seabcrne · 5 years
Sentence Starters
“I’ve never seen one of these completely to my taste so i decided to make my own!
“I can’t do anything right.”
“Please don’t cry.”
“Why are you awake right now?”
“Why are you lying to me?”
“Wake up! Please wake up.”
“Forget it, you’re a fucking asshole.”
“Don’t you ever do that again!”
“Is that blood?” “…..No?”
“Please don’t lie to me again, I can’t take it.”
“Do you even still love me?”
“Nobody’s seen you in days.”
“Why are you awake?”
“I’m worried about you.”
“Can you shut up for once in your life?”
“Holding everything in doesn’t help, you know.”
“Are you hurt?” “No.” “Then why are there bruises all over your face?”
“If you don’t hug me right now I think I might fall apart.”
“Leave! Me! Alone!”
“Go with me?” “As long as you hold my hand.”
“Is there a reason you’re blushing like that?” 
“Have you seen my hoodie?” “Nooo.” “You’re wearing it, aren’t you?”
“Have you always been this beautiful?”
“OH you’re jealous!”
“Can we stay like this forever?”
“Please just kiss me already.”
“I think you might be my soulmate.”
“Sleep over? Please?”
“Are we on a date right now?”
“I think I’m in love with you.”
“He’s so pretty I think I’m gonna faint.”
“Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?”
“Am I your lockscreen?” “You weren’t supposed to see that.”
“I missed you so much.”
“Do you think the moon is jealous of how pretty you are?”
“I’m here for you.”
“I wish we could live together already.”
“All I do is drink coffee and say bad words.”
“Quit touching me, your feet are cold!”
“I think I just ripped my pants.”
“Sharing is caring, now give me the hoodie!”
“Can I pet your dog?” “Do I know you?”
“Did you seriously just get your foot stuck in a toilet?” “Maybe.”
“If I die, I’m haunting you first.”
“But I’ve never told you that before.” 
“Stop being grumpy, it’s lame.”
“So, uh, I locked the keys in the car.”
“Is the cat in a onesie?” “Uh, no?
“Can we please stop running? I think I’m dying.”
“You come here often?” “Well, I work here. So I think I’d have to say ‘yes’.”
“Aren’t we supposed to be working?”
“Give me attention.”
“Okay, so maybe I didn’t see that coming.”
“I’m too sober for this.” “You don’t even drink.” “Maybe I should start.”
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seabcrne · 5 years
Non-romantic fluff starters
“Here, I saved some for you. Try it?”
“I just really need a hug right now…”
“You. Me. Movie marathon. Get all the snacks you can carry.”
“Join me in the blanket fort. We play until dawn.”
“It’s cake, how difficult can it be?”
“Sure, it *looks* safe, but watch what happens when I do this.”
“I had a nightmare… can you stay up with me?”
“We’re going to have to raid the neighbors if you want more pillows to turn this into a Pillow Fortress Castle.”
“This would look so cute on you!”
“Okay, but if you turn the lights off for this playthrough, I’m not being held accountable for anything I do when spooked.”
“I said we could share a blanket, but if you put your cold feet on me *one more time*…”
“You’ve been working too hard and I’m calling a Netflix intervention. Not taking no for an answer.”
“I’ve got a gallon of ice cream and if you don’t get a spoon my tummyache will be all your fault.”
“Fight me. Pillow fight. And by fight I mean cuddle.”
“My hand is cold. Unless we find somewhere to stop soon, it’s going up your back.”
“Oh my god, just pet my hair already.”
“After that movie you’re staying for a sleepover. I know you don’t want to go home and sleep alone anyway.”
“Is there a reason you’re gnawing on me?”
“C'mon, I need a Player 2.”
“I bet you can’t make it all the way through the movie without screaming at it.”
“If you put that in the microwave uncovered I swear I will beat you to death with a plastic spoon.”
“What was that flavor of cake you liked? I need to know because reasons.”
“When we get that house you’re handling the spiders.”
“Going to the mall alone is boring. Besides, I need someone to tell me how great I look in all the clothes I try on.”
“It’s not MY fault you scream like a schoolgirl on a rollercoaster.”
“It’s an arcade, do you need more reasons to go?”
“Please tell me why you were napping in my freshly dried blankets *while they’re still in the dryer*.”
“Can we please take cheesy best friend pictures in that photo booth? I promise to keep silly faces to a minimum.”
“I’m singing along to this song and you can’t stop me, so either deal with it or join me.”
“C'mon, with anyone else this would be too weird.”
“I hate this game so much. Here’s a link, you should totally play it.”
“I take no responsibility for any smells you may or may not encounter from this point forward.”
“Okay, but consider that if you don’t watch this show with me, I’ll still rant to you just as much about the feels it gives me.”
“If anyone turns that fan off again I swear someone’s going to bleed.”
“Help me, the computer’s making sad beeps again. Make it happy, please.”
“I have in front of me: One DVD, seven remote controls, and an entertainment center. This will be a voyage of discovery.”
“If I die, you get my cat. So make sure I live through this.”
“I need someone to cling to in the haunted house, and you’re it.”
“Yeah, but you’re *my* nerd.”
“The remote is two feet thataway and I don’t feel like moving. We’re stuck with this.”
“You are aware this was the worst idea ever and you’re lucky you’re my best friend, or else I’d leave you alone to deal with this.”
“I’d say sorry my mom tried to adopt you again, but it was kind of my idea.”
“There is a perfectly good reason I’m eating these mini marshmallows right out of the package, I’m certain of it. Probably.”
“Okay but hear me out: Fluffy. Sharks.”
“Please keep your sick away from me and get better soon. I made you soup.”
“That sounds like a bad idea. I’m in.”
“If you don’t come up and sing with me, I will sing and point at you. The entire. Time.”
“We made a pact based on SpongeBob jokes, you can’t back out now.”
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seabcrne · 5 years
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seabcrne · 5 years
- ; phrases that really hit you where it hurts
“ did you really have to be that honest? ” “ every time i see you i just feel more alone. ” “ you changed me. ” “ was this all just a joke to you? ” “ i don’t want to know. ” “ can we start over? ” “ you make me feel so insecure. ” “ i don’t know if i can love you. ” “ every time i wake up i’m reaching for you … but you’re never there. ” “ of course it meant something! ” “ stop yelling! ” “ i gave up on you a long time ago. ” “ you think i care about you? cute. ” “ did you just forget about me or something? ” “ i still need you. ” “ i wanna say that there’s still hope but sometimes things just don’t go your way. ” “ you said you would keep trying! ” “ no, you ARE strong. ” “ you promised me! ” “ fine. you’ll never see me again, okay? ” “ i gave you everything i had. ” “ your eyes can be so cruel … ” “ i can never do anything right can i !? ” “ i want my life back. ” “ stop crying. ” “ you should go. ” “ don’t come back. ” “ does hurting me make you feel good or something? ” “ just stop it. ” “ i was never in love with you now leave me alone! ”
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seabcrne · 5 years
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I’ve gotten to the point where I’ve gotten comfortable with my awkwardness.
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seabcrne · 5 years
continued: @deluca-demigods
“Only if you were to stay with me.” Kenna did not want a life without Nicky DeLuca; he had shown her a world and wonders she knew she couldn’t live without. Stretching up on the tips of her toes, she pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. “What do you say Mr. DeLuca? You think you could become a beach man?”
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seabcrne · 5 years
❛  i  wonder  if  life  smokes  after  it  fucks  me  .  ❜
A tender simper tugged at the corner of her lips–her eyes were kind and filled with an understanding she could not voice. Getting up she moved to wrap her arms around him, her chin resting upon her shoulder. “Do you want to talk about it?” Kenna’s voice was gentle, concern woven through her tone.
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seabcrne · 5 years
bitter  /  aggressive  one  -  liners  as  taken  from  the  website  pinterest  . tw  adult  themes  .     customize  as  you  wish  !
❛  fight  because  you  don’t  know  how  to  die  quietly  .  ❜ ❛  i’d  rather  die  on  my  feet  than  live  on  my  knees  .  ❜ ❛  i’ll  get  over  it  ,  i  just  gotta  be  dramatic  first  .  ❜ ❛  you  don’t  get  to  be  surprised  that  nobody  gives  a  fuck  about  you  after  you’ve  worked  so  hard  to  alienate  the  entire  world  .  ❜ ❛  i  wouldn’t  be  like  this  if  i  knew  how  to  not  be  like  this  ,  okay  ?  ❜ ❛  i  had  to  fight  like  hell  and  fighting  like  hell  made  me  what  i  am  .  ❜ ❛  i  will  be  brutal  .  ❜ ❛  i  don’t  want  to  be  soft  anymore  .  i  want  to  be  bloody  knuckles  and  glass  shards  and  i  want  people  to  be  afraid  of  hurting  me  .  ❜ ❛  bring  them  to  their  knees  .  head  bowed  and  fists  bleeding  —  make  them  repent  .  ❜ ❛  is  this  what  i  get  for  loving  a  god  ?  ❜ ❛  you’re  a  weapon  ;  and  weapons  don’t  weep  .  ❜ ❛  i’ll  survive  .  somehow  i  always  do  .  ❜ ❛  the  things  that   used   to  make  me  cry  just  make   my  hands  shake  and  my  eyes  blank  .  ❜ ❛  i’ve  begun  to  understand  why  god  died  .  ❜ ❛  i  speak  violence  .  ❜ ❛  it’s  not  my  fault  i  have  my  father’s  eyes  .  ❜ ❛  judge  if  you  want  ,  we  are  all  going  to  die  .  i  intend  to  deserve  it  .  ❜ ❛  i  need  to  kill  you  .  ❜ ❛  i  will  continue  to  watch  you  rot  .  ❜ ❛  i  wasn’t  born  to  be  soft  and  quiet  .  i  was  born  to  make  the  world  shatter  and  shake  at  my  fingertips  .  ❜ ❛  you’re  not  a  nice  person  ,  are  you  ?  ❜ ❛  when  i  punched  you  .  that  was  when  i  first  felt  something  for  you  .  ❜ ❛  if  you  don’t  terrify  people  a  little  bit  then  what’s  the  point  ?  ❜ ❛  i  could  tear  you  apart  if  i  wanted  .  ❜ ❛  do  not  tell  me  what  i  can  and  cannot  do  .  ❜ ❛  i  can  and  i  will  .  watch  me  .  ❜ ❛  no  one  made  me  .  i  made  me  .  ❜ ❛  take  a  breath  ,  spit  out  the  blood  in  your  mouth  ,  and  get  back  up  on  your  feet  .  you  still  got  a  couple  motherfuckers  to  prove  wrong  .  ❜ ❛  here’s  what  i  know  ;  i  will  die  only  by  my  own  hand  .  ❜ ❛  i’m  everything  you  can’t  control  .  ❜ ❛  i  am  violent  ,  and  bitter  ,  and  ugly  inside  and  out  .  ❜ ❛  i  am  being  perfectly  fucking  civil  .  ❜ ❛  goddamn  right  ,  you  should  be  scared  of  me  .  ❜ ❛  you  are  losing  my  interest  ,  and  that  is  very  dangerous  .  ❜ ❛  if  i  can  still  breathe  ,  i’m  fine  .  ❜ ❛  i  will  do  what  it  takes  to  survive  .  ❜ ❛  if  karma  doesn’t  hit  you  ,  i  fucking  will  .  ❜ ❛  don’t  be  sorry  .  i  trusted  you  ,  my  fault  not  yours  .  ❜ ❛  i  wonder  if  life  smokes  after  it  fucks  me  .  ❜ ❛  i  don’t  have  to  prove  shit  to  you  .  ❜ ❛  i’m  not  tearing  down  my  walls  for  anyone  again  .  you  want  to  know  what’s  inside  ?  climb  .  ❜ ❛  i  am  mine  .  before  i  am  ever  anyone  else’s  .  ❜
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seabcrne · 5 years
“I went up against an almighty Sea Child.” He hummed gently, tilting her chin up just that much more so he could press his lips to the tip of her nose. “That doesn’t impress you?” Never mind he had been competing with one since he was nearly a child. Or that he was dating another.
“Sea Child, yes...almighty?” She gave a little shrug of her shoulders, smile widening even more upon feeling his lips on the tip of her nose. “Maybe.” Wrapping her arms around his neck she played with the hair at his nape. “You always impress me Nicky DeLuca, always.”
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seabcrne · 5 years
“I think a man could use some more congratulating every now and again.” Gently he brushed her hair back off her shoulder , before tenderly tracing down her back, and side. Pulling her just that much closer. “Especially when the Underdog wins.”
“Can you really be called an underdog if you constantly seem to be winning?” A laugh bubbled out from her lips , though she leaned forward to press a gentle and tender kiss to his lips. He was always a winner in her book , and he was always going to be a winner to her till the day they both died. 
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seabcrne · 5 years
He laughed softly as she pretended, and pressed his lips to the tender skin of her shoulder. Kissing up it until he found the crook of her neck. Something about Mickey was addictive to him. He couldn’t leave it at just one kiss.
When asked about the game though, he stopped to laugh. “ Let’s just say I wiped the floor with your brother.” Percy had given a good game, it was true. But Nicky had won more consistently.
The smile that spread across her features continued to stretch even more. She gave a small tilt of her neck; small and subtle. His laugh ghosted over her skin and sent chills down her spine, just the way she liked it. 
“I don’t know whether I should go comfort him, or congratulate you.” Kenna had turned more to face Nicky. She was sure they both knew well enough that Percy didn’t need any comforting, not from her anyway.
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seabcrne · 5 years
It didn’t take much longer for Nicky to amble over and wrap his arms around his girl. Gently he brushed her hair back off her shoulder and nosed into her neck. “Is this seat taken?” The blonde smiled. and pressed a quick kiss to her skin before resting his chin on her shoulder and batted his eyelashes at her.
He had been watching Carson and Kenna closely the whole night, though knew to be subtle about it lest they call him out on it. His family was a thing to behold, and yet leaving two of his girls at the bar alone still had him wary. He knew they could handle
The feeling of a pair of muscular, but familiar, arms wrap around her, had Kenna humming in content. “Hmm yeah, it’s for my boyfriend. I don’t really know where he went.” She teased, turning her head to press a kiss to his cheek. “Oh, what a surprise, there he is.” 
Admitting to herself that it wasn’t bad to have people look after her and take care of her every once and awhile took time. It had set her on edge at first, the feeling of being watched, even by someone she trusted, but eventually with Nicky she got used to it, grew to love it in fact. “How was your game?”
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seabcrne · 5 years
“I saved you, trust me.” The blonde laughed again and nodded as another asked for a drink. “ be right back, look at the menu and I’ll put something in for food. ” With a knock of her knuckles she flitted over to the other customers. Smiling charmingly, though always keeping an eye out. It was dangerous to have four demigods in one place. She didn’t doubt that they could handle whatever came their way, but by gods she didn’t want to have to.
Carson tried to make it a point to work and stay in heavily populated areas. Areas where the smell of a demigod could be hidden. In this one, the smell of fried food and a broken sewer outside did the trick.
Kenna could only laugh, nodding her head. “I’ll take your word for it then.” She watched as her friend went to go take of other customers, her gaze drifting to the menu before her. Sometimes it was hard to believe they had come so far. It felt as if she had just met Nicky, helping him plan a surprise party for Carson. Who knew they would have gone from planning a surprise party to where they were today. 
It was tricky to be a demigod and live in the real world like any normal human being, but with the three most important people in her life, ready to have her back, Kenna felt just fine. She made sure to thank the Gods every night for her support system. 
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seabcrne · 5 years
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seabcrne · 5 years
spider-man: into the spider-verse taken from the 2018 movie.
you on your way. just keep going. 
i love you. you don’t have to say it back, though.
look, sometimes people drift apart. and i don’t want that to happen to us, okay?
this is my fault.
our family doesn’t run from things.
i don’t think you have a choice, kiddo.
look, call me when you can. okay? i love you.
we all have powers.
you’ve got to say “i love you” back.
got a lot going through your head, i’m sure. you’re gonna be fine.
hey, bud. you okay?
please open the door. (name), i can see your shadow moving around.
i’ll always have my family.
i’m sorry. i can’t do this without you.
hey, it’s okay. we’re gonna figure it out.
they’re counting on me.
you can’t think about saving the world. you have to think about saving one person.
of course you can stay.
i see this spark in you. it’s amazing. it’s why i push you, but… it’s yours. whatever you choose to do with it, you’ll be great.
i let you down, man, i let you down.
mom, i’ve gotta go.
yeah, i’m okay. you’re probably busy, so…
how am i supposed to save the whole world?
(name), you’re gonna get yourself killed.
can i sleep here tonight?
that’s all it is, (name). a leap of faith.
look, i know i don’t always do what you need me to do. or say what you need me to say, but i’m… i see this spark in you. it’s amazing. it’s why i push you, but… it’s yours. whatever you choose to do with it, you’ll be great.
one thing i know for sure: don’t do it like me. do it like you. 
i wanna do what you asked. i really do. i’m sorry.
(name), the hardest thing about this job is… you can’t always save everybody.
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seabcrne · 5 years
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“Can you walk?”
“How did this happen?”
“What the hell happened?”
“I hit my head.”
“Did you hit your head?”
“Can you hear me?”
“Don’t close your eyes, stay awake!”
“Come on, stay with me!”
“No no no no no!”
“You shot me!”
“I didn’t mean to shoot you!”
“You stabbed me!”
“I didn’t mean to stab you!”
“Take the knife out!”
“Don’t take the knife out!”
“It was an accident!”
“That/this wasn’t an accident!”
“That looks broken.”
“I think my leg/arm is broken.”
“That doesn’t look good.”
“Am I going to die?”
“You’re not going to die!”
“Calm down!”
“Don’t panic!”
“I can’t help you if you don’t let me!”
“Are you bleeding?”
“Don’t move, you’re bleeding.”
“Is that blood?”
“Whose blood is that?”
“That’s a lot of blood.”
“Do you know how to get bloodstains out?”
“Why do you know how to get bloodstains out?”
“Damn, I got blood on my shirt.”
“Don’t move, you’re losing blood!”
“I won’t let you bleed out!”
“You have blood on your face.”
“I swear to god, if you get blood on me…”
“What’s your blood type?”
“Why in the hell would you need to know my blood type?”
“That cut is nasty.”
“You have a massive gash in your arm/leg!’
“Don’t touch it!”
“Don’t move, you’ll only make it worse!”
“I’ll get some bandages.”
“You’re going to need stitches.”
“That looks infected…”
“Did you get bit by something?”
“There’s no exit wound, the bullet is still in you.”
“There’s an exit wound, the bullet went through you.”
“How are you feeling?”
“How does it feel?”
“It’s still not healed, but it’s getting there.”
“Let’s go home.”
“I just want to go home.”
“Let’s get you into the bathtub.”
“We need to change your bandages soon.”
“Get some sleep, okay?”
“You need to eat something, you’ve been through a lot today.”
“I’ll check up on you in a bit.”
“You’re going to be fine. I promise.”
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seabcrne · 5 years
Sitting in her quiet spot near the beach, the sound of rustling alerted Kenna. “This place isn’t welcome to newcomers, leave please.”
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