schylerivey · 9 years
Medea's theme song.
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schylerivey · 9 years
Children suffer for the sins of their parents.
The theme is children suffer for the sins of their parents. This is represented by the death of Medea and Jason's children. They were not involved in the terrible thing that Jason did Medea. They didn't necessarily have to be killed. They could have been cared for by their father. Medea claimed that no one would have been able to keep them safe if she wasn't there. She also said that were killed by the disease of Jason. Basically, they were killed because of how he wronged her. This is all at the fault of Jason. All because of the sins made against Medea. Their children have lost their lives due to their parents turmoil. Medea has killed them, her own children. Talk about being ruined due to heartbreak. That is taking it to a whole new level. Definetly a woman scorned. The theme is an obvious choice for this play. Sophocles is know for being a tragic playwright. This is obviously tragic if children die. Since it was their mom to kill them.
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schylerivey · 9 years
Medea acting like a BO$$
Medea may be crazy but she is acting like the strong woman she should be right now. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? She is taking possession of her dead kids. She is burying them where she wants and keeping them away from Jason. As she should! He did cheat on her and cause all her pain. She claims she loved them and he didn't. Medea is basically saying go away peasant! Go Medea! All this pain and she is still comes out on top. I just hope that she makes it to Aegeus' place so she may live the rest of her days safely. If it wasn't for Jason, she would have a home. She would have somewhere to go but she has ruined her life for him. No more brother, no more loving father. Her life is over. She can only live with what is left. She only has her dead children to bury. I only hope that she will live a long happy life and stay strong. Were all rooting for ya Medea!!
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schylerivey · 9 years
I want the bodies!!!!
Medea finally shows up. Jason's on the hunt. He wants to see the kids bodies, and he wants to see them now. Medea has showed up in the sky in a chariot with dragon's. Basically, she tells Jason that he can't come and get her because Helios has granted her with the chariot to protect her. They get in this huge fight about how Medea is a horrible person. She shouldn't have killed the kids and Jason wishes she was dead. Then he brings up all the drama about how she betrayed her father and his kingdom and just how horrible she is. But I'm just like dude, she did that for you because she loved you. So deal with it!!! He pretty much whines about how lucky she is to have been chosen by him. Then he starts getting sad about how he can't spend time with his bride and his kids. He has a right to be upset, yet he shouldn't be. Then he talks about how she should be sorrowful as well. Then Medea tells Jason how it is basically his hands that have the blood on them because of his acts. Jason wants the kids bodies so that he can bury them. Medea is also not willing to give up the bodies. She wants to bury them in Hera's temple so that no one will tear up their grave. Which is a great idea when you think about it....
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schylerivey · 9 years
Jason comes a searching...
Jason is very angry. He came to the house today with some people from the palace. He's on the hunt for Medea. The murderer of his father-in-law and bride. He tells us that there is nowhere for her to hide. He has come for his kids. In hope that she can save them from what they might suffer to due to what their mother has done. Then the Chorus tells Jason of the tragic news of his children's death. Obviously he is mad because who wouldn't be upset when they find out their kid is dead. So who knows what will happen when he sees Medea. The fight is on. Jason is going to try everything he can to get Medea for what she did to his kids. She pretty much ruined his life. But, when you think about it all of this could have been prevented all he had to do was be with Medea and not leave her. Now all we have left is a woman scorned and a lot of dead people. It's all Jason's fault, if it wasn't for his bad decisions. Medea has paid the debt for Jason's crimes with the bloodshed of people, some she was in love with and other's barely involved. Now, we have dumb Jason looking around for something that is lost because of his sins.
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schylerivey · 9 years
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Medea. Child murderer.
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schylerivey · 9 years
R.I.P. Kids
After Medea heard the news of the deaths of the king and princess. She was so overjoyed that she then decided that it was time to kill the kids, and then flee. She says that if she does kills them that it will be better than someone who isn't as nice to kill them. It takes so much for her to try to harden her heart so that she can kill them. She tries so hard to not think of them. Think of how sweet they are and how they are her children, her own flesh and blood. Medea will be upset afterwards. She will remember how they were her dear children and that she killed them. How can Medea live with this decision? What will Jason do? How will he feel? His wife-dead. His children-dead. All at the hands of his ex-wife. Because he broke her heart.  How could this have been different? What if Jason had not cheated on Medea? Would his kids still be alive? 
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schylerivey · 9 years
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Glauce running around on fire...
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schylerivey · 9 years
R.I.P. Glauce and Creon
So...Glauce is finally dead. Pretty intense way of dying if you ask me. The messenger came by a little while ago and told us all that happened. As we know from before Medea sent the gifts with the children. The finely woven dress and the golden diadem. Well, she put it on and was walking around thinking how good she looked. But then, the color of her face changed and needed to sit down and white foam started coming from her mouth and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. After a few minutes, she woke up. The diadem then caught on fire. The dress started clutching to her skin. She starts running around on fire all around her bedroom and everyone is freaking out. She tried to take the diadem off but it wouldn't come off. Then eventually she fell down dead. At this point, she wasn't recognizable. Creon, not knowing about the gifts and its powers, found his daughter. As he mourned her, he started to hold her body and he go stuck to the dress too.The dress started to rip his skin off of his bones and he died as well. We will now mourn the death of King Creon and his daughter Princess Glauce.
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schylerivey · 9 years
Medea, changing her mind?
Medea might actually have a heart! Medea might be changing her mind. No, not about killing Glauce. Who wouldn't want to kill the girl their husband cheated on them with? Medea is regretting wanting to kill the kids. She started talking to the kids telling them that they had a place in the world. She told them of the future she had planned for them. Oh never mind, she just told them that they are going to live without her. I can't believe she would actually. Isn't it more likely for a mother to protect her children from harm, not cause it? Now, she is telling them her final goodbyes. Now we are just waiting to hear about Glauce dying. How could someone be so driven to do this? To ruin her family completely? All because your husband left you? Don't resort to homicide! Go lose 20 pounds, get a nose job, join an online dating website, anything! The kids have done nothing to cause your pain. How do you repay them? Shedding their precious innocent blood? 
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schylerivey · 9 years
Jason the idiot
Medea has found her a place to stay with Aegeus, she just has to get there first. Then after he left, Jason came over. And she did as she planned and told him a load of crap about how she wanted him to forgive her for being hateful after he left her. Also, how she thought his plan was so smart. Medea also claimed that she was just acting dumb and shouldn't have even been mad. But now, she is understanding and couldn't be happier. Jason who obviously doesn't remember that Medea is crazy believes her. He also says that he forgives her and says that he gets why she was mad. He must finally realizes that its normal for a women to freak out after her husband cheats on her. Wow! How dumb can you be?!?!? Now, hes going to take the kids and make them into little princes along with his future children he plans to have with Glauce. And then out of nowhere Medea busts out crying thinking about her kids and what Jason plans for them. Medea then was talking about her getting exiled and how she wants to dumb the kids on Jason, and asks that he convince Creon to not banish them as he has banished Medea. Jason says he will. And  then Medea decides to give Glauce gifts. She sends with the children a finely woven dress and a golden diadem as her wedding gifts. Jason, then not acting so dumb is like "no, she doesn't really need  them" and Medea is like "but the gods are moved by gifts" and he's like "ok, sure!"  Now, this means that the kids now have the poisonous gifts that are going to kill Glauce. 
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schylerivey · 9 years
Medea has a plan!
Medea has found the perfect way to get back at Jason. Creon wants to exile Medea because of course she's crazy.... and he can't trust her! He thinks that she is going to want to kill Glauce. So he wants her to leave. But because Medea is just so unprepared to be exiled, she convinces him to let her get everything taken care of (kids, house, etc.) Um no. That's not what she actually wants the day to be for. Shocker! She plans to get her revenge on her ex-husband and Glauce. She has came up with this plan where she will kill Glauce and her children so that Jason will feel her pain and regret what he has done. How dare she hurt everyone she loves though all because of Jason! She plans to first trick Jason into forgiving her and will tell him that she approves of the wedding. She will also request that he keep the kids while she is in exile. Then she will use her kids as bait to kill Glauce by offering her some poisoned gifts. Then she wants to kill her children. Apparently there will be no one to take care of them so why not? Let's kill the kids. As many times as we have tried to tell Medea that she shouldn't do it. All she says is that we can't feel as she has felt. We will keep you updated on this Medea thing as we keep talking to her and getting more info.
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schylerivey · 9 years
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When we found Medea today, at her house...
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schylerivey · 9 years
Poor, Pitiful Medea!
We have just received news that Jason has left and Medea is so alone. Medea is just so sad and must have the worst life ever. Medea has now been left by her husband Jason (the one she stole the Golden Fleece for, and killed her brother for) yeah, him. He has now left her, alone. Medea is crazy. Why didn't Jason think about this BEFORE he decided it would be a great idea to marry the princess? Now, Medea isn't eating, she's not sleeping, she won't stop crying. Now the Chorus and Nurse are basically freaking out because they are not sure what Medea might do. She might hurt her children, she might kill Jason, who knows! We just talked to Jason and he has told us that he planned this all for the kids?!?! What?!?!? He apparently wanted to do this, not because he doesn't love her anymore, but because he wants their kids to be taken care of. Awe how nice of Jason to do this for them. But oh well, he still broke Medea's heart. And to make things even worse, Creon now wants to exile Medea out of Corinth. She is on the way to losing her home and husband all in one day. How unfair to poor, pitiful Medea. I hope Medea gets smarter than this. Hopefully, she will find a way to put herself back on top...
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