schottidev · 6 days
June 6th 10am PT during Guerrilla Collective's Stream
Fabraz will tease their new thing!
I worked on this as a concept- and 3d artist. Also my partner from Umaikigames is involved as a programmer and also 3d artist. Would love if you stop by and tell your friends and foes. Cheers!
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schottidev · 7 days
June 6th 10am PT during Guerrilla Collective's Stream
Fabraz will tease their new thing!
I worked on this as a concept- and 3d artist. Also my partner from Umaikigames is involved as a programmer and also 3d artist. Would love if you stop by and tell your friends and foes. Cheers!
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schottidev · 2 months
SantriaCo's Finance Department
Hi! You enjoy paperwork and number-juggling? Working in SantriaCo's finance department might be your destination!
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schottidev · 2 months
The Stream is over and the Results are in!
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A blood moon monk a skeleton dog and a top hat gentleman are joining my backlog of things to animate. Thanks for watching!
for more sprites check out my ko-fi
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schottidev · 2 months
German dev support *tröt*
A friend and his team released their new game yesterday. If you enjoy Factorio, this could be a thing for you, sources say! Would mean a lot of you could take a look. Thanks!
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schottidev · 2 months
SantriaCo. Marketing Department
Hi! Marketing's job is never done and this is especially true for SantriaCo's marketing department! Greenscreen is a must-have!
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schottidev · 2 months
I'm working on a new set for my ko-fi which is all around production ready characters, a subject that I put in third place after just everything else so far. But not anymore!
As always I'd love to hear feedback or recommondations on what kind of characters you would like to see! I don't know If I can do all of them, but it would help me a ton!
For the ones who are not in the know, my ko-fi has a bunch of pixel spritework that you can download for pay-what-you-want or/and for free!
For Example:
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schottidev · 2 months
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I realized this morning that I earned my fourth ko-fi member <3
Also take this as a full on transparent ko-fi report. I'm working on more content, so shopsales are eventually getting more, but I'm also happy with people downloading my things for free.
I'm having fun making sprites and I'm always happy to see when they get put to good use. That's why I'm asking for recommendations what people would love to see!
If you are not already in the know - This is an example of what you can find in my ko-fi shop. All my Spritework is pay-what-you-want or for free. Cheers!
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schottidev · 2 months
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Animal Village - my piece (of heart) for Koholint Redrawn!
Ko-fi - Prints Patreon - itch.io
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schottidev · 2 months
Hi! I am glad to announce that bureaucracy is also helping in SantriaCo's headquarters to make the possible impossible!
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schottidev · 3 months
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schottidev · 3 months
SantriaCo's Alien Research
Looking for some mysteries and strange technologies? Welcome to the Alien Research Department of SantriaCo! Can you recognize all easter eggs?!
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schottidev · 3 months
SantriaCo's Beverage Technology
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Deep in SantriaCo's basement lies the beverage technology department.
Showcase room to demonstrate the beverage process, control and KVP boards and quality assurance desks... fun stuff to design! Be careful! Don't fall into the tanks of tasty juice!
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schottidev · 3 months
Today's Tynk! Update is all text, so you can read it here:
Talking about my experience looking for publishers, and the circumstances surrounding development at the moment.
One full year into the publisher-search gauntlet.
A little over a year ago I entered into some promising conversations with a few publishers about Tynk!
While I initially was hoping to avoid publishers entirely, I was recovering from a year full of disasters and was in the process of paying the 10k+ cut of my campaign funds in taxes. It was becoming increasingly clear that I wasn't going to be able to develop the game full time without some additional financial buoyancy.
Some of the publisher conversations fell by the wayside quickly, but a few remained active for months on months. It's impossible to really communicate the deep time that these conversations operate on, especially if you're not interested in accepting the boilerplate terms (please, never accept the boilerplate terms.) I've been aching to be more transparent about this element of the development process but frankly I haven't been able to while these conversations were happening - it's hard to negotiate one's pay if you're posting about desperately needing money to make your thing. I've been keeping a poker face as best I can while I ride this stuff out.
But, you can tell this update isn't called "Guess Who I Just Signed With ;)" - these conversations all withered to dead ends. I had been relatively optimistic about the success of these negotiations but in the past few months things turned sour. I can't fully know why things didn't work out. Some had alluded to the current harsh winds blowing through the industry, others were more enigmatic with their falloff in interest.
So what do we do?
The more I've worked on Tynk! the more I've loved it, but I won't deny that it is a big undertaking. I'm still interested in finding a publisher to speed things along - but since I'm suddenly back at square one I'm going to need to establish some other avenue of stability while I cast my line and wait for a nibble.
I don't know what my next move is. I'll be chipping away at Tynk! as always, but my current circumstances might require I give it less priority for long enough that I can produce something much smaller that I can actually sell. I've also been considering setting up a Patreon where I occasionally do tutorials on concept design, pixel art, and other visual arts techniques - but I'm unhappy to be courting my audience for cash when you've already been so generous. If I end up launching something like that and you've backed the game, please don't feel obligated to contribute to it! Also, if you have any thoughts or suggestions for what I can do you can email me at [email protected].
I'll be honest - I'm disheartened, exhausted, and sad. It's obvious that I'll need to spend more time "building an audience" again, but even if I wasn't burnt out by the process of vouching for my own value for a year straight I don't have a clear vision of what that looks like in the internet of 2024. Maybe I'll set up shop on Bluesky or Mastadon as well as resume frequent Twitter posting. I'll be sure to let everyone know once I've planned my presence.
Thanks for your patience as I figure stuff out - Dear Tynk is taking her sweet time, but she'll get here.
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schottidev · 4 months
SantriaCo's Robotics
Right now i am in the fiddly, tedious part of cutting sprites from my numerous aseprite maps, animating them if suitable and importing them as objects into GameMaker... bare with me the next months! At least I can now share some animated gifs:
Here, you are witness of the first exploration of SantriaCo's Robotics Department. Robots are normally quite okayish and UFOs are cool! Getting access to the shiny punchcard is one of the many tasks in this area.
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schottidev · 4 months
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schottidev · 4 months
Vegetables and Fruit Sprites V1 are released!
Thanks for the suggestion! The sprites are usable for commercial and non commercial projects + you can pay what you want. Hope you like it!
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