seize-the-drea · 1 year
así te quiero recordar, lleno de vida y historias que nos contabas seguido
asi te quiero recordar, con cuentos de cruzando puentes y enfrentando animales en el perdido
asi te quiero recordar, con una imaginación que nunca hacia falta
asi te quiero recordar, los días que tuviste tu fe en alta
así te quiero recordar, hombre corajudo y obstinado
así te quiero recordar, cantando canciones con caguama en mano
asi te quiero recordar, descansando después de un largo día y sentado bajo la sombra del arbol
así te quiero recordar, con patios llenos de flores de color como las camelias creciendo hacia el sol
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descansa en paz abuelito. el cielo ha recibido un angel nuevo. tomate un caguama por nosotros.
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seize-the-drea · 1 year
i reap what i sow
the story of self-growth can grow weary and old
but i remind myself no matter the weather: rain or storm
my state of being can still nurture life in new forms
I will never fully get to my perfect end destination
but it’s about the journey
about how i choose to exist in my evolving location
learning to let go of control and just live authentically and fully
learning to ride the ebbs and flows, wherever they pull me
i look back and smile at the wide-eyed 5 year old running free
i look back and wave at the curious 13 year old finding her beliefs
i look back and hug the hurt 23 year old i once used to be
now i stand grounded as the 28 year old with a pocket full of dreams she’s achieved
what’s left to be written is the untold story of 29, 30, 80 year old me
but somehow i know she will be okay; she’s learned to just breathe
breathe in the moment, breathe out negative emotions
im finally in control of the changing waves of this ocean
i have a foundation of love and nutrients needed to survive
now it’s just a matter of tending to my garden and waiting for it to thrive
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seize-the-drea · 2 years
in the face of fading hope
emotions come in waves
like the ocean tides high and low
they remind us of our humanity
tugging at the heart strings of our soul
when death and darkness plague the days
its easy to grow numb and mute; can’t talk
in those moments allow yourself to sit and grieve
but don’t let black holes consume your thoughts
let the pain in, sit with it, but don’t let it dwell
when the world grows cold, protect your light well
don’t let this world turn you numb; that’s what most expect and want
while we continue to live in a historical timeline of trauma with a past that haunts
grocery stores and churches and mosques and schools; places we once considered safe homes
blood and bullets fueled by hate and violence; a sickness we refuse to treat with humanity in policies shown
we should be able to come back from a day of work and school and kiss the ones we love
we shouldn’t have to worry that this could be our last “i love you”, last goodbye, or last hug
our kids deserve to be kids; laugh, play, and run free
instead they are taught at an early age to stay vigilant to evil that lurks in the shadows of trees
our communities deserve to be spaces of warmth and safety; self-sustaining from seeds planted
yet weeds continue to invade, harming the richness and roots we cemented
teachers deserve to teach the truth, teach empathy, and teach the leaders that follow
but how can we teach when we are only fed statements that are blank and hollow
all we continue to see are broken families, empty promises, and days of sorrow
there is hope in change and change in action; together we can push for a better tomorrow
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seize-the-drea · 2 years
a love note to poetry (in honor of poetry month)
how can i speak when too much ink bleeds from my heart and pen
im reserved and quiet but my words crash on the paper surface like deafening waves that bend
i write to unwind the pent up piles of scribbled emotions and thoughts
the words paint a clearer picture, creating meaning from what was once a fogged mind block
poetry is my solace and refuge when i fall to the imprisonment of loneliness + grief
it soothes the hurt that lurks in the dark and sews the unsaid words waiting to be released
it grounds me back to earth where my feet can sink and feel the root of my troubles between toes
this is where my hands dig deep and pull the weeds that suffocate and impede the light from being shown
behind the chaos there is beauty, you just have to look through the cracks
the stories, the healing, the growth; it’s all there tied in a bow of poetic craft
it’s been there all along, just had to overcome the fears holding the words hostage
the magic is still there, i never lost it
my words are my weapon of choice; they fight for love but never start wars
thank you poetry for saving me when i was drowning in my sorrows encased in glass jars
happy poetry month ✨
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seize-the-drea · 2 years
beauty in the chaos
there is beauty in the chaos
luminescence from broken glass
flames rising from ashes of ember
stories carried on from the past
there is beauty in the chaos
moonlight shining in darkness of night
blooming buds in the winter
swarms of birds taking flight
there is beauty in the chaos
you can find light in the cracks
the sun sets but rises again
keep going, you’re on the right track
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seize-the-drea · 2 years
to the women in my life
to the women who in the face of adversity stand strong
to the women who build and stand on tables where they belong
to the women shattering expectations and glass ceilings
to the women pouring vulnerability out from cups of feelings
to the women climbing mountains and blazing their own trails
to the women taking back the microphone and reclaiming their stories and tales
to the women lifting other women up on their shoulders
to the women representing us on diverse stages, screens, and posters
to the women who are leading and moving in silence
to the women recovering and choosing to get up amidst the violence
to the women feeding their families and neighbors
to the woman wearing a cape, who doesn’t need a man to save her
to the women who nurture, guide, listen, and try
to the women who love, lead, cherish, and cry
thank you
thank you to the women who persevere, sacrifice, and radiate light
thank you to the women who conquer, relinquish, and put up a fight
thank you for taking up space in a world that at times tries to dim your existence as a human
history was made because of herstory; there is no progress without the footprints of a woman
happy womens history month to the women in my life who see me and support me and continue to give love ✨
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seize-the-drea · 2 years
i know what it’s like to be alone
i know what it’s like to be alone
to be content in my own company and skin; inside i’ve built my home
i know what it’s like to be alone
to make time to feel emotions, process, and create a life of my own
i know what it’s like to be alone
i’ve built an empire with my community through the years; now i sit on a throne
i know what it’s like to be alone
to be happy for loved ones, cheer them on, and witness trajectories of their lives shown
but just because im content alone does not mean i don’t wish to share this wealth of love i’ve grown
one day i’ll be able to share my heart
the pieces of me that make up a mosaic; my life’s work of art
one day i’ll be able to share my heart
with someone who will cherish it, hold it, and not tear it apart
one day i’ll be able to share my heart
we will build on foundations; building up one another from the start
one day i’ll be able to share my heart
translating all love languages and speaking words that are not fleeting; love that won’t depart
one day i’ll be someone’s first choice
where i feel safe and heard; valued for my voice
one day i’ll share this mirror; although fogged up we will still clearly see
that we are enough as we are; the reflections of two people meant to be
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seize-the-drea · 2 years
you’re enough
learning to find and love myself again
chasing a shadow that sees me but i can’t fully see them
it’s been buried deep within me all along
the beauty, the authenticity, the rawness of it all
we often make ourselves smaller to try and fit inside of a perfect box of someone else’s desire
but we’re more than this; we deserve to ooze out every ember of emotion, every imperfection, every passion & fire
you are never too much or too little
you are just right; somewhere in the middle
life’s too short to spend it worried about the yesterdays and tomorrows
live in the moment and i promise good things will follow
life’s too short to spend it worried about what others will say
you are enough as you are; i promise you’ll see your reflection clearly one day
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seize-the-drea · 2 years
abuelita mía
abuelita mía
con pelo gris y piel morena;
mujer y madre con corazón llena
abuelita mía
con 94 años de vida y historias
compartiendo el dolor y felicidad en memorias
abuelita mía
madre soltera y mujer divina- llena de luz para dar
tu fuerza y lucha es grande y tu fe en lo bueno no puede faltar
abuelita mía
quien sacrificó todo y camino calles con sus hijos colgando de los brazos
cruzando puentes y ríos descalza y tierra debajo de los pies lasos
abuelita mía
gracias por regalarme un niñez lleno de imaginación y magia
por todos los veranos aquellos en el patio de la casita blanca te doy gracias
abuelita mía
tu café de olla y quesadillas hechos a mano no tienen comparación
tu sonrisa alumbra cualquier cuarto oscuro; tus palabras dan inspiración
abuelita mía
así como das vida a tus plantas y camelias de color
tu cariño nos da esfuerzo para seguir dando y compartiendo amor
gracias por tus sacrificios, tus labores de amor, y por hacer este pueblito sentirse como un hogar ❤️
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seize-the-drea · 2 years
we’re all just trying to feel something
we’re all just trying to feel something
an emotion, an embrace, a moment to catch our breath and set a normal pace
we’re all just trying to feel something
a purpose, a passion, a small moment of compassion
we’re all just trying to feel something
sand beneath feet, leaves falling from trees, an oceans’ breeze
we’re all just trying to feel something
a furry paw keeping us safe or a newborn baby’s hand we can embrace
we’re all just trying to feel something
sweat dripping down skin; hard work leading to a win
we’re all just trying to feel something
serotonin feels: joy, peace, clarity, and love that’s real
we’re all just trying to feel something
moments meant to share with people for whom we care
we’re all just trying to feel something
heard, valued, and loved; feeling of hope + faith from above
we’re all just trying to feel something
love + affection; we’re not meant to live without connection
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seize-the-drea · 2 years
start again
my thoughts. my words. buried beneath pen + paper
my hopes. my dreams. fill books with the sweet fruits of my labor.
no one knows you like the piano in your mother’s home
but no one knows me like the black ink and white sheets that lay blank and alone
words heal the heart; they sew the sentences needed to be woven together
they stand strong on their own; tethered and bounded by stories of brown leather
let the words fall where they may + they will end in a chapter of peace
endings are just beginnings; allow yourself to feel + weep
you will see that these vulnerable pages will soak up + dry with ease
these stained, tattered marks are souvenirs of where you poured your love + belief
when you’re ready to start again you’ll find solace in the sea of inked expressions
& when the waves crash on the sands you’ll learn to stay afloat and reap these poetic blessings
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seize-the-drea · 2 years
mi vida, la vida es demasiado corta
la vida es demasiado corta
no te quedes en la oscuridad; busca el sol donde la sombra cae
la vida es demasiado corta
no te quedes en la oscuridad; ten paciencia y verás que luz si hay
la vida es demasiado corta
agarra y no sueltes a los que más comparten amor
la vida es demasiado corta
hay que seguir viviendo en medio del sufrimiento y dolor
la vida es demasiado corta
disfruta de los pequeños momentos que traen grandes memorias
la vida es demasiado corta
sigue compartiendo tus canciones, tradiciones, e historias
la vida es demasiado corta
abraza y besa a tus seres queridos
la vida es demasiado corta
vive todos los días porque los que siguen no están garantizados
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seize-the-drea · 3 years
a letter of gratitude to the universe:
looking back + reflecting on this year
moments to be grateful for + memories i hold near
im grateful for the small to big moments and everything in between
im grateful for the changes i needed personally to clearly see
im grateful for the warm touches of love shared with family + friends
im grateful for the lessons + failures needed to help me begin again
im grateful for smiles from strangers + laughter from children in playgrounds and parks
it’s a reminder of the life and hope that continues to bring light when we only see dark
im grateful for morning walks + seeing furry friends bring joy to the streets
it’s a reminder of the amount of love that can transcend from any connection we meet
im grateful for all the times i’ve been able to get up after i fall
im grateful for time; it helps us grow + heal despite it all
im grateful for the flights + travels to places that shape perspectives
im grateful for the learnings from mother nature in hikes + mountains quested
im grateful for the love seen in communities when strangers give a helping hand to those in need
im grateful for good health + finding my pace in running full speed
im grateful that despite the burnout, the failures, the losses, and the pain;
im still able to sit with it + give myself grace just the same
im grateful for the waves of grief that come and go and reach the shore at times
im reminded that there is beauty in the struggle + this mess of a canvas is mine
im grateful for friendships old + new that warm the soul
im grateful for the changing seasons + weather that remind us to take it slow
im grateful for the morning cups of coffee that keep the hands warm + safe
im grateful for the ringing church bells that remind me to look up + give thanks for each new day
im grateful for the waves of sadness + loneliness that teach me to look for comfort within myself
im grateful for the lessons the reflection in the mirror teaches me; this knowledge is wealth
im grateful that despite the darkness of this world i still have it in me to be vulnerable + wear emotions with pride
it’s my greatest act of strength: to be myself, to love, + to continue being kind
im still on this journey to find my footing and my place;
all i know is that i want to be there for others; listen, learn, help them feel seen and embraced
i want to continue living in this world without fear of what comes next
i want to live in the moment and cherish it; no im not lucky, but im blessed, yes
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seize-the-drea · 3 years
noviembre sin ti
noviembre sin ti es sentir que la lluvia
me dice llorando que...no estoy a lado tuya
pero en la soledad de estos tiempos, uno se puede reencontrar con si mismo
y en esa lección hay tiempo para reflexionar y aprender como amar sin vicio
los meses pasan, los árboles cambian de color, y siento un cambio dentro de mi
estoy creciendo, luchando, y transformando en mi propio espacio aqui
pero todavía aún extraño momentos del pasado y amistades de lejos
será que la distancia ayuda verme más claramente en el espejo
estoy sola pero no mal acompañada
se que tengo amor propio que me despierta en las mañanas
pronto llegan posadas, navidad, y el año nuevo
pero a veces la tristeza viene en olas en los meses de invierno
los días son más cortos pero aún busco la luz en la oscuridad
estos momentos me enseñan que tengo un fuego dentro de mi que ilumina y me da claridad
cuando me siento sola y perdida me busco entre las letras de canciones del pasado
me busco en las fotos de niñez; y me acuerdo de las razones por que sigo amaneciendo
me busco en las historias de mis familiares y ancestros
me busco en bosques verdes y la naturaleza; los mejores maestros
me busco en los montes y en las tinieblas
me busco en los mares y las reflexiones de aguas claras
27 años y por fin he hecho un hogar dentro de mi lleno y sin dolor
un día podré invitar a alguien a compartir este espacio y amor
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seize-the-drea · 3 years
a poem to the oldest
you carved paths alone and in the dark
you took small steps but left big marks
the footprints left a trail for all of us to follow
through weathered storms, you didn’t bend or wallow
you trudged along and picked us up along the way
your nurture and love kept us going through the days
no map or guidance; you made the most with what you had
you climbed peaks and valleys and filled shoes; those of mom and dad
i hope when you look behind you, you will see us looking up
everyone who came after you sees the trail you left; it was enough
i know many times you had to carry the burdens alone
but when unpacked, you set camp and made us a home
i hope you know that although you’re the first, you’re not the last
those of us behind you will keep pushing you forward; we’ve got your back
love you big sis 🤍
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seize-the-drea · 3 years
don’t lose yourself
remember darling who you are
remember you have come this far
don’t let this world turn you cold
don’t let this world let you grow old;
and burn out your youthful light
let the fire within flicker bright
don’t let this world keep you in the dark;
there’s so many paths you’ve yet to embark on
choose to find beauty in being human and flawed
choose to open your heart and stay kind to all
continue to care. continue to show love.
the day you stop is the day you have lost
don’t lose yourself in the grind of the 9 to 5
don’t lose yourself in the midst of the hurricane’s eye
it gets better; this i know and this i promise
your heart is still meant to be shared in all of its rawness
continue to practice empathy and seek human connection
even when you feel lost, kindness will move you in the right direction
continue to find life in conversations and the small moments
this life is yours for the taking; so go out and own it
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seize-the-drea · 3 years
taking in the now
waking up to the sunrise illuminating all four corners of my white blanketed room
luscious green succulents on the window sill stretching out towards the morning sun
daily vitamins and gratitude journal on the night stand open and ready for the day to begin
body stretches and rollouts waking up the muscles from head to toe; listening to my body’s needs
morning walks to navy yard for bethesda bagels and pit stop for coffee on the way back
birds chirping and flying high where the glass buildings glisten
afternoon runs through the national mall and catching the sunsets behind the lincoln memorial hit perfectly
conversations from strangers on the patio tables outside safeway and metro stop filling the air
night skateboard rides to the wharf and colada shop to catch a glimpse of the moonlight
these are just a few small moments im thankful for
every day in my own company is an adventure of a lifetime
blessings rain daily on me and i am just thankful for the ability to soak it all in
feel it on my skin, let it run through my bones, and take in all the sights + sounds of a monday through sunday
i have to keep reminding myself that this life is not guaranteed and to continue living in the present
i may not know what comes next, but i can only hope its as beautiful as the moments of now
keep living.
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