sayeedkingsley · 10 months
The Evening ― a Bound by Destiny drabble
⥼ Summary ⥽
While Nadya is busy making friends among the Ball's other human guests, Adrian and Kamilah retreat to the vampire-exclusive La Soiree. It is there that Adrian meets a pair of vampires with which to spend the evening... and finds himself caught up in the scintillating air of their natural mystery.
note: This piece takes place during Bound by Destiny, during the events of Chapter 10: The Cellar. It is not necessary to read to understand Book 1 or the Oblivion Bound series, but it does provide a fun insight into both Adrian and the original characters Valdas and Isseya.
word count: 4,175 rating: mature content warnings: language, blood drinking, vaguely-described sexual situations find out more: HERE
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By the third time Kamilah sweeps her gaze across the room he’s had enough.
“You don’t need to babysit me all night. Do you think I’m going to up and retreat the moment you turn your back?”
The look she gives him isn’t entirely unwarranted; a simple arched brow and the kind of breath that shifts her bosom at the top of her corset but serves only to be seen and understood.
For as long as he’s known her, Adrian has been fascinated with Kamilah’s skill of speaking columns without so much as an utterance. Maybe it comes with age. More likely it’s just something uniquely Kamilah.
“Give yourself a tad more credit Adrian.” She curls a single finger in the air; summoning a serving boy from out of his line of sight and plucks her choice of dark amber liquor from his offered assortment. “‘Retreat’ is not a word in your lexicon.”
The same silver tray is offered to Adrian. He declines, and the servant flits away.
“You know what I mean.”
Kamilah savors her drink for a long moment. “Perhaps I did, once. Now, however, I find myself in need of a translator where you are concerned.”
And… well, isn’t that entirely not what he was expecting. “What’s that about?”
“It is about the changes I’ve seen in you over the last few months. I’ve yet to determine whether or not to be concerned.”
“A chan—” But before he can even get the full question out, Kamilah cuts him off.
“Do not play the fool to me. Never to me.”
Eyes sharp as the daggers she collects so avidly; plum-tinted lips curled into a frown usually reserved for literally anyone else. All of her discontent plain to see despite the heady fog of incense that curls around the foyer and its guests.
But it’s not exactly difficult for Adrian to figure out the source of her ire. The unspoken name that’s kept her on her toes.
Only Adrian wouldn’t dare do anything but call Nadya a profoundly positive influence on his life. Not even just his—Kamilah’s, too. How long has it been since he’s heard even the whisper of amusement curled into the corners of her mouth? Or seen a kindness as simple as slipping Nadya her Clan symbol so she wouldn’t have to brave the train ride without them at her side?
One of his great personal tragedies of the last century was being forced into the role of silent witness to the hardening of Kamilah Sayeed’s heart. And yet she sits here in front of him and implies he’s the only one changed by the strange yet welcome break in immortal tedium ignited by their wondrous new human friend.
Alas, Adrian isn’t the least bit surprised.
He’s young (compared to her, anyway), but not stupid.
Before Adrian can speak a word in his own defense a familiar and throaty laugh catches the pair’s attention. It has Adrian looking beyond her shoulder while Kamilah twists lithely to join him in watching Lester’s entrance to the evening’s events.
To no one’s surprise their fellow Council member has arrived with a beautiful woman gracing each arm. Mortal, given the flush in their cheeks — and no doubt a disturbingly small fraction of his presumed age. He postures; he always does. Loud bellowing guffaws and over-exaggerated reunions with old friends he will need plenty of liquor to recall the names of.
By the time he’s made his way across the foyer there’s an entire Castellanos entourage on his heels. And as quickly as they gathered… they all vanish together too. Gone behind one of several doorways draped in maroon velvet.
Attentions turning back to one another, the looks Adrian and Kamilah exchange make his heart feel a little bit lighter. Even when they aren’t eye-to-eye on one thing, they will always be on the same team.
“Well we know which salon to steer clear of.” Adrian muses.
“I would venture caution even to those which share a wall with his den of debauchery.”
That, however, brings up the unspoken discussion neither of them have wanted to set in motion. The one where they discuss their own and each others’ participation in the soiree’s intended purpose.
Kamilah is certainly dressed for it. And Adrian isn’t even the only one around them wearing a simple suit — sometimes what is not revealed is just as tantalizing as what is, after all.
So he sighs, accepts defeat, and politely stops the closest server for his pick of red wines on offer. “I’ll stay—salut,” his raised glass meets hers between them, “but I’ve got too much on my mind to even think about… joining in.”
Knowing it’s the best she’s going to get out of him, Kamilah accepts this and begins to unwind herself from the supple leather sofa.
“One of these days you might want to try not shouldering the world’s every burden.”
“One of these days.”
“And when such a day comes, I might just die from shock.”
“Just don’t resent me for being your demise.”
With a bemused little smile Kamilah bends down to bestow chaste kisses to his cheeks. It’s enough to give Adrian a strange yet fleeting sense of relief. “I cannot make any promises about not holding it against you,” she teases. “But in all seriousness— do try to find something to keep you entertained tonight. You might even find yourself enjoying what opportunity comes along. It does so only once a decade, if you recall.”
Then Kamilah takes her leave. Adrian watches her go for lack of anything better to do… though the sight of her greeting an unfamiliar woman with a coy smile and friendly kisses isn’t exactly easy on him. He’s glad she’s giving into the opportunity to let loose even a little bit — but knowing what Adrian does about Nadya and her feelings towards Kamilah…
Well, he’s frustrated. Torn between two loyalties. But that’s nothing new.
La Soiree is still in its early hours. Eventually the foyer, still bustling with the last wave of attendees under the impression fashionably late has modern relevance, will be no more than an echoing chamber. And Adrian still doesn’t know if he plans on being one of the scant few left behind.
Wistfully his thoughts drift—unsurprisingly—to Nadya and the Cellar party happening below. Maybe he could pop in. Could check and just make sure she’s acclimating and finding friends and doing well. But would the attendants even let him in…?
The other end of the long couch sighs. Drawing Adrian’s attention to the man helping himself in taking up Kamilah’s place.
He gives the stranger a polite nod out of sheer courtesy — already readying himself to stand and take his leave.
“Surely there is enough room to share?”
Adrian blinks, startled. Looking back at the man but unsure of what to say.
“Yes, you,” the stranger offers a small chuckle and a sweeping hand to all of the empty cushions around them. “There’s no need to leave. In fact, I invite the pleasure of your company.”
The pleasure of his company? Words no doubt carefully-chosen here… of all places.
“Unless…” The man shrugs one shoulder before looking up at Adrian through obviously lowered lashes. “You have a prior engagement, of course.”
Something about the unspoken implication rubs Adrian the wrong way; and makes him debate staying solely to prove the man wrong. There’s a touch of the sinner in the glint of the stranger’s honeyed eyes and the almost predatory way he watches Adrian while sipping his drink.
Apparently… he’s doing this. Adrian sits back down… and tries to reassure himself of the feeling that he may not have really had a choice in the matter. Of course he did.
… Right?
The other vampire doesn’t bother hiding the victory lacing his smile. “Forgive me, where are my manners…”
He extends a dark hand… and the moment Adrian reciprocates the other takes it as unspoken permission to snatch up the empty cushion between them.
“You will call me Valdas.”
Oh will he? “Adrian, Adrian Raines.”
Only Valdas doesn’t relinquish his grip so easily. Leaving Adrian watching with growing confusion and unease as he turns over their joined hands with a tender curiosity.
“Ease the tension in your jaw. It isn’t good for such a handsome face to always look so displeased with the world.”
Reluctantly, Adrian does. “I don’t think I look… displeased,” and brushing the barely-concealed compliment aside… “May I have my hand back, Valdas?”
Apparently not. Well-trimmed nails brush along the inside of his upturned wrist. They linger in the same way winter just won’t let the city go in February. The barest touch dragging along the lines of Adrian’s palm in a way only a lover’s should.
Valdas hums as if pleased. “The trained eye can always tell who among us are survivors of the days of old. Indulge me this, Adrian Raines — I would put you at two, three centuries walking?”
“You are pardoned. I’m asking for your age, young man.” Which is a strange endearment to hear from someone who looks pretty close to him in physical age at the very least. Adrian can almost imagine a bit of a baby face hiding under that thick and well-trimmed beard.
While asking someone’s age isn’t any taboo among their kind—especially those gathered at La Soiree—Adrian can’t help but feel a little bit uncomfortable; sharing his age with a man he’s only just met. It’s a clear indicator at the very least that he’s not from around New York or the surrounding states. If he was he’d know Adrian by sight. And age has always been an important measure of decorum — among the Council anyway. It’s why the likes of the Baron will always hesitate before crossing Kamilah; or even Adrian himself for that matter.
Kamilah had even explained to him once the importance of age in the old European vampire culture. How it dictated everything from eye contact to forms of address to even whether you could speak to someone at all.
If Adrian’s placing this Valdas’ accent even remotely geographically close… these could be dangerous waters ahead.
Subtly, Adrian tries to coax his hand free. “Is it that important?”
He fails. Earning instead the stroke of a roughly calloused thumb over the top of his palm. “My curiosity has you uncomfortable,” Valdas answers; a statement that leaves Adrian slightly taken aback.
“Well, no, I —”
The other vampire’s grasp tightens suddenly. It’s minuscule, but definitely noteworthy.
“I do not ask the same thing twice.”
That Adrian doesn’t have a hard time believing. At this rate it’s just easier to answer and get it over with. “I’ve never had a reason to count the years off,” he coolly lies, but still offers, “somewhere over the head of two hundred and fifty, though.”
His acquiescence is met favorably; an almost proud curve added to Valdas’ smile while he nods.
“Yes. I thought so.”
“How could you tell?”
Valdas seems glad Adrian asks. He gestures with a sweep of his thumb over calluses so old Adrian often forgets they’re there; no more important or defining unto him than the scar on his foot from the angry end of a horseshoe nail in his youth, or the chip on his bottom tooth he had been forced to wait for modern dentistry to finally get corrected.
Judging by the way Valdas looks at them, too, their permanence is kind of the whole point.
“The evidence is here, do you see? So many of us lucky enough to have survived have telltale marks such as these. Marks from a farmer’s labor or a blacksmith’s skill. Yours, Adrian, are a tad more distinct though. I would recognize another soldier’s hands anywhere.”
There was once a time when Adrian would have recoiled at the assumption. It didn’t matter if it was true or not. But Gaius has been gone for so long, now. Titles like Soldier, like Bloodqueen, have faded into nothing more than words; as mundane as their current occupations of CEO and Council Member.
“You’re a regular Sherlock Holmes, huh.”
Valdas again shrugs a single shoulder. Then he turns his own hand up and into Adrian’s cupped palm to reveal his own similarly rough hewn skin.
“Deduction has its uses to be sure. But I’ve found experience to be a far more adept means of investigation.”
At least Adrian can take his hand back, now.
“Well I guess my eye isn’t as trained. I hope you’re not waiting for me to guess your age.”
“Why would I, when the time it would take you to do so even close to accurately could be spent in far more amicable ways?”
In the time it takes Adrian to realize his intended insult, Valdas throws his arm over the back of the couch and allows himself to sink further into the pliant leather for comfort.
Well, Adrian thinks, there are worse ways to spend the evening.
He could be in the same room as Lester.
“I take it you are local to the area?”
Adrian nods. “Well—Manhattan, yes.”
“I mean to say that this is not your first of these events.” Valdas gestures broadly to the foyer around them; growing more empty with every passing minute. The intricate and semi-sexual dance of small talk and choosing partners seems to be nearly over.
Ah. “Oh, no then,” he answers. “What about you?” Since it’s highly unlikely his companion is here for someone’s Debut.
“‘Tis our first on this continent. Though the Balls of old hosted by the young Lord Lafayette weren’t so specific in nature back then — they never were.”
There’s… quite a bit to unpack there in a simple statement; and Adrian doesn’t really know where to begin. Maybe that’s a good thing—famous last thoughts—when Valdas reaches forward and cards a surprisingly gentle touch through his hair.
Adrian should be leaning away.
Why isn’t he leaning away?
Because apparently once again Kamilah is proven right — only this time she isn’t even here to reap the spoils of her victory. And because maybe it has been a while since Adrian has… indulged himself with the company of another. It’s not as though Valdas isn’t an attractive man; that’s not it at all. He just isn’t the first person Adrian would have picked out in a room full of equally eligible vampires ranging from casually friendly to just plain horny.
So where does that leave them?
It leaves Adrian speechless; a wordless yet not entirely unwilling participant to the way the other vampire takes slow and purposeful advances. It’s not like Valdas is trying to lure him in falsely with a ruse. They both know exactly what’s going on, what each movement and action mean, and what they could very well build up to.
And Valdas is surprisingly patient as he waits to see if his affections will be reciprocated… or politely refused.
Adrian Raines is a polite man by nature. However he doesn’t refuse.
The rough pad of Valdas’ thumb swipes over Adrian’s bottom lip slowly and with care. Pressing down with the barest of pressure; just enough to feel the tip of his nail on his front tooth.
There’s a point to this brief hesitation. Now would be the time to tell him to stop, if that’s the plan.
Instead, Adrian asks— “Which party would you be referring to, exactly? The Ball, or La Soiree?”
The answer to Adrian’s question lies not in words, but in the way Valdas moves his hand to hold the other’s chin with thumb and forefinger; in the way Adrian follows by allowing his head to cant to the side, welcoming a warm exhale of breath on his neck.
Valdas’ lips tease just shy of a kiss. There’s the tickle of his facial hair that Adrian hasn’t felt in—phew—at least two decades, maybe more? Sensations both familiar in theory and new in specific experience. All that and the air of hunger that hangs over them, sultry and sweet.
Adrian’s half-lidded eyes briefly sweep the room around them in a daze; looking but not really seeing anything from beyond this moment the men have sealed themselves in. Why would he even bother — when there’s still so much to be taken in from the awakening his body is undergoing?
That strong grip winds its way into Adrian’s coiffed hair — clutching at soft strands and digging into his scalp. Like the hand’s owner was born in the tumultuous storm straddling pleasure and pain and has never left it.
“May I?”
Two words given breath and life wet against Adrian’s throat. He isn’t given the chance to answer… but he doesn’t need to when blunted teeth suddenly give way to something sharper.
The lightest twitch is all it takes for Valdas’ fangs to pierce Adrian’s flesh. It’s a carnal act as much as it is a relief; eliminating the need to navigate the murky waters of speech any further.
They sit together, each man’s existence honed in on the other, for what feels like an eternity. The soiree, the Ball itself; everything could continue to move and flow around them and Adrian is quite sure he would be none the wiser.
Yet every time he reaches out to offer some kind of physical reciprocation, Valdas declines. Whether it’s seeking out his cheeks or hair, trying to skirt touches to his neck or shoulders… even when Adrian tries to switch subtle tactics and goes for the buttons of Valdas’ dress shirt with certainty—the other man pushes his hands back in a silent command to simply enjoy. To allow himself to be enjoyed.
The next attempt becomes his last. Rejection joined this time by punishment of Adrian’s hands held bound in his own lap. He really doesn’t have a choice after that.
Somewhere in the din of it all the hairs on the back of Adrian’s arms prickle with gooseflesh. It’s enough to drag him into awareness beyond the heated coil burning in his belly and back to the world that—somehow, like a fever dream—exists outside of Valdas’ extremely talented mouth.
They are being watched.
They are being enjoyed.
One of the staff tries to offer the woman an hors d’oeuvre; just doing her job, being polite. But even from across the room Adrian can see the tension rippling underneath supple olive skin; can sense it in the shift of her lithe body under the dim lighting of the chandelier, and in the way the sheer veils that cover just enough of her skin glide effortlessly along her body and curves.
She is dark black hair in ringlets around sharp cheekbones and a sharper jawline. One eye the color of a tree in morning light and the other an ivy-toned green; both pupils blown wide and black and seemingly endless. And her smile… oh how her fangs catch pearlescent in the light.
He has absolutely no idea who she is.
That doesn’t stop her from staring at them with eyes giving new definition to the word desire.
But the attention starts to unnerve Adrian slightly. Enough to make him twitch and move under Valdas’ continued bloodstained attentions — though his body isn’t sure where to go.
Judging by the tightening grip on his hair… nowhere.
But even through whatever lusting frenzy has him so enamored, Valdas doesn’t ignore the chance of ambiance. Rather than pull back entirely he simply shifts; coyly tucking his face into Adrian’s fluttering pulse in order to cast a subtle glance at what exactly has his new treat ready to flee.
“Ah, yes,” he croons, a familiarity in his tone that catches Adrian off guard, “she can be rather… intense at first. But I assure you darling, she means no harm. Well… none that will go unrewarded anyway.”
Blinking through the haze of Valdas is harder than Adrian expected it to be. “You… know her?” He asks.
Only the second the words pass his lips he no longer needs them. Only then does he remember Valdas’ earlier choice of words—
“…our first time…”
—and it all makes sense.
“She’s your… partner.”
Valdas chuckles lowly; lets his rumbling voice thickened with arousal burrow itself a home beneath Adrian’s skin.
“To call her such a plain term is almost an insult — not that you could have known. If my beloved is merely my partner, then this—here, you and I—is nothing more than a business-like chat.”
Which they both know is an understatement. Point proven when Valdas finally releases his wrists, reaching between their entwined bodies to palm the evidence of Adrian’s enjoyment of even the little they’ve done so far. Finding him full and aching; eager for release against the tight fabric of his suit slacks.
“I can’t recall business ever putting me… here.” Hard, confused; the itch of the role of prey tingling the base of his spine in a way it hadn’t since Adrian was Turned.
And all-too-quickly due to that woman’s unwavering stare.
Valdas wrenches Adrian’s focus back from across the room with a squeeze. Watching and relishing every expression flickering across Adrian’s face with rapt obsession. “I’m gladdened to know you aren’t opposed to Isseya’s voyeurism.”
Any protests that might have been are thus no longer. They die on the tip of Adrian’s tongue; swallowed down so quickly he almost chokes on them in exchange for the moan Valdas pulls from him when he skillfully destroys Adrian’s button fly without a care.
His head falls back against the back of the chaise, his world sent off-kilter, everything distorted at the edges of his sight.
Only to be brought back by the slow and purposeful approach of the tigress called Isseya.
Deceitfully delicate hands fall on his shoulders. The whisper of a soft thumb stroking the juncture where Adrian’s neck meets his shoulder that quickly grows heavy. Effortlessly she is holding him down — pinned and prone.
Isseya leans over him then — fully aware of how her supple breasts follow the curve of her spine to lean just within reach of his parted lips. But the kiss she captures Valdas with becomes a form of distraction all its own.
Humans invented monogamy because to them life was fleeting. Vampires have a very different mindset—and rightly so. There are dozens of ways two (or more) of their kind can define the relationships they have between one another and all together; probably even more than Adrian knows.
But as he watches their tongues tangle soft and exploratory, two of Valdas’ fingers tucking under Isseya’s chin and the control held in such a simple touch… Adrian quickly learns, and understands.
Calling her partner really was a kind of insult. It belittles them and what they are together; what they have. What they let wash over Adrian in building desperation and raising volume wet and eager and only continuing to grow.
What would it be like to kiss someone like that, Adrian finds himself wondering. It’s not an answer, but as if under a compulsion he watches himself lend Valdas a hand by hooking his finger into the rope belt hanging low on Isseya’s hips — like that could somehow hold her there.
The couple press their foreheads together briefly before parting in a silent reckoning. Isseya’s gaze trails lazily back to Adrian like he’s an afterthought.
Oh, yes. You exist.
“You always find me the prettiest presents, My Beloved One.” Her voice rings like chimes on a twilight breeze.
With a chuckle and a nod, Valdas resumes his earlier pursuit — fingers dipping steadily below Adrian’s bespoke waistline to take his arousal in hand. “Who said he was yours?”
“I did.”
“I rather like him for mine own.”
“Cruel, lover.”
Adrian wants to interject; though at the moment his brain is likely to say something stupid about not belonging to anyone, about being his own man. But it’s difficult to think when he’s… like this.
“Strong jaw, good cheekbones… You know I love the cheekbones.” Yet even the bare minimum of a compliment feels, coming from her, like worshipful praise.
His stare is glassy, and he looks up at Isseya with acceptance as well as desire. Another minute more and Adrian worries he might find it impossible to deny them both of anything. Especially the inevitable.
Maybe that’s the whole point.
“Does he suit your vision of the evening, my love?” Valdas asks, words breathed like worship into Isseya’s slender neck. The vampiress hums at the affection and question both, sweeping Adrian up in another of her all-consuming gazes.
“I’d have to taste of him, first.”
Rather than give her an answer, Valdas simply turns to Adrian with a single eyebrow raised.
The unspoken question hangs loudly between them all.
Well? The choice is his.
Adrian watches his hand cup the back of Isseya’s neck, pulling her in for a kiss.
There are worse ways to spend the evening.
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sayeedkingsley · 11 months
Ina Kingsley x MC: I’m not needed, never will I be - Part 2
Summary: A simple question that makes Raven crack under pressure. 
Warnings: ANGST, negative thoughts, swearing, maybe a sprinkle of fluff, hurt Raven, angsty flashback
Tags: @kulaykape @ikingsley @domakir @loyalshrimpfan @barnibumblr @loyalshrimp @alleycat97 @blaine-hayes @swimmingshoebakerydreamer
Author’s Notes: It mentions some of Raven’s flashbacks and negative thoughts. If you are uncomfortable with it, I advise you not to read it. This does not affect the other stories, think of it as an alternate universe or something-) It mentions some characters from previous fics. For the ones who do read it, I hope you enjoy it. It has not been proofread, although, feedback is appreciated if you message me in private. I will edit it later. This series may be discontinued.
“How dare you walk away, why did you leave? How can you say you were bored?!”
Raven looks around and lets Lillian in to avoid waking up the neighbours. 
“Come in.”
She sensed Lillian’s reluctance.
Raven sat Lillian down and offered some tea but decided to make it herself after her glare.
“What changed in you to say you were bored?”
Raven sighed. 
“I lied.”
******A few months back******
“Ina, why can’t I come along?”
The older woman gave an amused look as Raven followed her around while she was packing her bag with a pout and her arms crossed.
“It’s only a week.”
“A week without you, Ina.”
Ina sighs and settles on the bed, she pats the space next to her so Raven can sit. 
“Rae, we can video call and text, we’ll be fine.”
Raven sulked to the airport, following Ina. 
“Raven, I promise I will call when I land.”
Placing a kiss on Raven’s forehead, she held her. Raven took her time taking in Ina’s scent before letting her go and walking to the gate. She waved until Ina disappeared into the crowd before trudging her way home. 
Continuing with her usual daily routine, without Ina, she texted her. 
Queen of my Heart
Ina: What are we having for dinner?
Raven: I can cook ;)
Raven: And clean
Ina: 👀
Today at 7:48 PM
Raven: I miss you.
Raven: It doesn’t feel the same in the apartment when you’re not here. 
Delivered 7:49 PM
Waiting for her reply, minutes turned into hours. She fell into a slumber, letting go. A vibration filled the room from the device, light blaring from the screen. 
Queen of my Heart
Raven: I miss you.
Raven: It doesn’t feel the same in the apartment when you’re not here. 
Read 10:30 PM
Ina: I know, I’m sorry. I’ll be back soon, Rae..
It was difficult for Raven to get up in the morning. Upon seeing Ina’s message, she felt at ease. She decided to visit Rudra and spend time at the gym so she doesn’t feel alone. 
“Hey, Rud!”
“Raven! You’re here today, any problem?”
“Ina’s out on a work trip so I thought I can check up on you.”
“Jesse is in the office too, I just need to step out right now.”
The woman went to check up on her cousin, excited to spend time with her after they hadn’t had much time together. 
“JESSE! OH MY GOD, I MISSED YOU! You doctors are so hard to catch for bonding time.”
“Well, Lillian and I have been spending quite a bit of time soooo”
“Ahhh, I see. I see heart eyes”, Raven smirked. 
Jesse rolls her eyes and they began sorting out the office. Raven decided to fill the air with some casual talk to avoid the silence she already has at home.
“Where’s Ina? Aren’t you supposed to be clinging to her legs like the big baby koala you are?”
“I do not!-”
But Jesse silenced her with a single look. 
“Okay, fine. Maybe I am-”
“So Jesse, I have a question. If you don’t mind?”
Jesse nods before giving Raven a curious look.
“How do you manage to have a strong relationship when you and Lillian spend much time apart? I’m surprised Charlotte is holding on considering how her mom is away from home often.”
Jesse puts away binders before she gives her full attention to Raven.
“Why do you ask?”
Raven shrugged and mumbled.
“Because why not, I’m just curious.”
Silence blanketed the room as Jesse observed Raven busying herself with papers. 
“It’s communication and being vulnerable with each other. You inform the other person of how you’re feeling like they’re your diary.”
Raven thought for a moment before turning to the older woman. Giving a nod, they both continued to work in silence before Raven returned home. 
“Ina, who is this?”
“Oh, it’s just a friend from the group. We’re meeting up for a reunion after a long time of not seeing each other.”
Ina kept on moving around. 
“I’m glad you’re going out.”
“Thank you, Rae. I’ll be back.”
With Ina leaving, Raven can’t help but feel left out. Yet, she was still cheerful. As the night went on, she received pictures of them together with the last one of her friend giving her a peck on her cheek. Raven couldn’t help but feel hurt and jealous. She felt jealous of them being close in that way but hurt that they could be together since they are closer in age and established in their career paths. 
Later that night, Raven tossed and turned. Unable to sleep with her racing thoughts. She read the time as 2:00 am and concerned for Ina, she decided to read her messages again. 
Queen of my Heart
Ina: What are we having for dinner?
Raven: I can cook ;)
Raven: And clean
Ina: 👀
Yesterday at 7:48 PM
Raven: I miss you.
Raven: It doesn’t feel the same in the apartment when you’re not here. 
Delivered 7:49 PM
Yesterday at 11:07 PM
Ina: *sent 21 attachments*
Raven: Baby?
You okay?
How long will you be until you come back?
Delivered 11:52 PM
She waited for a response, even an accidental message, but there was nothing. She decided to wait it out only for her to knock out before she received a message.
Today at 2:48 AM
Ina: heyy babbyy, im just gonna crasshh at my friends placee, sleeep welll
Delivered 2:48 AM
Raven woke up and the first thing she checked was her messages. She read Ina’s text which resulted in a little pinch to her heart. She wasn’t sure if she should be jealous or if she should be glad that she had a trustable place to stay while drunk. Before she could begin her morning routine, there was a knock at the door. 
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sayeedkingsley · 11 months
WIP Wednesday ft. Bound by Destiny II, part 2 ― Chapter 11: [Untitled]
WORD COUNT: 174 RATING: Teen+ (this series is rated MATURE for graphic violence and adult content) FEAT: A Mystery Guest CONTENT WARNINGS: language, potential spoilers for book 5
NOTE: Small, and ominous, but hopefully better than the nothing you've had for over a year now~
*Bound by Destiny II and the rest of the Oblivion Bound series is an ongoing reimagining project of the Bloodbound series and spin-off Nightbound. Check out the first 4 books in the Oblivion Bound series, linked below!
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Wallachia, October 1462
It is, by all accounts, a sturdy and well-maintained stronghold. With a multitude of vantage points for keen-eyed archers and terrain that requires training to learn; to master. It tests the mettle of the Voivode’s men even still. All the more advantage when untested feet scramble on a battlefield that fights them as fiercely as their enemies will.
But the key to a stronghold worth taking for one’s own is something more than strategy. Something far more subtle. Something that cannot be falsified or replicated.
A conqueror’s stronghold must be old. It must stand against time itself and emerge the victor; even across the battlefield of symbolism.
There is nothing symbolic about the very real, very physical manifestation of time’s arrogant wrath where his voice echoes cavernous through the castle’s old stone walls.
Old though they may be, he is always older.
“TEPES! You vile, pompous, hubristic pile of filth! I demand you show your simpering weaselly face before I tear your walls down stone by crumbling stone!”
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sayeedkingsley · 1 year
Ina Kingsley x MC: I’m not needed, never will I be - Part 1
Summary: Raven takes action to avoid her thoughts, not realizing the consequences. 
Warnings: ANGST, negative thoughts, hurt Wardins and Kingsleys
Tags: @kulaykape @ikingsley @domakir @itsoverihavethehighground @barnibumblr @kaitlynliaofanxx @loyalshrimp @livvynka @alleycat97 @blaine-hayes @rhonda-sayeed @clarafontaine237 @hallowdiamond @swimmingshowbakerydreamerAuthor’s Notes: I have been so busy but I’ve got some time to write! I rushed it but I hope you like it! I wanted to start writing a different series. Yes, I know. I haven’t finished the other one but I will continue once I get this idea on paper. (This does not affect the other stories, think of it as an alternate universe or something-) It’s pretty short for now. It mentions some characters from previous fics. I will most likely edit this in the future or..leave this as a standalone because I love being mean-
“Why, Raven?”
A teary-eyed Ina stood in the doorway, confused and hurt seeing Raven pack up her bags. 
Raven struggles not to comfort or cry and continues packing without looking at her. 
“I think we’re not compatible. I want to look for different people.”
“What happened? What did I do?”
When Raven didn’t respond, Ina grabbed her wrist to bring her face to face but Raven avoided her eyes. 
“You owe me that.”
“I’m telling you, I don’t feel that we’re compatible.”
Ina wasn’t satisfied with her answer as she turns back to packing. 
“We’ve been together for 2 years. What’s with all this? Did I do something?”
Raven didn’t know how to get Ina off of her back, her next words burned into Ina’s heart. 
“I want to live my life, find someone else. I got bored.”
Ina lets go of Raven, taking a step back from her.
“I see. Well, I don’t want to hold you back.”
Ina walked out of the room, slamming the door with frustration causing Raven to flinch.
Raven’s eyes were brimming with tears but she refused to let them fall.
It’s better this way.
As time passed, Raven received many phone calls, texts, and harsh voicemails about the way Raven broke up with Ina. Most specifically, an angry Aunty A, furious Jesse, Tal and Callie waiting for answers. She didn’t answer but she didn't ignore it either. She deserved it but thought it was better to distance herself than to hurt others more.  
I can’t miss her, I left her. 
It’s not my place.
Ina traced the edges of the Wardin heirloom resting on her neck. 
She retrieved the jewelry box and brought it back to Ina, letting Ina lean onto her. Raven gestured for Ina to open it causing her to gasp lightly. The silver necklace with a locket that had “Wardin” engraved into it.
“Raven, it’s beautiful…”
“It was passed down in my family, the last one to wear it was my mother. She gave it to me before she passed. She wanted me to give this to the person I love. I haven’t let people in for years and it feels nice that I let you in. I can be myself around you and you make me feel safe. I trust you and I haven’t trusted anyone, but my guardians, since my mother died.”
Ina held back tears when she looked at Raven, who looked back at her with so much love filled in her eyes. She turned her attention to the necklace, gently running her finger across the name.
*End of Flashback*
Lillian steps into the room, sighing as she sees Ina staring at the necklace. She lets out a sob as she spots Lillian through the mirror, letting her be held as she let out the pain from the memory.
“She wants to see other people and she got bored with me.”
Lillian was furious, she never expected that to come from Raven. 
She inquired about Raven’s whereabouts, she ended up at Tal’s place where Raven was temporarily staying. 
“How dare you walk away, why did you leave? How can you say you were bored?!”
Raven looks around and lets Lillian in to avoid waking up the neighbours. 
“Come in.”
She sensed Lillian’s reluctance.
Raven sat Lillian down and offered some tea but decided to make it for herself after her glare.
“What changed in you to say you were bored?”
Raven sighed. 
“I lied.”
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sayeedkingsley · 2 years
1. Article - Introduction
Paring: Bea / Ina Warning: nerd. Big head nerdy writing Description: part 1 of The article series. It is very nerdy and it does evolve around a scientific article, so it may be boring as f*. =) This is the introduction to it, so it is a little stiff, it gets better by the end of it. Bear with me, will you? It is a spin inside the first book, Ina is still resisting and Bea recently turned her TA. Word count: 857 That was it. Bea was not having any of Ina slow burn hot/cold attitude anymore. She had a plan. Considering the academic mystic of Ina, the professor wouldn’t deny a well written and well proven article: she would beat Ina in her own game. She picked her most “I have an article to present” outfit of her wardrobe: a nice straight jeans, with a cute blouse and a black blazer. And she walked to Ina’s office for her daily TA routine. Before entering, Bea took a steading breath  • Game on• After weeks planning it, it needed to be perfect. “Excuse me, Professor Kingsley” Ina raised a brow to the unusual formality and couldn’t help but to stare at the serious outfit. “ Well, hello to you too, Ms. Hughes. May I ask what is going on?” Cheeks flustered to be already caught in her act, Bea said dismissively, while handling Ina her coffee. “Nothing much. I just would like to speak with you after we finish marking”. Bea said dismissively “Uhm. If you say so. Thank you for the coffee” – after hours of essays, Ina finally spoke up: “ OK, I think we have already make a good enough dent in the pile. What is that you want to present me?” Ina asked curiously “ Well, actually I have an article of personal interest that I want to run by you” “ Oh, are you starting to warm up to the academic route?” Ina asked with a satisfied grin. “ oh, God, no! I will leave that to you.” Bea shook her head and approached the professor desk. “Honestly, I have tried to get through you from all the usual ways: and you still don’t get it. So I’ve decided to make it easier for you by presenting it in your language: an article” Ina took out her glasses with a small side smile: “ uhmm. And what, may I ask, is your hypothesis?” Ina leaned in her chair with an amused glance “ Not an hypothesis when I am done with it. I will prove it to you that you both want and can be with me”. Bea said with a wink leaving a dumbfounded Ina behind. *-*-* Ina was in her living room, frowning over the abstract of Bea’s article. Yes, she knew that she should have dismissed it in the first moment and kept things professional, but she was too entertained and curious to let this pass. “ Therefore, It is statistically proven that exhibit A is emotionally, sexually and mentally attracted by the index case.” Ina laughed “ I suppose that I am ‘exhibit A’ now. I wonder how is she going to do the stats in this” The professor already knew that she was interested in Bea. She though the younger woman brilliant, funny, sexy and gorgeous - but she was her teacher and it was a deal breaker. •maybe when she graduates..• “Nowadays, after the sex and love revolution of 1960 expanding the limits to courting, still the academisism resists the old idea of separation between the faculty and their students. The single ideia of a power bias of a relationship, where the power-holder (professor) would be able to coerse a fragile and lower class (student) is out of date. Considering the college students already above eighteen, in full mental capability and development, legal adults and responsible for there acts, the whole idea of them as the fragile half of the relationship doesn’t stand. ” It was beautifully written, clearly Bea has putted a lot of hours and effort in this. Unfortunately it wouldn’t change anything within their reality. “In the vanguard of the movement we have Belvoire University, where its own Code of Conduct for Faculty and Alumns doesn’t stabilish any limits or restrictions about students vs professors relationship: but the faculty members still have the old fashioned conduct of restraining themselves…” •What? How did she get the Faculty Code of Conduct? And there is nothing there about that? Of course there must be.• “When we think over the ethical and moral optics, it becomes even clearer that this restrictions must vanished. If any relationship is based in coercion and abuse, it is non'etical and harassment. That is true for any relationship, between straight, LGBT, same age, older and younger, biracial, whatever difference that is between the couple: thus, it also apply to the student x professor logic. Therefore if there is respect and mutual interest, why it would be any different from any other couple?” By the end Ina was flowing over the young student logic. Yes, he was an adult for every legal capacities. She was 22, mentally capabl…“ This is a dangerous line of though…”
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sayeedkingsley · 2 years
Note: It has been a very long time since I wrote anything - this was a simple draft/workspace for me to get back into the groove of fanfiction and to play around with the style of writing that I may want to use.
—----------------- Amy’s POV —---------------------------------
*Beep Beep*
*Beep Beep*
The ringing of my 4 a.m alarm blasted on the table beside me as I rolled over to turn that shit off.
“Another damned monday…” I grumbled to myself as I reluctantly dragged myself out of my perfect warm bed. “Let’s just get this over with.” I pulled my ‘I <3 NY’ shirt over my head and headed for the shower. The cold water blasted my back which made me arch my back more than any lover had ever been able to. As it warmed I ran over all of my to-do list tasks that I would certainly forget the moment I left the shower. 
“Open the store, restock the sugar and stir-sticks, fix the cappuccino machine, replace the coffee filters, grind new coffee grounds before the morning rush. Yep, not a busy day at all, not at all.” That was a lie, but lying to myself was the best way to keep myself sane - else I would worry about every little thing until I combust. I shut the shower off, and dried myself with a towel before applying lotion and running through my typical post-shower routine. Eventually I made my way out the bathroom, got dressed in my casual t-shirt and blue jeans and made my way to the kitchen. I guess Lily didn’t have to clock into work today, else she’d be out the door but instead she’s passed out on the sofa with half a bottle of liquor left. I left a glass of water beside her along with a bottle of ibuprofen and hangover meds because her hangover is extremely predictable. I left a small note next to her and left for the cafe. 
The streets of New York are nothing like Times Square, especially at the ungodly hour of the morning that it is. I carried my pepper spray unlocked, absolutely ready to throw hands and run at the slightest sound of another human being. I almost made it to the cafe with no issues, but as I passed the alley adjacent to it that’s when I heard the most ungodly growl I had ever heard before - followed by a scream or a squeal of some sort - but I wasn’t about to stick around to find out. I dashed to the cafe door and with shaky hands and a pounding heart I shakily took out the keys to unlock it - but then I felt someone behind me.
“Having difficulty?” 
A tall woman, slender build but not skinny by any means stood just a few inches away from my face. Her hair was brown, it matched her eyes perfectly, the same way her maroon suit seemed to complement her tan skin and build. Had I not been overcome with fear I would have fallen for her instantly - luckily my instincts took over instead of my horny urges.
“No. Please leave me alone.” 
The break of silence between her question and my response must’ve taken too long, because she simply smirked and crossed her arms as my fear grew more prevalent. 
“I see, not a problem. Stay safe, the streets of New York are dangerous for a beautiful young woman such as yourself. You never know what’s hiding in the dark.” 
Her voice was so commanding, so smooth and elegant, I was convinced she could talk her way out of anything.
“I think I can handle the dark by myself - thank you.” 
Her words resonated with me, perhaps it was the mystery in her eyes or the innuendo I hadn’t picked up on but I would never see her again so it didn’t matter. With that over I turned and let myself into the shop. I dropped my bag and started on my list of tasks - slowly but surely working my way through them as the time grew closer to open. 
—----------------------------------------- Kamilah’s POV ---------------------------------------
I felt the sun on my skin, I could hear the water of the Nile and the sand on my feet. Home. 
I turned and I saw her - a stunning woman with blonde hair and the softest smile, a breathtaking body and a voice that could bring me to my knees. My lover, Anat. Then, she began to burn along with my home. I reached for her but my body was frozen, all I could do was hear her cries for me. 
I awake in a cold sweat with the urge to cry - Anat - my lover, the woman I had loved more than myself - the woman who continually haunts my dreams. They feel so real, as if they’re not really dreams, but it’s pointless to make such accusations, especially over a dead lover. I dressed myself and made my way towards a feeding alley. It was still in the dark hours of night and there was plenty of time for me to feed before I had to get to Ahmanet Financial. I walked to the alley, making haste and met with Tauna - a new volunteer who seemed eager to assist with my hunger. 
“I’ll make this quick.” I gently cradled her neck and sank my fangs half an inch into her skin, making haste but not too quickly. She let out a bit of a scream at the end, they usually do, but someone caught it - and now it was my problem to deal with. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me…”
I followed the blonde figure to a coffee shop, my instincts told me I should’ve walked away, but there was something about her that simply drew me to her and I couldn’t place a pin on it. 
“Having difficulty?” I spoke as softly as I could and yet she still jumped like a deer in headlights. That’s when I saw her, Anat, she looked just like her, a near carbon copy of her. It was nearly ironic, here I asked her if she was having difficulty but here I was struggling to trust my own eyes.
“No. Please leave me alone.” 
I took that as my cue to leave, I was starstruck but I left knowing to prevent her from catching any vampire feeding in the future. 
“I see, not a problem. Stay safe, the streets of New York are dangerous for a beautiful young woman such as yourself. You never know what’s hiding in the dark.” 
I turned and immediately called Adrian once I rounded the corner. 
“Kamilah, it’s very early, the sun is about to come up and you’re just going to Ahmanet Financial?”
“Yes but that is not why I called you. You remember Anat?”
“I do.”
“I ran into a woman who looked like her today.”
“That may just be a coincidence Kamilah..”
“Adrian, this woman - she looks just like Anat. I mean she even had the same mole on her collarbone. It was as if she had been brought back from the dead.”
“Kamilah, have you ever heard the legend of the bloodkeeper?”
“Yes, but Anat wasn’t-”
“She was.”
“She never told me that.” 
“They’re never supposed to, it’s some sort of lineage thing. If they reveal that lineage it could become threatened…”
“Then that woman is in more danger than she knows…”
“You don’t know she doesn’t know.”
“Adrian I just get this feeling she doesn’t know.”
“You don’t know that and by revealing it to her you could spook her and that would cause problems…”
“Adrian, I’ve been having those dreams…if she’s a bloodkeeper then these dreams mean something…”
“Kamilah…you can’t just go around exposing our darkest, more sacred vampiric secrets to anyone you suspect is a bloodkeeper.”
“What if I could get her to sync with Jameson?”
“That would take an awful lot of convincing…and if she did and isn’t a bloodkeeper…”
“Then Jameson will wipe her memory and all will be resolved-”
I hung up the phone, what I was about to do was stupid, reckless and something Adrian was more likely to do - but I had to know and I was going to find out one way or another. 
—--------------------------------- Amy’s POV ------------------------------------------
6:30 am.
“Shit, here we go I guess…” I flipped the ‘open’ sign to the outside and simply waited on my phone for whoever was brave enough to be the first customer. 
“Excuse me?”
Fuck here we go. I hope it’s not some- oh. Why is she here? I guess she was awake pretty early too…whatever it’s just a coincidence. 
“Hi, what can I get started for you today?”
“A black coffee.” 
“One black coffee. Anything else?”
I immediately glanced up and that’s when I saw it - her eyes. Her brown eyes turned red, and it was terrifying. There was no way I just heard someone order blood from a cafe at 6:30 in the morning and there was no way this woman’s eyes were red. I was just seeing things…right?
“I’m sorry, I must have not heard you correctly? And I must be seeing things…please give me a moment…”
I shook my head and composed myself as quickly as I could - but when I looked back up at her - the red eyes were gone and she looked just as confused as I did.
“I apologize, I’ll get that black coffee started for you.”
I had to stop myself from sprinting to the back and calling the police, or an ambulance, or both. I took a minute to breathe - there was a logical explanation for this and that explanation was sleep deprivation. Yes, it was the lack of sleep and only that - mythical creatures aren’t real. I brewed her black coffee and made my way back to the counter where she perched herself on a stool. 
“Here’s that black coffee. Have a good day.” I smiled and returned to my phone - trying to ignore the feeling that she was staring right at me. After a minute I heard the stool shift, and just like that she was gone - thank god. 
“That was weird…” I mumbled. 
“That’s not the half of it…” 
I jumped out of my chair and turned around so fast I nearly fell. She hadn’t left the store - which made sense since I didn’t hear the ding of the bell but I had just assumed it was because I zoned out. She leaned over me, slowly backing me into the backroom of the cafe. My heart pounded, my hands grew sweaty and I was mentally preparing to fight for my life. 
“I’m not going to hurt you - I just need you to come with me…” Her eyes were soft and her voice comforting - but in N.Y none of that can be trusted.
“Oh yeah, just leave my job with some random stranger who has scared me half to death twice in a fucking day. How stupid do you think I am? I don’t know what shit you’re trying to pull but it won’t work!”
I did my best to speak firmly but it was obvious that I was terrified. My body was trembling and I could feel the tears building in my eyes as she backed me into the wall, her body pressed against mine and her face inches from mine. 
“What? How do you know my name? Who the fuck are you?”
“Please, I’m not going to hurt you - I can’t explain it here but I need you to come with me…” 
“No…no I won’t!” 
I mustered all my strength and pushed her away and made a run for the door. I didn’t care about my bag or the store - Evan would understand why I left it. All I cared about was sprinting as far away from the cafe - and her - as fast as my legs could carry me. 
My head raced as my legs began to feel like jelly.
Who was she? How did she know my name? Was she the person I heard screaming? Why did she say those things? 
I started to feel dizzy, but I didn’t care - I was still terrified and I would run until I passed out or made it back home. 
I didn’t make it home. 
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sayeedkingsley · 2 years
Sticky situations my dude! BeaxInaxSam
Bea has had such a shitty year in New York so once summer hits and she is free the whole summer she decides to get a nanny job for a successful women, whoops she catches feelings for her and after a summer of having an afair with her (turns out she was engaged) she now has to face Ina after she had ended with her.
Summer was way to fast and crazy for Beas opinion but here she was back at school for the fall semester and back in the dorms with Zoey, not that she was complaining she missed Zoey more than she knew.
One person she was less than thrilled to see was Ina, she had crushed her heart before summer by completely ending things between them, but now she had Sam and she was so excited! Sam wasn’t scared to take her out on dates and stuff like that and now that Sofia wasn’t in the way who knew the world was possible.
Bea stood in line at her favorite coffee place and waited when suddenly she hears a voice next to her “Hello ms.hughes” Ina says, her voice soft and almost full on energy. Bea looks over “Hey, I’m still down to be your Ta if you want” Ina nods “yes I would love that, I was wondering later if you could come by my office later” Bea ponders, was this a good idea probably not but has she made any good idea since she has come to this god awful school…No “Yeah, sure I’ll be there around 6, but I can’t stay long I have to go to my baby sitting job” she could almost hear the venom behind her voice “oh yeah I heard all about your new job and the perks that came with the boss” Ina flashes a magazine cover that had herself and Sam walking from a small restaurant they had gone too “you moved on so quickly…”
Bea turns to look at her fully “you don’t get to choose how I fixed what you broke, you threw my heart out and killed me, I cried for weeks but Sam was there for me and can be with me, all of me not some college hook up in your office…I’m sorry but I don’t know if I can keep doing it, I’ll see you tonight” Bea walks away from Ina with her head down…so much for coffee.
As Bea walked away ina felt her heart beak, not matter what she was going to get her back in her life…one way or another!
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sayeedkingsley · 2 years
Killin’ Me Slowly
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Summary : Ina is overly protective of Serena.
Pairing : Ina x MC
Genre : SFW ◌ Fluff ◌ Angst
Word Count : 1,3K Words.
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Ina was waiting patiently at the coffee shop with her girlfriend on her way. 
It had been some time since she was able to enjoy her presence. 
Serena tried to, but every time something came up, she suddenly couldn’t make it anymore. Ina grew conscious her work was taking most of her time since the beginning, but later it was really getting on her nerves.
“Excuse me, Ma’am. Can I take your order?”
It was already the third time that one of the waiters came to ask Ina what she would take. She kept saying she was waiting for someone every time, but it had been already more than half an hour since her arrival.
“No, thank you. I’m waiting for my girlfriend.”
The waiter grimaced. 
“Hm. Honestly, Ma'am, my boss asked me to make sure you purchase something or else he wants you to leave. I’m really sorry. Are you sure you don’t want something?”
That was shameful; being asked to leave a place because she was stood up yet again. “I’ll take a coffee then, please.”
The waiter left, and that’s when Ina noticed just how sweaty her palms were. Though, who could blame the spiralling thoughts floating through her head.
She tried texting Zoey, but after nearly fifteen minutes of no response, she gave up.
Maybe she was being a bit too overprotective and worrisome this week. Especially after seeing a guy check Serena out for longer than she liked.
She had slipped an arm around her waist and pulled her close to make sure the guy knew. 
Though suddenly, an incoming news alert about a student reported missing beeped from her phone.
Ina left the coffee shop, heading straight towards Serena’s rehearsal studio. She couldn’t decide whether or not to feel pained, relieved or angry at the sight of her girlfriend talking to someone else.
Even so, Ina had enough of her carelessness, and she had to confront Serena about it.
The older woman barged into the room, but she didn’t even care at the moment because what she needed right now was to talk to her girlfriend.
Everyone was startled by her sudden intrusion. Serena directly came to Ina, visibly ashamed by the unexpectant visit.
“Ina, listen, you can’t come in here like that.” She whispered in a warning tone.
“No! You listen!”
By now, Ina’s eyes had turned bloodshot, and Serena seemed to understand that she had better keep it low. 
The room curiously filed out, leaving the couple alone. “I can’t do this anymore.”
Ina’s voice wasn’t showing anger anymore. She practically trembled with worry. She hadn’t realised until now what a toll the Benji incident had on her.
“You have to listen to me now or Serena, I-.”
When Serena saw the first tears rolling down her cheeks, she understood it was important. 
The younger blonde got close, wiped the tears away with her thumbs and made Ina sit on a chair, kneeling before her.
“What’s going on baby? You’re making me worried.”
“Finally, you’re worried, it’s about time.”
Her brows furrowed more. She was trying to understand it showed, but the fact that Serena couldn’t put her finger on the problem made Ina sigh.
“What did I do? Just tell me I don’t understand.”
“Do you know how many times I called you? I stopped counting after the fifteenth time, but I guess I am too to blame for this. Just after the whole crazy incident on campus, I’ve been freaking out about your whereabouts. And I don’t know if it’s become a trend for you to miss out on our dates and not even let me know, but what I do know is that I can’t do this anymore if it continues like this”.
Serena was taken back, she didn’t expect any of this.
Saying she was preoccupied with all the things going on at rehearsals would be an understatement, but she knew it wasn’t an excuse. 
She didn’t even notice that she was neglecting the professor, which was the worst part for her.
Ina took Serena’s silence for an answer, if she wasn’t going to fight for her, then that’s where it stopped.
The older woman turned her back on Serena and headed for the door, but a hand grabbed hers.
“I’m sorry.”
Ina didn’t look at her, she heard it a lot lately, and a simple sorry wasn’t going to erase anything.
“I messed up, I neglected you and took you for granted, and I apologise for that. I can’t promise I would show up at every date we’ll have from now on, I still have a lot going on. But I can promise you that I’ll make sure to make it up to you every time I’ll miss one and answer all your calls and texts to ease your worries.
“I’m sorry to have let you think you were less than everything to me.”
Serena made her girlfriend face her as she was looking down, ashamed of her reaction. She was cursing herself for not having opened her eyes before Ina had to threaten her.
“I know you’re not going to forgive me just like that,t and I understand. But know that I’m going to make sure to win your forgiveness and be worthy of your love again because I’m in love with you, and I’ll always be.”
How Serena said those words with so much confidence and while looking directly at Ina’s eyes made her smile. 
The blonde smiled too in response before cupping Ina’s cheeks. “Would you go on a date with me tonight?” She smirked.
“I’m not sure I’m free tonight, you know work, and all that.” Ina played along.
“Maybe I could cook and wait for your classes to end then?”
Serena kissed the tip of her nose, trying to make her agree.
“Maybe you could.”
Date night, nevertheless, had been a triumph. After a great dinner in a cute restaurant, a trip through the museum, and watching the sunset, the blonde decided to end the evening with a movie night.
When the two arrived home, Ina swiftly changed into her pyjamas, made popcorn, grabbed the wine, and climbed into Serena’s lap.
Ina held the bowl with her back to her girlfriend’s chest, her arms wrapped around her and her chin resting on her shoulder.
The older woman was watching a 90s movie she hadn’t seen before, and she wasn’t oblivious to Serena’s thumb pressing on the skin of her hip. 
Tingles ran up Ina’s spine as she set the bowl of popcorn on the end table. Serena perked up as she watched, and Ina asked her with a charming smile.
“Would you like some more wine? I’m becoming thirsty.”
Serena smiled and nodded at the woman. “I’ll take a sip from your glass.”
Ina grabbed the glass and filled it before passing it to Serena. She drank from her drink while keeping her gaze fixed on the anthropologist.
Ina bit her lower lip, and when Serena finished her drink, she handed her the glass. Instead of setting the glass down, she kissed Serena softly.
Serena’s hands slid up her top, touching the skin as the two French kissed slowly, and Serena pulled back to kiss Ina’s neck.
“Baby, I’ve been thinking about something.”
Hazel eyes widened as she reached behind her to retrieve a gift box. Ina’s sight was drawn to the red ribbon and black box.
“What exactly is this?”
Serena smiled warmly. “It’s a gift, but it’s also not a gift.”
Everything moved slowly as the blonde loosened the knot, revealing a golden wristwatch. 
“Not to be flashy, but I was thinking of getting you a new watch, especially since I dropped it over the balcony,” the honey-blonde rolled her eyes as she remembered the sorrowful event.
“Then Thomas came up with the most insane idea, and I thought, why not? So I’ve got a matching watch, and if we’re less than ten feet away, your phone will start tracking my movements. It’s not that I don’t believe you trust me, but I’m sorry about what occurred this week.”
“I’m at a loss for words.” Serena chuckled as Ina put out her wrist to be clipped. It was certainly an unexpected but incredible surprise.
“I guess you can’t go to your favourite big girl store without my knowing now,” Ina smirked.
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TA-Sayeed’s Tag List:
@floatinginserenity​  @iamsimpforpoppy​ @veenast​  @barnibumblr​ @promisedneverwrite​ @uhh-the-green-thing​ @cloud9in​ @samanthadalton​ @rhonda-sayeed​ @priyas-tiddies​ @issabees​ @kulaykape​  @dopeyouth​ @swimmingshoebakerydreamer @bobmackentire
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sayeedkingsley · 2 years
Can you write a fic where Ina and Serena welcome a baby?
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Summary : Ina and Serena welcome a baby. Pairing : Ina x MC Genre : SFW ◌ Fluff Word Count : 1,2K Words. REQUESTS? [Y] MASTERLIST
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"Oh come on!” Serena huffed as she struggled to put the key in the front door.
"Serena, let me do it.” Ina reached out and placed her hand on Serena's shoulder. "No, I nearly got it. The younger blonde mumbled as the key scraped along the lock, almost fitting it into the hole.
"Little fucker," She growled as she missed the hole yet again.
“Serena! Ella can hear you!" Ina's eyes widened before she looked down at the car seat to see her daughter was fast asleep tucked up in the sea of blankets. 
“She's fast asleep, Ina. She was out like a light the minute the car started moving." Serena glanced over her shoulder at the blonde.
"That doesn't mean she can't hear you.” Ina pouted, trying not to shiver at the passing breeze.
"Yeah well, I still can't believe you made me carry this all the way up seven flights of stairs in the hospital and you didn't even use it." Serena scoffed looking down at the birthing ball sitting between her legs before she finally got the key in the lock. 
The younger’s back, arms and neck were covered in bags; Serena refused to let Ina carry anything but their daughter and Serena Hughes never did two trips to the car and back.
"Well, I told you to use the elevator." Ina rolled her eyes, swapping the car seat to her right arm.
“And I told you it was too packed each time." Serena huffed almost falling into the house. "Why did we even bring it home?" 
She furrowed her brow as she booted the large ball Into the living room and then dropped each bag to the floor, thankful to have the weight removed from her shoulders. 
"Well, you never know I might need it again," The blonde whispered, watching as Serena froze and suddenly she wondered if she had said the wrong thing. 
"Huh, well we can always buy another one." She shrugged, taking the car seat from the anthropologist, a grin plastered on her face 
"Why? We have a perfectly good one right here. Besides, I can use it as an exercise ball also." Ina giggled proudly, releasing the seat from her tight grip.
"Well, it stays in the guest bedroom," Serena said sternly as she placed the car seat on the kitchen counter before she carefully unbuckled the sleeping baby and pulled her out of the seat ensuring she didn't wake her up.
"Hi, baby girl." Serena could not fight off the grin on her face as she rested her child against her shoulder, one hand resting underneath her diaper padded bottom while the other removed the turquoise knitted hat. 
"You have no idea how happy I am to be home. Three days in a hospital is far too long." The blonde chuckled, she wanted Ina to stay in the hospital for a few days.
"Would you like some coffee?" The blonde asked as she passed her lover, pecking her lips as the tips of her fingers patted down Eliana's wispy hair. "It's like you can read my mind."
Serena chuckled. "Is it safe to drink coffee? You know 'cause you're breastfeeding?" The younger woman furrowed her brows as she gently moved from side to side, rocking her daughter carefully.
"I spoke to Doctor Carter about it and she said it was okay but advised me to limit my caffeine intake to three cups a day." Ina shrugged as she grabbed two mugs from the cupboard.
"And this is cup number one." The anthropologist grinned and flicked on the coffee machine.
Serena grinned when she heard her daughter stir before curious hazel green eyes fluttered open.
"Welcome home peanut.” She readjusted the tiny body in her arms as when little eyes darted around the room, all wide-eyed before landing on Ina. 
“Hello, my darling." Ina walked over to her two favourite people with a huge grin plastered on her face. "Yes, hi sweetheart." 
Ina giggled when Eliana's cheeks puffed out and her small body wriggled at the sight of the blonde. "She sure knows who her mommy is." Serena watched Ina as she tickled the baby’s chin. 
The tiny dark-haired baby smiled and made a gurgling sound before her tiny hand reached out and pulled at Ina’s low-neck top. 
“Well, she is definitely your child" Ina laughed and removed the baby's hand. 
"You like mommy's boobies, huh?" Serena used her baby voice as she bounced her daughter up and down. "Mommy will feed you in a minute darling.” 
The older blonde grinned listening to Serena's baby voice, it honestly was as cute as her daughter and it made her heart swell with happiness. 
"I'm just going to call your sister to let her know we’re home," 
"No, don't!" Ina shook her head. "Why?" Serena hesitated, eyeing her lover suspiciously.
"Because I told her to give us a few days to settle in before she came over. I'm surprised she didn't bombard us in the hospital.” Lilian was itching to meet her niece. “If you go over there, she's going to be rushing in here before I can say I told you so.”
"Fine." Serena rolled her eyes as she paid attention to the squirming baby in her arms. "I just really can’t wait until Charlotte can meet this beauty. We’re going to have so much fun!" She as she spun her daughter in the air gently. 
"Serena, be careful she's not long been fe-" Ina's warning was cut off as the baby hurled on the younger’s right shoulder, the baby spit up running down her top as amused hazel eyes met blue ones.
"I don't even care!" Serena bellowed, holding the baby close on the clean shoulder. 
"God, I'm so happy." The influencer grinned. 
"Look at you being all cute and soft." Ina chuckled looking between her daughter and her ecstatic lover. "I love you." 
Serena leaned over for a kiss. "Whoa there, you're covered in throw-up." Ina moved back slightly. "I don't care." Serena moved closer, backing Ina into the counter and caught the anthropologist's lips in a kiss.
"I love you too," She whispered looking deep into Serena's eyes until a gurgling sound pulled her attention to the baby in-between them. Eliana rested in her mama's arm, puke covering her little chin as she made bubbles with her tiny mouth.
"Look at you all messy." Ina put on a baby voice, the first one she'd ever done as she used Serena's dirty top to wipe her mouth.
"Woah, we have a baby," Serena whispered the reality of her life settling in. "We do." Ina smiled. 
"We're growing up."
"Scary Isn't it? The doctor chuckled. "I never thought I'd get to be in a relationship and have a child, least of all with you." 
The younger blonde shook her head in amazement. "Well, you are so no backsies." Ina giggled, resting her head on Serena's shoulder, ignoring the horrible smell. 
"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." The blonde mumbled, her hand coming up to tickle her daughter's chubby little chin. 
"And I'll know that when I marry you." The honey-blonde whispered nothing but sincerity and happiness in her voice at that moment.
She couldn’t explain the feeling she felt, but she knew she had truly been blessed with the best.
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TA-Sayeed's Tag List:
@floatinginserenity @iamsimpforpoppy @veenast @barnibumblr @promisedneverwrite @uhh-the-green-thing @cloud9in @samanthadalton @rhonda-sayeed @priyas-tiddies @issabees @kulaykape @dopeyouth @swimmingshoebakerydreamer​
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sayeedkingsley · 2 years
Can you write something based on Ina and Serena getting married?
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Summary : Ina and Serena get married. Pairing : Ina x MC Genre : SFW ◌ Fluff Word Count : 1, 04K Words. REQUESTS? [Y] MASTERLIST
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"I can’t do this," Ina muttered as she paced up and down the room.
She'd intended to write her vows, but nothing had ever come out that sounded right. Ina was just a short while away from saying them, and she had nothing.
Zoey and Lilian watched her pace by, their heads moving to and fro, much more like they were at a tennis match than a wedding.
"Ina, you’re ruining your hair," Lilian warned, rushing forward to tuck a few strands behind her sister’s updo. "I did tell you this would happen, Ina."
"Thank you for that, Lil." She stressed.
"You know, Serena always says you’re her, Thotimus Prime." Zoey shrugged. "Maybe you could use something like that."
Lilian and Ina gaped at Zoey as their mouths opened like codfish.
"Are you crazy? That is the worst line ever. Besides it won't make sense, I've never said anything like that to Serena. Well I mean once when we were-"
"Ok, that’s as much as I’m going to hear. I know where this is going and I can't be a party to this any longer," Zoey said, throwing her hands up in protest.
"Besides I need to go and make sure Serena hasn’t found a way to mess up her dress."
"She’s wearing a dress?”
Lilian slapped her forehead, trying to tell Zoey she messed up. “I meant suit, uh. Gotta go”.
"Watch out for her; if she doesn't make it to the altar, Serena will have to punish her," Zoey warned, the image imprinted on her consciousness.
Ina's brows narrowed at the concept, images flashing through her mind as she liked every one of them.
"Zoey, get out of here before she explodes." Lilian burst out laughing.
"Lil, you're ruining my fantasy."
"That's why you have your wedding night, silly." The younger Kingsley remarked.
Ina gave her sister a sly grin. "No, my wedding night is for me to live out my fantasies; now is my time to do so."
"I'm seriously considering making Zoey Serena your honeymoon chaperone; I'm suddenly feeling quite frightened for Serena." 
The sound of the woman's name made the blonde's face light up. "She's going to marry me, Lilian."
Lilian chuckled, "I know."
"She loves me, and only me."
"No need to cry. That mascara isn't waterproof. Otherwise, you'll look like a panda in your wedding photos." 
"How am I expected to stand in the aisle and look at her without crying?" Ina expressed her dissatisfaction.
"Just try not to cry."
Serena sat calmly, her father in the empty chair, his task of escorting his daughter up the aisle completed, now for the next few seconds as Ina made her way.
Zoey stood next to her in the same crimson gown Lilian had picked.
She shuffled on her feet, checking for the rings again, sighing with relief when she found them. She'd been doing it every few minutes for the last few hours.
The garden was wonderfully prepared for the wedding, and it felt like you were standing in the mythological estate of one of Olympus' most powerful Gods.
Suddenly, music began to play, and Ina appeared on her father's arm like an enchanted angel. Her parents' agreement to their marriage was truly miraculous.
Serena watched as her wife-to-be neared, her father's eyes red from tears he'd secretly wept. When Ina finally brought her head up, their eyes connected, and Ina felt the breath taken from her lungs.
Serena looked like a dream as she stood at the altar. She was correct; the blonde was more stunning than she had expected.
Ina hadn't known she'd stopped moving in her shocked admiration for Serena, right there amid the aisle.
“Ina.” Her father murmured. "What's the matter? For Heaven's sake, don't have second thoughts right now."
The visitors held their breath. Lilian's legs twitched, anxious to get up and hurry to her sister, to talk sense into her.
"What's going on?" Carter spoke softly to the teal-streaked girl.
Veronica sighed and rolled her eyes. "I think she's awestruck. Isn’t it obvious?"
"Is she having second thoughts?" She frowned at the whisper, but as she turned to Serena, she saw worry flicker in her eyes.
As the entire room sighed in relief, Ina swiftly found her footing and pushed her way ahead of Serena to resume the wedding.
"I swear on everything I love, including you, Serena, if you get any of that cake on my face or this outfit, I will divorce you," Ina declared.
Noticing Ina's expression, she held her palms up in faux submission. "Alright, I promise I won't try anything."
Ina nodded as their hands covered each other, and they cut the first slice of cake. Serena put a piece on a plate and turned to Ina, holding out a fork, as servers came out to help the guests.
"Would you like some beautiful?" She muttered. She placed the fork in her wife's mouth, and Ina chewed gently. “Good?”
"So good," she moaned with her eyes closed, giggling. Ina then felt a moist trail run down her cheek.
She reached up, gasping, and rubbed it off, realizing it was frosting. Ina raised her head and locked her gaze on Serena.
"You promised," she grumbled. "I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. I'll get it for you," Before anything was said, Ina felt a hot tongue swipe across her cheek and a tissue rubbing down the spot.
Lilian could see her eye a few steps away with a naughty expression, and her cheeks flushed scarlet red.
After a few minutes, Ina felt herself dragged by Serena, her feet barely surviving in her heels.
The feast had already started, and the couple sat in front, accepting gifts. Ina was too preoccupied watching Charlotte pour her glass of juice to notice their next arrival.
The man walked up to Serena first. "Hi there, congratulations." As the blonde thanked him, he said with a great smile.
Serena hadn't seen him before, but she figured he was distant family or a date.
“You may not know, but I’m Ina’s ex”.
Ina's eyes widened as her gaze rested on him, preparing to restrain him. "Anyway, she's a wonderful woman, so look after her.  You're a lucky lady."
As Ina returned his gaze, the redhead locked his gaze on her. "And she's a lucky woman."
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TA-Sayeed's Tag List:
@floatinginserenity @iamsimpforpoppy @veenast @barnibumblr @promisedneverwrite @uhh-the-green-thing @cloud9in @samanthadalton @rhonda-sayeed @priyas-tiddies @issabees @kulaykape @dopeyouth @swimmingshoebakerydreamer​
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sayeedkingsley · 2 years
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bloodbound | book 1, ch 8
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sayeedkingsley · 2 years
Under Your Spell
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Choices Character : Kamilah Sayeed.
Book(s) : Bloodbound Series.
Check out my commission page.
TA-Sayeed's Tag List:
@kamilah-is-queen @rhonda-sayeed @genietotherescue @samanthadalton @cloud9in @priyas-tiddies @bloodboundismylife
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sayeedkingsley · 2 years
I disappeared for a little bit to deal with some things life threw my way. I'm back for now and doing a little better
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sayeedkingsley · 2 years
Hot To Handle
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Summary : Serena and Ina are having a movie night when things suddenly slip into the bedroom…
Pairing : Ina x MC
Genre : NSFW ◌ Fluff
Word Count : 2,2K Words.
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Keep reading
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sayeedkingsley · 2 years
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꒰ ˀˀ ↷ jisoo; simple ”♡ᵎ ꒱
like/reblog | @awaregei
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sayeedkingsley · 2 years
The Fallout
I seem to be on a roll with writing at the moment. Please enjoy this angst fic I wrote for queen b
Ina X MC
warnings: angst
tag list: @ikingsley@swimmingshoebakerydreamer@barnibumblr@veenast@livvynka@sayeedkingsley@youranonymous42@itsoverihavethehighground@hey-its-vy@hallowdiamond@sheepmomther-personal
lmk if u want to be added to my tag list and don't forget to donate to my ko-fi if u feel so inclined -------------------------------------------
…And for this reason, we can no longer be together romantically. I am sorry for all the pain this will cause, I wish I could do something, anything to help; but I can’t. This hurts me tremendously too, breaking your heart was something I never wanted to do. I still care about you, but this has to end
Bea couldn’t seem to tear her gaze away from the handwritten letter. Her heart felt trapped in her throat and she feared it might choke her. Just like that, her blossoming romance with Ina was over. No more sweet exchanges of words, no more tender kisses or quiet evenings, no more spending hours simply gazing at Ina’s beautifully perfect face. All gone, no more. It took a few seconds longer for the tears to begin rolling down her face but once they started falling, they wouldn’t stop. Bea had no idea how to cope, let alone start to feel better
She threw the letter across the room in an attempt to get it as far away from her as possible, but it caught on the air and harmlessly floated to the ground. In frustration, she pounded her fist against her pillow but it did little to make her feel better
“Daaamn girl, I’d hate to be that pillow right now” Bea whipped her head around to find Zoey standing in the doorway of her bedroom. Taking note of the tear-stained stormy expression on her best friend’s face, Zoey rushed over to sit beside Bea, taking her into a long hug as she smoothed her hair down gently
“Shh, it’s all gonna be okay”
After a few moments of crying into Zoey, Bea pulled away and wiped at her eyes with the back of one of her hands
“What’s got you looking like this?” Bea wordlessly pointed to the letter that had been discarded onto the floor. Zoey went over to pick it up, returning to sit on the bed as she read it. By the time Zoey reached the bottom of the page she looked incredibly angry
“What the hell?!” She shot up off the bed as she began loudly exclaiming whilst waving the letter around in the air
“Literally what the fuck is Ina’s problem? You’re a total babe” She dropped the letter on the floor to cup Bea’s face
“Forget about her, okay? She’s obviously an idiot for passing up someone like you”
Bea shrugged helplessly
“Forgetting her is much easier said than done, Zo. I still have to see her in Anthro” Zoey put a hand to her chin as she narrowed her eyes, her face was a look of pure concentration
“Here’s what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna put you in some super gorgeous outfits. We’re gonna do your hair, your makeup, the whole shebang. Let’s show Ina what she’ll be missing by leaving you”
At Zoey’s enthusiasm, Bea perked up a little bit. Maybe looking good would help, maybe Ina was just bored of her and needed a reminder of how beautiful she once found Bea. But maybe she was wrong?
She continued attending Ina’s lectures wearing the very best Zoey could find but Ina didn’t even look in her direction. Bea became more sure that Zoey’s idea wouldn’t work and less sure that Ina ever found her attractive to begin with. What makes attraction go away anyway? Surely if someone is found to be beautiful, they stay that way in that person’s eyes?
As time wore on, Bea was starting to become sure that Ina was purposefully ignoring her. Before the letter, Ina would spend every moment she could find just taking in the sight of Bea or sending her gorgeous little smiles across the room. But Bea was once again proved wrong when Ina called on her to answer a question during a lecture. Finally being acknowledged by Ina sent a thrill through Bea, although she wasn’t sure if it felt like butterflies or like being punched in the stomach. Unfortunately Bea didn’t know the answer to the question asked by Ina, nor did she trust herself to speak whilst still feeling so hurt so she just shrugged
“Ms. Hughes. Please see me after class, I believe I may be able to assist you with your understanding of this topic”
Bea decided that the thrill she felt was actually a feeling of being punched in the stomach. The way Ina addressed her was just like how she addressed all the other students, the no-named nobodies, people who had no past or significance to Ina. Maybe that’s all she was to Ina now. Bea wondered how Ina managed to get over her so quickly
The rest of the lecture dragged on, seeming to last for eternity as Bea dreaded the idea of talking to Ina after class. She didn’t know what to say or how to act anymore, what if she was too friendly? Or too cold? What if she made Ina uncomfortable? Or pushed her further away? All these thoughts raced around Bea’s head and made her feel uneasy and almost dizzy
Once class was dismissed, Bea got to her feet slowly, gathering her things even more slowly. She unhurriedly made her way to the front of the class, standing well away from Ina and trying her best to avoid looking at the beautiful and intelligent woman before her. As the final students filed out the lecture hall, Ina stepped out from her desk and approached Bea, a hint of a smile on her face
“I apologise for putting you on the spot during the lecture, I was sure you knew the answer!” Ina’s smile grew slightly wider yet it did not reach her eyes
“If you take a seat at my desk, I believe I can clear up the confusion surrounding the topic” Ina made her way over to her teaching desk and took a seat, putting on her glasses once seated. Bea did not budge from her position as a look of anger begun to take over her face
“So you’re just gonna pretend like everything’s normal, huh?” Ina’s head snapped up at Bea’s aggressive tone and she looked taken aback to see the feeling expressed so clearly on Bea’s face
“Ms. Hughes, what seems to be the matter?” This only seemed to enrage Bea further
“Stop fucking calling me that!” Ina’s eyebrows shot up and she held her hands up defensively “It’s just another painful reminder of what we aren’t”
Bea began to look uncomfortable as she felt tears beginning to surface. She wiped at her eyes harshly, not caring if she hurt herself in the process. Ina’s expression softened at the sight of Bea in such a state. She never meant to make Bea feel like this, she only wanted to put an end to their romance before one of them got hurt. But as she gazed at the woman before her, Ina wondered if she had perhaps underestimated how much Bea felt for her. Nevertheless, Ina couldn’t change how she felt for Bea and neither could she find the explanation as to why her feelings fizzled out
“I’m sorry Bea. Please forgive me” Ina went to stand from her desk but Bea held her hand outstretched before her, causing Ina to stop part way through getting up
“Sometimes sorry isn’t good enough. It won’t change anything about how either of us feel” Bea adjusted her bag on her shoulder before turning towards the door. Ina sat back in her seat as she watched the younger woman leave, making no attempt to stop her
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sayeedkingsley · 2 years
I didn’t mean it like that pt2.2
this is the smutty ending for my fic I didn't mean it like that
Ina X MC
warnings: angst, smut
tag list:
@ikingsley @swimmingshoebakerydreamer @barnibumblr@veenast @livvynka @sayeedkingsley @youranonymous42 @itsoverihavethehighground @hey-its-vy @hallowdiamond @sheepmomther-personal
lmk if u want to be added to my tag list
and don't forget to donate to my ko-fi if u feel so inclined
It has been over a week since Ina last spoke to Bea. She was so unsure of what to say and she had no idea how to act around her, let alone how to apologise. After another day of Bea failing to acknowledge Ina’s existence, Ina decides she has had enough of this uncertainty. She deserves to be treated like someone Bea actually cares about and Ina desperately wants to find out if Bea is okay. That’s how she comes to find herself outside of Bea’s place of residence one evening. She was going to knock on the door and tell Bea how she felt, and make sure that Bea knows how sorry she is
Ina takes a moment to breathe before knocking on the door, crafting her face into a perfectly neutral expression in order to mask how much she was also hurting. After a few seconds the door opens to reveal a rather annoyed looking Bea
“What do you want, Ina?” Ina tries to hide the hurt she feels at being regarded so callously as she pushes down her own emotions in order to apologise and explain
“Bea, I need you to know how sorry I am and how bad I feel for hurting you. I should never have said those things to you, I hope you can forgive me”
At the sound of footsteps approaching down the hall, Ina goes to leave but Bea pulls her inside the apartment before slamming the door and pushing Ina up against it rather forcefully which causes Ina’s eyes to widen in shock
“Do you have any idea how hard I worked to build my ranking up?” Ina shakes her head
“It’s just that, in the grand scheme of things-” Bea sighs impatiently as anger begins to creep its way onto her face. She grips the lapels of Ina’s blazer harder than she had been previously
“No, not this shit again. The rankings are important to me! Why don’t you understand that?” Ina shrinks back from Bea but is stopped from going any further by the door behind her. Bea surges forwards and stops a few centimetres from Ina, their noses almost touching. She whispers quietly, aggression seeping into her words
“If you can’t be bothered to understand why, then I don’t want your apology. Get out of my apartment” Bea goes to release Ina but is stopped by the professor wrapping her hands around her wrists and pulling Bea back towards her
“I’m trying my best, Bea! Why can’t you see that?” Ina raises her voice, not quite shouting but loud enough to clearly express her frustration
“Your best isn’t good enough” Bea says this through gritted teeth, becoming increasingly irritated at Ina’s lacklustre apology. The pair are so close together now that they practically breathe each other’s air
Without thinking it through, Ina gives into her urges and surges forwards to kiss the woman before her. Bea doesn’t back away, instead, kissing back and forcefully biting down on Ina’s lower lip which causes her to groan. She thrusts her thigh between Ina’s legs and Ina wastes no time in rocking back and forth on Bea’s leg, arousal building up in her quickly. Suddenly, Bea pulls away, grabbing onto one of Ina’s forearms in a firm grip and pulling her towards her bedroom. Once inside, she shuts the door and pushes Ina up against it, grabbing onto her chin tightly and tilting it upwards to allow her to continue kissing Ina’s full lips. She begins to trail a line of fiery kisses down her neck as Ina goes to wrap her hands around Bea’s waist. Bea catches them with her own and pins Ina’s wrists above her head, pressed hard against the door. After a few moments, the pair part, both of them breathing heavily
“Here’s what’s gonna happen. You’re gonna give me exactly what I want” Bea reaches for the tie of Ina’s blouse in an attempt to undo it but Ina swats Bea’s hands away
“But what about what I want?” This time Ina reaches forwards and grabs onto the hem of Bea’s shirt, beginning to pull it up and exposing the toned stomach of her lover. Bea twists out of Ina’s grasp and pushes her against the door forcefully, hands holding tight onto Ina’s shoulders
“What you want? You’re the one who hurt me!” Ina hangs her head in shame, the reminder of the pain she caused knocks all the fight and arousal out of her. She pulls her gaze from the floor to meet Bea’s eyes
“I am so sorry Bea. Even if you don’t forgive me, I just need you to know how much I regret hurting you” Ina goes to pull away from Bea, but she holds her there, surging forwards to kiss Ina passionately
“I know Ina. Now fuck me like you mean it” A beautiful blush blooms across Ina’s cheeks and just like that, the passion within her is reignited. She quickly presses her lips to Bea’s, the kiss growing in intensity as Bea opens her mouth to allow their tongues to twist together. Simultaneously, Ina begins to pull Bea’s shirt off and the pair briefly part while Ina pulls the garment over Bea’s head. She pauses to gaze at the younger woman in wonderment and adoration; Ina knows that she will never get enough of admiring Bea’s beauty
Her thoughts are interrupted by Bea’s impatient hands tugging at the tie of her blouse. She looks back to Bea’s face and sees that she’s pouting
“Let me see you”
Ina steps round Bea and puts some space between them, turning to face her as she slips her blazer off her shoulders and unties her blouse painstakingly slowly. Ina then gently trails her fingertips from her navel to her chest with the sole intention of driving Bea crazy; and it works. Bea rushes to help Ina out of the rest of her clothes. She begins by freeing Ina’s chest from the fabric prison, running the sides of her fingers over the edges of the woman’s breasts which causes her to sigh gently. The sound is music to Bea’s ears and encourages her to continue exploring Ina’s chest, which she does. Her fingertips dance delicately over the stiffening peaks and she lowers her mouth towards one in order to take it into her mouth and swirl her tongue around it. One of Ina’s hands rests on the back of Bea’s head as she lavishes attention on her chest, she moans gently at the feeling but it quickly becomes a sad sigh and she pulls away
“Bea this isn’t fair, I hurt you. I should be the one to please you” Bea smiles softly at Ina’s concern but quickly brushes it aside
“Pleasing you pleases me. Now take off your skirt” Bea grins cheekily at Ina, who chuckles at the younger woman’s impatience as she complies with the request; turning around to give Bea an unforgettable view as she bends over to pull her skirt down her legs. When she rights herself, she looks at Bea expectantly, gesturing at the still mostly clothed woman
“May I?” She steps forwards with her hands outstretched towards Bea. She nods
“You may”
Ina makes quick work of Bea’s clothes, trailing soft fingertips all over and leaving the woman completely bare. Her vision quickly zeroes in on the arousal between Bea’s thighs and she feels her tongue begin to ache with the intense desire to thrust deeply into her. Without thinking, she drops to her knees before the woman, not caring for the damage she may have just caused to her joints. Bea’s eyes begin to widen and they continue to increase in size as her pupils dilate with the anticipation of what is about to occur. Ina wastes no time in trailing her lips and tongue up Bea’s inner thighs, making sure to catch every last drop of arousal that has begun to trickle down. Her nose gently nudges Bea’s clit which causes her to inhale sharply, but Ina doesn’t seem to realise the accidental pleasure she is causing as she loses herself in the taste of her lover
After a few moments of this, Bea places a hand on the back of Ina’s head in an attempt to pull Ina’s mouth where she wants it but Ina resists. Instead, she completely pulls away from Bea’s centre and blows gently which causes Bea’s knees to feel weak as she moans at the teasing
“Ina, please” Ina stands up from where she was kneeling before Bea and holds out a hand towards her
“Let’s move to the bed, I want you to be comfortable” Bea smiles a little at Ina’s concern for her as she puts her hand in Ina’s and follows her over to the bedside
She gently lays Bea down on the huge four poster bed before slowly crawling up her lover’s body, maintaining eye contact until the moment their lips meet in a tender kiss. The pair remain like that for several moments, legs intertwined and tongues swirling together before Ina trails a delicate line of kisses from Bea’s lips to her chest, where she takes a nipple into her mouth and sucks gently. This elicits a breathy sigh from Bea and she thoroughly enjoys the adoration Ina shows to her body despite her growing impatience and burning heat between her thighs. Continuing her path, and with one clear goal in mind, Ina traces a line down from Bea’s chest to her navel with her tongue, stroking her lover’s sides with featherlight caresses from her fingertips. Ina chuckles as she notices Bea’s impatience; she feels Bea’s hand on the back of her head and she spots the slight rising of her hips off the bed. Finally she gives into what she knows her lover needs, her mouth meeting Bea’s clit and sucking gently. This causes Bea to moan and curse at the feeling
“Fuck, Ina”
Her grip on Ina’s hair tightens as she pulls her further into the slickness of her arousal. Ina complies with Bea’s desires, pushing her tongue slowly inside Bea’s entrance and swirling around a few times before trailing back up to flick Bea’s clit with the tip of her tongue. The sudden switch between her entrance and clit causes Bea’s whole body to tense as she moans loudly. Ina repeats this pattern several times, making Bea’s whole body shake with each pass of her tongue. It isn’t long for Bea to come close to the edge and she cries out for more, begging Ina to quicken her pace; and she does. Ina fucks her harder too, tongue thrusting deep inside before swirling her lover’s clit. Bea’s climax comes over her suddenly, stars burst behind her eyelids as she moans much louder than before and grips Ina’s hair tightly without meaning to. The sharp tug on Ina’s hair causes her to moan quietly at the feeling and her arousal is heightened further by watching Bea come undone before her
After a few moments, Ina makes her way back up Bea’s body and places a gentle kiss on her cheek, stroking her hair and murmuring praise in her ear. Once Bea begins to recover, she twists herself so that she faces Ina and rests her head on her chest; burrowing into Ina and snuggling tightly. Ina drapes one arm over Bea’s body and traces delicate little circles with her fingertips on Bea’s skin. Ina clears her throat in preparation of what she feels she must say next
“Yes, Ina?”
Ina pulls away from Bea to sit upright
“I still feel I should clarify how truly sorry I am for hurting you. I had no idea my words and actions would hurt you so much. If I had known the full extent of my effects beforehand, I never would have said those things to you. I understand if you do not forgive me now, or ever”
Bea feels her eyes begin to water at Ina’s heartfelt words and she sits up to envelop her lover in a tight embrace. Ina freezes momentarily before returning the hug
“I forgive you Ina. Please try not to worry anymore” Ina nods in understanding before attempting to get up from the bed. Bea grabs her by the wrist, a mischievous glint in her eye
“You didn’t think I was going to let you go before pleasing you, right?” Ina smirks as she feels her face get hot
“I was hoping you’d say something like that”
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