sbargh-blog · 12 years
a doorway
I believe you need to take another look at the rules, especially those concerning answers.
Here's a hint: Your answer goes at the end of the URL, slagwagon.
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sbargh-blog · 12 years
Here's your next riddle! Enjoy, my little deathpumpkins <3
I have no face but I am not ashamed. Walk in me and you will be where you came. 
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sbargh-blog · 12 years
I had a conversation with your first guardian.
Fun stuff, fun stuff.
Some things have to be edited so you peons don't learn too much too soon
but I think you'll find it iiiiiiinteresting.
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sbargh-blog · 12 years
My leader suggested it. /shrugs. Very well, I'll hold you to your word as I come up with an answerable question, even though that seems like a stupid thing to do.
It's not stupid at all. You solved the riddle after all, you slightly-less apeish human.
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sbargh-blog · 12 years
In the interest of keeping everyone alive [even though it seems like most of us enjoy dying], I'd like to ask what the correct, full answer to the next riddle will be. If you can't answer that, then what is the exact relationship/connection between you and Sburb? Please, spare us no details.
Unfortunately, I can't answer eiiiiiither of those. You'll find out what the connection is soon enough. Just you wait and keep on those puzzles! Let's say if you can solve all of next weeks riddles, then I'll tell you.
And the first one was just a stupid thing to ask. Seriously. What would even possess you to ask that.
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sbargh-blog · 12 years
Oh fine. Don't come to my memo I don't care. It's not like I want you to learn more, you n-n-neanderthals!
That was a joke, in case you didn't know.
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sbargh-blog · 12 years
I'm sorry, I don't think you heard me. Memo is open. Get in there right now on the double chop chop now.
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sbargh-blog · 12 years
Memo is open. Look for SBARGH
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sbargh-blog · 12 years
Memo in just a bit my little thanatical thralls <3
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sbargh-blog · 12 years
are you lying when you say "I'm lying."
I'm not even sure what prompted you of all people to ask this, since I'm pretty sure you're not littlebreezesduskandshiver.
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sbargh-blog · 12 years
Thank you, Warrior, for giving us something instead of raining down on us with infinite fury.
Well that was fast.
Proud of you <3
We'll have a celebratory memo in a bit.
As for you, I've decided I'm going to give you a reward!
You can ask me anything you like, anything at all, and I'll give you a straight answer! So long as I feel like it.
You've earned it~
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sbargh-blog · 12 years
Well then here's the next riddle. And here's a one time only offer. You get this one right and story time will go on like you got both of them.
Just cause I want you to know a little bit more about your good friend the Warrior <3
So here it is!
Number 1 is me alone. I'm in everything, from water to stone. I'm always alone and that's no fun, so I join up with more of me in the midday sun. We make it all, from 1 to 118, even if humans have to intervene. Alone I can stand, but tagalongs come, and they give you light when there is no sun. So what the hell am I? 
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sbargh-blog · 12 years
what if i do will that make you uncomfortable ;)
Not even in the slightest.
I've seen cave drawings by your mind-bogglingly even more dimwitted ancestors with more power than your advances, and those were literally stories of who got the bigger antelope.
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sbargh-blog · 12 years
you better make another memo i want to talk about how fun it was dying
Don't even kid yourself. You just want to flirt more.
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sbargh-blog · 12 years
Well then, consider all of yourselves plus one death.
As for me, I need to take some time thinking up a puzzle that you cro magnons will actually get.
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sbargh-blog · 12 years
Well. No one got it.
That means all of you die.
Just sit back, relax, read a book or something while you can. You'll soon find the carnivorous earwig burrowing through to your brain to be quite irremovable. <3
I believe a little bit of explanation is order while you still have conscious thought.
Sunkist, Pepsi, One Fanta, Coke, Sierra Mist, Two Fanta, Mello Yello
Caldwell Mail Advertising in Nashville, TN can help, but please don’t call.
Let's look them up on your human Google, hmm?
Their phone number (minus the area code because fuck area codes) is 256-1473
Hold up now. That's every number from 1 to 7 rearranged!
And what a coincidence, there's 7 sodas here! So let's match them up.
Sunkist (2), Pepsi (5), One Fanta (6), Coke (1), Sierra Mist (4), Two Fanta (7), Mello Yello (3)
Now let's put them in numerical order
Coke, Sunkist, Mello Yello, Sierra Mist, Pepsi, One Fanta, Two Fanta
Very interesting~ Let's take a moment to go back to google to look up these sodas. Go ahead, I'll wait.
Well, that took longer than I thought it would, but when it comes to you gullywashers, I'm not surprised.
Notice anything? How about the labels?
Coke is red, Sunkist is orange, Mello Yello is yellow, Sierra Mist is green, Pepsi is blue, and Fanta comes in a bunch of colors.
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue.
What ELSE sounds like that and Fanta makes colors to match? Could those colors be indigo and violet?
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.
Hold up now. Is that... the visible light spectrum? ROYGBIV?
The answer is ROYGBIV. I want all of you to visit http://sbargh.tumblr.com/roygbiv so you can feel like an idiot
Now HOPEFULLY you'll remember that, along with how to walk and eat, after your revival. Otherwise, tata for now, my little bottomfeeders <3
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sbargh-blog · 12 years
Only 5 hours left now.
I'm salivating at this point~
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