[document #01: Echoes of Time/Meruli introduction]
[Researcher name]: Meruli Adamant
[Subject]: Temporal Overlap Syndrome (TOS) and it's effectiveness in combat situations
[Status]: first phase (theoretical analysis)
[Document Approval Status]: Green
Lead Temporal Researcher Meruli here. This should be my first Document to be approved for public view by Dr. Scrapman and her Inner Circle. Today's subject: analysis of Temporal Overlap Syndrome. Let's begin, shall we?
1. Temporal Overlap Syndrome is a condition brought about by extreme speeds (see Dr Leridio's papers on Universe Skimming and it's effects on the effects on Light Speed and Temporal Distortion) reached through HyLight engine overclocking, or use of HyLight Engines to escape gravity wells through hyperportation through the source of the gravity well.
2. The (proven) effects are: increased tolerance to HyLight contamination, the ability to manipulate objects within 10m of the subject via a seperate body that can regenerate in under a second, increased working speeds via this second body (hereby named an "Echo" unless the subject has the Stand Strain genetic defect or the progenitor of it, the Stand Virus), the ability to teleport via switching with the Echo. This seems to drain the stamina of the subject, as they move sluggishly for a while after.
It is my belief that the energy within the Echoes can be utilised to speed up the use of weaponry. It may also be usable for reconnaissance as rumoured effects include the ability to inhabit the Echo in exchange for the total vegetisation of the subject while the Echo is inhabited.
Interview #01
[The following is a transcript from Interview Room #12, which lost all power shortly after recording was violently and abruptly cut off]
[The footage starts as Dr Meruli enters a room with a man who has TOS, her own projection closing the door behind her]
Meruli: so. You have Temporal Overlap Syndrome?
Subject: yes. It's been strange, but I'm being treated like some sort of superhuman now.
M: well, you ARE one now, so it makes sense.
[The Projection brings Dr Meruli a cup of creamed honeyed milk, and a cup of hot cocoa for the Subject]
M: cocoa? It's freshly made.
S: no thank you. I had some cola before I came here and I don't want to be on the toilet for half an hour when I get home.
M: disappointing.
[Dr Meruli pours the drinks into a larger mug, then takes a sip]
M: more for me then. Back to the subject of this interview. Have you ever harmed another person with your Echo?
S: well, my wife wasn't happy that I'd been changed like this, and she tried to kill me, so I desperately tried to stop her and the... Echo... Punched her in the gut. She calmed down later.
M: your wife is not my concern.
S:... Harsh.
M: don't care. I asked if you'd hurt anyone with the Echo, not about your psychotic wife.
[She stares at him with dead eyes]
M: no offence, of course. I'm simply not interested in anything other than getting the information I require.
S: no offence but you, my good miss, are a fucking asshole.
M: oh? However would I have known that without you telling me, I wonder?
[The doctor lets out a small chuckle]
M: no more small talk. I'm here for answers, so back to questions!
S:[under breath] dead eyed freak...
[Dr Meruli hears this and with lightning speed begins to choke the subject, a look of boiling rage on her face]
M: what did you call me?
[The subject claws at her small hands before being released from her grip]
M: I apologise for that... Outburst.
S: I regret coming here.
M: I regret you coming here too. Now, second question: are you, in fact, able to swap spatial coordinates with your Echo?
[The subject looks at the once again emotionless, childlike woman and shudders]
S: y-yes, that is something I can do.
M: good, good. And don't think I didn't notice your shuddering and stuttering. You clearly aren't the sort of person I should be talking about this with. Get out.
[The projection opens the door before dragging the subject out]
M: why does the Inner Circle send imbeciles like that to my interviews?
[She looks to the camera, and in a few moments, begins to bleed from her eyes and mouth before reaching for the thing, her arm elongating before reaching and crushing the camera]
[Secret camera footage from after the camera was destroyed]
[The projection is shown bleeding in a corner as Dr Meruli scratches alien symbols into the walls, her arms broken in several places and her skin cut to ribbons by her own nails]
Meruli: algathoth, ruinain, eleeae, luuvoil. Algathoth, ruinain, eleeae, luuvoil.
[A trio of guards assigned to the doctor enter the room, one with a large bucket of blood, another with a Gravknife, and the last with a mug of honeyed milk]
Guard 1: doctor?
M: algathoth ruinain eleeae luuvoil algathoth ruinain eleeae luuvoil algathoth ruinain eleeae luuvoil
Guard 2:[into radio] the doc's gone Eldritch again sir.
[Dr Meruli slowly turns to the guards, blood flowing from her orifices (particularly her mouth and eyes)]
M: did I not request seventeen litres of blood?
G2: Dr Ilimai needed all of it. This was all that was left.
M: bring me that man I threw out. His blood will suffice
G2: but doctor-
[She slid a single, bladelike nail across his throat]
[The second guard backed away as the doctor spoke in her recently unearthed eldritch dialect]
G2: u-understood, ma'am.
[As he left, the doctor smiled at the other guards]
M: he hesitated. All you gethrukin are so weak minded.
[She grabbed the knife from the first guard and sliced her arm off, biting her coat as she did so]
M: the one time I need blood...
[She begins to paint eldritch spells on the walls, green and pale yellow energies arcing between the carved symbols and painted sigils]
M: come, hastur! Give me clarity!
[Her coat slowly yellows, pages of an incomprehensible play flying around her and sticking to the coat until it seemed to become a totally different garment]
[Following footage REDACTED by order of Dr Scrapman]
"Following interview instances all devolved into eldritch bullshit, so I fucking purged them. Also can we decrypt the eldritch shit she keeps putting on the walls BEFORE she summons hastur into the basement again?"
-Dr Scrapman
0 notes
[sending documents: Alanor research, shared research]
[authorisation code accepted]
[documents sent]
[document 1]
Specimen name: Alanor
Specimen signature: 1
Threat class: sel
Power class: ryel
Tactical class: sel-ryel
Cooperation level: class one mutual research pact
Description: Alanor is either an entity made of nothing but metals and crystallised stars that looks to be a massive worm about the size of our star, or something similar to Spartan 117 if he had armour made only to intimidate and be generally spikey, depending on whether he is moving around off or on world respectively. In on world form his body consists of layers of armoured, flowing metal flesh underneath about five(5) layers of armour of incredible resilience. His face is split into five(5) plates, each with an eye on it except for the bottom plate which houses nothing, but instead moves like a mouth. It has been confirmed that these plates are as strong as the layered armour on the rest of his body, being able to easily withstand joint assault testing from specimens 2 and 7 without being even scuffed on any part of his body other than it's weak spots
Weak spots:
Between the neck and shoulder on each side is a small organ that allows for the generation of modern firearms and above. Shooting this will make him stumble back for exactly 1.254 seconds, so be careful and shoot multiple times as it adds 1.254 seconds extra time to this stumbling. Most effective exploitation method: laser weaponry or machine guns.
The back of his legs, specifically behind his kneecaps, are very squishy and can be pierced by most projectiles if they have enough force to their launching at the area, and have been confirmed to make him scream, open up the plates on his face and letting out a disorienting roar, if they are hit. Exploitation method: sniper rifle or heavy (preferably about 15 kg of pure plasmoxi goldsteel) throwing knife.
Under the faceplates there is a single point of high vulnerability that requires multiple exploitations of both other weak spots to reliably locate, aim at and have the time to fire at. If this spot is hit then the specimen will let out a deafening screech and fall to the ground dead. This screech destroys the hearing of anyone who hears it within fifty(50) kilometres of its PoO (point of origin. Please, junior researchers, don't make jokes about it. We are an organisation dedicated to research of gods and we don't have time for so many of you to be laughing at such things).
No known weak spots on main body other than the heart. Method of exploitation: theoretically, every nuke humanity has and then some.
Weaponry and capabilities:
The specimen is able to generate any weapon required for any situation from weak spot one(1)
Orbital ordinance
Multiple detonation fragmentation grenades
High power plasmic breath attack
Anti magic field
Anti divinity field
High intelligence matrix
Note: angering the specimen is highly inadvisable.
[document 2]
Greetings, professor @smolgoblinman. I have seen your private research on those gods your people so love, and thought that you would be bale to send me their documents for public research and awareness spread of your kind. Maybe soon a shared research effort can be started?
Your fellow researcher,
Professor Scrapman
0 notes