scrybe-of-writings · 2 years
i would be a terrible spy. i would try to sneak around and all youd hear down the corridor is clown music
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scrybe-of-writings · 2 years
one thing that i think is really interesting about the scrybes is that even though p03 is the first one you meet aside from leshy, he ends up being the one you know the least by the end of the game, because he's so closed off compared to the others. (except magnificus. fuck him lowkey)
you get at least one moment with each of the others where they're open with the challenger by the end of the game.
grimora, welcoming her death with open arms and celebrating her end, choosing to have fun with what time she had left instead of acting miserable. and yet, after all of these years of infighting, she wishes she had just a bit more time to enjoy herself.
leshy, desperately clinging on to the game, to the point where he disregards his own rules so that you can keep playing. because he knows everything's about to end, and wants to spend the last of his time doing something he loved, something he wanted others to love. letting go of his intimidating dm persona and praising you for how well you did up to this point.
and magnificus, who made sure his final moments were a spectacle, however using too much of his time and being unable to shake your hand as a final farewell. edit: oh and also he was the only one fighting against dying. that too.
but p03 never let any of his walls down. everything we know about him is surface level.
maybe i'm looking too far into this, but i thought that was interesting.
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scrybe-of-writings · 2 years
god everything about p03's fate makes me so sad. i saw someone talking about how we know the least about him even though we've nearly known him the longest because he never got to let his walls down and i jus. man i just i. hold on i. i jus need a momen
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scrybe-of-writings · 2 years
It's Normal - P03 & FtM Reader
TW: Gender Crisis, negative thoughts about Gender Crisis, internalized transphobia
oughh the first thing i ever post is a fic about two fellas being trans. go figure. fic's under the cut have fun go ham
I am down horrendously bad for this guy but I also kind of meant to leave this ambiguous on purpose so I guess it's your call on whether it's romantic or platonic or just two guys Being Silly
also I've always headcanoned p03 as being ftm but i guess if you think about it this could be interpreted as either? maybe? idk man robots and gender are equally complicated to write for all i know is that this guy is Not Cis
“I think… I’m trans,” you blurted one game. It had been quiet for a few minutes, nearly bordering on awkward—the two of you hadn’t taken a break for quite some time, and you had begun to run out of things to talk about.
P03 set down a card. “What?”
Immediately, your face began to burn. You should have expected this, really. Why did you think that he, of all people, would get it? Did he even know what being trans was? If so, he’d surely find you even more disgusting than he already had. Stupid. Stupid, stupid—
“Are you going to elaborate, or are you just going to keep your face in your hands?”
Oh. Um.
You lifted your head. “Uh. Trans. Transgender? I think I’m transgender.”
“The hell is that?” Jesus. Okay.
“Uhh. You know, like—um. Okay—so—you know how we have, like, the concept of gender, right? Like. Men and women and all that jazz. And you know how I’m like. A girl. But the thing is I’m not. But. Like. Okay maybe yeah I look like a girl but I’m not really because calling myself that is really super gross and sometimes I wonder if I’d feel better about myself if I cut my hair and stopped wearing blouses and—”
 “God. Okay, slow down. I can’t understand a thing you say when you ramble like that. It’s irritating.”
“I want to cut my hair. And wear bigger clothes. And make my voice lower? I guess?”
He just stared. God, you were a weirdo. Even if he was neutral before, there was no way he wouldn’t despise you after that explanation. Why couldn’t you keep your shit together for ten minutes? You could feel his gaze burning straight through you, but the worst part was that you couldn’t figure out why. He hadn’t said anything for several seconds, and you were getting extremely worried. What the hell was going on in that processor of his? You hated the fact that he was so hard to read sometimes.
The silence was getting too much. “So… there’s that.”
“So what’s the big deal?”
You blinked. “What?”
“I said, ‘what’s the big deal?’ Okay, you have long hair and stuff. Just change it. What, you want scissors? We’re in a factory. Made of metal. Find them yourself. Don’t leave hair on the floor.”
“You’re not grossed out?”
“Am I not supposed to be?” There it was. You knew this would happen. Of course. ‘Do what you like, but I still won’t be a fan’-type shit. God. Stupid. Stupid—
“Of course I’m still grossed out by you. You sweat and leave stray hairs everywhere and you make messes when you eat and I had to install a bathroom because of you. Do you know how much that screwed up the synergy we’ve got going on here? Our system? Beasts are disgusting. Was your haircut supposed to change that?” He scoffed, then went back to looking at his cards. “Your ideas are unhinged, challenger.” 
“No, me being trans.”
“What about it?”
“I—?” This was going in a very different direction than you'd thought it would. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t a little relieved, but part of you still wasn’t convinced that he wasn’t playing some kind of trick on you. “Doesn’t that freak you out?”
“No…? Did you hit your head? Do you have some kind of brain-eating parasite? Did you breathe in some of those freaky mushrooms? I told you not to go back there. Anyway, it happens to everyone. Chill out. You’re not special.”
Wait. “What?”
“What?” “What do you mean it happens to everyone?”
“I mean it happens to everyone.”
Did— Was he—?
“I… don’t think so.”
“Of course it does.”
“So it’s happened to Dredger? And Inspector? Leshy? The mages?”
“Okay, maybe not everyone,” he said, a little too quickly. “But it’s not some super interesting thing like I’m betting you’re hoping it is. Super normal. So calm down. Are we done?” P03’s eyes refused to meet your own, despite how much they were darting around, and you could hear clicks getting increasingly louder as he kept stacking the same cars on the table. “Can we get back to our game, now?”
Holy shit. You didn’t think you’d ever seen him this uncomfortable before. A few minutes prior you might have thought it was because you were the culprit—freaking him out with your weird gender moment and all—but you were beginning to suspect that maybe it was something else. You had never been one to pry, but…
“Do… you want to talk about something?”
He hesitated, like he was about to let his walls down, even for a second, but stopped himself, and you saw the emotion leave his face again. Still he refused to show vulnerability, it seemed. He picked up his cards. “No. Not really.”
You picked yours up, too. “Alright. Well, if you change your mind… We’re a little bit in need of a conversation topic, aren’t we?”
“Tsk. Okay."
The room was quiet again, but after a while, you heard a very soft, "Scissors are in the middle drawer. You’re really stupid, you know that?”
“Ha, ha. Okay, buddy."
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scrybe-of-writings · 2 years
Oh! You found me!
Sey's writing blog. Work in progress, hence the placeholders and whatnot. A little jank right now. Sorry.
Probably going to write about Inscryption, if anything, mostly.
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