scphiroth · 14 days
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scphiroth · 14 days
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scphiroth · 2 months
*nyans at*
whomst ?? is this ??
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scphiroth · 3 years
' No. ' :l
“Oh, I don’t believe you have a choice.” 
Shoves the antlers down on his head.
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“I don’t know what to say except it’s Christmas and we’re all in misery.”
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scphiroth · 3 years
“Hah,” a sardonic smile sweeps underneath the fine material that was thrown over him. A hand grips at it and slides it off, disturbing the perfectly set hair in the process. The focus instantly zones on Sephiroth’s back as his strides take him towards the changing room area. “Hmm…” Footsteps shorten the distance between the now shut door in front of him, canary yellow top thrown over the edge of it still declaring he should take in consideration of that vivacious tone.
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“Silly Sephiroth, don’t you know… the color yellow is far too much with the fair shade of my hair. This is the very reason why I have to go out with you on these little trips.” Upon that saying fingers thread through his hair to properly align it once more in place. “Face it, you’d be lost without me. Worry not, I shall never stray you from your path.. be it finding clothing or some other cryptic passage.”
One arm wrapped around the length of his waist as his other hand came cradle the side of his face. “Hurry up.”
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        his arms fit snugly into his new coat, colors that are stark contrast to his typical black wear ( only that now, he’s MAJORITY white, his inner shirt and pants black ). MONOCHROME remains his style in an eerie, morbid fashion -- all else vibrant shades were simply an ATROCIOUS fit to his aesthetics.
         〞time has only made you more conceited,  〞he comments, his voice boasting his usual rough edge, walls around him showing no signs of crumbling for a man or two. yet he must admit, therein lies more comfort for shinra being led under rufus than his father. though the cruelty both men walks upon were ... indigestible by society’s standards, the son was perhaps more open to REASON.
         after he has fitted on his pants, he brings his long tresses into a single pull at the top of his head, securing it in place with a blue tie with two dangling ends. to that end, he finally removes himself from the changing room, standing before rufus for his viewing.  〞and it hasn’t made you more patient, it seems.  〞
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scphiroth · 3 years
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❛ why do you look like that, lol. ❜ @scphiroth​
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            〞...  〞
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scphiroth · 3 years
ooc; ( peeks in. )
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scphiroth · 4 years
sephiroth: i was told about nicknames and i’d like to try. angeal: from who ... ? but alright. you mean like, ‘geal for me? sephiroth: too typical. it has to be special and only used among us. sephiroth: ..... angel? genesis: that’s sappy. sephiroth: angie. angeal: that’s ... fine i suppose. sephiroth, looking at genesis, thinking: sis... sy? genesis: [DRAWS HIS FUCKING SWORD]
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scphiroth · 4 years
huh i tried the ask thing on dash only blogs but it just redirects to the main tumblr page and opens up the IM. i think im doing it wrong somewhere.
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scphiroth · 4 years
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scphiroth · 4 years
spots to kiss.   since y’all like kissing prompts—and who wouldn’t, honestly–so have a collection of places to press your lips to. many of these work perfectly fine for platonic or familiar affection while some are a bit steamier, though what counts as what is of course naturally dependent on the muses and the context. send ‘ SPOTS TO KISS + [number] ’ to kiss my muse there, or with # for dealer’s choice. context and description allowed and encouraged. feel free to use the last option  ( 57 )  to give the kiss on any fantasy or scifi body parts not listed here.
a kiss on the top of the head.
a kiss to hair.
a kiss on the forehead.
a kiss on the space between eyebrows.
a kiss on the temple.
a kiss on the cheek.
a kiss on the eyelid or the undereye.
a kiss on the nose
a kiss on the ear.
a kiss on that space where jaw connects.
a kiss on the corner of the mouth.
a kiss on the cupid’s bow.
a kiss on the lips.
a kiss on the chin.
a kiss on the jawline.
a kiss on the back of the neck.
a kiss on the underside of the jaw.
a kiss on the throat.
a kiss on the side of the neck.
a kiss on where the back of the neck turns to shoulder.
a kiss above the collarbone.
a kiss along the collarbone.
a kiss on the space between collarbones.
a kiss on the shoulder.
a kiss on the bicep.
a kiss on the forearm.
a kiss on the elbow.
a kiss on the outside of the wrist.
a kiss on the inside of the wrist.
a kiss on the back of the hand.
a kiss on the palm.
a kiss on a finger.  ( which one? )
a kiss on the side of the ribs.
a kiss on the shoulder blade.
a kiss on the space between shoulder blades.
a kiss along the curve of the spine.
a kiss on the upper back.
a kiss on the lower back.
a kiss on the sternum.
a kiss on a pec / breast.
a kiss under the breast.
a kiss on where the sternum ends.
a kiss on the stomach.
a kiss on the navel.
a kiss on the hipbone.
a kiss on the ‘v’.
a kiss on the front of the thigh.
a kiss on the back of the thigh.
a kiss on the inner thigh.
a kiss on the knee.
a kiss on the calf.
a kiss on the ankle.
a kiss on the heel.
a kiss on the foot.
a kiss on a toe.
a kiss on an nsfw body part not listed here.  ( where? )
a kiss on a sfw body part not listed here.  ( where? )
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scphiroth · 4 years
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scphiroth · 4 years
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      He narrowly resists the urge to bare his teeth, gloved hand clenching into a fist at his side━had it been bare, surely his nails would be digging painfully into his palm. His eyes spark with defiant fire,  bristling  at the tone that pokes at his pride, as his feet slide short, calculated steps forward. He mentally scolds himself for his lapse in composure ( c’mon, Strife; pull it together ), and makes a conscious effort to calm his breathing, to ignore the way his heart rate spiked the moment he’d laid eyes on the very reason his life at taken an abrupt turn for the worst.
            ━ And the reason he’d nearly lost his life completely, the reason he would forever                             have this scar that never seemed to lose complete sensation.
      Thankfully, his voice has more stability when he responds. ❛ That’s not what I asked. ❜ Another careful step forward, eyes raking over Sephiroth’s form with a critical eye, body on high alert and wound tight, prepared to  defend  should the need arise. ❛  WHY  are you here? ❜
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      the advancement did nothing to deter him from his COMPOSURE, commonly known to be formidable .. INDESTRUCTIBLE, even. the way he speaks is either cold or distant .. even to his loved ones ( current and former ) when he isn’t accustomed to the language of social as with his sister or zack fair. but he knows of cloud’s FEAR of him ( the nightmares called nibelheim is a never ending recurrence ) and he knows it to be the type of VIGILANCE that’s more expecting sephiroth to wield his MADNESS once more than to come with arms baring peace.         ❛ i live here, ❜ he simply answers honestly, leaving more explanations go unsaid unless it’s SPECIFICALLY sought from him .. and if he finds it acceptable to convey them in the first place. holding his cup of his new favourite drink to his lips, he sips on the straw again, gaze never left STUDYING the array of emotions flickering in cloud’s mako-tainted eyes.         placing his drink back down, he decides to begin addressing the elephant in the room. despite his tendency to AVOID hard subjects, he isn’t the type to thrive on the sufferings of others either .. against all that’s advertised of him. but then again .. his words would hardly make sense when cloud is without his MEMORIES of the prior timeline. 
         ❛ what you have been seeing before this meeting .. and i, are different beings. ❜ he pauses, mulling over the mysteries that he knows, and that cloud does not.  ❛ i departed nibelheim one day before it was submerged in flames .. but i am no less responsible. ❜
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scphiroth · 4 years
zack: so .... you know about me and aerith? sephiroth, reading his files: mmhm zack: haha .. i see. i’m kind of surprised you didn’t go all ‘big brother’ on me sephiroth, continues reading: why ? she’ll rip your balls out if you tried anything uncalled for.
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scphiroth · 4 years
whenever sephiroth says something wrong or when he brushes her off and aerith gets upset:
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scphiroth · 4 years
2 moments when sephiroth faced horror and needed gast
nibelheim incident sephiroth, reading the records of JENOVA, the cells inside of him: sephiroth: gast ... why did you die. and then little aerith ( @gainsborro ) , nearly in tears: you just don’t understand at all! >:( little sephiroth, crying internally: gAST WhY dID YOU DIE
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scphiroth · 4 years
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“ yea .. right .. well, i’ll tell you a secret, sometimes i talk to my flowers — just little things you know. don’t laugh. they don’t .. talk back or anything. i promise. ” there is a side of her that comes out in which she does not want to be judged. something she did not experience much with many these days as she was a carefree soul. 
she is excited, but her sudden excitement fails to be shown moments later with the blooms retreating from her brother. something felt so wrong, she could feel it too. it was all in the air. sometimes she felt this in bits, but only with sephiroth. how strange. 
she wants to look at the bright side so she moseys over to his side, putting a hand on his shoulder briefly. “ they .. must just be a little shy today ! i mean, they’ve been working hard today compared to other days to be more radiant. you okay ? ” her head tilts just a bit. 
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      to be fair, he wasn’t expecting a MIRACLE to come surging through his blood-fed, calloused hand. he’d dare say aerith holds too high of an expectation of him .. but ah, she’s always the OPTIMISTIC sort to find good in everyone.
       ❛ i’m unaffected, ❜ he reassures truthfully. he never thought of himself as a bringer of life .. and such FRAGILE life, the flowers, seemed reasonably to have crumbled under his palms. although, he’s quite guessing that his sister must have been disappointed by the results, as he felt that she was truly EXCITED and anticipated for this try to succeed.        hence, he places his hand on the top of her head, just as how GAST used to do for him whenever hojo comes invading his personal space. ❛ you should continue talking to them then. my inner jokes must’ve bored them to DEATH. ❜           a morbid joke and pun .. but he knows nothing else that’d satisfy a good humor.
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