scldiersmercy · 4 months
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Alroighty folks, Michael poofed, so I'm gonna head back over to @thcmcnstcr for the time being. If nothing happens over there, then I'm going to give myself a Horizon break
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scldiersmercy · 4 months
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─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ─── It was a good thing that Rowan was so used to people who weren't human. There wasn't time for them to get used to this information, and he was glad they didn't need it. "You'd be correct in that assumption," he sighed. Samael had always been someone who he'd wanted to convince to become better, see their Father's light, but this time he had gone too far. It was one thing to use one of their brothers or sisters against him; they were angels, they could recover in time. Knowing Evan's soft disposition, though, her disconnect from who and what she was... Whatever he had in store for her would be too much. He knew enough of her to know that much.
In an instant, the two stood in a room that should have been dark, only it was lit up by a girl on fire. His face twisted as he heard her screams, and he put it out without so much as a movement. "Samael," he snarled, "I expected much of you, but never something so cowardly."
"Cowardly?" His voice was hauntingly even despite their situation, despite the fact that he was staring down the angel he hated most; second only to their father. "Says the one who brought a demi-God with them in order to fight me. You must have been desperate to save your creation."
Michael stared into the darkness, where he knew his brother was lurking. "They're simply here for emotional support. Your fight is with me."
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When he introduced himself, they almost laughed, but his face and tone were so serious, so grave, that they managed to stay composed. All of it sounded absolutely insane, but that's what life was. Especially now that they'd been in contact with more and more people who were far from human. "Michael...the–okay." Rowan couldn't string a response together.
Having the the reality of Evan's situation be so much worse than their suspicions created a vice grip in their chest. "O-okay...so, Samael like Satan and not some cool uncle Sammy. Can we leave? Now, please?" Rowan felt the overwhelming fear gnawing at their gut—but not for themself. Evan had already been through hell many times over; she'd never been in Hell. They feared this might truly change her forever. Their faith in Evan to always bounce back and heal was always present, but Rowan appreciated the gravity of this situation. Somethings people just don't come back from.
"Please, I'll do whatever you need me to."
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scldiersmercy · 4 months
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Alright, it's almost 10pm which means it's past my bed time ( next I just need to tell local kids to get off my lawn ) so I'm gonna head in for the night. I'm hoping that muse for Michael sticks around for me to be here tomorrow, but we shall see. I have that last starter drafted and I'll get to that and the rest of my drafts as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience!
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scldiersmercy · 4 months
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@abandonededen { Keelan }
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ─── A werewolf; now, that wasn't something he came across often. He could sense the presence nearby, and began following it until he found a blonde woman. She didn't seem to be any kind of danger, his true concern being her proximity to his granddaughter, but he found himself needing to be sure. He wasn't one to rob others of their trials in life, especially not Evan, but he needed to be sure whether he should watch her more carefully or not. As he'd done in the past, he refused to interfere more than keeping her alive. No matter how much it hurt him, or her.
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After all these years he'd spent on Earth, he still wasn't always sure how to start conversations, and having them with ulterior motives was new to him. He could always start with a threat, but he found it easier to lead by giving people a chance, first. "Would you like some company?" He asked, keeping his tone friendly despite his hesitance.
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scldiersmercy · 4 months
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─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ─── There it was again; the feeling of a magic user somewhere in the vicinity. Glancing from his granddaughter, to the direction in which he sensed it, he decided she'd be alright for the the time being. He was always interested in meeting more of the people of this world. You had to know the world to be able to properly try to mend it, in whatever ways he could without robbing people of their free will, or the trials that made them who they were. It was often small acts that he found to be the most helpful.
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It wasn't hard to find the shop, following the the magic until he was at the counter, smiling at the woman behind it. "Hello," he greeted warmly, "beautiful shop you have, here. Would you mind telling me more about it?"
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scldiersmercy · 4 months
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Guy with 8 drafts: Howdy folks! I wanna do a little starter call, so hit the heart to get a lil something ( probably frustration ) from the angel
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scldiersmercy · 4 months
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─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ─── "My apologies, I don't mean to cause any discomfort. Though, I do hope that it can be a pleasant conversation, should you give me your time."
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"because that's always comforting."
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scldiersmercy · 4 months
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─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ─── Their love for Evan was apparent in the way that they hurriedly listened to him, and for a split second, he wanted to thank them. And he would. Later. When he knew that his granddaughter was safely back at home, he could have a real conversation with them about it. But for now, their conversation would have to be brief. The longer Evan spent in the cage, the more scarred she would end up being. He knew enough about her to know that she couldn't afford the kind of torture Samael had in store for her.
She'd surely need time to recover when she was home, but he didn't want his brother to leave a scar she couldn't heal from. He had hope of her recovering from past trauma, but Samael was something that Earth could never recreate.
"I am the Archangel Michael, and Evan's great grandfather," he said as they returned. While he wanted to move as quickly as possible, he also understood that the fact that they were facing the underworld would be something Rowan would need to know beforehand. "My brother, Samael, lured her into his cage somehow. There is a fight ahead, and I need you to get Evan out before it begins. It's nothing she needs to see, especially considering the condition that we will find her in."
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Rowan had never stopped trying to keep tabs on Evangeline. Not in a creepy, stalker way. But, they just had a feeling in their gut that something was very, very wrong with the situation. The demigod had learned to trust their intuition after learning of their gift in divination. Unfortunately, their divination didn't mean they were psychic, so when a voice of a strange man spoke behind them—while they were definitely home alone—they yelped in shock. In their surprise, they attempted to quickly stand but ended up deposited in the kitchen floor when their chair tipped over.
From the floor, the redhead rolled over and looked up at the stranger. "Hi. Uh, hi. Okay. Let me grab my sneakers." With no amount of grace whatsoever, Rowan scrambled off the floor and darted toward their bedroom. "Who are you?" They called from across the house; the demigod knew they shouldn't just immediately trust some random intruder without at least getting a name first. Stumbling back down the hall into the living room, they hopped on one foot as they tugged on a shoe, then repeated the process on the other foot. "Okayokayokay, let's go. I'm ready."
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scldiersmercy · 4 months
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─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ─── "I have much more than you know to be grateful to you for," he said, a troubled expression finding his features as he remembered the moment he found out his granddaughter had become a vampire. It wasn't hard to find her; her essence hadn't changed much, had only been made stronger by her new state of being. He'd come to realize that the worst had happened to her. And he hadn't been there to protect her.
Maurice had, though.
Michael desperately wished for his Father's guidance on this matter. He felt unsure about this interaction, whether he was doing the right thing. Whether he would tell Evan about their meeting. "Could we keep this conversation between the two of us?"
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wasn't that the name of an archangel in the judeo-christian faith? it made his blood run cold. after reginald and his encounter with the fallen angels that had nearly killed the entire vampire race, he didn't trust any angels, even if this one seemed to come in peace.
he almost laughed at the thought. come in peace. "you mean me no harm? you expect me to believe that?" but he sheathes his sword regardless, clenching his hands into fists.
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scldiersmercy · 4 months
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SCLDIERSMERCY— An independent, semi-selective and private fandomless Archangel Michael, written as an oc and loved by Max { he / him , 21+ , CST } Please read all rules and about before interacting. MUTUALS ONLY. Medium to low activity.
A STUDY IN: Becoming the perfect son, the loneliness of being at the top, a child changing your life, flaws among the divine, generational trauma, the immense honor and joy of having your own creation, and everlasting loyalty to a God who remains silent.
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rules | headcanons | opens | memes
Affiliated with; @thcmcnstcr , @blccdwar
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scldiersmercy · 4 months
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─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ─── "That's an interesting way to put it. I think I may explain it in that way next time I should need to."
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scldiersmercy · 4 months
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Used the wrong divider for those replies whoopsies
Anyways, I'm here for the moment! I'm going to make a new pinned post for the angel and then I'm going to try to get more done. That may be nothing, or it may be everything in my drafts. We'll see how it goes, but I missed this winged idiot and I'm so grateful to have even a shred of muse for him ( even though he ruined my spotify wrapped last year )
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scldiersmercy · 4 months
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─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ─── Michael had sensed her power growing over the course of him getting to know her, and he was disappointed when she gained the ability to sense powerful presences; his included. He'd been doing his best to stay away, keep their relation a secret from her, but it seemed that nothing truly lasted forever. He'd been caught, and he knew it. Did she have to know that they were related, though? How long before she pieced it together, now that she knew what she was? He knew enough about her to know that she was smart. Maybe this had been inevitable from the moment he'd discovered her existence.
Whatever his Father was trying to tell him, or if this was a test, was unknown to him. He wished he could have His guidance in this matter.
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"Hello, Evan," he said evenly, as if she wasn't angry at him. He could feel her power radiating off of her, only intensified due to her emotions. He understood her feelings, but he did wish that she wouldn't endanger herself to get over to him. "I believe we do. Should we go to Illumilatte, then? Get out of the cold?"
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✧・゚: *✧・゚— Evan hadn't seen Michael in years. He stopped coming into the coffee shop, and whenever she went to the veterans shelter, he was always gone... It hurt, the way he'd just up and disappeared, but it had faded to the back of her memories over time. It wasn't like she'd ever gotten to know him very well, after all... He had always been good at getting her talking about herself, keeping answers to any questions about him vague.
And now she knew why.
"hey," she said quietly at first, staring at the familiar man across the road. "HEY," she repeated as he turned to walk away after their eyes met. It was coming off of him in waves, the light associated with angels. It was strong, too. And now she needed answers, because this wasn't the first time she'd felt this; it was just the first time she'd seen who it was coming from. Crossing the street quickly, and almost getting hit by a car, she made her way over to him angrily, emerald eyes full of betrayal. "You and I need to talk," she demanded.
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scldiersmercy · 4 months
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─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ─── There was that purely human stubbornness, working against the other rather than helping him. Keeping the same concerned expression, he shook his head, "the people who are urging you to stop are the ones who care. Why not give in and let them help you instead?"
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❝ Good idea or not it’s one of the few options I have and since those are limited at the moment, I’m going to take it. You don’t have to be around for it but I’m not going to let anyone stop me. ❞
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scldiersmercy · 5 months
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Howdy folks! I'm not promising to get anything done by any means with Mikey Mike tonight, but I am here. Just to comb through some drafts and try to wake him up. If you're new here and don't follow @thcmcnstcr , I highly recommend checking her out! She's my main and most active muse. But, like I said. I'm here for now!
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scldiersmercy · 7 months
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Actually my confidence is failing me today so I'm going to head on back to Evan. Sorry folks. I'll hop back on here as soon as muse strikes <3
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scldiersmercy · 7 months
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New banners and fucking 14 drafts, let's fuckin go
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