selkiefilia · 3 months
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transporter malfunction
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selkiefilia · 3 months
got told at lunch "you feel like Tumblr Incarnate" and i had to tell them i've been here for 13 years and counting. i was here three years before dashcon happened. i saw the mishapocalypse. i survived the gigapause. i've been here longer than the shoelaces post. i've been here since it was hipsters versus fandom and i played both sides extensively by overdoing the sepia filters on everything and making my own flashing galaxy gif edits for my fandom posts. i'm every tumblr. it's all in me
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selkiefilia · 6 months
And in these next 50 years you will eat so many delicious meals, laugh so many times with so many people you love, shout and scream and sing and cry and smile so hard your face hurts. And you will see such beautiful sunsets and feel fresh cold air on your face and feel warm and safe wrapped up in your favourite winter coat.
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selkiefilia · 7 months
“your rent should be a third of your income” well wouldn’t that be nice. wouldn’t it. lower the rent pussy
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selkiefilia · 7 months
I wish age gap discourse hadn't spiraled the way it has because I want there to be a safe space to say "Men in their 40s who date 25 year olds aren't predators, they're just fucking losers"
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selkiefilia · 7 months
me normally: i love!! acquiring objects!!
me packing: who the FUCK acquired this many OBJECTS
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selkiefilia · 7 months
its really cool that we discovered glass which is the material that doesnt have any chemical reactions with anything in the universe very useful for doing chemistry due to being able to put things in it to contain chemical reactions and never having it react with the things that are in it due to it being completely and entirely unreactive to every chemical
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selkiefilia · 8 months
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“What do you want? It’s a question no one has asked you before - and one that you were never in a position to decide. But you are finally in a position to decide exactly what is going to happen to your life. So what do you want?”
A set of commissions I got from @spindlewit for my birthday, completed over the course of the summer! These are of my interpretation of Need, my absolute favorite of Mercedes Lackey’s characters, and spindlewit rendered her and Nyara so beautifully! I love to look at all of these.
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selkiefilia · 8 months
i just can't get used to something that's not azeroth. i played gw2 as a teen so tyria is sort of a second home for me, which is something i was able to recognize back then as well. but i keep making comparisons between tyrian lore and azerothian/warcraftian...
it's like, tyria is such a well built world, it has way more geographical cohesion than azeroth; in tyria you have full blown multi map zones where like maps in mountainous regions are all snowy but with their own characteristics, then you have a desert and ascalon which is the transition between temperate and desert and it's all so well put together and the world feels so real and i'm so there for that, but today i was exploring the kessex hills for the 4th chapter of living world s1 and i kept thinking of arathi highlands, and man there's stromgarde there, and the undead took over, and all the history with the orc imprisonment camps and thrall and that feels... way more epic, even though azeroth doesn't make sense as a real place like tyria does.
i feel like gw2 started off weak; the main character story feels like it progresses too quick and you're a random nobody from world savior in an unbelievably short span of time, and plus i don't even like world savior stuff anyway, like they're doing in warcraft now, but gw2 seems to have gone the opposite way: our characters are no longer world saviors now but rather one of the saviors along with a bunch of interesting characters, which is acceptable because that's what we are in real life, we're just doing our part. sometimes to save the world, i mean you could be a firefighter or something. but i mean, there's a certain vibe from original blizzard, even though they were not the best guys in the world (ahem i am mentioning what you think i am), that got lost somewhere, and it pains me that azeroth is not a home that i can return to, save for private servers, destined to stay forever in my mind as just a memory (or classic era, i heard cata is coming out soon which was when i started playing, and i'd definitely pay for that, but they have tokens in classic now too don't they? it's just not the same, but it's the closest in any case, which they know).
it's like, with warcraft they just came up with a bunch of silly names and made up some cool dudes and gals who did amazing things, and it was indeed amazing the world that they created, while gw2 feels more down to earth, but there's this pull from warcraft that's just... i mean, it's warcraft.
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selkiefilia · 8 months
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This is about where I am this week, on the Inspirational Quote front.
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selkiefilia · 8 months
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selkiefilia · 8 months
hobbits have a vast bureaucracy dedicated solely to keeping track of their shire’s genders. they have entire libraries devoted solely to sorting, divaricating, and categorizing them. the gender spectrum to them is really more like an 11th-dimensional venn diagram. hobbit scientists have identified over 35 “fundamental particles” of gender, yet theorize of many more. orcs have one gender they call it “Crash”
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selkiefilia · 8 months
Demons and monsters that torture people because they feed on human suffering are so dumb. People are suffering everywhere my guy go literally any place and take a deep whiff.
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selkiefilia · 8 months
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selkiefilia · 8 months
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Merlin and Arthur have a chat
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selkiefilia · 8 months
Reblog if you have made a friend online that you would love to hang with, but they live far away.
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selkiefilia · 8 months
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