seeancee · 4 years
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MAKE ME CHOOSE anonymous asked five or klaus
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seeancee · 4 years
believe me i tell you that i’ve been persistent. || basic headcanons.
klaus hargreeves is one of seven children, all adopted, all born on the same day. of the seven, one is dead, and another is missing. the remaining five maintain very sparse contact; or maybe it’s just klaus who they avoid.
he has been regularly abusing drugs since his early teens, and drinking even a little before that. his father knew, and tried to reprimand him; it only furthered his addiction, which got worse once he left home for good. by age 19, addiction completely took control of his life.
he is 31, turning 32 this october.
he has spent more time in rehab facilities than anyone really should; he has also spent a lot of time in holding cells, cop cars, and the beds of people he would inevitably abandon.
almost every relationship he has ever had ended with the other half deciding klaus was too much to handle, too fucked up to decipher, or too needy to deal with. he says this doesn’t bother him; it does.
his last relationship ( before his current one ) was with a man named dave. they dated for almost a year before dave was deployed on another tour overseas; he died while serving, and klaus was left to mourn alone.
he wears dave’s dogtags every single day, 24/7. 
he has three tattoos: the umbrella academy symbol on his left wrist / arm, the word HELLO on his right palm, and the word GOODBYE on his left palm.
he can see ghosts, but only when he’s sober. this is why he uses: to mute the cries, to fog his brain with a haze too impenetrable.  
he identifies as pansexual, and has no need for gender roles. he fluctuates between he / him and they / them pronouns, occasionally liking she / her. he wears whatever he wants, really enjoying long skirts, crop tops, and a splash of makeup. 
he is the closest with his brother, diego, and his sister, allison. the others, he figures, don’t really like him all that much; at least diego and allison tolerate him, and that’s all he wants, really.
he once dated people simply for a roof over his head and a nice meal for a few days, or a few weeks --- however long it took for the other half to tire of him; he almost hopes this relationship sticks, but another part of him, a much louder part, is just waiting for this ticking bomb to burst. it always does.
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seeancee · 4 years
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I’m the one person in that house nobody will even notice is gone.
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seeancee · 4 years
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seeancee · 4 years
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Wakey, wakey! Eggs and bakey! Oh, there’s the man. Someone pulled a disappearing act last night. What mischief did you get into?
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