savatewolf · 2 years
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savatewolf · 3 years
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I have never felt so seen in my life. The original mako was fun and that is the hill I die on. The true experience was driving that thing like there was no tomorrow and imagining the Normandy squad holding on for dear life as Shepard sent it flying over every hill.
The biggest threat of mass effect wasn't Saren or the Reapers - it was my Shepard bringing them to the brink of death every time they had to step foot in that death trap. They probably updated their wills and said their final goodbyes to their family the minute Shepard stepped into the driver's seat. The mako had absolutely everything - streamlined for your experience.
Guns that aimed? Fuck that. Unnecessary. Drive over the enemies and drive like shit until you get away. Bash into them hard enough until they fall into lava.
Gravity? Fuck that. Physics cannot contain the Mako. She's an enigma beyond such simple reckoning. The mako is my magic carpet and I'm showing the squad the world as I send it flying over every cliff.
The Mako is the horse in all of those horse movies where the city girl tames the wild unrideable horse with oats and apples until she gains it's trust and they ride off into the sunset together after evading some rich farmer trying to sell it off.
The original mako straight up fucks and nothing will ever beat the sheer joy that comes from making the biggest regret of bioware do it's fun little bounces. The Nomad had nothing on the prime steed that is the Mako who drives like she's been coked up for the Derby.
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savatewolf · 3 years
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savatewolf · 4 years
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savatewolf · 4 years
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Reuploaded bc I fixed a lot of things–Happy Birthday to the best awkward dark mage!! still waiting for her 4th alt in FEH…
- Please do not repost, reupload, or edit.
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savatewolf · 4 years
Why IchiHime was obvious as hell for endgame (regardless of the fandom’s denial about it)
–IH has been obvious since the pilot chapter. Ichigo and Orihime had mutual romantic feelings for each other in the bleach prototype, Kubo’s original plan for bleach. Here’s a post on it. –If you really, truly want to argue that Ichigo and Orihime “barely had any moments!” luckily, I was insane enough to create a masterpost with links to every single IH moment in the manga (which had to be split in half because it literally broke due to having too many links on it). Part One is here, Part Two is here. It has over 377 links. Say what you will, but IchiHime has the most moments and screentime of any other pairing by a landslide.
–The amount of focus that was put on Ichigo’s desire to protect Orihime specifically is MASSIVE. It was made more than apparent how much Ichigo cared about Orihime and how important she was to him, by the level of focus that was put on Ichigo’s protectiveness over her, specifically. It’s something that singled her out as special and set her apart from the others, time and time again. It was consistently emphasized in the manga, and, conversely, so too was Orihime’s desire to protect Ichigo specifically. Their mutual desires to protect each other was a recurring theme. I’ve made a masterpost on this too, which you can find here. Warning, it’s long. –Ichigo is open and receptive to Orihime’s displays of her feelings for him in positive ways. The fact that she cares about him so much doesn’t bother him in the slightest. In fact, he likes it. Here’s another link.
With that out of the way, let’s get to it
Keep reading
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savatewolf · 4 years
Palpatine’s Journey
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savatewolf · 4 years
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savatewolf · 4 years
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savatewolf · 4 years
1. I'm not the person who made the picture first off.
2. So what, your lifelong friend suffers a huge amount of trauma and is left on his own and you're just supposed to abandon them because they're no longer your problem? Besides Felix abandoning his friend isn't him standing on his own two legs, that's him running from his own issues. If you were to actually talk to him at the monastery during CF and VW you actually see him regret leaving Dimitri. Hell in CF by his own admission he acknowledges that he is becoming like Dimitri and thus no longer has a moral high ground. In VW after Dimitri dies in Gronder, he starts questioning whether he could have saved him and after you defeat Edelgard and move on to TWISTD he talks about making sure Dimitri can rest in peace which sounds a lot like his father and Dimitri. Felix doesn't wallow in the dead in AM because he doesn't want to be like Dimitri or his father. So, when Rodrigue dies he is upset, but he doesn't want an apology, he wants Dimitri to move on and promise to set things right.
3. Are you basically saying that Felix, becoming obsessed with avenging his father, becoming like Dimitri, basically becoming the very thing he hates is his closure?
4. Yes 90% of his non BL endings are his bad endings. You take Felix way too much at face value. In his A support with Byleth he reveals that he is obsessed with the sword because he wants to surpass his dead brother Glenn. Having him become some mercenary who is obsessed with bloodshed and violence is him still being haunted by his brother. Felix is a hypocrite and he hates it. That's why he forces his frustration on Dimitri and his father. He doesn't want to admit to being like them. Only after his father dies and Felix realizes he isn't able to reconcile his issues with him anymore, that he is able to air out his grievances with Dimitri and finally acknowledge that both the boar and his friend are one in the same. Once that is done he is finally able to succeed his father as the shield to protect people and drop the sword that has been haunting him for years.
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I am bad with words so in lieu of a well thought out essay on how Crimson Flower Felix is the worst possible outcome ever have this meme instead _(:3」∠)_
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savatewolf · 4 years
Except your ignoring the fact that Felix cares a lot for Dimitri and the routes in which Dimitri doesn't get saved are also the routes where Felix gets his worst endings. If Felix doesn't work out his issues with Dimitri and his family, then he literally becomes what he berates Dimitri for, a murderous animal who cares very little for his own life.
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I am bad with words so in lieu of a well thought out essay on how Crimson Flower Felix is the worst possible outcome ever have this meme instead _(:3」∠)_
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savatewolf · 5 years
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reblog if you hang in the GROOKEY GANG
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savatewolf · 5 years
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Felt the greatest need to draw out my FE3H favorites ;o;
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savatewolf · 5 years
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Mini dimimaris for the soul 💛💙✨
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savatewolf · 5 years
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savatewolf · 5 years
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ah, a smile and a laugh..? 
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savatewolf · 5 years
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She’s kind of a witch
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