serastepsforward · 5 years
List of Possibly Useful Media
     A goal of mine is to compile a list of productive, accessible media for the curious-minded.  Perhaps the order will not matter but I’ll try my best to arrange them in a sequence that comfortably welcomes skeptics.  What I’ve found throughout my research is that once you’re able to get the ball rolling inside your own heart/mind in terms of understanding/belief, watching more content begins to reinforce things you seem to already inherently know, as if you’re being reminded of information that has been dormant inside of you for a while.  It’s possible that certain pieces of media will activate more understanding than others and each of us are bound to have our own individual, personal journeys.
     Most of these pieces are intended to be viewed after the curious individual has already shaken out and worked through much of their personal curiosities regarding the ‘spookier’ side of cryptid study, or after they have already clicked on all the scary bedtime story videos they needed to watch to get initial fears and jitters out of their system.  Such a sort of adrenaline-fueled kind of research can be fun for the viewer but remember, the ultimate goal is not to champion fearful or paranoid conspiracy but instead a more calm understanding and Knowing.  It’s difficult to predict which specific videos will resonate with each individual, so what I will try to do is point people in the right directions and they can explore the contents of these resources on their own as they wish.
     Something significant to note is that even though most of these content creators came to their conclusions completely independent of each other, they are for the most part each pursuing similar goals of peaceful contact and developing honest relationships.  Over time many figures in these fields have come to discover each other and begin collaborations.  (Many of the contactees have been encouraged to get in touch with other contactees, scientists with other scientists, etc.)  The more one learns, the more it becomes apparent that meaningful connections can be made through genuine spiritual development.
- Unacknowledged (2017) 1hr. 40min. documentary on Netflix.  Compelling, comprehensive introduction to the Sirius Disclosure Project and Dr. Steven Greer.  Focuses on definite existence of extraterrestrials and our general abundance of proof, introduces viewer to the project’s vast library of witness testimonies which can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmNzkxVwAYg&list=PLnrEt2fIdZ0aBgPuVF0C_T559YR20eDTc
There are also several filmed lectures given by Dr. Greer with additional information.
- Sasquatch Ontario Youtube Channel.  There are several beautiful pieces to the grander puzzle to be found here.  Mike Paterson is a field researcher who has developed a special friendship with some Sasquatch.  While each of his videos contain rewarding discoveries and truths, a possible starting point in his collection might be the video of real-time material interactions he recorded April 13, 2013: https://youtu.be/5e8kci3De6k
A similar channel with peaceful and grateful videos of found tree structures is Southern Ontario Sasquatch: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLhzomlENPfEujU7O2GNb_w/videos
Mike Paterson is also the focus of an episode of Speaking of Sasquatch, another helpful and respectful youtube channel by filmmaker Christopher Munch featuring extensive interviews with various sasquatch contactees and mediums, such as Kathleen Odom.  Munch completed the film Letters From The Big Man in 2011, a gorgeous fictional narrative film about a woman’s interactions with sasquatch.  Many prominent figures in this field were consulted throughout production and the resulting movie is described as the most accurate portrayal thus far in a film about the sasquatch people.  Munch’s channel can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPLJHvU6Dwb73oD-ulFw78A
- Su Walker’s Youtube Channel features introductory materials to her and Rev. White Otter’s communications with the P’nti: https://youtu.be/BDAHY9PwrGM
She receives instructions that help to guide earth humans through their first clumsy steps in telepathic communication.  Check out the Telepathy 101 Primer on their website, https://officialfirstcontact.com/
The couple is also featured in many trusted materials on psychic sasquatch, as Su has been asked to draw friendly portraits of Sasquatch People as well as the P’nti crew.  
- One such piece of media is the wonderful Sasquatch Speaks documentary series, beginning with part 1: https://youtu.be/M6iduWmgKFo
This series features several sasquatch/interspecies communicators, from the older and more experienced to the younger and more novice.  The series is 3 feature-length parts each consisting of in-depth interviews filmed on location at a Psychic Sasquatch Conference in Washington.  Some of the many knowledgable communicators include Kewaunee and Kelly Lapseritis, Garrett Duncan, Sunbow Truebrother, Clifford Mahooty, Gayle Fowler, and Derrell Stokes.  
- Planet Weird’s Hellier five-part documentary series (available in its entirety on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/PlanetWeirdHQ/videos ) seeks to explain and connect various synchronicities experienced by the filmmakers while they look into a curious case involving “goblins.”  Eventually, as with the best paranormal investigation narratives, the team discovers slippery but affirmative evidence that events of “high strangeness” are often connected in poetic and unexplainable ways.  This is a patient watch, as anyone already convinced of interdimensionality and portals will find themselves waiting for the filmmakers to ‘catch on’ to the connections quicker.  The pace can be helpful for skeptics, however, as it is compelling to see a team of researchers each coming to such fascinating conclusions in their own time.  I also enjoyed getting to know these researchers through the footage; later in my research it was fun to see Greg Newkirk and Dana Matthews interview Kathleen Odom on the otherwise-misguided Animal Planet show Finding Bigfoot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZf-Q--pBsU
- By way of easy-watching, more accessible family friendly sasquatch fare I recommend Harry and the Hendersons (1987) and Smallfoot (2018)
Relatively accurate narrative films I’ve seen on the subject of extraterrestrials so far seem to reach a pinnacle with Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) and Contact (1997)
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serastepsforward · 5 years
finished first book of kamooh’s message to humanity
feeling much calmer and patient toward Remembering
more people are starting to notice that more people are starting to notice
been seeing more in the sky, feeling more from trees, winds
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serastepsforward · 5 years
March 9 Update
I feel as if I’ve been told gently to ease into this.  My passion has been noted but I started off hot with excitement.  Friends come to you when you are open and receptive much more than when you are concerned over actively searching.  Subtle presences and feelings are felt and understood.  Yesterday I felt watched by many many birds throughout the entire day and wherever I would travel in town, the day after reading about bird scouting in Psychic Sasquatch.  Today there was a loud, unfamiliar but friendly sound in our neighborhood that got everybody’s attention but no one could place its origin.  I thought it sounded like it could’ve been vocal but others thought it could’ve been mechanical.  I feel like I’m being heard and listened to even when it is not immediately apparent and even when my overthinking pushes the subject too forcefully.  Doing better at wearing my days with ease.  Even tho nothing has changed too drastically in the external view of my life, I feel better about everything.  Life, Love, Light, Friendship, Learning, Breath.  Thank you for continuing to listen, thank you for your endless patience. ♥
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serastepsforward · 5 years
Some Revived Memories
Throughout this journey I’ve been reminded of many instances throughout my life, I’d like to list significant memories as they come.
     When I was a very young child, I often screamed in my sleep.  Mostly desperately repeated apologies, “I’m Sorry I’m Sorry I’m Sorry I’m Sorry!” according to my parents.  I want to ask them about these times and investigate further.  Growing up I figured it was residual trauma from sibling bullying, however these day’s I’m less sure of that.  It feels deeper, like something more dormant leaking out.  Growing up I also would occasionally wake up halfway down my bunkbed ladder or in the bathroom.  I often experienced insomnia and would sometimes enter a dreamlike waking state where I could breathe with time and feel its speed flexing: slowing down or speeding up based on what felt like various ethereal factors.  These often accompanied or were sprinkled in between extremely vivid dreams.  
     A very common dream I had often as a very young child was standing at the top of a beautiful waterfall with a group of people, tourists perhaps.  An elderly woman would slip and fall off the edge.  I would sprint after her, grab her arm and hurl her back to safety but the counterweight of throwing her would cause me to plummet down the falls to what was usually boulders or stalagmites.  This same sequence occurred every time.  A group is visiting a waterfall, an older woman slips off the edge, I run to save her and sacrifice myself in doing so.  Eventually the dream was experienced with such frequency that I would feel deja vu as I fell from the cliff, a casual thought of “here I go dying again.”
     This feels connected in some ways to dreams I’d experience later in life where I would be placed in a doomed situation with a group of people who I would have to console or emotionally prepare for death.  One specific example involved a helicopter falling toward the ground alongside a skyscraper reflecting a sky full of fire.  There was a family with me inside the helicopter who needed soothing as we plummeted.  We were able to breathe together and reach a place of peace just in time for the impact.  Aside from these sorts of altruistic scenarios, I have died in dreams in just about every way imaginable.  Been shot by many different kinds of guns, been stabbed, bled out, strangled, drowned, burned, electrocuted, crushed by vehicles, fallen from great heights, sudden organ failures, even hit in the skull with one of those spiky baseball bats.  When I recall these dreams I don’t feel fear, sometimes I can remember the feelings of pain but more than anything it helps me feel acquainted with death and how fleeting life can be.
Here’s a story:
     Very soon after I moved back to the LA area from Santa Cruz, I went for a walk down the main boulevard in my town.  I walked to the record store, bought some records, and made my way back to my neighborhood.  I wanted to feel like I could live here with the same joy I felt living in a town like Santa Cruz and smile at people and take in the environment.  A couple blocks away from my home street, I was stopped by an elderly woman standing outside a minivan full of young girls, ages probably around 7-13.  They all pleaded with me to help them.  They said they were running from an abusive man they lived with and needed money for food.  I said I didn’t have any cash on me but that my bank had an ATM across the street.  They offered me a ride.  Without feeling any danger or much hesitation, I entered their van and we drove across the street to the ATM.  
     I proceeded to give the old woman my money.  I figured what the hell was I going to do with this money while they were fleeing for their lives?  The more money I agreed to give her to pay for a list of supplies, the more she began to break down crying.  I finally said I had to stop at $140.  I explained to her I didn’t have a job and I don’t make any income, that this was more than I’d ever given anybody.  She had a lot of kids with her and I wanted to make sure they would have food.  The emotions of the girls seemed to be all over the place.  Some of the older ones maybe knew what was going on but the little ones appeared like they were kept in the dark about the reality of the situation and happily bounced around the van.  The woman was sobbing by the end.  At the time I was unsure if it was because she was thankful or felt guilty.  I felt in my heart she was telling the truth but I know I’ve been conned before precisely because of my good intentions.  She promised to pay me back even though I knew she wouldn’t.  I expressed my anger over the stories she told me about the abusive man and offered to come “beat him up” for the kids.  She just laughed with tears in her eyes and shook her head.  They sped away and I was left feeling a disturbing mixture of hope and doubt.
     Unable to keep the story to myself, I shared with my mom what had happened and she screamed at me for quite some time.  She felt as though she had failed me as a mother, that she had taught me better than to be so trusting of complete strangers.  She couldn’t believe I got into their van.  She told me they probably drove the money right back to the abusive man, it was probably his plan all along.  I cried for a very long time that night and felt extremely conflicted.  How could I be so wrong at reading people?  How could I let myself be so naively suckered?  What kind of town have I moved back to?  Is what I did good or bad?  What is even good and bad?
     That night, I experienced the strongest ‘sleep paralysis’ of my life.  I felt an overwhelming presence beside my bed and above my face when my eyes were shut.  I saw a figure looming over me, a large hunched shadow shaped almost like the character No Face from Spirited Away.  It revealed a face of frantic, swarming lights, like multicolored TV static, and bellowed a great shriek at me.  The sound (to me) was gorgeous, a cacophony of harsh feedback, screeches and groans.  The figure’s physical presence had frightened me but its scream felt oddly comforting, like it was reassuring me to follow my heart.  In the morning I took it to be a kind of manifestation of the day’s conflicts but looking back it feels like it was someone trying their hardest to get me to Remember the Light, to pay attention to what actually matters, to not let myself be dragged down by guilt and doubt.  I do remember distinctly at the time that it felt like it was bestowing a very old truth upon me.  I got the specific sense that it was sharing with me some ancient knowledge, a wisdom from very far back. Never before had I experienced ‘sleep paralysis’ that was so vivid.  Years later, this figure would be mentioned in song lyrics of mine.
One more story...
     I used to go backpacking every summer with my late childhood friend’s family in the Sierra Nevada mountain range.  His father was constantly prepared for anything so we were always very careful about storing our food in bear-proof containers.  I remember his mom had given each of us a small fun-size Snickers bar to eat on the hike up that morning.  We generally tried to avoid candy because the wrappers created unnecessary waste, but we let this slide as it was just for the first day.  I forgot I hadn’t eaten my Snickers during the hike so it was left inside a ziploc bag resting in an outer side pocket on my pack overnight.
     In the morning everything was normal, nothing was out of place or seemed disturbed.  It wasn’t until maybe after breakfast that I noticed my pack.  It was exactly where I’d left it, but the outer side pocket had been somehow cut into with some subtle fraying on the incision and the Snickers was gone.  No zipper movement, just a slice through the pack’s fabric right where the Snickers was kept.  Our conclusion was some polite bear came through, smelled the candy, used a single claw as a surgical tool and carefully took it out.  I told that story that way for many years.  These days have left me wondering a lot about that incident.  I sincerely hope whoever ate it enjoyed it!
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serastepsforward · 5 years
First Practice
I get a sense that my current telepathic abilities are much like someone yelling into a phone receiver, trying to repeat phrases and grow in volume while the listener on the other end could hear me just fine the first time.  Need to ease into my feelings. UPDATE: not long after typing this I received an email from Su Walker telling me a shirt I ordered was in the mail.  She ended the message saying “Wear your shirt with ease. :-)”
In the early morning hours of March 2nd, I was reading Inviting ET in bed and my post-cannabis thoughts were taking me out of focus.  For years I’ve smoked nightly as a habit before bed, recently I’ve been noticeably weaning myself off the more I study these teachings. My alcohol intake has slowed down too.  (Now to work on all the electronics...)
My distracted thoughts were leading me down an all-too-familiar path of decreasing light, approaching a sudden spiral of dysphoria and shame and confusion.  Soon doubts crept in over my ‘validity as a woman’ and insecurity took control, afraid that ETs or Sasquatch wouldn’t have a reference for something like an Earth Human’s trans identity.  Just as I began slipping off into this spiral, a clear and pronounced voice I understood to be female spoke in my mind: “I/We Understand.”  Even though those first words were telepathically blended, the phrase was completely comprehensible, spoken in a voice distinct from my inner monologue.  The voice resonated inside my head but felt as if it was coming from someplace to the left of me; I was reading in bed laying on my stomach propped up on my elbows.  I smiled and felt immediate joy, it was not long after that I fell asleep with contentment in my heart.
A couple nights later I read the generously gifted P’nti Telepathy Primer before bed.  As I was laying on my back in bed I felt a ping on my right temple, from the same direction as the voice from before.  This direction seemed to be out my window and up, from the top of a group of very tall trees in our neighborhood.  I realized I had been subconsciously looking toward these treetops during previous days when I’d be outside getting the mail or the newspaper, maybe returning home from a drive.  These glances began occurring around the time I began more honestly looking into teachings of Sasquatch/ETs.
The next morning I was texted by an old friend who moved to Oregon many years ago who told me I had been in her dream the previous night.  I’m going to call her in a couple of hours to talk about it.  UPDATE: We spoke on the phone for about 40 minutes catching up and talking about how important and real it is to communicate through our heart space.  She was right there with me the whole time about it all, how we could lift the world’s ailments once if grow enough of the light through love and service and compassion.  She was unfamiliar with specific stories of the Sasquatch People when I brought them up but she was not phased all by the mention of them.  She works as a counselor and life coach and said “I live in Oregon!  Don’t worry, I’ve heard a lot of crazy things!” but she firmly believed whenever someone spoke of an out-of-the-ordinary visual manifestation, their experience was intended as a lesson in love.  She told me what I was telling her sounded like the Sasquatch People were nothing to fear, just people who were far more in touch with the gifts of the Earth.  I did not mention ETs, but she did mention a unicorn.  My role in her dream was loving, friendly, supportive.  Happy to see her and reconnect!
Across these initial days I feel great love and comfort and occasionally receive small awakenings of insight.  I decided March 4th to go out into my backyard and meditate/practice telepathy.  I hadn’t deliberately meditated in almost a year!  As I sunk in, I was hit with waves of emotion.  I began to weep apologetically, sorry for my (and my people’s) lack of discipline.  I couldn’t help but sob and apologize for how misguided we’ve become and how far we’ve strayed.  The apology then turned into gratitude.  I felt so thankful for everything that our unseen friends have chosen to share with us and I felt thankful for reconnecting with this path toward light.  The tears kept flowing but the emotion had shifted.  My eyes were closed during these initial waves.  I opened them and gazed up into the early evening sky.
As advised, I tried out a few strong “Hello the Clouds!” toward the sky above the Tall Trees and very quickly I begin seeing small twinkling lights scattered around my peripheral vision.  This being my first real attempt, I smiled but was admittedly a little skeptical.  Could those have simply been the spots one sees when they are lightheaded or stand up too quickly?  I thought, I am not lightheaded.  I am not standing up.  Yet I see these twinkles in my periphery when I think about/address them.  I see one blink in and out above a treetop.  I try out a “Blink Blink!” and immediately another light blinks in & out over a treetop right next to the first one!  These were not planes.  These were not stars obscured by clouds.  These were small but purposeful lights, completely visible and present in my periphery, generally vanishing once focused on but these treetop blinkers would linger for just a few affirming moments even after I would focus on them.  I let out a laugh and a big smile.  “Wow.”  Above the Tall Trees I can see/sense shimmers in the shapes of ovals or discs.  I stare lovingly into these shapes, trying to thank them to the best of my abilities.  I feel an immense love from the shimmers.
(Throughout these instances I do my best to keep an open heart and my mind right, to not doubt any interaction or exchange as it could be hurtful to those listening.  I remember reading in the Primer that if you feel doubts or thoughts analyzing your situation, you need to keep those out of your conversation.)
These next details I felt more unsure of:  after I saw the second blink, I quickly heard a great whooping come from beneath the Tall Trees.  It sounded to my mind like a woman whooping in her backyard, possibly screaming at something?  It was difficult to determine the emotional context of her voice.  My first thoughts were “Oh No I just called a UFO into the airspace above this woman’s yard or something” but I’m not sure her whoopings were in response to that.  It did sound initially like someone seeing something that scared them or someone who had just been covered in a scalding hot liquid, a kind of sudden, surprised “WHOOOOOOOO WHOOOOOO WHOOOOOO!”  I then heard what sounded like words and phrases after that but I could not make them out.  I still wonder if it was connected to my friends or if it was somebody just screaming in their own backyard.  After the whooping subsided I could hear a series of long, high pitch whining tones coming from my left (out over the valley to the North) which I could not mentally place.  One can hear so many different sounds from various yards and the echo of the freeway from our deck so I wasn’t feeling as strongly about these sounds at the time as I felt toward the visuals.  I think I tend to doubt subtle audio/visual cues because I’ve been conditioned to believe they are imagined and I just have a “very strong imagination.”  Despite this conditioning throughout my life I’ve noticed such cues on a near-daily basis.  Perhaps I allowed residual fear to distort these calls into more “rationalized explanations.”  Funny how our own reasoning can be the true distortion.
Throughout the session there were little dropped-object sounds and rustlings going on around me.  At certain points I could almost hear a faint breathing.  When I finally make the intention of wrapping up, I’m still smiling with tears on my face.  A butterfly visits me and goes up into the tree I am sitting under.  Another winged friend comes close to my face as I am saying good bye and thank you to everyone who was listening before gently moving along.  I walk to my back door to find it has been locked, my folks thought I had gone out with a friend for coffee.  When let back inside, I was told that the dogs had barked like crazy at “nothing out front” (toward the Tall Trees) while I was gone.  My mom figured since the dogs were barking so much, I must’ve had visiting friends who picked me up.  I didn’t feel as though too much time had passed but my parents made it sound like I had been gone for a bit and a clock revealed it to be anywhere between 40 minutes to a little under an hour.  Next time I’ll make a better note of the times!  I asked my mom if at any point she had heard a woman shouting from across the street, she said she had not.
Over dinner my family had decided to watch Rachel Maddow and I felt comfortably dazed.  My usual rises of political anger were kept at bay and I just sat and enjoyed my food.  It didn’t hurt that the news was mostly good and it felt like some justice was finally being delivered; Governor Inslee of Washington was also interviewed and gave off a wonderful energy regarding his care for the Earth.  There are six lightbulbs in that room spaced across the ceiling, eventually the lightbulb above my seat began to flicker slowly.  This will often happen for a few seconds before righting itself, so nobody paid much attention.  The flickering went on for a good 15-20 seconds and we each addressed it so I got up and walked over to the fader to reset the light.  The flickering ceased as soon as i lifted my hand toward the fader.  Moments like this are fun to chuckle at and laugh off with friends and family but this night I couldn’t help but feel like it was a communication.  Later in the night several other friends contacted me through text, unprompted and unrelated.  I wondered if they had been subconsciously pinged?  I still have So Much to Learn.
Yesterday March 5th I decided to “take a break” from any sort of sit-down session (after only trying it once!) to recharge myself.  My nightly activations were definitely being felt and I wanted to take care and pace myself.  I had received a realization later in the night of my first session that there are still so many out there in need of help preparing for first contact and that, while time was ticking, this was in no way a threatening deadline or “doomsday clock.”  There was merely a sense of great urgency regarding the practice of telepathy and the need to share it with as many as are open to it.  I keep thinking of that scene in The Matrix when Neo first wakes up and is rapidly overwhelmed to the point of vomiting and losing consciousness.  I feel in my heart that such a reaction is to be expected and is probably quite common.  Seeing as we can’t all be vomiting when the time comes for an in-person meeting to arise, I decided to do my best to start sharing my knowledge with anyone who will listen.  We can be a strong, perhaps even wise people when we bring new knowledge into our heart space.  We’ll definitely need to shift away from our heads if we want to keep people from losing their lunch!
love and light ♥
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serastepsforward · 5 years
On Earth Media
     My fields of study in higher education were largely under the umbrella of Film & Digital Media with a focus on criticism, context, and media literacy, though I did enjoy a light introduction to some production techniques.  I also went through a minor in Electronic Music Production where I honed some audio engineering skills and knowledge.  After graduating and moving back home to a city widely considered to be a major media hub of the planet, I found myself finding difficulty landing steady work in the more analytical side of media.  Currently I support myself modestly through occasional freelance sound design/audio mixing jobs.
     On my journey so far, I have taken note of the wide spectrum of media available for public consumption on the subject of cryptids, UFOs, and psychic ability.  Nowadays, through the wonders of the internet, the average citizen of Earth has access to a plethora of research, hypotheses, and even hard evidence.  Due to this ocean of availability, however, it can sometimes be difficult to parse fact from fiction or earnest research from cynical entertainment.  I enthusiastically accept this challenge!  I absolutely love to consume the gamut of Earth Media for the purpose of gaining insights and truths.  My excitement sometimes can get the best of me though, as I’ve shared some pretty ‘out there’ videos with some friends that almost cost me their trust!
     One of my first “hints” I would tell friends after I first delved into the Disclosure Project was to Pay Attention To How Beings Are Depicted.  Does the piece of media you’re watching purport itself to be a documentary?  Was it broadcast on television with commercial breaks, structured with incentives to keep the viewer watching?  Are the dramatic reenactments similar in tone to a horror movie?  How does the music make the viewer feel?  Does the program want you to feel dread over comfort?  Fear over Love?
     During my reentrance to the paranormal in October 2018, I found myself drawn to the exploitative fodder of Zak Bagans’ Ghost Hunters.  Here was a group of investigators who believed in what they were researching, had repeated experiences both individually and shared, and displayed a kind of understanding regarding the energies with which they would interact, but for some reason I guess in adherence to the formula of their process they go about their contact research with downright aggressive, often hostile intentions.
     At first I treated each episode like a kind of comedy, laughing at these silly men who shouted vague threats into the spirit world.  The more I watched, however, the more it became apparent they were simply going about everything in the worst ways.  They were able to retrieve substantial bits of evidence but their means of communication were often far too fearful, angry, or unfocused.
     Bagans and his team serve as a useful avatar for all those who would rather not “let the cat out of the bag” so to speak.  Showmen who aim for capitalistic gains through self promotion, branding, and secretly ineffective methods are perfect for keeping the public curious enough to keep watching but skeptical enough to not “buy” every aspect of a show, or an entire phenomenon for that matter.  (I do not claim there to be anyone behind this as some sort of conspiracy, these are merely observations I’ve made about things we do as Earth Humans.)
     I noticed a very similar framework comprising the show Finding Bigfoot on Animal Planet.  My introduction to this show was after I had already been initiated through several lecture videos on the psychic and gentle nature of Sasquatch People, so I once again attempted to make my way through a few episodes interpreting it all as Comedy.  “Silly Humans,” I would tell myself.  However, knowing what I had been told, aspects of this program began to make me physically queasy.  Eventually I found I would be hit with waves of nausea whenever I’d try to watch media that depicts Sasquatch People, Star Nations, or other friendly cryptids in any sort of threatening or scary way.  I did appreciate the peaceful nature of the researchers on Finding Bigfoot, they seem to be curious with good hearts.
     There does exist a surprisingly productive clip from the show available on Youtube.  The regular research team is joined by paranormal investigators Greg Newkirk and Dana Matthews (a pair I first saw in their docuseries Hellier last month) who introduce everyone to the wonderful Kathleen Odom, a psychic who regularly acts as a medium between us ‘hairless humans’ and the Sasquatch People.  I’ve seen several videos of Kathleen reading the transcripts of her interviews with various Sasquatch Friends, each time I am deeply moved.  This scene, albeit short and ‘weird’ enough to be perhaps forgotten by more skeptical viewers, contained some of the most vital research I had seen from the show thus far.
     Unfortunately, several Earth Humans who study Sasquatch People try to split researchers into separate camps.  There are many attending events or conferences who in their hearts “believe in Sasquatch,” but will heckle or walk out on a speaker who brings up the psychic connection to other paranormal phenomena.  I believe this division to be unproductive and unnecessary!  There is also the perpetuated mentality of hunters and more violently-minded scientists who have convinced themselves the only method of gathering proof is to somehow possess a dead body.  Even just typing those words out now has filled me with a deep sadness.  I pray someday soon we are able to reach such fearful minds and coax them toward love.
     It is largely the fault of lifelong conditioning through our all-too-digestible media that we still fear our unseen friends.  We’ve become fluent in the language of Horror Tropes: shadowy figures, disembodied whispers, glowing eyes, and snapping branches automatically read to most of us as DANGEROUS because of the movies, television, songs, and stories we’ve lovingly consumed all our lives.  In almost all of such cases however, I have been reassured that these are merely indicators of a curious presence in our midst.
     Many Earth Humans are also culturally encouraged to ‘protect our own’ through toxic expectations of distorted social roles such as masculinity or parenthood (often rooted in sexism and racism), to ‘stand our ground’ & ‘defend our land’ even when the ground or land was never ‘ours’ to begin with!  For many, particularly those who cling to the established institutions and beliefs of our standing civilizations, it will take a fundamental uprooting of their own core values before they can begin taking more productive steps forward.  To those unused to tapping into their own sensitivity or vulnerability, it can feel as if their understanding of spectral extremes are suddenly swapping.  It may very well feel like Right becoming Left or Man becoming Woman (and vice versa) as binary beliefs are stripped away in service of a gentler and more fluid understanding.
     The other day sitting in traffic I thought, monsters are just friends we haven’t met yet.  If we are able to keep our emotions in check during an experience of high strangeness or even direct contact, I am assured the results will be exponentially more rewarding.  When I say “keep our emotions in check” I don’t mean to suppress our emotions, I mean to put Love First above fear.  Intention is everything, as it is reflected back; fear will be felt by all parties if it is allowed to grow.  This is precisely what I wish to work on for myself in the coming months and years.  Focusing, calming, approaching each experience with genuine Love from my heart space.  Every day I can feel this love replacing more and more old fears.  Even though I am still very much a novice, this mindfulness has already begun to improve some of my personal and professional relationships.  It’s all so very exciting!
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serastepsforward · 5 years
February/March 2019
NOTE: I have a habit of writing in several tenses at once.  While my conscious mind does its best to reign this in, these subjects may occasionally call for a looser perspective so I’ve decided to let it happen organically ;)
     I’ve always had a very close connection to certain numbers and number patterns, specifically strong is my relationship with “18″ or “118,″ so for much of my life I’ve consciously looked forward to living through the year 2018.  It was a great year, looking back now, as I finished a momentous personal artistic project and finally took steps toward improving my mental health and gender dysphoria by speaking with professionals about getting prescriptions I didn’t realize I’ve needed for many years.
     In the fall of 2018, for whatever reason, I felt an impulse to double down in October on fun spooky subjects.  I have a great deal of free time, my work is usually freelance.  October is my birth month and a popular month with many of my friends as it tends to celebrate the strange, and as I’ve grown into a young adult I’ve wanted to keep in touch with the ‘fun side of life.’  So this October I indulged in several youtube videos about cryptids.  Several videos turned to dozens of videos and soon I found myself reliving a chapter of my life I hadn’t thought about in years; when I was in middle school I had a huge paranormal-investigative phase where I’d spend hours online on cryptid sites and forums, stoking the fires of what I assumed was a kind of beautiful expression of the human imagination.  I remember thinking I didn’t care whether or not some of the creatures were “real,” I knew many were absolutely real to enough people who took the subject seriously and that was enough for me.  I’ve always been incredibly sensitive to emotions and “vibes,” later I learned I could be described as an empath.  Something about the way certain people talk about their experiences seemed to tell me they were not lying and had no reason to.  Then puberty took over my soul for many years and I lost my focus to socializing over habitual sex and drug use.
     In the summer of 2011 my closest childhood friend took his own life.  We always had a very special bond and connection throughout our development and would sometimes even attempt telepathy with each other.  The examples I remember, I would try too hard and it wouldn’t work, however we would have moments when neither of us were trying and a connection could be felt.  In our late teens we had drifted apart from each other and I prioritized trivial things over our friendship.  I still hold onto guilty moments of “what-if” and “I should have.”  His remains a loss of eternal ripples for me.  Only recently has the guilt seemed to gradually subside as I’ve made conscious decisions to move forward and continue living life.  Over time I began to see some of the possible lessons he was teaching me through his decision.  We’ve had many conversations and emotional reunions in dreams.  It took me many years to feel fully comfortable with the idea of carrying on; I entertained thoughts of suicide almost every day following his passing for a very long time, frankly far too long.  In 2017 I was taught traditions of transcendental meditation (which I have since admittedly fallen behind on in daily practice), and 2018 was a year in which I felt energies finally begin to shift.  (What’s that about 7 years to fully replace your cells?)
     So, we’re back to October 2018.  I’m devouring youtube clips of ghosts and UFOs and bipedal creatures with a renewed interest, for no real “reason” other than it simply felt right and it was justified by the time of year.  Certain horror movies and shows stimulated connections between spiritual subjects and metaphysics, significant connections toward which I’ve gently been nudged in various ways over my life.  I watched Unacknowledged on Netflix where I was introduced to the Disclosure Project and Dr. Steven Greer.  The argument was compelling and intriguing and I had to see more.  I began making my way through the Disclosure Project’s witness testimony videos, first choosing the stories that interested me before watching as many as felt relevant.  I began sharing my ‘secret passion’ with select friends who already know me to be a little looser than others when it comes to having a grip on what is established as reality.  Many of them were bemused, if a little bit concerned for my well-being and mental health, but for the most part they listened with curiosity and respect.  Some very close friends were not as receptive as others but I’ve come to learn that is to be expected.  Throughout my life I’ve been a chronic over-sharer and I have a tendency to become overly excited about any sort of new revelation in my life.  This 2018 paranormal revival was one of the first times I deliberately strategized in my mind about who I could talk to about the subject, the only other instance of this that comes to my mind is talking about my gender identity.  I developed a way of bringing it up that feels light and jocular, allowing skeptics to smile and brush my words off as Me just being Me.  I’ve always found great reward and fulfillment in fluid ambiguity; binary modes of perception can be unsatisfactory and inaccurate.  Unfortunately I would come to learn that certain specific friends found my perspective to be extremely troubling and “not good enough” for “scientific argument.”  Luckily this was not the majority, however please be careful of coming off as condescending if you choose words that tend to express more  poetic/ambiguous concepts.  If a friend does not understand you or feels that you’re being deliberately vague, they may feel like you are trying to push them away.
     A few months pass and in late January my mind is brought back to the paranormal.  I don’t remember specifically why, perhaps it was due to a series of dreams or a friend recommending that I resume making my way through The X-Files.  I feel a great pull toward this chase.  I feel daily compulsions to research these topics in earnest and I start seeing more and more connections between various paranormal topics and cryptid experiences.  Eventually the connections become undeniable, I felt there was simply no way this many unconnected people would conspire to draw connections between topics like UFOs and the Sasquatch People without feeling in their hearts that it was true.  I discovered this synchronistic bridge to be the most difficult for skeptics to swallow in terms of belief/comprehension.  Even some close friends who once experienced a legitimate CE1 together (standing next to a totally un-phased pizza delivery guy, no less) expressed doubts when beings like Sasquatch People were brought up.  This is all, to me, very understandable and forgivable.  This research and spiritual work requires a great deal of patience.  Even though our beliefs diverge at certain paths, there is still mutual respect and love.
     Throughout February I dive deeper and deeper until I feel as though I’ve broken through the initial phase of fear and paranoia regarding coverups and conspiracies.  Eventually my focus shifts from the aggressive mental atmosphere of Governments and their Falsehoods to the gentle mental atmosphere of People and their Truths.  Through certain videos, I begin to feel tremendous love and warmth.  Watching and listening to honest, loving accounts of Earth Human connections with Sasquatch People and Star Nations, I become suddenly emotional and will weep for several minutes, sometimes having to pause the video just to smile at the Universe until I can compose myself.  I am profoundly struck by the words of Kewaunee & Kelly Lapseritis, Garret Duncan, and Su Walker & Rev. White Otter, along with the videos of research from Ontario uploaded by Mike Paterson and friend LeeAnn.  I have been touched by the dictated writings of the P’onti who have been so generous with their outreach.  I eagerly await further development! ♥
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serastepsforward · 5 years
My name is Sera and I have experienced various things throughout my life which I am now taking the time to explore and understand.  My goal is to develop my connection with the unseen world and exchange information through positive relationships!  I’ve been working on my intention and emotional honesty, as well as my discipline with meditation.  I have a long way to go but I feel a great excitement about the coming love and light!
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