seoneeds · 2 years
What is Keywords Research? Types of Keywords in SEO
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Keyword Research is the process of finding the most relevant keyword related to your business or website, which you can use while doing SEO and making Google Ads for your website.
Keywords are most important for SEO as they help the website rank on Google. When you use the accurate keyword as per the requirement of your website, the search engine gives you more priority. Whenever a customer searches for a product related to your business and you have used the relevant keywords as per the customer’s search, the search engine ranks your website, and it starts to come on the top.
There are different types of keywords:
Short-tail keywords: These are phrases consisting of less than three words. Such keywords are difficult to rank high for, as they have the highest search volume. These words don’t have clear search intent (if I search for ‘hairdresser,’ how can you know whether I want to find a beauty salon, find a job, or discover other information on the subject?).
Long-tail keywords contain 3 words and more. The long-tail keywords are more effective than other keywords. The longer the keyword is, the more accurate the result the searcher gets. For example, if you search for ‘buy a gift for a girlfriend,’ it’s clear what you want to get.
Geo-targeting keyword: You use geo-targeting keywords if you use the words specifying your neighborhood, city, state, or even country. Don’t forget to add these words to your website if your business has some specific location. Such keywords help you rank better for local searches.
LSI keywords: These are neither your keywords nor their synonyms. LSI phrases are all the words related to your subject. If your subject is ‘car,’ then your LSI keywords are the words’ engine,’ ‘wheel,’ ‘road,’ ‘Nissan,’ etc. Add these words to your content to avoid keyword stuffing and help search engines better understand which queries are the most relevant for you.
There are various keyword research tools available in the online market. The list of keyword searching tools is as follows:
Google keyword planner
Moz’s keyword explorer
Keyword tool
Keyword research is not a one-time task but needs to be done repeatedly. Keyword Research is a job worth doing whenever you’re looking to create new website content. Doing proper research for keywords will have good website content that will serve the needs of your audience, which will also improve rankings and visibility in the SERP of Google.
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