scoutthestray · 3 years
“Well tarot readings are mostly about knowing yourself better and coming in contact with what your subconscious is trying to tell you.” Sky explained with a smile. “Plus I baked gingerbread cookies this morning so you can have some of those.”
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“But how do I know that it’s not just a made up thing to trick me out of my money?” Scout asked, arms folding across his chest. “How much, again?”
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scoutthestray · 3 years
“Well.. there’s gonna be a lot of free snacks and punch! Come one, we just need help livening up the party, we’re supposed to raise money for the animal shelter and we can’t do that if people leave before donating!”
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“And you think me being there is going to help that?” he chuckled. “I don’t really do these charity gala things. It’s always a bunch of rich people just trying to get a tax write off. I don’t think any of them even have pets.”
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scoutthestray · 3 years
“Now, that is something I can agree with you on. Your music is pleasing to the ears for a reason.” That’s why she chose to ask him to play for the party she’s planning. “I have guests who can help you with that. Do a good job and they might. $500, it is.” She extended her hand for them to shake on it. “But no tip jar.”
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“Thanks.” He raised a brow at her. “Do your guests know what they’re doing? This equipment is super finicky.” Scout stuck his hand out, but hesitated. “Why not?”
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scoutthestray · 4 years
“You’d be surprised by how beneficial experience can be in the long run. Not even all the money in the world can replace that.”, Clarissa said as if she had no intentions of giving him a money offer like he asked. She just wanted to delay it a little bit. “You’re forward, I have to give you that. What’s your price?”
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“I’m plenty experienced,” he huffed, eyes rolling. “I have to be in this industry. $500 an hour, extra if I need to bring my own amps.” He paused, “And I get to put out a tip jar.”
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scoutthestray · 4 years
Clarissa did not expect that she’d get to pique Scout’s interest but it seems to her that she has and that was victory in itself. “Experience and free alcohol. That should be enough.”
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“If I had a nickel for every time someone offered to pay me in experience, I would be rich enough to survive on getting paid in experience,” Scout protested. “Make a better offer, or I walk. I know you have the money. I mean, Hall & Oates probably wrote that song about you.”
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scoutthestray · 4 years
Scout, for the first time, seemed to actually be interested in the proposition unfolding before him. Still, he needed to know the risks and benefits. “What’s in it for me?”
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scoutthestray · 4 years
with all due respect, which is none,
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scoutthestray · 4 years
“It’s not like I exactly like I had a choice,” she shot back, a small smirk pulling at the corner of her mouth. Angel missed him, but she hadn’t gotten a chance to track him down and say goodbye after the meetings with the dean and her adoptive parents quick flight in and back. They were angry she was on probation and she knew meeting Scout wouldn’t be on the table. “Ya didn’t reach out either, Hot Shot, if ya wanna play those cards.”
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Scout’s brow furrowed. He looked away, because he wasn’t about to give in so easily, but her smile was contagious. “You’re not in charge of you?”  His arms crossed over his chest, and he blew a loc out of his face with a deep sigh. “You’re the one who left. I thought maybe you wanted to be alone.” A moment passed before his ability to look at her returned. “Do you want to like, hang out... now?”
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scoutthestray · 4 years
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misc challenge || scout
Black and Red
Band / Musician
Lenny Kravitz, Kehlani, SZA, PARTYNEXTDOOR
Movie / Show
Scout loves the movie Friday, and always throws it on when he’s in a bad mood.
He doesn’t like to read.
Place (Daily life and/or vacation spot)
New York City
what is/are their
Theme song(s)?
LES by Childish Gambino
Pet peeves?
People who flaunt their wealth
Fictional character(s) they relate to the most?
Alfred from Atlanta, Beck from Victorious
Most prized possession(s)?
He really doesn’t value physical things. Maybe his phone.
Childhood dream job?
“That’s fucking dumb.”
do they
Have a quote/motto they live by? Which one(s)?
He’s always resonated with the Maya Angelou quote, “Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness.”
Have any musical talents? Which one(s)?
Scout is extremely musically gifted. He can play many instruments, but piano is his go to. He also sings and raps.
Practice any sport? Which one(s)?
Not now, but he played basketball in highschool and likes to play in pick up games for fun.
Have a party trick? Which one(s)?
He can roll a coin along the tops of his knuckles and put out a candle with his bare fingers.
Have any phobias? Which one(s)?
Athazagoraphobia, or the fear of being abandoned/alone.
Have any pets? Which one(s)?
No, but he would like to get a dog someday.
are they
Allergic to something? To what?
Bee stings
Superstitious? If so, what do they believe brings them good/bad luck?
Scout has a few rituals he goes through before a set, but other than that he’s not. It’s more about getting in the right frame of mind for him than it is about supernatural things or luck.
An early bird or night owl?
Night owl
A dog or cat person?
Optimistic or pessimistic?
Indoorsy or outdoorsy?
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scoutthestray · 4 years
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scoutthestray · 4 years
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scoutthestray · 4 years
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“Listen I love you but maybe you could have told me that story in less words.”
“Boy gets drunk, boy falls down stairs, boy has headache,” Scout replied, chuckling softly. He adjusted the ice pack on his forehead. “I thought it was more interesting the other way.”
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scoutthestray · 4 years
“You’re being mean!” She scrunched her nose. “How old were you when you first gave it a try?”
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“It’s not mean.” His gaze drifted up to the sky. “Um, 14 I think.”
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scoutthestray · 4 years
“You really are shit, dude!” Viv agreed. “Your mom lied when she told you you could sing!” She sniggered and turned to Scout. “Gotta love constructive criticism, right?” She asked with a grin, grabbing a pint of beer. 
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Scout chuckled, glancing over his shoulder at her. “It’s the best.” He pulled his chair closer to hers. “How long have you been enduring this?”
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scoutthestray · 4 years
Scout kept telling himself he didn’t miss her. He would remind himself he barely knew her, that they’d only spoken a few times and that there was no way in hell she felt the same, so there was no point to wondering where she’d run off to. But like a dog hearing the rattling of a box of treats, Scout’s head whipped around as soon as he heard Angel’s voice. “To be fair, you didn’t say goodbye,” he retorted, trying hard to push down the bitterness that tinged his tone. 
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Angel knew she hadn’t really been away from Costa Serena all that long, but after being suspended, her adoptive parents made her leave the island and move back home until the semester was over. She had to admit that she missed the fast-paced city life in New York, but all her friends were here, so no one could blame her for being happy to be back. As she walked through town, she spotted a familiar face and turned to talk as they passed her. “Hey, I’ve only been gone for a few weeks, ya ain’t even goin’ to say hello?”
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scoutthestray · 4 years
“To be fair, I was only 16 and had no idea what I was doing!” She frowned at him.
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He chuckled dryly. “Only 16,” Scout repeated with a smirk, “That’s cute. No need to get defensive.”
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scoutthestray · 4 years
“Dogs understand human emotions as well like have you never noticed that when a person is sad, they have the tendency to comfort said person? There is no bribery with treats involved with that.” Clarissa knew that had more to do with psychology so she believed that it was a good argument to throw at him. “Are you going to talk to me about your family or situation in detail?”
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He rolled his eyes. “Sure, a golden retriever might, but that little rat dog won’t. That thing doesn’t give a fuck about your feelings. Just look at it.” His eyes darted past her. “Why would I?”
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