of it and couldn’t find a single fault in anything. It wasn’t until he felt them moving and he was placed on his stomach that he knew that things were getting taken to a higher level.
The weight of the other’s body on him caused a moan of pure lust and delight to slip from his lips. The farmer wasn’t a twig by any means but Krasmir was simply bigger. His muscles had more substance to them from years upon years of work dedicated to them. The sounds of their flesh meeting repeatedly was getting louder and more distinguishable. The people of the house knew better than to disturb them but he could’t help but get off to the notion that people could hear such a primal claiming.
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A soldier knew, and understood, there was a darker side to almost every personality. Krasmir felt his need rise from his core to the forefront, and as Antonio seemed to enjoy, he let it take the reigns. Each clap of hips to ass was nearly bruising, force met then carried through to push deeper, bury his aching cock as far past Antonio’s stretched-wide rim as he could go. Enough active thought was left to get curious, that twist of heated creativity.
Krasmir spread his knees further to straddle the other man, to kneel over him and fuck down harder into him, pressing broad hands into the meat of Antonio’s shoulder blades to push the man’s chest into the floor. Each withdraw was complete, freeing his weapon of a cock to sway suspended, before driving it wholly home again. “You want them to hear you, don’t you?” The knight asked, genuinely interested. “You want me to take you harder -- take you louder?”
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serballestrero-blog · 6 years
After managing to slay the ancient black dragon that was threatening to cause havoc and mayhem within the land of Iaboros, Prince Owen gave his Seekers some much needed time off. Thanks to his mother, Antonio had heard about the horrors and travesties that happened within the Drow community. None of those things were anything to sneeze at whatsoever. However, it tends to pale in comparison when you’re face to face with a giant dragon. Given the fact that Greenling was also knocked unconscious at a point and one of their own was on the brink of death, it made sense to get everyone back to full strength and capacity before utilizing them again.
So, he and Krasmir took their time and headed out to the more quiet and solitary part of Iaboros, where Antonio’s mother lived on their family’s farm. It was nothing huge or anything but it was more than enough to keep her busy and keep her afloat money-wise. The rest and relaxation was much needed appreciated. There’s nothing like getting back to your roots. However, as the saying goes, ‘nothing gold can stay’. Neither Antonio nor Krasmir are the type to rest on their laurels for too long. Even without Prince Owen’s direction, it doesn’t take much before they’re off on their next adventure. Luckily, Antonio’s trained ear picked up something.
“So, what do you say we become pirates for a bit? We’re more than capable of handing ourselves, should we run into some not so friendly comrades. Plus, who knows what all we could find. They might not be the shiniest bunch but pirates seem to have a nose for treasure.”
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It was the least the prince could do, giving the secret couple the vacation they needed. Watching Antonio hit the ground after sharing in half of his own damage taken was a shock (no pun intended), solidifying the already-present feeling that they needed some time off, time to themselves. Maybe not to be a pair in the traditional sense, but to recover in the way the two of them best knew how.
No rules, no kings. Just each other.
Krasmir would never regret anything that meant waking in the same bed as the assassin, likely spent and sore from the night before.  On one such morning, Krasmir groaned, rolling to face the half-elf already awake and ready. The soldier was enjoying one of the few times in his life he’d been able to wake up relatively late...that being, any time that wasn’t the break of dawn.
“You want...to take over a boat, wrangle a bunch of men potentially stronger than either of us into taking our orders, and then collect and keep the profits for something that we don’t even know we’re planning for in the future?”
Krasmir’s sleepy grin was slow to form, but it formed regardless.
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“I’m in, obviously.”
back to the action
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serballestrero-blog · 6 years
Even though what he had was nowhere near what Marcel had, Dante wasn’t without his ink. He had the symbol of Sarenrae tattooed on both of his wrists. It was something simple but the meaning was tremendous. He was solely dedicated to the goddess and he proved it with the art that was on his body. He wasn’t on the market for any new ink at the current moment but he wasn’t going to completely shut out the idea of having more added on at a later time.
He welcomed the two into the family home and he could tell immediately that Britan would fit right in with the rest of them. They weren’t a ‘quiet’ family. They were all pretty much outgoing  and personable. Dante was probably the ‘quietest’ in the house but he was no church mouse by any means.
He noticed the other begin to shrink and he wouldn’t stand for that. If they were to be the family’s guard, they might as well become as much a part of the family as you can. “So, Marcel, tell me the first thing you noticed about everyone in the room.” He said to the other sotly. He wasn’t going to throw him to the wolves on the first encounter. He would introduce him gently.
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Rather than having the decency and good-sense to turn sheepish at the cut-in, Britan just beamed at the man at Marcel’s side for actually trying to get Marcel out of his shell. Marcel himself, however, was still more than cowed at the presence of the entire family. Though Dante still claimed most of his attention, the entire Greenling clan appeared to be hardy, salt-of-the-earth types.
“You’re all, uh.” The blond swept his gaze over the other men and Britan, then turned back to Dante. While the man was once too much to behold, he was now the beacon of safety in a room full of curious strangers. If he could just be a soldier, it’d be easy. But he had to be personal with the Greenlings. “Raven-haired?”
The fact was offered as a question, hoping the man would let him off easy. “Aside from all of you looking like you’re...” His gaze moved down to Dante’s thick arms. “Very hard-working.”
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to intimidate
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serballestrero-blog · 6 years
To have The Lion of Ashbury so delicate in his arms was quite the sight to behold. He still had moments where he couldn’t believe that all of this was happening to him. He couldn’t have asked for a better man to be engaged to. “I agree with that sentiment.” They both started the morning off great and he felt it was a sign that things were only going to get better throughout the rest of the day. He leaned in and brushed their noses together playfully before pecking his lips. “we need to get cleaned before the others get back. What do you say we run a hot bath and take our wonderfully made breakfast in there?”
When Antonio pulled away from that nudge of a kiss, Krasmir chased him, wanting for something longer, something warmer. “I’m covered in my own spend and you’ll be running down my legs the moment you pull from me. I think a bath is mandatory, at this point.” His smile was wide and soft, something just between them.
As the two would make for the knight’s own quarters, both wrapped in a single tablecloth, Krasmir wondered aloud.
“What do you think the castle’s policy on nudity would be?”
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serballestrero-blog · 6 years
Dante had the ability to sense auras about people but to be able to parse out specific divine energy about people was beyond his skillset at the current moment. Of course, he was working to get better. He didn’t trust the other clerics and clergy so he was working more on his own. Of course, it was more difficult an it was a much slower process than if he were to have the help of the others. However, everything that’s worth having is worth working for. At least, that’s what his parents always tell him. He could tell that he was making progress, though. He could feel that he had Sarenrae on his side.  
He was feeding off the other’s excitement, though. He loved it when people were passionate and excited. He could tell that Lord Ballestrero had definitely made a positive mark on Marcel. That mixed with the marriage to his brother was definitely putting him in a positive light. He was a bit taken aback to see a tattoo on the man’s arm so brazen and bold but he would be lying if he said he didn’t like it. Apparently, the Lord was quite the artist as well. “I would love to see the rest of it later on.” He gave the other a smile and a pat to the arm before opening the door for the other.
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All Marcel could hope for was leaving his lord and general’s name on good terms with the Greenling family. The man had given him so much. It’s the least Marcel felt he could do, to try and share that vision he had of the Lion of Ashbury.
Then Dante goes and says he’d love to to see the whole tattoo. It had Marcel wishing that he had ink up and down his sides, over his back and across his ass, so he’d have to bare all of that for Dante, too. The thought brought him both thrill and shame. Eyes downcast, he crossed the wooden threshold, hoping none within would somehow hear his thoughts.
Marcel had raised his hand in greeting, but it appeared Britan was already ingratiating herself with the family, and did the honors for him. His demeanor instantly returned to the more shy, more sheepish version of the large knight, easily overshadowed by Britan’s more outgoing personality.
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to intimidate
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serballestrero-blog · 6 years
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Antonio always wanted the bet from every single sexual encounter that he had. That was something that Krasmir would learn quick about him. It didn’t matter if he was the one that was fucking or that he was the one being fucked. If that meant tightening himself around the other as he was being driven into, that’s exactly what he would do. He trusted the other to be experienced enough to handle him and re-balance the scales, if not completely take him over. He didn’t have an issue with being dominated as long as he was with the right person. He couldn’t just trust anyone with something like that.
He could feel the callouses of the other’s hand on his sensitive underside and the sudden shocking gasp fell from his lips. It wasn’t enough to push him over the edge by any means but he was most definitely surprised and impressed by the slight change. It was important to be able to keep up with a guy like Antonio. You never know what he’s going to throw at you next. He did purr a bit when he felt the other nuzzling against him. Physical contact was a major thing for him.
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Feeling Antonio so receptive to his affection only drove Krasmir further into the moment. Caring touch was blending with the need to fuck, to rut up into the other man and leave him breathless, flipping so many of Krasmir’s switches at once. While until that point he’d been mostly controlled, Antonio’s echoing response to his nudges and hums had the knight turning over into something closer to feral. Arms tensed, locking Antonio against him, entirely buried to pulse in Antonio’s tight ass, as he moved to roll them over. The hand around the man’s cock pulled back, gripping his base and pulling to angle hips for deeper entry.
The full weight of Krasmir’s battle-honed body was settled over Antonio’s own form, hips up and shoulders down, as the knight began to increase his pace. He wasn’t quite slapping Antonio’s ass with his hips as he was pushing, pressing and digging as deep into him as he could get, angling for the occasional brush over Antonio’s hidden gland.
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serballestrero-blog · 6 years
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If it were him, war would be obsolete. He knew that wouldn’t ever be a possibility but it was his personal opinion that everything in the land would be far better if they didn’t have to worry about having to fight every time they turned around. He knew that the land he worked wasn’t naturally his but there wasn’t anything that they could do about it now. The land had already been absorbed and the people have already become acclimated. To try and separate everything would just end up to be more trouble than its ultimately worth.
“Well, you have me now and I’m not going to let you talk like that.” He knew that there was a burden when it came to warfare. Everything is permanent when it comes to battle. Magic can only do so much. Even with that, death and bloodshed is unavoidable. He obviously knew that it would weigh heavy on his mind and his heart but this wasn’t the time to get down about it. He would let the man air out his heart when they’re alone in their room, not when they’re about to meet the public for the first time as a couple. “And, believe me, you aren’t a monster. You’re a wonderful man with a heart for the people he protects and fight for. I’m honored to be the one you chose to spend the rest of your days with.”
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Though their match wasn’t initially made with love, little hints or whispers of affection in their actions would reveal the path they were beginning to tread down. Antonio was a gracious man. Learned from his time spent in want, working for what he had, Krasmir could only assume. The older man pushed himself forward wrapping Antonio in his bare, thick arms, resting his chin on Antonio’s shoulder. 
“Just...if you’re not opposed, let me hold you for a while?” The knight asked, kneeling in the carriage to best be on Antonio’s level while seated. “I’ll have the public face on when we leave the carriage. In fact, I bet I’ll feel better already.” His deep, slow breaths would push their clothed chests together, the shape and size of each of their forms providing resistance in the push. “You honor me as well, Antonio. Thank you for letting an old lion bear the weight of his heart.”
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