scarlet-hex-girl · 8 years
Wanda nodded a little, smiling at the Captain. “Thank you... It might not seem like it sometimes, but we’re trying very hard,” she assured him. “Pietro and I are very protective of each other, so I... am sorry to say that if it came down to it, I couldn’t put the team before him. And I’m sure he would say the same... It might be unwise to tell you that, but I think it’s important that you know. If you ask me to, I would not be able to do it.”
She glanced back at the bottle of pills and slipped them back into the drawer, smiling up at the Captain. “My brother and I are strongest when we work together. Which... is why it will be hard to keep us apart for very long. But we can be very loyal together as a pair.”
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Wanda’s reply surprised him. It was a pleasant surprise however. Sure, her brother was overtly hostile to almost anyone who approached him, but seeing this side of her was almost endearing. He did care about the twins, understood what a difficult position they were in. But hearing this from Wanda did do him good. 
“Getting to know the other takes time.” He assured her gently. “And even then, I’ve known this group for a few years now and there are days I’m not even sure I know most of them.” He pointed out. “It’s a guarded bunch. But I think you and your brother have proven yourselves. You continue to prove yourselves.” He promised her. “You’ve more than earned my trust, Wanda. So if there’s anything I can do to help you feel more a part of this team …” 
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scarlet-hex-girl · 8 years
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Wanda blushed as he kissed her hand, looking around her when he began flirting. She wasn’t used to this sort of attention from anyone other than her brother. “It’s... nice to meet you,” she said, obviously taken aback from the attention. “Are you... human?” she asked, hoping he would take the question well. Thor, after all, was a god of sorts.
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Kurt took Wanda’s hand, but instead of shaking it brought it to his lips and gave it a gentle, quick kiss. He released it and gave her a smile in return. “It’s no surprise a petty woman would have a name to match. I’m not looking for anything in particular. Just interested in talking. I met a few of the other Avengers and wanted to meet another.” 
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scarlet-hex-girl · 8 years
Everyone was afraid and seemed to be at a strange sort of impasse. Wanda took the pants her brother tossed at her and slipped them on, moving quickly and ducking underneath Pietro’s arm, plastered to his side, though keeping any “unnecessary” touching to a minimum. On top of her own nerves and fear, she could feel Pietro’s radiating out from him, adding to her worries.
“I... am sorry about the wall,” she added awkwardly, glancing up at Pietro for reassurance. “That was an accident.” Wanda cleared her throat, glancing at Clint before staring at the ground. 
The overall tension in the room was unbearably awkward, and only amplified in Wanda’s mind by her powers. She felt like she could implode, cringing to death from the sheer discomfort. “It would... mean a lot to us if you didn’t tell anyone. We want to stay and be part of the team. The team just... doesn’t need to know about this part,” she added quietly, vaguely gesturing between herself and Pietro.
Discovery | Maximoffs & Barton
Even exhausted Clint knows how to take a hit. He arched his back and ducked his chin to his chest and took being slammed into the wall without flinching.
When he looks up Pietro is threatening him, but his posture is defensive, not aggressive and his eyes are wide with fear.
Fuck. He’s just a scared kid.
And then Wanda is there, hissing at Pietro and begging Clint not to tell the team. He really wishes he’d gone back to Brooklyn tonight.
They’re both terrified that he’s going to ruin their lives.
“Get back in the room.” He repeats evenly, using an authoritative tone he usually saves for missions. “Get back in the room and we’ll figure this out.” He sounds a little more pleading this time.
Wanda’s words had Pietro feeling guilty for his outburst. But he wouldn’t regret it. He’d protect Wanda before anyone else in the world and he wasn’t sorry for threatening Clint. Especially if the older man got the message loud and clear. This was personal, something discovered by accident. No one else was ever meant to know. 
He took Wanda’s hand and turned with her, speeding them both back in to the room. By the time Clint followed them inside, he’d thrown a shirt on and had tossed a pair of loose pants at Wanda to put on under her tank top. There was no need for Clint to see any more of her exposed. 
“So …” He said flatly, grateful that no one else had seen them before they’d all crowded in to the room. “You’ll tell no one, yes?”
He wanted to touch Wanda, hold her, be close to her, try to take comfort in her but somehow doing that with this man so close to them just after seeing what he had … He satisfied himself with standing far too close.
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scarlet-hex-girl · 8 years
“I know, but... I think of you as family now. And I couldn’t forgive myself for doing something like that to Pietro,” she said, looking away from him. “Even though we weren’t teammates when it happened, I still feel the need to apologize.” Wanda smiled a little and looked around the medical lab, sighing quietly before returning her attention to the Captain.
“Pietro and I are very close because of how we grew up... It’s very important to us that we have each other and that we trust each other. I know I won’t feel any link like that with any of the Avengers, but I think the same values still apply. I want you and the others to trust me to be on your side when you need me.” She gave a half smile, looking back up at Steve. “So far all I know of the team is what I’ve read about them in files... I don’t know anyone very well. I don’t know enough about anyone to get them to trust me.”
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There was sympathy on Steve’s face. He was no stranger to sleep problems or to nightmares. That was for certain. He’d had more than his fair share since waking up in the twenty first century. Sure he’d never slept great before the war but that had all been health related and he’d always had his mother and then he’d had Bucky to help.
Her words surprised him then. He lifted his eyebrows, thinking back to when he’d faced the twins in South Africa. It had been no picnic that was for certain. “It’s water under the bridge, Wanda.” He promised her.
He reached out and put a hand on her shoulder, giving it a squeeze. “I appreciate the apology but there’s no need anymore. You’re an Avenger. One of us. We’ve all made mistakes and I think both you and your brother have more than earned your place with us.”
Yes they’d helped Ultron. They’d been coming from a place of long held anger. But the price they’d nearly paid in righting their mistakes more than compensated in Steve’s eyes.
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scarlet-hex-girl · 8 years
“Yes, but twelve minutes hardly makes you my elder. You just got out first because you’ve always been faster,” she said, grinning at him and leaning up once more to press a kiss to his lips. “Why are you staring at me like that?” she asked, feeling self conscious as she looked away from him, smiling a little. 
Though he did seem to stare at her frequently, it was always easier for her when she didn’t have to watch him look at her. “I love you,” she said, finally looking back at him and resting her head in the crook of his neck. “My ankle feels better with the ice... I think maybe I just twisted or sprained it. I don’t think it’s too bad... I just needed you to take care of me to feel better.”
Training the Twins | Maximoffs
Pietro lowered himself so he could meet her lips in a returning kiss. He snorted a little as he looked down at her. “My darling sister, those full twelve minutes absolutely makes me the winner.” He grinned widely. “And also your elder. And you do remember what our mother always said about listening to and respecting your elders, don’t you?” 
He brushed some of her hair out of her face and watched her for a long moment, just studying her. More often than not he found himself looking at her, really taking her in and wondering just how lucky he was and how he had gotten to be so. Honestly, what had he done to deserve someone like this as his own twin, as his lover … essentially as the other part of his soul?
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scarlet-hex-girl · 8 years
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Though she didn’t really know him, she could sense his intentions and they seemed pure and without malice... Wanda gave a small smile. “Wanda Maximoff,” she said, holding her hand out. “Can I help you?”
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“Nothing. I don’t want anything from you. Well, other than to talk. My name is Kurt Wagner. It’s a pleasure,Meine liebe Dame .” 
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scarlet-hex-girl · 8 years
In the blink of an eye, Wanda was on the bed and looking around in both confusion and fear. She cursed and got up, putting her panties back on and slipping a tank top on over her head. She didn’t need to be able to hear what was going on to know that Pietro was making threats out of fear rather than being rational. 
Wanda ran out of the room and grabbed Pietro’s arm, pulling him away from Clint and giving him a stern look. “You know better than to say things like that,” she hissed, reaching up to turn his face so he was looking at her. “This is all we have. We have to talk rationally before you get us kicked out for hurting another Avenger.” She sighed and looked back over at Clint. 
Though she was trying to be mature about the situation... it wasn’t exactly something that could be solved in an after school special. Her link with her brother told her exactly how fearful he was, and she was sure he could sense her own fear as well. “...Please don’t tell the others,” was the best she could come up with as she stared at Clint.
Discovery | Maximoffs & Barton
Pietro’s stance shifted to one of defense to hide Wanda from Clint’s eyes. It was hard to make himself move other than that. What if the older man saw? What if he told the others? The twins would be cast out for certain. It wasn’t anything they hadn’t experienced already.
Growing up they’d been “too close” for others’ comfort. They’d been cast out before. But the difference was now they had nowhere to go. They couldn’t return to Sokovia. Not after what they’d helped Ultron do.
In a split decision Pietro turned tail and lifted Wanda. He shot into the bedroom, however awkward it was. In the mere blink of an eye he had her protectively back on the bed and he was right in Clint’s face.
He used the force of his speed alone and pushed Clint against the wall, probably over estimating his ability to keep him there. “If you tell anyone you’ll be sorry.” He growled. He tried to look angry and threatening.
Mostly he looked afraid.
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scarlet-hex-girl · 8 years
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“Regardless, I know you’re here now. What do you want from me?”
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“I wouldn’t call it sneaking exactly…more like silently observing? There’s a difference.”
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scarlet-hex-girl · 8 years
Wanda smiled, relaxing against his chest and closing her eyes. “I love you,” she said quietly, reaching for his hand and holding it against her chest. “Even though you think being twelve minutes older makes you the winner,” she teased, looking up at him with a warm smile. Wanda reached up, cupping his face and bringing him down a little to kiss him sweetly. 
Training the Twins | Maximoffs
Pietro complied immediately. He could no more deny something Wanda asked than he could his own need to breathe. He made sure the ice pack was settled on her ankle before he crawled up the bed. He snuggled against her, arms winding around her. “I promise you,” He said as he curled behind her, kissing the back of her neck. “You were never a burden. You never will be.”
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scarlet-hex-girl · 8 years
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“Sneaking up on someone who can nearly read minds is not your finest plan.”
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scarlet-hex-girl · 8 years
Wanda nodded a little. “When I first got my powers, I had horrible nightmares. I would go days without sleep,” she admitted. She hadn’t ever told anyone other than her brother, but Captain Rogers was her team leader. She certainly held a high level of respect for him, especially after what she’d seen in his head. 
“I almost traded nightmares for these headaches,” she said with a sad smile. “They both are painful and keep me up, so I suppose it’s only a different flavor of poison,” she said, sighing a little as she accepted the bottle for him. She read the label’s warnings and dosage before popping three of the pills and swallowing them dry.
“Thank you,” she said quietly, setting the bottle back on the table, memorizing the name of the medicine. “I would have been here searching all night for something,” she murmured with a soft shake of her head. “I know it was a long time ago now... but I never truly apologized for getting in your head,” she said quietly. Wanda’s arms wrapped around her stomach and she looked down at the ground. “You are incredibly brave... You are definitely suited to lead the Avengers.”
Headaches || Open
“Sorry,” Steve’s dad, holding out his hand to show her that he meant no harm. He knew he still had to be cautious with the Maximoff twins. They seemed to have settled into the team well enough. But it probably didn’t help matters that somewhere still wary of them.
In response to her question he gave an offhanded shroud. “I don’t often sleep very well. It’s not unusual for me to be up at this hour.” When one slept for 70 years, sleep didn’t seem like such a necessity.
He was seldom at the tower overnight. But right now it seems that his late hours were doing some good. It wouldn’t hurt for him to have someone on one time with the Maximoff girl. She was seldom without her brother.
“Usually caffeine helps with the thing like that. Here,” he said, seven closer. “I think I know just the thing.” He said, reaching into the drawer to select a bottle of migraine medicine
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scarlet-hex-girl · 8 years
Wanda smiled, reaching down and brushing her fingers against his before she finally took his hand. “Pietro,” she said hesitantly, trying to decide what exactly she wanted. She gave him a small smile before tugging on his hand, trying to pull him down on the bed with her. 
“Please lay with me...” she asked, biting her lip and intertwining her fingers with her brother. “I just need you to hold me,” she said softly.
Training the Twins | Maximoffs
Pietro settled her legs in his lap and gently put the ice on her ankle. He listened to her and frowned. “Annoyed? No.” He insisted, reaching with his other hand to touch her cheek. “I liked being responsible for you.” He admitted.
“I felt important.” He kept the ice on her leg with one hand while the other moved, fingers tracing random patterns on her knee.
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scarlet-hex-girl · 8 years
“Pietro, I didn’t even count to one,” she said with a small smile. She laid back, hesitantly lifting her leg to rest her ankle on his lap. She closed her eyes, covering them with her arm and biting her lip nervously. She trusted Pietro, of course, but she still was sure it was going to hurt. 
“...Does it remind you of when we were younger?” she asked quietly after a moment, peeking down at him. “When we were back in Sokovia and you and I would take care of each other... well, when you would take care of me. I was so helpless,” she said with a frown, watching him. “I’m surprised you didn’t get annoyed.”
Training the Twins | Maximoffs
Pietro paused for a moment. He hated the distress on her face but God it felt good to be needed. He moved and put his hand on her cheek, leaning in and kissing her. “Count to ten.” He promised. “Then I’ll be back.”
At that he took off across the complex to find her the ice she’d need. He grabbed it from the kitchen and a towel to put it in before running right back from the room. He was going so fast he damn near lost his breath.
Finally he was back at the room, skidding to a halt beside the bed. “What did I tell you?” He asked with a grin though he didn’t know if he’d made it before “ten”. He sat next to her, gesturing for her to lay back and put her ankle in his lap.
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scarlet-hex-girl · 8 years
Brave. Stubborn. Home.
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scarlet-hex-girl · 8 years
Send me 💬 and my muse will describe yours in three words.
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scarlet-hex-girl · 8 years
Wanda jumped when she heard the unexpected noise, her head throbbing as she tried to focus on the voice. “...Oh, Captain,” she said, a bit surprised. “It’s... very late,” she said with a frown. “Why are you awake?”
She hesitated to answer his question. She wasn’t necessarily alright, but the last thing she wanted was for Steve to go telling a doctor or worse, her brother. Doctors she didn’t really trust, and Pietro was... Well, he was Pietro. He was forever worried about her, no matter what she might say to try to ease his peace of mind.
“I just have a migraine,” she said, looking back to the drawer of medicine. Honestly, she wasn’t really sure she knew what she was looking for. “...Do you know what would help? Other than a doctor,” she asked hesitantly. Steve was her leader, she needed to trust him... and she needed him to trust her as well. It was hard for Wanda sometimes, she knew that others perceived her as out of control, but she needed her teammates to trust her.
Headaches || Open
Sleep didn’t come all that easily for Steve. It never had. Before the serum it had been a matter of his health. There had almost always been something going on with his body that made sleep difficult to come by. Now that his body was just about in the most perfect condition a body could come in, it was his mind that kept him awake. There were worries, yes, and there were dreams of course. But what kept him up the most was that jarring feeling of waking that would inevitably come in the morning.
Waking up had never been the same since the ice.
It was one of those nights - rather those early mornings - that Bucky was off on his own and sleep was elusive to Steve. And so he headed back to the Tower to get some time in at the training center. He was on his way to clean up when he heard someone rummaging around one of the nearby rooms. He passed by the infirmary and saw the lights on, seeing Wanda there going through the drawers. He entered with caution, leaning his head in.
“Are you alright?” He asked gently.
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scarlet-hex-girl · 8 years
Wanda’s arms wrapped securely around Pietro’s neck, and she let out a small whimper. This was all strangely familiar: Pietro taking care of her, the two of them getting as far away from others as possible. When they arrived in their room, Wanda settled on the bed, tugging his arm when he looked like he was about to run off. 
“No, I think I just need ice,” she said, thinking for a moment. “Be quick, okay? Don’t leave me alone for long,” she said, feeling so much smaller than usual. It almost felt as if she’d reverted back to before their powers... telling Pietro not to leave her for long. 
It was a silly notion now, seeing as he could be gone and back before she could blink... but there had been times when they were younger that one had to stay behind to make sure their few possessions remained safe. Wanda let go of his arm, biting her lip and waiting.
Training the Twins | Maximoffs
Wanda reached out blindly, grabbing at Pietro and letting out a shaky breath as she clung to him. “Pietro,” she whimpered. “I think I just twisted my ankle, but it hurts,” she said, wincing as she tried to get up. It was a complete failure, only serving to send a shooting pain up her leg. “Will you help me to my room?” she asked, looking up at him.
She normally hated feeling so vulnerable, but it was never so bad when only Pietro was there. He’d seen her at her best and her worst, and she knew nothing was really going to change his opinion about her.
At once Pietro had her lifted in his arms. He pulled her against him, keeping her close to his chest. Naturally he hated seeing her hurt. He would never want harm to come to her. But on some level he felt selfish. Some small part of him was basking in the familiarity. 
Before their powers. Before the Battle of Sokovia he had been the one to care for them both. She’d been so dependent on him. Now she was so powerful. So strong. It wasn’t often he was in the role of protector and caretaker anymore. At least not as he had been before.
At once he was off, running across the compound, dodging others with ease. He didn’t stop nor break speed until he was at the door to her (their) room. “Do you need me to get someone to help?” He asked. He didn’t ask if she wanted to go to medical. Neither of them did all that well with it these days. Not after Strucker.
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