satan-666s-things · 10 months
Handle It
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Pairing: Simon Ghost Riley x F!Reader WC: 5.1k Summary: Reader is taking a shower and someone decides to crash the party. Warnings: 18+ Exhibitionism (risk of getting caught), shower sex (kinda), SUB SIMON, teasing, begging, sub to dom to…sub, finger sucking, oral, fingering, penetration, overstimulation, spit, creampie
Hot water beads down your back. Well, maybe that’s a bit too generous. It’s hardly trickling out of the showerhead above you, and the water’s lukewarm at best. But it feels great, your eyes are closing, your muscles are relaxing, and you almost forget that it’s a communal shower. That anyone could walk in and join you at another showerhead, there’s several in here, meant to get a group of people clean to save time. Time’s important in the military, you know this. So does everyone else, but there’s an unspoken rule. If someone’s in the showers, you don’t join unless absolutely necessary.
Which is why you’re allowing yourself this moment. You’d announced to the group that you were hitting the showers after the operation. And true to your word, as soon as you’d stepped out of the vehicle, you beelined it to the building. Soap joked about joining you, earning a punch from someone in result. You hadn’t cared to look behind you to confirm who it was, instead you’d waved a hand over your shoulder, acknowledging that you’d heard him, but wasn’t threatened by his constant yet harmless flirts. It was how you two communicated. It was a nice break in the violence and mayhem Task Force 141 found yourselves in. Even if Ghost and Price rolled their eyes at the banter, you could tell it eased their nerves at times. It’s hard to hold onto humanity when you see the worst of it day end and day out.
Getting the bar of soap into your hands, you rub it against your skin, ridding yourself of the dirt and grime from today’s work. It’s normal to get dirty doing what you do, and yet no matter how you wash yourself, it feels as though you’re never clean. You’d scrubbed your skin raw once, after a mission, coming out of the showers with irritated skin. Still. You were never clean. Today didn’t feel like that. The operation went well. There was no killing, no torture, and for once, it was an easy day. You want to savor this feeling, knowing that today went right, how relaxing the water is, feeling somewhat clean despite the past.
A knock rings through the showers, bouncing off the walls. The soap slips through your fingers as you jump with sound, the relaxing feeling you had now long gone. The knock has authority to it. It has impatience. Gritting your teeth, you rinse off quickly before turning the knob to shut the water off. You leave the poor soap on the ground, moving to the cement wall separating the showers from the door of the building.
“What?” You call out, a little irritated. Sure, you’d been in here for a bit longer than normal. But it was the one time you’d actually felt…nice.
A deep voice from behind the closed door comes to you. You resist an urge to roll your eyes. Ghost.
“Been in there a bit. Other people would like to clean themselves before heading in for the night.”
This, you do roll your eyes at. He’s right. You’re hogging the shower, but there’s an unspoken…thing you have against Ghost. He’s stoic and a bit miserable to be around if you’re being honest. He’s too serious, all the time, he never likes to have fun, and if you and Soap are going back and forth, he’s got to voice his displeasure. You secretly think he’s jealous. You think that he either is jealous of the relationship you have with Soap, or he’s jealous of Soap. Probably the former since you two can hardly stand each other.
Sighing out, you cross your arms over your naked chest. Right, you’d almost forgotten where you were.
“Well,” you start out, a bit snarky, “there’s always room, Lt.”
You’re joking, obviously, already moving to wrap a towel around your body. Without waiting for whatever response your lieutenant is trying to muster up, you cross the space from the cement wall to the door, hand gripping the handle to wrench it open.
There he is, in all his glory, towering over you. He’s ditched the mask he wears in operations or important meetings, donning his comfortable skulled balaclava. In fact, he’s changed out of most of his gear. Bare hands, black Henley shirt rolled up to his elbows. Of course, his lower half is clothed in his usual black pants, and he still has his boots on. Yet he looks more naked and vulnerable than you do in your little white towel. He looks at a loss of words.
A playful look crosses your features, a smirk teasing your lips as you prop a hand on your hip. Before you can get a word out, Ghost shifts forward quickly with a grumble tumbling out of his chest, pushing you back into the building with his presence alone. You frown a bit as you move backwards to accommodate his size as the door behind him closes you both in, confused as he glares down at you.
“Christ, could you not waltz around in nothing but bloody a towel?”
Another attempt to not roll your eyes comes over you. “What’re you, shy? It’s not like I’m completely naked.” You gesture at yourself; it’d be as if you were wearing a strapless dress. Granted, the towel is tiny, you’re wet from the shower, and you’re definitely not wearing any panties. Still, you had no idea Ghost was such a prude.
“Really?” Ghost’s gaze trails hotly down the front of your body. Suddenly your face feels hot. He’s never once looked at you like this. Like he’d…
A shaky breath escapes you before you laugh it off, “If you can’t handle me in a towel after shower, I doubt you’d be able to handle being around me in the actual showers.” You jerk a thumb over your shoulder as you watch his gaze follow it behind you. He can see the room of showers over the wall. You think you see his jaw clench under his mask.
This is bad. You’re jokingly teasing him the way you and Soap talk. This is uncharted territory, and you’re not sure you can keep the act up. With Soap, it’s harmless fun. You both know you’re not interested in each other. It’s easy to try to get a reaction out of each other, to see who says the most ridiculous shit first. It’s a stupid game. With Ghost, it’s dangerous. It’s nerve wrecking. It’s serious because he’s serious.
Suddenly he’s looking back down at you. You try not to fidget as you stare back at him. You can’t read him. You’re about to talk to break whatever this tension is, about to tell him the showers are his.
“No, I probably can’t.”
Did his voice drop an octave? Why was it making your skin heat? What was going on right now? You feel like your brain is malfunctioning. Your gaze drops down to the broad slope of his shoulders, and down his frame, distracted a bit. Of course, he’s attractive. You’d be insane to not think so. Even if you’ve never seen his face. It’s the way he holds himself, it’s the way he’s built, it’s his damned voice, and his eyes and everything else. But he’s your lieutenant for Christ’s sake. He’s mean sometimes. He’s ruthless, a brute, a –
“Let me see. I want to try. To… handle it.”
You freeze, eyes shooting back up to his. “You -?”
His chin dips to your towel, “Take it off.”
For a moment, you’re both watching each other. Ghost’s got his eyes on yours, unwavering. He’s really serious about this, you realize. Your thighs are clenching together now, trying to relieve the ache. You were joking, you think, about him not handling it in the showers. Now you’re thinking maybe you’re the one who can’t.
Shakenly, your hands raise to the knot tied at your breast. Your actions stop for a moment, silently waiting for him to tell you to stop. The command never comes. You can’t believe you’re doing this, bearing yourself for your broody and moody higher up. For him. All because you don’t want to back out on what you started. Suddenly, you want to prove him wrong. That he can’t handle it. That you’re not affected at all by his words or actions, or more importantly his inactions. The towel drops.
It’s loud with how silent it is in the room. Who knew a damp towel could be so loud? Your gaze doesn’t leave his, holding it, even as you stand bare in front of him. A smirk quirks your lips. He’s avoiding looking at you. That’s how he thinks he can move around the situation at hand.
Testing him, your hand brushes against your own collarbone, trailing slowly -- tantalizingly slow. Still, his eyes never wander from your own. So, this is how you could play games with Ghost. It’ll be fun to see him break.
“You’re not looking,” you start, stating the obvious.
“Never said I had to. Only said that I could handle being around you.” He shrugs, like it’s the easiest thing in the world. Like he won the game.
You laugh a little at that, and watch his eyes ever so slightly dip to your lips before coming back up to your eyes. Your own hands are wandering your body now, groping a bit at your chest. His hands clench at his sides.
“Are you going to take a shower, Lt?” A breathless noise leaves you as you ask, your fingers pinching one of your nipples. Fuck him. You’re so turned on right now it’s ridiculous. He doesn’t have to look. Just the thought of being here in front of him while he’s fully clothed doing this, while the two of you are alone and anyone could walk in –
“No. And quit that.” He growls out, knocking your hand away from your breast. He still hasn’t looked, but you’re guessing he’s getting a view from his peripherals.
“Quit what?” You feign innocence, your hand that’d been knocked away now dips in between your thighs eliciting a soft moan from your lips. “You said you’d try. If you’re not going to take a shower, you can watch.”
Ghost has no words for you now, his pupils dilating before your very eyes. Spreading your legs a bit wider to get a better reach on yourself, you continue. Slow pressing circles on your clit, your arousal slicking loudly in the air. Your free hand goes back up to your tits, to continue groping, pinching, pulling.
Finally, he breaks. He breaks when your pussy squelches around your own fingers, his burning gaze trailing down your body to the hand that’s pulling such noises out of you. A groan sets loose from him, and you shudder from the mere sound.
Ghost’s eyes shoot back up to yours in question.
“Kneel, I said. You can get a better look.” Your tone is set in stone. Despite the burning ache you’ve got, the need for him to touch you, you feel in control.
He hesitates for a moment before lowering himself down to the ground, knees pressing against the cement. His eyes have yet to leave yours.
“You can look but don’t touch.” Your breath hitches, arousal seeping into your very being seeing him like this. Listening to your commands. You watch his hands clench on his thighs, his attention going back to your pussy. Your breath hitches at his stare, feeling the heat of it. He doesn’t have to touch for you to feel his attention. It’s making you sloppy, messy, and wet. You keen, a brief thought of asking him to touch you, but you don’t want to give him the satisfaction.
Staring down at him as your fingers continue to tease yourself, you watch him just as intently as he’s watching you. He seems fixated. You wonder if he’s drooling in his own mask. The front of his pants looks tight. His hands are clenching and unclenching on his thighs, his shoulders shuddering when you make a noise in the back of your throat. You watch him tense as you ease a finger in yourself. Your clit is throbbing, aching, begging for attention, you’re teasing yourself just as much as you’re teasing him. Slowly pumping the one finger in yourself, you press another one in, mewling out as your hips buck a little upward.
“Let me taste you.” He rushes out suddenly. Ghost’s voice is gravel, scrapping across your body. Your head nearly tips back at the sound of it, another pitiful noise leaving your mouth.
 Stay strong. Stay strong. You shake your head, unable to give him an actual answer as your fingers create a devastatingly slow pace, slick coating your fingers and thighs.
“Fuck. What’ll take? Let me taste you.” He’s demanding now, knuckles white with how hard he’s gripping the material over his thighs.
You pant, trying not to stammer. “Beg.” It comes out stronger than you feel right now. Core burning with the need to come.
“Please.” He grits out through his teeth, angry eyes coming up to your glassy ones.
“You don’t sound sincere.” You laugh breathlessly, shaking your head again. Your fingers pause, coming out to press softly against your clit. If you press any harder, you have no doubt you’ll come. You don’t want to give it to him yet. Ghost watches the action, a growl coming from him.
“Please,” he tries again, looking back up at you to see if it was good enough. It’s not and you tsk at him. “Please, let me taste your pussy. Let me put my mouth on you. Please.”
The last plead is strained, almost a whine. Your fingers dip back in, curling as you pump them again. Your head falls forward a bit with a whine of your own and you try to gather your bearings. “How are you going to taste me with your mask on?”
Quickly, he tugs it upward, only exposing his mouth. Christ. His mouth. He’s got a scar running down his lips. His jaw is clenched, and you curse whoever created him. He’s handsome, even if you’re only seeing the bottom half of his face. You watch his tongue tease his full bottom lip, his mouth opening into a soft pant. He’s eager. You catch another whine in your throat, fingers leaving your pussy to press against his mouth, covered in your own wetness. He opens his mouth, latching onto them, sucking and licking, taking anything you have to offer.
You watch with a newfound feeling. Here you have your lieutenant on the ground, kneeling and begging, sucking your fingers like it’s his God given right. Like he has something to prove. That he’s desperate enough to be debased to nothing. He’s moaning at the taste of you, following your fingers as they leave his mouth, like he’s not ready to stop cleaning yourself from them. He’s tilting closer as he watches them disappear back to your throbbing sex.
“No,” you tell him, stopping him from following your fingers all the way, “that’s all you get.” You moan out, your fingers wet with his spit now circling your clit. You need to come like this, having him at his knees in front of you.
“W-wait. Please. I’ll do anything. Fuck, please. Let me give you what you want, I can make you cum. With my mouth please –”
His begging sends you over the edge, not stopping as you cry out loudly, pussy clenching on nothing as your fingers circle and circle. It’s long and crippling, and you almost feel your knees buckle, your free hand gripping the cement wall behind you. Fuck, he’s not shutting up. It drags it out, hearing him whine and beg, a man who you thought could never be like this. You rip your hand away from yourself, panting, thankful for the wall behind you holding you up. Your thighs are quivering and wet from the orgasm, breath trying to catch up to your pounding heart.
Ghost is quiet now, looking up at you, waiting for your next move. His mouth parts, like he’s going to start up again and you hush him.
“Clean me up.”
You barely have the sentence out before he’s shooting forwards, hands gripping your thighs to make room for himself. He pulls one of your legs over his shoulder, tongue latching onto your already overstimulated clit. You cry out, hands shooting up to his masked head, trying to pull him away as he laps at your cream.
“A-ah, wait, Simon –” You start, squirming, trying to get away from his mouth and tongue. You feel him smile, the bastard.
“Think you can tease me like that? Huh?” He growls as he laps at you, tongue not missing an inch of your pussy. His words vibrate through you, not bothering to really pull away to talk. He’s violent in the way his mouth attacks you. “Think you can just do what you want to me?”
You stutter, about to apologize until he starts to add his fingers to the mix. Two thick fingers of his slam into you, pumping up as his tongue flicks your clit. You cry out, tears in your eyes as you take it. He’s going to make you come again, this fast. Too fast. You feel dizzy, vision fuzzy.
“Making me sit in front of this pretty pussy and not letting me touch or taste it.” He groans, and then chuckles as you bare down on his fingers, clenching hard. “Oh, you gonna come again pretty baby? Come on then.”
He’s mean. Meaner than you were to him. You’re panting, quivering, and aching, your pussy making obscene noises as he assaults all of your senses. You know you’re coming before you feel it. Like a delayed reaction. Gasping and bucking, he’s saying something again that you can’t register because your hearing leaves you, your sight leaves you, every sensation and thought is gone as you cry out, coming and coming again. Somehow in the midst of it, his fingers and mouth leave as you come back down to your body, and he’s holding you up, thank God. You doubt the wall behind you would’ve helped at all. Your fingers are clenched on the material of his mask, and as you blink down at him, chest heaving, you see his wet mouth smirk.
A flash of fear goes through you. This was the Ghost you know. The ruthless, cold, domineering, Simon Ghost Riley. Not the man that’d been on his knees begging. Not the man who’d let you command and tease him. He sets down the leg that’d been over his shoulder. You’re not sure if you’re still completely all together. He stands to his full height, and you shiver, trying to sink yourself back into the wall behind you as much as you can. His hand comes up to your jaw, gripping it gently as he tilts your head back.
You obey, lips parting, mouth opening. Nothing could prepare you for what he does next. He leans into you, pressing up hard against you, lips barely hovering your own. He spits. Fluid enters your mouth, and you moan, swallowing it up. It’s your own arousal, sweet and warm and oh. Your wet lashes flutter shut as Ghost licks the seam of your closed mouth, lapping at you before he nips and bites and kisses you. The kiss he’s giving you isn’t gentle. It’s consuming and you cry into it as your hands find purchase on his shoulders, sliding up to his neck to haul him closer to you. He answers your cry with a groan of his own, his hands cupping your ass to lift you up. Your legs come around him, locking your ankles behind his back to keep him close. Your sensitive pussy is pressed and rubbing against pants, the feeling abrasive and raw but you can’t stop from grinding against him.
 “Tell me what you want. Tell me and I’ll give it to you.” Simon mutters against your lips, licking and biting still. You’re breathless and whimpering against him, his words going straight to your core as you move against him. He’s helping you, moving with your hips, matching you move for move. You’re distracted, unable to give him an answer as you kiss him back, your trembling fingers sliding a bit under his mask to grasp the back of his neck. He hisses out in pain when your nails dig in. “I’ll give you anything baby, please. Just say the words.”
“I – I want…” you gasp, your clit pressing against the seam of his pants. You can feel his length hard and heavy against you.
“Fuck, please. Please tell me.” He’s begging again, rutting his hips up against you, hands keeping you still as he continues.
“I want you.” Is all you can muster; all you can think about saying. You swear your brain isn’t working correctly. Even before this started. You must’ve hit your head during the mission.
"Want me? Want me to what?” He stops moving.
You groan out in frustration, head tipping back a bit before you look up at him. “Please, Simon. You’re teasing me now.” You’re not sure you like how quickly the tables have turned.
Ghost laughs a bit, breathless himself. You think he’s going to drag it out further until he sees the pout furrowing your brow. “Alright. I am. I’ll give it to you.” He still keeps you wrapped up against him, one hand holding you, the other going in between the two of you. His knuckles brush against your bare sex and you moan lowly, watching him unbuckle his pants, pulling his hard cock out. Precum is dripping down the length of it and your throat dries at the sight of him.
Concern must be showing on your face with how big he is. Another chuckle from him, “You can take it pretty baby.” Your concern dies out as he slides the length against your wet pussy and you bite down on lip, trying to contain your noises. You want him in you, size be damned. He runs the tip up and down once more before pressing against your entrance, pushing in slowly. This time, you can’t contain the low moan you have. He gives it to you slowly, pumping his hips up into you, letting you adjust to his size. It’s stretching you open, and you feel like he’s splitting you in half. It’s heavy and deep and throbbing –
“Oh.” You let out, almost surprised it feels so good. Addicting. You feel drunk.
A sadistic laugh comes from the man in you, his cock slowly pumping into you. He’s being nice, giving it to you this softly. His hands are pulling you back onto his cock, pinning you against the wall and his hard body. Your legs tighten around him as your nails dig into his shoulders.
“That’s it. It’s all yours, isn’t it?” Ghost dips down to nip your lips as you whimper. “Been wanting this pussy wrapped around me for so long, baby. Fuck.” He moans lowly as you keen at his words, clenching around his girth. “Teasing me when you have no idea what I’d do to you. For you.”
He’s going slow, dragging this out as long as possible. He’s pressing in deep, rolling his hips before pulling slowly back, letting you feel every inch of him before starting all over again. It’s driving you insane. It feels like it’s going on forever, his slow thrusting. He rocks into your soaking cunt, easing his throbbing cock in you smoothly and repeatedly. Ecstasy has taken hold of every fiber of your being. You hardly feel conscious, as his words lull you into lust, his cock pacifying you into drunken state. He won’t shut up again as you cry against his lips.
“Pussy feels so good. So good. Fuck. You can have this dick whenever you want baby, just say the word and it’s yours.” He moans lowly, the sloppy sounds of your pussy and his hips thumping into you with languid strokes are overpowering your thoughts. His words make your pussy clamp down on him and he moans again, not afraid to let you hear how good you’re making him feel.
“Si—” you gasp, mouth falling open against his, trying to pull him up closer to you.
“Tell me. Tell me, sweetheart. Fuck.” He rasps against you, his hips stuttering slightly at the sound of your broken moans.
“F-fuck me. Please fuck me. Simon, please.” You beg, not afraid to be pulled down to your knees like he had been. To be debased to nothing just as you had done to him.
He’s not just pliant, he’s willing. Eager again to please you. You know he could’ve done what you had to him, teased you, made you beg more, made you want and want and need. But he gives it to you, just like he promised he would. Your pussy flares as his thrusts get heavier, deeper, faster, rougher. It’s destroying you as much as it’s freeing you and your eyes roll back a bit. God, you’re going to cum again.
A knock sounds. Not unlike the one Ghost pounded on the door earlier. You gasp, trying to stop running to the hurdle you’re launching towards. Your body doesn’t get the memo, or doesn’t care, and it certainly seems Ghost couldn’t care less that someone is right outside the door. The man makes a frustrated noise, at you or the knock, you’re not sure. He clamps his hand down over your mouth as you try to contain the noises you’re currently making. You want to tell him to stop, someone’s right there, but he keeps fucking you. God, he’s so mean and cruel and –
Your heart shudders in fear. Soap. No, God, no one can see this. Ghost fucking you against the wall, completely clothed, unrushed. Despite the fear of being caught, you feel a whine catch in your throat as you thrash again Simon’s relentless fucking. He hushes you quietly, slamming roughly into you now. You stop a squeal, but just barely, a loud yet pathetic squeak leaving you as euphoria bursts through you, pussy convulsing around his cock.
“Just a sec, Johnny.” Ghost throws over his shoulder, a smile playing on his handsome face. He hardly sounds phased even when just moments ago he was the one loudly moaning into your mouth. He hardly sounds winded even with the rough thrusts he’s delivering into you, fucking you through your orgasm. You claw weakly at his chest, angry at him, still coming down from the heaven he just gave to you.
You think Soap leaves, you’re not sure, but Ghost moves his hand from your mouth, back to your ass to bring down onto his cock. He’s using you now, making you meet him thrust for thrust, drilling your G-spot with such precision that your vision fades for a second.
“No, look at me. That’s it. Good girl. You’re so pretty baby. Such a good girl. You gonna let me fill you up now? Haven’t I been good enough for you? Huh?” He’s mocking a bit, but serious. His own form of a joke that you have no power or brain to call him out on. All you’re feeling, all you’re thinking about is his cock ravaging you from the inside, still, overstimulated. Your body hardly cares. It’s right there, right at the edge, ready to jump and to give him your all. You’re too dumb, blinded with pleasure, staring up at him as he growls down at you, throbbing cock ready to give it to you when you say the words. Maybe he really is under your command after all.
A whine comes from you, frantically nodding to him, hands scrambling on him to try to find solid ground while you’re in a different time and space with the fucking he’s giving you.
“No, you have to tell me baby. Fuck, tell me I’m good baby. Tell me I was good, and I can fill you up.” Simon’s begging, whining lowly in the back of his throat, his hips getting sloppier and shorter, pounding into you.
“You’re good. You’re good. Simon, you’re good. It’s so good. Please, pleasepleaseplease come in me.” You’re begging, sobbing, actually, tears streaming down your face as you try to catch up with your body. It hurts, it hurts so fucking good, you make a long and agonized noise against his mouth, he’s kissing you again, sucking your tongue, running his against your teeth, pulling sucking overstimulating –
Simon makes his own devastated noise, a low and shattering groan of pleasure and you feel it just as you’re coming, milking him into you. His cock is surging into you, pumping hot cum with each deep thrust. He’s grinding into you, fucking you both through your orgasms, making you see stars as you cry into his mouth, fingers tearing into his back through his shirt. His hips finally still after what seems to be eternity, your pussy still clenched around him. He keeps himself deep in you as you both try to gather your bearings as well as your breath. You’re staring at each other, panting, chests heaving. He brings a shaky hand up to your cheek, cupping it as he runs his thumb over your tears. The tenderness makes your heart clench. All he’s done tonight surprised you. He leans down to place a kiss against your lips as tenderly as the thumb that stroked you. You kiss him back gently, a little worried where this was going to leave the two of you.
He pulls back, eyes bouncing in between your own. He seems to sense your worry and he sighs, pulling out slowly. You almost want to cry at the loss of him. Ghost sets you down steadily, keeping his hands on you as you wobble, legs weak. You hold onto him and look back up, ready to question what the hell this meant. He shakes his head a bit and nods towards the showers.
“I think I can handle taking a shower with you. But it’s gotta be quick baby.”
Shocked, you stare at him incredulously before you burst out into a terrible laughing fit. You’d almost forgotten how you got here in the first place. You watch his mouth quirk up into his own smile before he starts to laugh a little too. You grab his hand, tugging him with you towards the showers.
“C’mon then big boy. Show me how you handle it.”
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satan-666s-things · 10 months
So Much To Learn
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: a lot, again; Sub!Spencer and kinda mean dom reader, oral (f receiving), age gap (reader is 21), hand job/teasing, honorifics & pet names, marking a lot, p in v sex, they both talking diiiiirty, minor praise, risky sex, multiple orgasms, edging, squirting- I think I got everything??
Genre: Smut kinda fluff and like minor minor angst if you squint
Summary: You don't react well when you realize someone else is giving your professor boyfriend entirely too much of their attention
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A/N: technically this is a continuation of So Much To Teach but order is arbitrary lol
Part 1
The weeks after Spencer's confession in his office are- fun to say the least. Meeting in secret, teasing him in class, it's all very exciting. With finals just around the corner now though, you're not sure what it means for the two of you. Will he be interested in establishing anything solid with you once you're out of his class? Will things continue as they are? Will he toss you aside only to replace you with another student from another class next semester? The last possibility bothers you more than you'd like to admit. You'll have to find a good time to bring it up to him soon. Between preparing for final exams or papers and Spencer's near insatiable appetite for time with you there's never a moment you want to risk ruining with what will no doubt be an awkward conversation.
There's a slight knock on the door at the back of the classroom that interrupts Spencer's lecture and your wandering mind. Everyone turns to see another professor walk into the room.
"Oh shoot. I'm so sorry Spence I- I thought your class would be over by now." Professor Greene says. She has the decency to look remorseful although you've noticed her sniffing around Spencer for a little while now so you roll your eyes to yourself.
"Oh don't worry about it Professor Greene we're just wrapping up, come on in." Spencer says kindly. "Alright guys reminder, your finals are online and are due at the end of finals week- that's Friday in two weeks' time. We're not meeting on Thursday but next Tuesday for our final meeting time together I'll be having a review session. It's not mandatory but I'll be here during our class time to answer any last minute study questions you may have. I hope to see you next week but if not good luck on all your finals, if you're graduating congratulations, enjoy your holidays, and have a good day!" Spencer dismisses the class. Usually, you'd linger to drop by his office after class but with Professor Greene about to commandeer his attention, you're not sure if you should. Still, you take your time packing up your things while listening in on their conversation.
"I really am so sorry I interrupted your lecture, Spence. I just wanted to ask about the staff meeting I missed the other day." Professor Greene says.
"Oh don't worry about it, Professor Greene but I can email you my notes from the meeting real quick." Spencer says walking over to his computer.
"I've told you a thousand times Spencer call me Ellie." She says patting his shoulder. Spencer mutters something you can barely hear as you exit the classroom. You don't catch the way his eyes trail after you for a moment before he focuses back on sending this email.
"Y/n!" Matt calls pretty much as soon as you make it out of the classroom.
"Oh, hey Lewis. What's up?"
"Was wondering if you were free to meet up sometime to do some studying for the final? Ya know that way we can help each other with things that are confusing and anything we can't figure out together- we can bring up next week during the review session."
"Ya know what that's a great idea Matt. Why don't we do Thursday- since we don't have class we can just hit the library during that time." You suggest.
"Perfect. I'll meet you at the library on Thursday then." Matt smiles, rushing ahead to catch up with some friends. You make your way to Spencer's office like you do after every class although usually you walk together. Today you sit on the bench that's a few feet from his office and wait for him while reading a book.
"Sweetheart. I was wondering where you ran off to." Spencer says when he reaches his office.
"Didn't want to interrupt. She likes you, you know."
"What?" He frowns over his shoulder at you as he unlocks his office door.
"Professor Greene. She was totally flirting with you when she came in during class." You stand up and follow him into his office.
"Was she?" He hums.
"You're telling me you didn't notice?" You scoff.
"Do you want me to notice other women flirting with me?"
"I don't care, Spencer, you're not my boyfriend-"
"Hey, that's not fair." He frowns. You know it's not, Spencer told you early on the only thing stopping him from labeling your relationship was because of how risky it is to date your professor, but you're apparently facing jealousy and it's making you mean.
"I was only saying she's being really obvious. Whether you're interested or not though, is your business. I have some studying to do so I can't stick around today but I didn't want to disappear without letting you know." You say dismissively.
"Y/n," Spencer says softly.
"I'll see you next week." You tell him, turning on your heel. You need to get your feelings under control and quickly.
"I'm not interested in her. You have to know you're the only one on my mind." Spencer says before you make it out the door. You're not even sure what to say back, so you leave without a word.
You've never considered yourself a jealous or insecure person but for some reason, Professor Greene really gets under your skin when it comes to Spencer. Maybe it's because you know it would be easier for him to date her, she's close to his age and there's no taboo surrounding that pairing. That doesn't make feeling this way any less annoying. I mean- you've been ignoring her attempts at making advances at him for the past couple of months but you think the stress of exams and final papers is exacerbating a feeling you normally wouldn't even notice. Honestly, you have entirely too much else going on to be wasting time focused on staking your claim over a man that's only yours in locked offices, empty halls, and dark rooms. You don't fight over men, if Professor Greene can 'take him from you' she can absolutely have him.
By Thursday when you meet up with Matt, you've managed to knock those ugly thoughts of Spencer and Professor Greene to the back of your head, drowning yourself in studying and paper writing. You have no problems in Spencer's class, even before you were fucking him you had an A average so his final is the least of your worries but you know a review can't hurt. You spend way longer than the length of a class studying with Matt, he's a good student which appears to come with great effort on his part. He goes over things in such depth you're actually a little impressed and for a moment there you wonder what it would be like to pick the easy lover. Matt's kind, and attractive, and it would be much less complicated, no sneaking around- well maybe a bit but it would be for fun, not out of necessity. He'd walk you to class holding your hand, and kiss you on the quad, you'd probably adopt his whole friend group, they're athletes whose girlfriends always seem to be adored by all of them. It would be nice, it would be sweet. If things with Spencer do end at the end of the term you'll seriously consider falling for Matt. The version of reality where you end up with him sounds good. If only you'd realized it before Spencer caught your eye so severely. Would things be different? Would you be holding Matt's hand across the table right now? Sitting next to each other in class? Having him over to study late into the night until you'd have him just stay over because you don't want him to leave so late? It seems silly to spend so much time dwelling on a world that you gave up months ago. You blame it on the stress of the end of a semester.
When Tuesday rolls around you go to the review session knowing you don't actually have any questions but maybe someone will ask one you didn't think of that will come in handy. There are not that many people here for the review, some kids from other sections for sure, but still only maybe 20 of you in total. Spencer tries a number of times to catch your attention while he answers questions to gauge how you're feeling but you don't give anything away on your face. That is until Professor Greene walks in about halfway through the review session.
"Hi Spence! Sorry to interrupt, I know you're reviewing for finals and stuff but I ordered a sandwich for lunch and they gave me 2? I just thought I'd offer you one." She smiles as she scurries to the front of the room. Spencer catches the wry smile that just barely cracks your poker face for a moment and he's almost nervous to address Professor Greene.
"Oh- I appreciate it Professor Greene but I brought lunch, I always do. Perhaps Mike would like it if he's on campus? I know he usually buys food at the student center for lunch." He offers. Graceful rejection. Hopefully enough to keep you happy and put off his coworker at the same time. You make a point to not react outwardly but you do notice his choice to call her Professor Greene while calling another professor in the building Mike despite her giggling request last week to call her by her first name.
"Mike?" She blinks at him.
"Yeah he's- probably doing some grading in his office upstairs." Spencer smiles. "Anyone have any other questions for me?" He turns his attention back to the small group of students who mostly seem ready to leave after watching the exchange.
"The exam is a combination of multiple choice and short answer right?" A woman asks.
"Correct, just like your exams in class." He nods. "It- seems like we've covered all your questions guys so, I think it's okay for us to wrap this up a bit early yes?" Spencer asks. Professor Greene is still in the room but Spencer avoids her gaze diligently as the class murmurs affirmatives.
"Spence before you head off can I speak to you for a moment?" Professor Greene asks quietly while the rest of the room is busy packing up their things.
"Of course." He answers reluctantly. "Miss y/n, don't go far I have an assignment of yours I'd like to discuss in my office." Spencer tells you before you can even stand up.
"Sure prof." You drawl resisting the urge to roll your eyes.
"Look Spencer the sandwich was- a decoy. I mean they did give me an extra that I wanted to offer you but it was really an excuse to ask you something else." Professor Greene's tone is hushed as you and a few others are still milling about the room.
"Oh- well what is it?" Spencer asks though his gaze shifts to you every so often. You who sits so seemingly unbothered waiting for him, chewing gum, tapping away on your phone, not even looking their way although your ears are definitely paying attention.
"I'm having a little faculty get-together and I wanted to invite you personally."
"What, like going out for drinks?"
"Yeah exactly! Will you be there?"
"Uh- email me the details and I'll let you know."
"Awesome! I really hope to see you there Spence." She places her hand on his arm and he quickly walks over to his satchel to escape the touch.
"I'll- see what I can do." He mutters. "Is that all? I don't want to keep y/n waiting all afternoon."
"Y/n?" She frowns.
"My student? The only person in the room. Who I asked to wait up when I dismissed everyone?" Spencer frowns at her.
"Right! I guess I forgot. One track mind sometimes." She waves off with a giggle. How unnecessarily dismissive.
"Y/n. My office. Ready to go?" He turns his attention to you without even addressing her comment.
"Whenever you're done." You shrug.
"That would be now."
"Alright. Let's go." You stand up and exit the class before him.
"I'll see you at the gathering Spencer." Professor Greene says as he follows you out. You don't say anything as you walk down the halls with Spencer trailing behind. He thinks he handled that well but he can't tell. It's like you're being hard to read on purpose. He unlocks his office door and lets you inside before him, shutting it behind him.
"Look I-"
"I think you should go." You tell him first.
"To her little get together. I think you should go." You shrug.
"You do?" He frowns which deepens when you nod. "Why?" He asks.
"It's good for you to socialize with your coworkers." You offer noncommittally.
"You're in a better mood about her today than you were last week." He says carefully.
"Is the door locked?" You ask him.
"To your office. Did you lock the door?"
"Oh- yes. I always lock-"
"Yes is sufficient." You say sitting in his office chair.
"Sweetheart, talk to me, what's-" He stops when you hold up one of your hands.
"Spencer, drop to your knees." You say.
"What?" He blinks at you.
"It's a very simple instruction, I would expect a man with as many degrees as you hold would be able to understand a 4-word command."
"I understood it fine I just-"
"Then why are you still standing? If you understood it Spencer do it. I want you on your knees. Now." You cross your arms. Spencer slowly, unsurely, lowers himself to his knees, still by the door to his office. "That's better. Come over to me. And just so we're clear you'll have to crawl." Spencer bends and shuffles over to you on his hands and knees, gaze pointed at the carpet in his office. You've discussed the possibility of him giving up control a number of times but this is not how he expected today to go. When he's by your side you lift his chin up to force his eyes to yours. "Finals week starts in two days Spence, I've got three papers and two exams to think about. I don't have time to worry about if you're going to behave or not." You tell him.
"Choose your next words very carefully baby they might just ruin your day." You warn him.
"I would never misbehave darling. My loyalties are to you." He says softly.
"Are you willing to prove that?" You ask.
"However you ask me to." He says immediately.
"I like that answer." You hum. You tug your dress over your head and drop it on his desk. "You can start by removing my panties with your teeth." You tell him. "Just your teeth. I want your hands behind your back." You add. Spencer shuffles forward and tugs at your underwear with his teeth. You move only when absolutely necessary to help but he gets them off after a few moments and holds them between his lips, looking at you for further instructions. "Good boy professor." You pull them from his mouth and drop them on the desk beside your dress. "You'll need your mouth free for this next bit." You say threading your fingers into his hair. "Your loyalties are with me you said?"
"Of course princess." Spencer's reply is breathy.
"Hm- no, not princess. Today you can call me mistress or your queen. I'll let you choose but only between those two. Anything else will get you in trouble and- today is not the day to get in trouble."
"O-okay, My Queen."
"Good. And as for proving your loyalties, you can begin with your head between my thighs, let's see how loyal you are." You spread your legs and tug at his hair still in your hand hard enough to shove his face directly into your center. Spencer is quick to react, his tongue laps up your juices as eagerly as you'd expect. He will regularly spend ages between your legs when he can just because he enjoys tasting you so much. Your back arches as he thrusts his tongue into your pussy feverishly. "Yeah, oh fuck, keep going. Show me- show me your devotion." You moan out as you grind against his mouth. Spencer groans into you as you pull at his hair. His tongue curls inside you just barely brushing against that spongy patch and you have to bite your lip to keep from squealing when he does. Spencer's nose nudges at your clit as he focuses his tongue on your inner walls until your legs stiffen around his ears. When that happens he drags his tongue up to your clit and focuses his attention there, wrapping his lips around the bundle of nerves and sucking on it while his tongue lashes it with figure 8s. You almost scream when your orgasm crashes into you, fingers tightening in his hair and your back coming off the chair as you ride the waves of your release. "Don't- don't stop Spence. Fuck- keep sucking my clit." You pant out. Your eyes squeeze shut at the almost painful stimulation, but you want a second orgasm from him before you let him up for air and you plan to get it. You swallow your whines from those first few moments of post-orgasmic overstimulation and force Spencer further into your heat, practically smooshing his face against you. Your moan when overstimulation gives way to pure pleasure again is enough to have Spencer clenching his fists as more blood rushes to his already painfully hard dick. It fills him with a new level of determination as he sharpens the movements of his tongue against you. Your second orgasm builds quickly, and within a few minutes, you're shaking again, this orgasm covering Spencer's face and even squirting onto his shirt. You pull his hair harshly enough to move him away from you as you take a few deep breaths. Spencer sits panting, covered in your juices, pupils blown so wide there's no trace of his hazel-colored irises. "Look at what a mess you are." You hum. "You look pretty like this."
"Thank you- mistress." His voice is hoarse.
"Strip and sit on the couch. You can walk this time." You tell him. He stands, though a little unsteadily, and walks over to the loveseat, taking off his shirt and then his pants before sitting down with his gaze trained on you. You take your time standing from his chair and walking over to him, detouring to grab your jacket that you'd tossed over your backpack upon entry. You won't put the dress back on for now, having totally soaked your lover you have no interest in walking out of here in a damp dress, but your leather jacket will be fine. Spencer watches you with rapt attention as you finally approach him, his dick is an angry looking red flopped against his stomach and his whole body is tense. You drag a finger across his thigh and then up the length of his dick, slowly, reveling in the way he jolts at the contact.
"P-please." He gasps out.
"Please what Spencer?" You tilt your head at him.
"I- I need you to do something my queen I can't- it hurts."
"Do something? I'm already touching you. You need more?"
"Yes mistress, please." Spencer's head is tossed back against the couch as you trace the veins along his dick lazily.
"You're a greedy thing." You hum.
"Please mistress- please my queen I need- god please sit on my dick. Need it so bad- need you. I can't- can't help it." Spencer grips the cushions beneath him tightly, desperately trying not to squirm under your touch.
"Only because you beg very cutely." You tell him swinging your leg over to straddle him. You grip the base of his dick in your hand and lower yourself onto him with a satisfied hum while he lets out a guttural sound that makes your walls clench around him.
"Oh god thank you, my queen. thank you, thank you. You feel so good." Spencer pants out. You brace yourself using his shoulders and set your rhythm, bouncing on his dick quickly.
"Spencer, you're not allowed to cum until I say so." You tell him, grabbing his face to make sure he's listening.
"O-okay mistress. Of course mistress." He nods frantically.
"Fuck Spence this is what you're good for, this is where you belong. Filling me with your pretty little cock, covered in my squirt, you're mine aren't you baby?" You huff as you ride him furiously.
"Yes my queen yes. I'm yours. Just yours. Only you get to use me, touch me, take me. Only you make me feel so good." Spencer groans. You feel his body tense up under you and slow your pace almost to a stop.
"Not yet Spence." You mutter sweetly kissing his neck. You stay there for a few moments, grinding against him as you take some time to litter his throat with hickeys of various sizes some of which are quite dark as well. Dark enough that you're sure he'll have them through finals week. When you're satisfied with the marks covering him you pick up your pace again and his small whimpers from your lips against his skin turn to full-blown moans again. "This time Spencer you can cum, but you ask first." You tell him. He nods at your instruction and while you should scold him for not using his words you'll let it slide considering how close you know he is. He barely manages a few minutes before he's stuttering out his request.
"C-can I mistress please can I cum?" He pants out frantically.
"Good boy. Yes you can." You chuckle airily at the relief on his face when you give him permission. You keep pace until heat spills into you at which point your hips slam down harder against him even when he begins hissing from overstimulation.
"M-my queen I- too sensitive w-wait."
"I said you could cum baby but I didn't say I'd be done with you. Today you're my toy and I'll use you as long as I want. So be good and let me play." You say, letting yourself relish in the feeling of filling yourself over and over, even as his release leaks out of you and makes his thighs sticky. You moan in surprise when Spencer's dick hardens again inside you. "Oh- fuck. Well aren't you just the perfect plaything- eager to keep your queen happy."
"I- I- yes mistress." He whines. You ride him for a while longer, taking all he has to give and then some. He fills you two more times before you're satisfied and you make sure you have a couple more releases of your own by the time you're climbing off of his completely spent dick. You walk carefully over to his desk and grab his pack of wet wipes before walking back over to him, cleaning up the utter mess around his thighs. If he didn't look so exhausted you'd have him clean the mess on your thighs with his tongue, but right now you think if you asked Spencer to do anything else he'd simply collapse, so you take a few wipes to clean up yourself once you're done with him.
"You were very good today Spencer. I'd say you more than proved your devotion." You tell him with a gentle kiss.
"You're mean when you're jealous." He chuckles breathlessly.
"So are you professor." You tap his nose and stand to dress yourself. You pick his clothes up from the floor and lay them on the arm of the chair for whenever he gets the energy to stand and dress himself. You find his lunch and set it out for him on the table as well while you're at it.
"Are you leaving?" He asks, barely able to focus.
"Well- I do have some studying to do. Will you be okay? Do you want me to stay?" You ask. You won't leave him if he's going to drop but you've set up food, cleaned him up, and made sure he knows he did well.
"I- I don't want Professor Greene you know." He mumbles.
"I know, that's why I think you should go to her gathering. With all those pretty marks on your neck, she'll surely get the hint." You say. You bend over and gently brush some hair from his eyes. "You make me feel so territorial." You mutter.
"I'm sorry." He pouts.
"It's not your fault, it's unavoidable but- I don't like hiding you." You say.
"I don't like hiding you either." Spencer takes your hand in his. You pause for a moment and sigh.
"Do you want me to stay with you, Spence?" You ask brushing your thumb against the back of his hand.
"Can you spare the time?" He asks.
"Sure. But at some point, we should talk about what the end of the semester means for us." You say. Spencer sits up and you sit on the couch letting him rest his head in your lap.
"When you finish all your finals I have a question for you." He slurs a bit through his declaration.
"Why not just ask me now?"
"I want your head clear." You can barely make it out, he's obviously falling asleep, your fingers against his scalp lulling him too quickly. You're still high off adrenaline now, not quite ready to sleep but you know you'll feel the effects of this later. Good thing tomorrow is study day and you can get away with not leaving your apartment.
A/N: I was gonna post this on Friday but I’m posting it early as a thank you for all the love on part 1 already 🖤
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satan-666s-things · 11 months
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morning sex with ethan
you’re already all huddled up together in his twin-sized bed, and when you wake up, you sigh in relief as you remember that chad did not get back to the dorm room. you have the room to yourselves. you have ethan to yourself this morning.
sweet ethan is snoring into the crook of your neck, his fluffy curls tickling you as his chest rises and falls against your body. you raise a hand to run it through his hair, and he rewards you with a sleepy, yet content groan.
“g’mornin,” he murmurs into your neck before planting a sleepy kiss on the base of it, his arms wrapping themselves around you to hug you even tighter.
“morning, baby,” you greet back, one hand raising his chin to give him a soft kiss on his lips. he pouts but doesn’t move, letting you peck as many kisses on his lips as you want. and then, ethan opens his mouth, catching your lips in surprise and instantly runs his tongue on yours.
when he breaks away, he settles back to your neck, eyes still closed, “m’hard,” he tells you, “need some pussy, please.”
“this early in the morning?” you raise an eyebrow at him.
“please,” he begs, mouthing at your neck. “i’ll do the work, y’can just lay there and take it.”
you pretend to think about it, even though you both know you’re always ready to go once ethan starts tonguing your mouth. so when you nod and say yes, ethan turns you over, slowly, still sleepy and relaxed. you laugh when you see that he’s dragging his boxers down and your panties down too, yet his eyes are still closed. “you’re not even opening your eyes for me?”
“m’still a bit sleepy,” he mumbles, flushing a shade of pink. he removes your shirt (his shirt) and positions his lips on your breasts, almost panting as he cups your right breast. then, he finally opens his eyes, looking at you with puppy eyes as he sticks his tongue out, almost catching your nipple.
you arch your back, wanting to feel his wet mouth on you, on your tits, almost gushing because how can you not when ethan looks at you like he’s begging you to let him suck your tits?
when he finally wraps his lips on your nipple, you moan, arching into him. his other hand strokes his cock, wet with his precum, and guides himself into your cunt. he grunts as he slides in, popping his mouth off your nipple as he moves his head to face you. “your pussy feels so warm…ha….fuck…”
“shit, ethan,” you feel stretched out, so early in the morning and his cock filling you all the way in until his balls press against your ass.
when he pulls back and thrusts back in, you both shudder at the feel. ethan makes sure he’s balls deep in your pussy and stops, his cheek resting against your as he whispers into your ear, “this is gonna be quick, m’sorry baby.” he whines as he tries not to move, tries to calm himself so that he doesn’t nut inside you after two pumps.
“it’s okay,” you tell him, “it’s okay, ethan, just cum inside…”
“shit…don’t talk like that…”
“i just need your cum in my pussy, please.”
ethan almost sobs into your ear, slowly pulling back and thrusting back in until he establishes a rhythm. not fast, but deep, and you feel like he’s hitting you so deep, almost like the fat head of his cock is bumping against your cervix.
“m’cummin, oh sorry, m’cummin already…aah! fuck…ha…” he pulls back to look you in the eyes, “i’m cummin’ in your pussy.”
“fuck, ethan, cum inside me, please,” you beg, one hand coming up to wrap behind his neck, “but look at me. i want you to look at me when you empty your balls in my pussy.”
“ahh! fuuuuuck, it’s all there,” he whines, trying not to close his eyes in bliss as he looks at you as he cums, “it’s”, thrust, “all,” thrust, “here,” thrust, a particularly strong one that makes you squeal, “deep in your pussy.”
he collapses on top of you, kissing you as he grinds his hips, making sure all his cum doesn’t flow out of your cunt. but it’s the first load of the day, and he almost always cums a lot during the mornings.
“i’m sorry i came so early,” ethan says, planting a kiss on your cheek, “in exchange you can do whatever you want with me tonight.”
“whatever i want?” you raise your eyebrows.
ethan nods, “i promise.”
“good,” you pat his cheeks, opening up your arms in an embrace and ethan rests his head in between your breasts, “maybe i can finally use that fleshlight on you, that you’ve been hiding from me.”
silence, then…
“how did you know about that?”
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satan-666s-things · 11 months
Red Handed (S.R.)
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Summary: Reader catches Spencer in the act, and then joins in. Request: You catch Spencer jerking off in your shared room cause he thought the reader would be gone a bit longer. She catches him and smut happens. Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader Category: Smut (NSFW, 18+) Content Warning: Caught in the act (masturbating), oral sex (female receiving), penetrative sex, unprotected sex/creampie, alcohol, coworker relationship Word Count: 7.6k
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The one thing you learn very quickly while working as a profiler at the BAU is that there are very few ways to relax in a cheap hotel room. Honestly, the longer I work here, the less I understand why people choose to stay at places like this on vacation.
Even when the case was over and I sat in this bleached out room with clipart like pictures, I couldn’t find a way to relax. JJ and Elle had tried to show me their methods, hoping that, in the very least, it might trigger some inspiration for me.
Half a bottle of wine later, I found nothing except the realization that I would probably have a headache in the morning. After about 30 minutes of listening to the two girls talk about dating, I decided to finally make my exit for the night. It wasn’t that I was bored by the conversation (Elle had some very interesting stories), but it just reminded me way too much about just how painfully single I was.
… Not that going back to my room would help with that. Not long after I joined, I’d been inadvertently volunteered to room with Spencer. Basically, when we were the only two left, I didn’t complain about it. The truth was, I enjoyed being in his room. Interestingly enough, the genius was pretty quiet at night. If I didn’t talk to him, he spent most of the night quietly reading and occasionally sneaking glances that I’d pretend I didn’t see.
Keep reading
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satan-666s-things · 11 months
Taking control
Stuart Twombly x Dom! Reader
• Sub! Stuart
• Mistress kink
• Strap on
• Praise kink
• Lewd writing
• Begging
• Edging
• Nipple play
• Face slapping
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Stuart Twombly. Where to begin. He was your best friend but also happened to be boyfriend. Yup he’s a dick but you knew this when you got involved with the beanie wearing asshat. But he’s honestly the best thing ever, and the sex life is the best.
You never would imagine that you’d be into being the dominant one **ever** during sex. But when Stuart suggested it one day awhile back it kinda became a thing that occasionally happened behind closed doors.
You never really ever thought of it with anyone before, not even with Stuart, until he mentioned it. Not gonna lie, you were super nervous when you first tried it. Not only did you not know what the fuck you were doing, but that fact that you didn’t know how you were supposed to act.
But you’re quite surprised how well you learned and became a natural pro at making Stuart shiver and squeal underneath you. As time went on and you guys played this way, you became more confident about teasing and taking control.
And today you were feeling particularly in the need of having Stuart quivering for you. Knowing Stuart will of course be on his phone even at work, an idea forms in your beautiful brain. You leisurely search through your sex drawer looking for something to send him that’ll drive him up the wall.... and his pants down.
Picking up a beautiful light blue strap on and attaching it to the straps that sling around your hips. You hmmm as you pull it on over your leggings. Grabbing your phone you snap it from an angle where he can see how long it is and how your hand is casually stroking it. Writing out a teasingly sext *hey little prince, can’t wait to see you after work.*You hit send, and pull off the strap on while waiting for a reply.
A ding from your phone notified you that Stuart had seen and messaged you back. Heading to check it you look at what it says.
*Oh fuckkkk!!! I’m at work!!!*
You groan out loud, what a dumbass he shouldn’t be on his phone at work. So you tell him just that.
* Well then, sorry to inform you but you wouldn’t have a problem at work if you weren’t on your phone kitten*
You snicker to yourself as you pick out a pretty bra to wear for the night. You always preferred wearing a bra or shirt when using a strap on. It felt weird just having them flop everywhere dogging Stuart. Another ding.
* okay you’re right but still, are you trying to kill me?! I have to try to leave work in a half an hour with this!*
You chuckle out loud knowing exactly what Stuart must look like right now. Flushed face, ears bright pink, sweaty hands constantly being wiped on his pants, jittery legs and last but by far not the least, the huge noticeable tent in his beige khakis.
* I know lol. They’ll call security because they’ll think you’re trying to smuggle a gun 😂*
You decided to leave your phone after that knowing that he’ll just be complaining the whole damn time.
A half an hour later Stuart was stumbling through the door.
“ Hey, baby! Umm is that what we’re doing tonight?” Stuart eagerly questioned. He was nervously scratching the back of his neck, already knowing the answer, already awaiting the actions to follow.
“Mmmm babyboy I think we both know that’s what we’re doing tonight.” You skitter out as you grab him by the tie, gently pulling him to your room.
“ Strip.” You demand, while analyzing your nails. Stuart lets out a loud moan, already hard as a diamond.
He kicks off his shoes and socks, next to go is his pants. He’s struggling so you take pity on your baby and start undoing his tie and buttons on his shirt, while he finished trying to strip off his pants. He looks at you while going to sit on the bed. But your quicker as you grab his arm and spin him back around. Whimpering he looks at you with submission and eyes questioning what he’s done wrong.
You quirk an eyebrow and slutty whisper “I said strip, you don’t look very naked to me now do you little bunny?”
“Ohhh, m’sorry.” Stuart stammered as he started to pull off his America Eagle boxers.
“ um you’re sorry what? Hmmm?” You demandingly questioned the pale man.
once boxer clad now naked, Stuart open mouthed stared at you and porngraphically moaned. It reverberated off the walls. Loud and whiny he huffed “ I’m sorry mistress.”
“Mmm such a good boy!” You gleam at him while you shove him semi roughly onto the bed. He groans out as you pick up his favourite strap on. You pull it on as you grab the lube and smear it along your slender fingers. Stuart watched you with hooded eyes already whimpering and begging you to fuck him. He got like this a lot, whiny, whimpering and babbling incoherent things.
He liked it when he had to beg for it, and you liked making him beg. As you stretched him and scissored his asshole, you spoke dirty sinful things out into the open of the room.
“ Do you like this baby? Hmm do you like it when you take it in the ass for you mistress? Do you like taking it in the ass from your mistress?? Hmmm such a good little boy!” And with that a big sloppy kiss was placed on the middle of his stomach, right above his angry red dick. He was spread out on his back with his legs spread and his already leaking cock laying on his stomach. He was blushing beet red and flailing his hands around above his head.
“ yes mistress, oh, oh, oh I love it!! I love taking it in the the ass for you mistress!!! Mmmmh augh!! I’m a good little boy! Ohhhhh mistress please another!” Stuart babbled and pleaded while one hand covered and rubbed his blushing face.
“And who’s good little boy are you baby?” You added the third finger while you started to stroke his big pretty cock. Yes you just described Stuart’s dick as pretty. You never would have thought of a dick as pretty, but when you seen Stuart’s you downright whined and told him that he had the prettiest cock on earth. So thinking of this, you decided to tell your little slut below you.
“ ohhh I’m yours! All yours mistress! I- I- I”
“Now you just have the prettiest cock ever don’t you baby? Oh I love it!!!” You interrupted a mumbling Stuart and pulled your sticky fingers out of him. he whined at the loss of your petite fingers, but when he seen you smearing lube all over the strap on he let out a strangled moan throwing his head back.
He liked it when he had to beg for it, and you liked making him beg.
“ What do you want baby, huh?? Oh what’s wrong!?” You teased his hole with the tip of the strap on.
“ Mistressssss!!!” He whines out.
“Whattttt??” You mocked his whiney voice while pushing just the tip inside of his taut hole and pulling back out.
He struggled to form a sentence... or any words at all.
“Mis- mis- mistress! Please I, I want you to fuck me!” He groaned out. Head thrown back, holding his legs apart for you. Spread and ready, just how you like him.
“Now baby, we both know you can do better than that!” You reassured the flustered male beneath you.
You decided to make him struggle even more and played with his sensitive nipples. While he was attempting to put together his best sentences you toyed with his nipples. You tweaked, tugged, twisted and rolled them in between your nimble fingers. Stuart mewled out at the feeling, his cock leaking. He wouldn’t last very long once you finally started, which was okay. He didn’t have too and usually didn’t. To you both it didn’t matter how long he lasted when you guys did this. As long as he achieved an amazing orgasm and whatever he needed to get out.
“Please mistress I need you to fuck me! I’m begging you! Mmmm I need to feel my release from you mistress! I need you! I need you to fuck my little boy pussy mistress!!” Stuart practically hollered out. He had his hands hooked under his knees holding his legs open and apart.
“Oh baby! Now that’s a good dirty little boy isn’t it! We both knew you had it in you kitten!” You plunged into him while continuing playing with his nipples. Stuart nearly shrieked at the feeling of your false cock filling him. You started off with nice long deep thrusts. Gradually you got harder, rougher and quicker. He continued babbling underneath you, his big cock leaking pre-cum all over his chest and treasure trail. He was close, so close. You knew he needed something else, but as usual he liked it when he had to beg for it, and you liked making him beg.
“What’s wrong baby, hmm?? What mistress’s baby boy need??”
“Oh! I-I-I ohhhh!!! I- please smack mistress!”
You cut him off as soon as the words left his mouth. The contact of skin slapping skin echoed through the apartment. With a strangled gawking noise, Stuart came exploding white strings of cum all over his chest and your stomach. You slowed your motions and pulled out of him slowly. Taking off the strap on you pull him up putting him under the covers. Lying with him for a couple of minutes, both calmingly catching your breathes and listening to the comfortable safe silence between you two. This was your safe spot. Not in the bed, or in the apartment. But with each other. You could be anywheres and you’d both know that you’d be safe and happy if you were anywheres with each other. With that soft thought, and a soft smile for your lover, you head out to the kitchen for some water. When your re-entered the room your baby was fast asleep. You curled up beside and kissed his forehead. When he would wake later in the evening or in the morning, you’d have something made for him to eat and help him into the shower.
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satan-666s-things · 1 year
i didn't know parties were this fun
eli moskowitz x fem!reader warnings: 18+, smut, sub!eli, soft dom!reader, oral & handjob (male receiving), slight mommy kink, cursing summary: at the halloween party, y/n feels the need to spice things up. although surprised, eli doesn't want her to stop. side note: the beginning follows the episode, the rest does not
word count: 1.4k
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"Oh, skeleton, classic. Nice." Demetri complimented Miguel's Halloween costume. Miguel walked up to the three of them. Three being Eli, Demetri, and Y/N. Y/N wouldn't say his costume was that bad. It definitely was classic which meant her and Miguel had something in common.
"Thanks. I like your sorcerer costume," Miguel complimented back with a smile, even though he had gotten it wrong.
"Sorcerer? Please. I'm a necromancer," Demetri rolled his eyes, pointing at his facial area.
Miguel's head then turned over to Eli, who Y/N stood next to, holding his hand in hers. They had been in a relationship since summer but they had previously been pinning for each other since elementary school. "So are you a regular doctor or...?" Miguel trailed off his question, not sure what to finish it with.
Eli was quick to finish it. "Plastic surgeon. I..." there was a silence for a moment from him, but Y/N squeezed his hand to assure him it was okay. "Fix lips."
"And what about you, Y/N?" Miguel finally asked the girl of the group.
"Vampire. Although some would argue, sexy vampire." Miguel laughed while Eli's face turned red. It was true. The red and black skirt was quite short on her and the tight shirt wasn't doing any favors.
He began to walk away after that and Demetri looked over to Eli and Y/N. Y/N sent him a look before Demetri trained after Miguel to wherever he was going to next.
"Eli?" Y/N questioned as they still stood their together holding hands. She slowly turned to face him making his face heat up a he looked at her more. Thankfully, his mask covered up most of the blush.
He turned to her also with a questioning look, too shy to answer. "Let's go sit down somewhere." She told him, as she took his hand one again in search to find a table.
Although there wasn't a lot of tables, there were still some for the people that probably didn't want to be there or were just tired of standing or dancing.
Once they sat down, they scootched in their chairs so much so that no one would be able to see anything below their stomachs. They talked about random things and watched as Miguel and Demetri tried to talk to some girls, failing every time. They laughed and sent the two looks. It was mutual.
Slowly, Y/N placed her hand on Eli's upper thigh. He paused for a moment before continuing to talk with her thinking that she just wanted to leave it there.
But that was not the plan. She had a completely different plan and it made her even more excited that they were in a public place where anyone could see them, including their friends.
She began to trace little shapes with her finger on his inner thigh, her hand still placed on his upper thigh. He was now glad that no one could see this because his little man was growing hard. His breath hitched as she slowly moved her fingers to trace shapes on his dick through his pants. He was growing harder by the second.
Eli looked at her with shocked yet pleased eyes. She could hear him taking deep breaths through the mask, knowing that he wanted to moan or let out a whimper or something.
When she felt him twitch under her hand, she stopped. He looked at her next to him as she placed her hand back on his leg, rubbing up and down it before pushing out her chair like she was going to get up.
"Where are you going?" He asked quietly so only she could hear.
"Down." Was all she said.
And that's where she went. She looked around to see if anyone would see her. Thankfully no one was around. Y/N stood up before sinking down to her knees and crawling under the table. She was thankful that the tablecloths reached down to the floor for her next act. She pulled in her chair so no one would expect that she was under there.
Eli looked around quickly to see once again if anyone was looking anywhere near his direction. He looked again for Demetri and Miguel, seeing they were busy. He felt nervous but okay for the next steps.
"You're okay with this right?" She asked quietly for his consent, knowing full well she would get up right now if he said no.
"Please..." Y/N heard him whine out quietly from under his mask. He pulled it away slightly so she would be able to hear him. Plus the blasting music through the speakers did not help, making him speak louder than his usual whisper.
She pulled his pants and underwear down slightly in one swoop, having him sit up a bit to make that possible. She watched as his dick stood up automatically from her but also the cold air of the gym.
"Aw, look how hard you are for mommy," Y/N said, taking him into her hand and pumping slowly. He bucked his hips, making her chuckle. Eli reached his hand up through his mask to slightly bite his thumb to eliminate any inappropriate sounds that may come out. She pumped him faster and faster until she could hear him gripping onto the table with both of his hands.
"Shit." He whispered under his breath, which Y/N didn't hear. Under the table, she dragged her finger across his tip as she could feel him coming closer to his orgasm.
"C'mon baby boy, cum for me." She edged him on, loud enough so he could hear. He came, a moan coming out of his lips. It was unheard to everyone around due to the load music but Y/N definitely heard it. She placed her lips now onto his length to lick off all of the cum from his dick.
His eyes widened, his body already sensitive from the first orgasm, but now she was going to give him a blow job.
She sucked on his length about halfway, leaving the rest for her hand to pump. As Y/N did that, Demetri walked up to the table. Miguel was not with him. He pulled out a chair opposite from Eli, sitting down. He didn't bother to look underneath before sitting down. Who would?
"Eli, why do you need so much room for your feet? That's literally more than half the table. I didn't know your legs were so long!" Y/N could hear Demetri's voice, so she hallowed her cheeks now to bob up and down on him.
Eli couldn't find any words to say and he was afraid that if he opened his mouth all that would come out were moans so he just nodded his head.
Demetri took this as a joke of sorts, so naturally he pushed Eli's feet away. They weren't Eli's feet. Y/N bounced forward, accidentally taking Eli all the way down her throat.
Eli also bounced back because of this, not expecting her to do so. So when a loud, "Shit!" erupted from him, Demetri just thought he was hurt from the push.
Eli also could not help himself so Y/N knew that when she felt a hot liquid pouring down her throat, he couldn't handle it and came right then and there. She sucked a few more times before swallowing all of his cum.
"Eli, are you okay?" Demetri asked his friend, now noticing that the feet had moved.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm f–fine." He sounded a bit out of breath but Demetri didn't question it.
Eli reached down under the table to pull up his pants. He did it quickly so Demetri wouldn't notice.
"So... where's Y/N?" Demetri looked confused. He looked around to see if she was with Miguel. No. Maybe the sexy cheerleaders? No.
"Oh, she's uh..."
"Right here!" Y/N answered, flattening out her skirt. She had gotten out from underneath and made sure no one was looking. Except maybe a few people. But Demetri didn't notice.
"Oh, hey Y/N." Demetri smiled, as she sat down in the chair from beforehand. She rested her hand on her arm which was propped up on the table. She looked at Eli.
"Who knew parties could be so much fun. I didn't." She whispered before kissing him.
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satan-666s-things · 1 year
Imagine Miguel getting hard in the middle of the night and tossing and turning until he finds his wife.
She's snuggled into her pillow on the other side of the bed, fast asleep. Miguel's half wake and the room is cold enough to keep him awake. Even with their thick blanket, he can feel the chilly air. Suddenly he's pulling his sleeping wife closer, spooning her from behind.
His eyes are half-lidded as he stares at her back. His eyelids flutter a little as his hard cock digs into the fat of her thigh. She so soft and warm and it pulls him in. He can't help but rut into her plush thigh.
“Máma wake up....hey wake up...”
She moans a little at the sound of her husband's deep sleep laced voice. Her eyes slowly open as she starts to wake.
“What's wrong Miggy?” her voice is gentle and calm as she questions him.
“I'm cold and I have a little issue going on in my pants right now that won't go away, I might need your help.”
“What are you talking about-”
She gasps as she feels his now bare cock slide between her thighs. He ditched his boxers a minute ago. She feels pre between her soft thighs, it tickles her skin and makes a sticky noise as he thrusts gently against her.
“Can you help me out here babe?”
“Sure as long as you let me go back to sleep...” she whispers back to him.
He smirks saying “Ok roll over my way, I want you on top of me.”
She doesn't understand exactly what he's getting at, what he going to do. But she turned over anyway and faces him. She gasps a little as he pulls her shorts and underwear down, flinging them off the side of the bed and onto the floor. She almost yelps as he grabs a hand full of the back of her thigh right under her ass. He lifts her up and pulls her onto his body.
Her fat tits push against the bottom of his. The only thing keeping them from comply touching is her thin t-shirt. Her nipples grow hard and dig into him in such a good way.
A minute later he is rubbing his fat cock head against her moist folds. Dragging it around to get her wet. A few minutes later he finally pushes into her. Her tight pussy walls cling to him as he slowly pushes in and bottoms out. His balls twitch as they meet her fat ass.
She whimpers and lets her head fall into his chest. One of Miguel's hands grips at a hand full of her ass while the other one rubbed at her back lovingly.
“Love you...”
“Love you too.”
The two of them end up falling asleep a few minutes later. Miguel's cock stuffed into her fat cunt for the rest of the night.
The next morning has the woman groans as she awakes. Her pussy is throbbing with need. As soon as her eyes open she moans so pretty. Her cunt clenches and twitches around the very soft cock inside her.
She feels Miguel's hot seed spilling out of her raw cunt, she even feels him dripping still inside of her. She has no idea how many times he came while in her during the night. But from the feeling of how sticky her thighs and belly were along with her ass, it was a lot. It only took a few hard grinds of her own his down into his to trigger her own orgasm. Her clit brushed against his hard pelvis and just right to get her off. It was soft and sweet as she lay limp against him.
Their mixed cum drooling out of her now used hole. Miguel's thick dick still stuffed inside of her keeping her filled to the brim with cum.
She smiled as he rubbed her back, still sleeping.
She could cockwarm him a bit longer~
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satan-666s-things · 1 year
Good Boy | Shy!Eli x Chubby!Fem!Reader
Popular!Reader 💖 NSFW Blurb (unedited)
I love writing shy!Eli. Deal with it? lol (@sensei-venus 😈)
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"Right there! Right there!" Reader moans under Eli, head thrown back into his pillows. She looks so pretty, plush and swollen lips falling open as she lets out pretty sounds. Noises he thought he'd never hear before. "Please, right there, again!"
"Like this?" he asks softly, eyes shifting between her face and bouncing tits. His mouth waters at the sight, but focusing on slightly angling his hips to hit the spot she likes so much. As he thrusts into her, she cries out again.
"Yes! Yes! Just like that- oh god!"
Her walls tighten around him and he groans over her, dropping his head and letting his forehead rest against her shoulder. She pulls him closer, his fingers digging into the back of his shoulders. He knows he's not going to last much longer, so he keeps pushing into her at a steady pace. He makes sure to hit that spot deep inside her that makes her velvet walls suffocate his cock.
He can hardly believe they're doing this. He's only ever dreamed of being with Reader, but he never knew she knew he even existed. She's so smart, pretty, and popular while he's nothing more than a loser... why would she know who he is? Yet here she is taking his virginity. And loving every second of it.
"I-I don't know how much... how much longer I can last," he pants. Her hand runs through his hair, nails scraping over his scalp lightly and making him groan. He picks his head up and looks at her, seeing the admiration and lust in her eyes.
"It's okay," she tells him. "Don't hold back."
Her assurance gives him enough peace of mind that it only takes a few strokes more to make him come. Her name falls from his lips as he fires the first spurt of hot cum into her cunt, feeling the way her walls clench around him as he throbs. As his balls draw up, he thinks he shouldn't do this. He has to pull out, because why would she ever want his cum in her?
He starts to pull out and she wraps her legs around him, pushing him back into her. He bottoms out and whines, cock engulfed in her warm pussy, tip almost brushing her cervix. She starts grinding her hips up into her, milking him for every ounce of cum he'll give her.
Then she breathes out, "good boy..." and his hips buck into her.
He gasps as he ruts into her, his pelvis harshly rubbing against her clit and in seconds has her coming on his cock. Her pussy spasms around his throbbing cock and his blunt tip hammers into her cervix, ensuring she takes all of his fat load into her womb.
She cries with pleasure, holding onto him with an almost deadly grip. It's a beautiful sound, with a chorus of his name mixed with moans of pure pleasure. When it begins to quiet, she grabs his face and pulls him close.
"Good boy," she whispers just before kissing him. It's hard and heavy and she shoves her tongue into his mouth. Her legs are tight around him, her thick thighs soft and warm over his waist. His hips are still lightly, pathetically humping into her; his cock is still filling her, though he's starting to taper off. Everything feels amazing and makes him moan into her mouth, planting his hands onto the bedsheets as he has no idea what else to do with them.
His legs are shaky when it's over. His high passes and she's still holding him inside of her, even after he's gone soft. There's a burning in his muscles and he whines when her walls clench around his sensitive cock. She hums softly, easing him to rest on her chest, running a hand through his hair. His body relaxes on top of hers and he melts into her warmth and the plush softness that is her.
Even though when they stand side by side he's taller, he feels small laying against her. Her fat tits almost envelop his head and she has an arm lazily thrown around his waist, using the tip of her finger to draw little shapes onto his back. Her legs finally fall from around him, but he doesn't dare pull out. It feels too nice, he could fall asleep like that, no worries filling his mind about any of it.
When her nails scratch his scalp, he moans and buries his face in her tits.
"Too much?" she asks sweetly, pulling her hand away.
"No!" he whines and looks up at her. His cheeks are still aflame with the heat of what they'd just done, but they burn scarlet as he admits something to her. "I like it..."
She replaces her hand and continues to gently scrap her nails over his scalp with a smile. She presses a kiss to his forehead and he feels assured to lay his head down again. "Good boy."
The pet name sends a shiver up his spine and he squeezes her tightly in his arms. She lets out a cross between a moan and a hum, but is never deterred from her small movements. She just grabs a blanket and throws it over them the best she can; he helps, then snuggles into her.
As she calls him it again, he's very happy to be her good boy.
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satan-666s-things · 1 year
"Please, please, can I come in you? Please, I wanna come so bad," Eli whines, panting hard into Reader's ear as he ruts into her tight, wet cunt. He can barely think, only one thing on his mind. "Please, wanna come in this fat pussy. Please, please, please."
Reader moans as he brushes again her g-spot over and over again. His hips knock into hers like clockwork, heavy balls smacking against her ass. She grips his messy hair in one hand whilst the other stay tightly wrapped around his shoulders. "You wanna come inside of me?"
He nods with a loud whimper, never ceasing his rough thrusts. "Yes! Yes, please! Please let me come inside!"
His pleas are so pretty, a little rushed, but still pretty. Reader tries to speak, but she moans loudly, feeling her gut tighten up. Her walls squeeze him tight as she comes on him, creaming around his cock and leaving a nice ring around his base. He continues to rut into her as she moans with pleasure, unable to speak.
He can't wait for her anymore, the pleasure too much. Her sopping wet, sloppy, messy cunt is squeezing him, milking him, begging him for his cum. His eyes roll up as he groans "I'm coming, oh fuck! I'm coming!" and he busts. He presses himself to her, her cervix kissing the tip of his cock as he gives her everything he has. Rope after rope after rope after rop after rope-
It feels like a fire hose left on, shooting thick torrents of his cum into her. She moans directly in his ear as she squirms under him, their chests tightly pressed together and her sensitive nipples rubbing on his lean chest. She holds onto him, expecting him to collapse soon.
However, Eli has other ideas. Before he's even finished, he draws his hips back and ruts into her. Reader yelps, her sensitive walls clenching around him as he starts his quick, fast rutting again. Overwhelmed, she moans and garbles, "Eli..."
"I'm not done with you, mommy" he gruff, raspy voice grunts. It sends chills down her spine and her cunt clenches again her legs are shaking and she is laid under him, weak and at his mercy. "I have at least two more loads for you."
He sits up on his knees, a slight pause in his thrusts as he reposition ls. Her embrace is gone, but as he looms over her, she couldn't care less. His switch from sub to dom excites her despite the oversgimulation it will cause her. His dark, lustful eyes have her swooning under him and she lets her arms fall beside her, grabbing at the bedsheets in preparation for what's to come.
He's quick to hook his hands under her knees and push them to her chest. She moans at the new position and the way he sinks further into her. He grunts, feeling her frothy, sticky cum leak down his balls. "Fuck... that's it. This is gonna be it. Gonna make you a mommy."
Her cunt throbs around him with excitement. At the promise, she whines. She looks up into his eyes as they fall into a new game. "Wanna make you a daddy."
He pulls back and snaps his hips into hers. She throws her head back and screams with pleasure. The shocks of overstim rush through her, giving her an absolute thrill. As he sets the knew pace, slow and hard, he keeps her knees to her chest and watches the way her body moves under him, purely mesmerized by the bounce of her fat tits and pudgy belly. All he can think of is how much fatter her tits will Getz how that pouch of her belly will round out.
As he fucks her, it's a mess. She gushes around him, hot liquid and cream splattering everywhere and running down her ass. UT soaks into the bedsheets and makes a mess of his thighs. He looks down and watches her stretched out, puffy cunt take his cock. He watches the way her cum makes a mess, frothy cream stuck to the both of them.
"Fuck, I'm gonna come again," he groans, looking at her flustered face. Her needy, swollen lips, her pretty eyes. He leans down and throws her legs over he's shoulder, keeps her folded in half while her toes curl behind his head. He kisses her, shoving his tongue into her mouth. She moans deeply, pushing her tongue against his and they swirl and twist and dance. It's short lived as he pulls away from her and pants heavily. "Gonna come inside you. You want thay, don't you?"
She nods and her cunt tightens up. She squeezes him hard as she grips the bedsheets tightly. His cock rams into her cervix everytime he slams into her and she loves it, waves of please making her body shudder under him as she comes. She babbles small please to him, begging and begging and begging for him to make her a real mommy.
And he doesn't want to disappoint. He throbs harshly inside her tight cunt and he knows he's close. So he starts utterly pounding into her. As he feels the first surge of his second orgams begin, he presses into her hard so that his tip is right up against her tight ring of muscle keeping him out of her womb, but takes rope after rope after rope after rope after rope of his thick, potent cum.
Her eyes are rolled up as they share another orgasm, basking in the raw glory of it all. She moans and whimpers, hoping he's right when he tells her it's this one. This time is it.
He pants heavily over her, running a hand through his messy hair. When the high is over he gently let's her legs down and he falls against her. She wraps her arms around him and grins, feeling him nuzzle into her chest. He grinds his hips into her lowly and mouths at her tits, falling back into subspace and relinquishing his dominance to her.
"That's it, honey, just like that," she tells him, running a hand through his hair. He laps his tongue over her nipple, sloppy and wet, before pulling into his mouth to suck on peppery. "Take your time. It's okay. You have all night to make mommy a mommy."
He moans gently, softly grinding against her as they plans not to stop until they were sure she was knocked up. He looks up at her with big blue eyes, watching her pleasure filled expression as he played with her nipple. She sighed softly, overstimulated cunt fluttering around his still hard cock, keeping him from going soft as they kept the pleasure alive.
Eli close his eyes and licked a stripe up her tit, then latched on to the section of plush fat and started sucking hickeys onto her skin.
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satan-666s-things · 1 year
hi hi hi i also accidentally deleted my acc but anyways how are you i was wondering right mean dom reader x sub bellamy blake ahahahhahaha 🦋🦋🦋 i cannot have a good day
Her Brother’s Keeper
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pairing: afab!reader x bellamy blake
WARNINGS: smut, sub!bellamy, dom!reader, mean!reader (not that mean, sorry), slight handjob? blowjob, face riding, ruined orgasm, ‘ma’am’ used once, slight ooc bellamy? they/them pronouns in use for afab!reader, reader along with clarke and wells are called ‘privileged.’
DISCLAIMER: reader is eighteen !!
(i’m good, how are you! hope you have a good day and sorry if it’s not what you hoped for, english is not my native language😭) (also i couldn’t think of anything for the title!)
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“we got problems.” i look up from the map over to wells with a questioning look. “the communications system is dead,” shit. “i went to the roof, a dozen panels are missing— heat fired the wires” wells added. “wow, what a great way to start off” i muttered sarcastically. clarke looks to us, “well, all that matters right now is getting to mount weather, see? look..” she points at the map. “this is us, this is where we need to get to” she draws a line to mount weather.
“if we want to survive” i say concerned. “where’d you learn to do that?” he abruptly asks, i give wells a warning look. “your fa-” i yank on his jacket, “ah, cool, a map!” jasper walks up to us. we slightly turn, “they got a bar in this town? i’ll buy you a beer.” he blurted out at me. i grimace at his flirting, “you mind?” jaha grabs at him. “hey, hey, hey. hands of him” i hear murphy, “he’s with us.” he comments.
“relax, we’re just trying to figure out where we are.” i add looking up from the map over to murphy and his friends. “we’re on the ground. that not good enough for you?” bellamy adds walking up to us with his sister. i sigh looking over to them, “we need to find mount weather.” jaha reasoned before i could say anything. “you heard my father’s message, that has to be our first priority.” he continued, “screw your father! what, you think you’re in charge here? you and your little princess and guard?” octavia complained. “do you think we care who’s in charge?” clarke says, “it’s not that hard to use your common sense, if we were told to go to mount weather what could that possibly mean? i mean maybe because there’s food, supplies, and shelter?” i asked sarcastically raising my shoulders.
“how long do you think we’ll last without those supplies? we’re looking at a 20-mile trek, ok? so if we want to get there before dark, we need to leave now.” clarke explains. “i got a better idea, you three go find it for us. let the privileged do the hard work for a change” bellamy spat. everyone let out some ‘yeah!’s, “you’re not listening, we all need to go” i look at jaha. “i mean unless we get there and forget about you all and have everything to ourselves? i mean since you all think you’re good enough with what you have here.” i chuckle and wince looking around and nodding at nothing before going back to the map. “they’re right, so we all need to go, now.” wells adds.
“look at this, everybody— the chancellor of earth!” murphy pushes jaha. “think that’s funny?” jaha says with an annoyed face. murphy pushes him to the ground, “come on, get him!” someone yells. “no but that was, all right.” i turn over. “come on, come on” murphy and jaha get ready to fight. i go straight to murphy, punching him. “he’s got one leg, how about keeping the fight fair, huh?” i dared, as he walked away with his friends, embarrassed. i sigh going back to get the map and back, “so? how about that mountain?” i tell clarke giving the map to her.
“who the hell is that?” bellamy say to his sister, “that’s (name), they got locked up for attacking pike.”
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(sorry for the long intro)
it’s been some time since the landing, and i’m not surprised that bellamy somehow got me in his tent. on unity day. straddling him.
“i think you need to be put in place, blake” i grip his chin tightly. “after going around camp fucking like a bunny, huh?” i laugh. “i don-” i cut him off slapping his desperate looking face. “shut up, unless you want the whole camp to hear what a dumb slut you are” i muse grinning at him. i get up from straddling him, “well at least make it worth my while, get up, strip.” he gets up in rush, taking his clothes off, almost tripping over his pants. i push him back on his bed— or cot, watching him support himself on his elbows. only in his underwear. i pull my shirt up and off, throwing it somewhere in the tent. unbuttoning my pants, pushing them down as he watches me with lust filled eyes. my hands going behind me, taking off my bra. throwing it somewhere and taking my underwear off, holding it.
i push him on his back against the bed, “please” he breathed. “shut the hell up” i stuff my underwear in his mouth. he whimpers, “aw, you like that don’t you.” i say straddling him, grinning at his flustered state. sweat clad body, messy hair, desperate eyes. i can feel him growing more through his underwear, i scoot a bit back. grasping him through his underwear, him whining like a little bitch. “why so sensitive now?” i laugh knowing he can’t talk. i pull his underwear down and off, throwing it. running my fingers lightly over his cock, then caressing the tip. his moan muffles due to my underwear. i scoot more back and bend over, running my tongue over the side of his cock, still caressing it. i take him into my mouth, going down until his pubic hair brushes my nose. he gasps and moans loudly as i go up and down on him, sucking lightly and letting my tongue massage him.
i hold the base along with his balls, squeezing it all together while going down on him. he whimpers and his back arches. i feel him twitch so let him go from my mouth, licking my lips. “please, please let me-” i can barely hear him so i take my underwear out of his mouth. “what was that, i didn’t hear ya.” he whines out a “please, please want more” i chuckle. “be grateful for what you get” i slap him and he moans. “i’m gonna ride your face and you’re gonna thank me, got it?” i scoot up to his chest. “yes ma’am” he gasps as he engulfs my cunt. he moans as he sucks and laps at my insides. tongue sucking on my clit and folds. i grind on his face feeling a familiar sensation, moaning out his name. “bellamy” i gasp as he starts tongue fucking me, letting my hips buck on his face. i reach behind me to jerk him off, and he moan loudly while sucking my clit. i climax all over his mouth and neck abruptly. he groans as i get off his mouth and back on his chest letting go of him, his hips buck and his eyes roll back as he whines. “thank you” he inhales deeply, i look behind me to see he already came.
“seems like you don’t need help” i muse as his hips are still bucking and his sensitive cock throbs. “thank you, thank you” he closes his eyes. “sorry if it was too much” i say lying next to him after cleaning up. “no, that was the best thing ever” he hugs me while his face snuggles in my chest still breathing heavily.
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(sorry that this took so long, and sorry for any grammar mistakes)
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satan-666s-things · 1 year
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TW: Loss of virginity. Smut. Language. 
SUMMARY: You learn that JJ’s reputation is just that; rumors and smoke screens. Because of this, you take pity on your friend and decide to help him out…
JJ was impatient. It was one of his more prominent qualities that always served as an instigation to his more unsavory of actions. But the specific lack of patience in this situation was almost comical as he was truly excitable with a lack of contentment. 
"You good, J?" You teased from the passenger seat, watching him nod but evade eye contact as his fingers tapped in an offbeat pattern over the steering wheel of the Twinkie. 
"Can you tell when someone hasn't had sex?" His question surprised you chuckled. 
"Is that what this is? Need a little attention?" You teased, leaning towards him and taunting a finger to his ear to play with it, as he would playfully swipe it away but remain otherwise in sincerity. 
"I mean it...is there like a...a vibe or something" 
"A vibe?" 
"Forget it..." 
"No...I mean...maybe when someone is fidgety and not making eye contact. Maybe if they are asking weird questions..." You teasingly berated him as his eyes finally met with yours, a hint of hesitancy before he spoke. You were almost surprised by this all on its own as JJ was one to rarely do anything without acting on impulse, so to pause in a pensive test was enough to pique your interest. 
"Why? None of the tourons falling for your shtick this summer?" You continued, "Can THEY tell you're in a rut?" His eyes fell away. 
"No...I mean...can YOU tell?" 
"Yes, J...you just need to get laid so you can go back to being the lighthearted joker between us because otherwise that's left to Pope and...I love the guy, but I just don't find talking about the body's secretions very funny-" 
"J? What happened? Some girl screw with you or something?" 
"Some guy?" He shoved your leg down from the incline it had recently made against your chest. 
"Then what?" 
"I..I just want to know if you can tell..." You rolled your eyes. 
"We've covered this-" 
"So you can tell if they haven't-" You slowly nodded. 
"Ever?" His eyes now darted away from you just as quickly as they had found rest as your mouth parted. 
"You've-You're fucking with me...I've SEEN you bring girls back to The Chateau-" 
"I mean I've done things, I'm no saint, God knows, but...I always make some excuse and...it was something John B said about me being too obvious and desperate about it and I just.. shit, I just want it over with, you know. But-" 
"What if we did?" 
"Yeah, okay...very funny, add insult to injury-" 
"I mean it. I mean it IS just sex..." 
He spoke your name in warning as you pulled yourself from the binds of the seat belt and towards him over the console as he swallowed hard. Your name left his lips once more, but this time as a whisper as he was pinned between your thighs as you straddled him. 
"You want to?" 
"I'm kind of thriving off of the idea of knowing I get to be the one to pop JJ's cherry-" You teased, the phrase making him wince, as you forced his attention on you by pulling your fingers to the back of his neck. 
"If you want me to, I will, J, but I'm not gonna beg you or anything, if you-" And once again, his patience was limited as he would move against you with a kiss as rough as it was unexpected. A tongue moved against your bottom lip as you set your hand to his chest to slow him. 
"Maybe THAT is why...you're in too much of a rush...just...just enjoy it..." You brought your lips to his ear. "Because you're only gonna have me once...You couldn’t handle more than that…" His fingers pulled at your hips as you would grind against him and kiss up his neck and tease his ear. Of the heat from your breath or motions from your hips had not been reason enough for all of his blood to rush between his legs, than that little smirk you made against him was the tipping point. 
"Fuck..." He breathed as you palmed him for only a moment over his cargos, his cock, impressive yet untamed, as it flexed eagerly to each motion. 
"I need you to get me wet, J...From what I've heard, you're pretty good at that..." You winked as he blushed for a moment before awkwardly helping you out of your shorts and returning you to him in only your panties. 
His fingers came between his lips, sucking them until they dripped, before he pulled them behind the fabric. 
"Are you sure it isn't gonna be weird-" 
"To have the chance to hold this over your head, are you joking?" He paused for a second as you pushed yourself against his fingers. 
"Relax, J...Nobody has to know...I mean...unless you make me scream or something..." You looked over your shoulder and to the direction of the road at your back as you'd snuck away to smoke for the afternoon. 
"But I doubt it...since it IS your first-" He silenced you with a kiss, his finger penetrating you without a care for preparation, not that much was needed. 
You closed your eyes sharply as you rode into his hand, a string of kisses to your jaw and neck making you purr beneath him as he basked in this sight. You were always so close to him, just out of reach. And now you were this temptress offering him a release he'd never imagined would come from you. 
"Faster, J-" You begged as he would submit, watching you become manic in the sight of your face twisting and parting in pleasure, a sight he never wanted to fade. 
"Are you hard enough?" He nodded, your grinding having done the same work to him that his fingers had to you. 
"Then put it in, right now...please, right-" You gasped. He was the biggest you'd had, not that you had much of a roster, but enough knowledge to know that he was well above average. 
"Shit-" He stilled. 
"I'll start....try to keep up..." You teased while you set the pace, his body unsteady beneath you and threatening to buck wildly if not for your hands cementing on his shoulders. 
"Oh god...." He groaned, the sounds of pleasure almost humorous as this may have been the first time you'd found him speechless. 
"That good?" He asked as his question surprised you. 
"Do I feel good for you-" You took your hand in a clasp around his mouth. 
"So good, but I need you to move, JJ..." You explained breathlessly as his nails ate into the naked flesh of your hips as he pulled you slightly higher. 
"Goddamn!" He belted into your shoulder, motions quickening and breathing shortening for you both as you could feel his desperations collide with your own. 
"J, touch me!" You pleaded as his thumb was quick to your clit, making perfect circles as you clenched him with this natural reaction. 
"Fuck! What was that?!" 
"You like that?" 
"Oh my God..." He groaned as you repeated this before his thrusts became ungodly. That submission he began this interaction with had dissolved into dominance made by desperation. 
"I'm gonna-mmm-shit, sweetheart, I-" 
"It's okay, I want you to..." 
"Are you sure because I can try to-" You pulled at his hair, forcing his attention to you with this interruption. 
"Jusy fuck me JJ...make me come, please-" You begged, feeling the tremors just on your horizon as his joined yours in this tango. 
"Oh shit-" 
"Oh fuck!" 
And in a collection of final thrusts, you had captured his virtue along with his release as he bowed his head against your chest. 
"Can you tell?" You asked him as he found your gaze beneath the heavy lids of his own. 
"Tell what?" 
"That I haven't?" His lips parted as you blushed, having shared that same interaction he spoke of in former partners. You knew how to please but never really got anything out of it yourself. You'd been touched and teased every way under the sun, but he was your only penetration. 
"Not anymore..." You laughed as he moved you off of him as you continued to chuckle. 
"Not even gonna say thank you or-" 
"Get in the back with me..." 
"Because I need my full range of motion this time..." Before you could object , you had submitted. 
A round two in the back of the Twinkie that blurred the lines between friendship and lust, only intensified by the decline of a drug haze. And yet, in hindsight, you wouldn't have wanted this moment to be with anyone other than him…
Taglist: @hopebaker @iovdrew @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @my-baexht-ls @slut4starkey @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @obxxrxfes @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @rafesbae @pankhoeforlife
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satan-666s-things · 1 year
Dare of a Lifetime.
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Part 2 to “Truth of a Lifetime” where you show Spencer the kinds of things you’re into, and he is quite the hands-on learner. 
Warnings: Sub Spencer, spit, handcuffs, choking, degradation, name calling (slut and whore), riding, creampie, breeding kink, begging. 
WC: 3.0K
Spencer’s breath hitches at your words as his face flushes a bright red with joy. He looks back up at you with a sheepish smile.
“I don’t think I can wait that long.. Please, show me now.” His voice is quiet as you take hold of his neck once more. He bites his lip as you do so, a small whimper escaping his lips.
“Harder…” He whimpers quietly, his breath catching in his throat as his vision starts to fog up again.
You grin and remove your hand from him.
“It’s my turn now, babe.”
Spencer shakes his head and takes a deep breath, allowing his lungs to fill with air and his eyes to properly see.
“Okay, yeah… give me a dare.” He looks up at you, a nervous smile on his face. 
Your hands grab ahold of the top button of his shirt, and push it through its hole.
“I dare you…” You undo the next button as a teasing tilt in your voice rings through his ears. “To let me show you everything I’m into..”
Spencer’s breath catches in his throat as you open his shirt and take in his bare chest. His breaths get heavy, and he gulps, his mind racing with different possibilities. He looks up at you, a hint of fear and excitement in his eyes.
“Y-You mean… everything?” His heart flutters wildly as he waits for you to answer.
You purse your lips and think for a second about how long that would realistically take, knowing you didn’t have all the proper tools and equipment anyways.
“Well maybe not everything, but just the big things.. Is that alright with you?”
Spencer nods, his heart beating fast at that answer. He swallows, a nervous smile on his face. 
“Y-Yeah… that sounds okay to me..” His eyes meet yours and he gives you a comforting smile. His eyes linger on yours for a moment before they travel down your hands on his clothing, watching the way you so skillfully undress him.
“I trust you.” 
You lean down to kiss his neck with a smirk and stop at his ear to whisper into it. “If you don’t like anything, you will tell me, understand?”
Spencer nods, his breath catching in his throat as his body shivers a little. His cheeks immediately flush when you begin kissing his neck, followed by your whisper. His eyes close for a moment as he leans into the touch.
“I understand.” His voice is soft, and he sighs happily. 
You nod and lean away from him in your lap. As you move your hips, you can still feel the thick sticky warmth of his release underneath you, but you’d deal with that later.
“Number one..” You pry open his jaw with your fingers, and waste no time spitting on his tongue. You close his jaw and tap him twice on his cheek. “Spit.”
Spencer barely has time to prepare for the spit, the shock in his face as you do so showing clearly. His breath gets caught in his throat for a moment, before he’s swallowing your spit like his life depends on it. When he finishes, he lets out a soft moan. 
“W-What about it d-do you like?”
You wiped a little wet spot on the side of his mouth as you thought of an answer.
“It’s downright filthy.. Makes you feel dirty, right?”
He sighs softly, blushing deeply at the lingering wetness and warmth of your spit in his mouth. He bites his lip for a moment, but he nods and gives you a small grin.
“Y-Yeah.. Really dirty, feels degrading too, doing something so.. so disrespectful to me for your own pleasure.”
The more he speaks, the more you nod and agree with everything he’s saying. 
“And did you enjoy that?” 
Your voice is light and nonchalant, as if not caring how he called it disrespectful. 
“Yes, I-I did. Now, what’s next?”
You can see the anticipation in his eyes as he waits for what else you have prepared for him. 
“Number two, titles. You don’t know how much it turns me on to even think about you calling me Ma’am.”
Spencer nods, and an all knowing smile is painted on his face. His voice is soft and teasing as he speaks.
“Alright ma’am, whatever you say, ma’am.”
You can feel the heat gathering in your panties just from hearing that, and the dull ache in your cunt further ignites. 
“What about me calling you ‘Ma’am’ turns you on so much?”
You’ve never really had the need to think about why you like certain things, but you could always put it up to Spencer to question everything, having to always analyze whatever information is presented in front of him. 
“It drives the point home that you belong to me, and shows just how devoted you are towards me.. Regarding me as your superior, listening to everything I say without question. Really gets me going, you know?” 
“Y-Yes Ma’am, I understand.” 
“Good boy..” Your eyes darken at his words, and you look down at him for a moment. “Give me your tie.”
The man underneath you frantically takes off his tie and hands it to you.
“Yes ma’am, here it is.”
He grins up at you, his heart beating fast. The anticipation is making his heart race, the feeling of you having control over him is quite exciting for him. He feels himself getting turned on from your dominance even more. It was like you could say anything, and he’d have no other choice than to blindly listen and obey. But even if he did have other choices, he wouldn’t even think of choosing anything other than being yours. 
With the tie in hand, you grab both of his hands and place them in his lap, right in front of the warmth radiating off of your core. 
“Number three.” Wrapping the tie around his wrists, you quickly fasten them in a knot. “Handcuffs.. I apologize for my lack of preparation, but this will do for now.”
You lean back once you finish and look at him, and he looks so beautiful, neck pink from your previous grip and cheeks red from how much this turns him on.
Spencer gasps softly as you bind his hands in the tie. His breath catches in his throat as you tighten the fabric around him. He lets out a quiet moan as his mind starts to go blank again from the pleasure of it all. He looks up at you with a faint smile, his eyes meeting yours and he leans his head forward slightly.
“You’re having too much fun with this, aren’t you?” He laughs quietly, his breath shaky.
“Not as much fun as you’re having..” You press a quick kiss to his lips before pulling away and reaching down to undo his pants.
His eyes flutter shut for a moment as his body shivers from both the kiss and the way you’re impatiently pulling off the button of his pants.
“Oh god..” He grips the arm of the chair tightly as he feels his clothes being undone. His nerves are all in a buzz, and he feels lightheaded already. 
“A-And.. And what about t-tying me up appeal–fuck–appeals to you..?”
Spencer breathlessly asks you, trying to focus more on his own curiosity and consideration of the things you like, rather than the way the same fingers that choked him until he came in his underwear, were quicking pulling down the metal zipper of your pants. 
“You can’t resist, protest, or even try to stop me. If I had you completely tied up underneath me, you’d have no choice but to lay there and beg for some semblance of mercy..”
As you unzip his pants and pull them down over his bottom, you see his stained underwear. It makes you smile, and a burning blush makes its way onto your face. With shaky hands, you reach down and palm him through the sticky arousal that coats his already hardening cock and the poor soaked fabric. 
“Look at that.. What a mess you’ve made, Spence.”
His mouth drops in a breathless moan and the feeling of your hands rubbing over him, as well as the slightly condescending and teasing tone you’re talking to him in.
“S-Sorry Ma’am.. Can’t help it..”
His breath catches in his throat as he swallows back a whimper. His heart is racing and his stomach feels like it’s full of butterflies, and you’re still touching him, he can’t focus on anything but the burning pleasure seated in his stomach.
You peel off his sticky underwear next, and your eyes widen in excitement at the sight that’s all for you, just for you. 
There’s stringy webs of thick, white cum connecting from the drenched fabric of his briefs to the sweat slicked skin of his hips. Your cunt clenches around nothing when you see his cock for the first time. 
It’s twitching and half-hard against his pelvis, and absolutely covered in his release. It’s dripping down his thick shaft, and the sight makes you let out a shuddering sigh. 
“God, Spence..”
You’re boring holes into his skin at this point with how hard you’re staring, and Spencer leans his head back on the cushion of the couch in slight embarrassment with how hard you’re inspecting his messy arousal. 
“W-What’s next, Ma’am?”
He tried to change the subject before he combusted from his nerves. But his attempt was futile as you shook your head and refused to break your gaze on his extremities. 
“Forget that shit.. I need you in me right now.” 
You push the stained underwear under his cock, and he would’ve cringed at the feeling of his cum touching the skin of his ass, but he was so desperate to experience what it felt like inside of you. 
It made him dizzy thinking about how you’d sink onto him with little resistance, because of how much makeshift lube he’s produced for you, and how irresistible your pussy would feel stretching around his fully hard cock now. 
But he can’t think about it for more than another moment, because his thoughts manifest into reality when you’re pulling your jeans down and throwing them across the room, and you’re pushing your soaked panties to the side. 
You’re straddling him again, and lifting your body up to rub your slippery cunt over the sensitive head of his dick. His back arches against the couch at the feeling, and he’s panting when he tries to speak to you, and plead you to just put it in already.
“P-Please.. Please Ma’am.. I-I need it, so bad.. Been waiting for so–so long..” 
Spencer tries to lift his lifts to slot himself inside of you, but you just lift your body away from him, not entertaining his attempts. 
“Patience, love..” 
You’re circling your hips over him again, and he huffs in impatience. 
And this time, you listen. The blunt tip of his cock breaches your drenched hole, and you’re lowering yourself down on him like it’s what you were made for. There’s a wet squelch of your pussy sucking him in, and you bite your lip at how soaked you know the both of you are. 
Spencer practically screams at the intrusion, and his thoughts were exactly right. The way you encompassed him completely and made him feel like he was being suffocated in the best way possible, it was something he only ever dreamed of. 
You could laugh at how much this was impacting him, and as he bottomed out inside of you, you pressed a trembling finger to his lips.
“You’ve got neighbors, Spence.. Don’t want them to know what a slut you are..” 
And god, was it like you flicked a switch inside of him, because the second that name leaves your lips, he’s lost all control of himself. He’s twisting his wrists in the opposite direction of each other and snapping the tie as if it was nothing more than a dingy piece of string. 
His hands find their way to your hips, and he digs his fingers into the plushy flesh of them. And despite being so broken over just slipping inside of you, he begins to lift your body up and down his pulsing member. Your moan at the sudden change in the mood, and he lets out a whimper at the feeling of fucking into you so deliciously, just the way he’s always needed so badly. 
He shakes his head wildly when he hears you, and whines even louder.
“Say it again. Please say it again, Ma’am..” 
Along with the way he’s pulling you down against his cock, his hips are canting up desperately into you, meeting your thighs each time he pulls you against him. It makes your breasts bounce underneath your shirt, and the skin of each of your bodies is slapping against each other in a beautiful symphony. 
“Say what.. Love?” 
You breathlessly say through moans and whimpers of your own, trying your hardest to regain the control he’s still under, but that seems to be slipping with each animalistic thrust he deals towards your cunt. 
He’s met with a fiery shame as he processes what he just asked you, but he quickly pushes it to the side, he felt far too good and was way too far gone now to feel embarrassed about anything. 
“Call me.. Call me a slut–Your slut.. I need it..” 
Then it clicks in your head, and an amused smile finds its way pulling at your mouth. You clench around him just to further torture him and savor the way you can feel his hips stutter at the feeling. 
“God, Spence.. You’re such a slut, aren’t you? I figured you were into some weird shit, but this..? How humiliating.”  
Your hands move so they’re gripping at his shoulders, and you begin to fuck yourself up and down his cock yourself, no longer letting his grip on you control how fast you go. His hands still grip at your skin, but they let you take back the power you once had. 
“Fuck– I’m yours, say it. Say it, Ma’am.. Please.” 
With each drag of your wet pussy over him, coating his length in slick arousal, you can feel just how much control he loses each time. Along with the way his body is trembling under you, and his hips are erratically humping up into you, as if he’s lost any previous rhythm, you know it’s only a matter of time before he’s sobbing underneath you. 
“But you know what, love? Even though you’re such a dirty fucking slut, you’re mine. You’re my slut. No one else's, you understand that? So not only will your neighbors know what a whore you are, they’ll know you’re mine.” 
His mouth parts in a guttural cry and his fingers dig even harder into your hips, as he tries to keep his release at bay for you. You’re quick to catch on, and scoff. 
“So close already, aren’t you?”
The condescending words shoot through him like bullets, and despite the degrading nature of your words, he has to admit it. He’s so close, and he’s just waiting for the go ahead from you. 
“C-Can I? Ma’am? I-Inside.. Please. I’m so close, I need it..”
“Yeah? You want to cum inside of me? Is that another thing you’re into..?” 
The movements of your hips become ferocious now, unrelenting on top of him. You can feel his precum leaking out of you and dripping down your folds, and his own shaft. 
“You want to cum in me, fill me up and make me a mommy? I bet you’d like that..”
Then it’s far too late for him to even attempt to hold back. With a gravelly moan and pathetic whimper, he’s lifting his hips and ass off the couch and trying to press himself as deep as he can inside of you. Your words have a much greater impact on him than he had previously thought, and just the idea of filling you with his seed and fully claiming you as his.. It has his vision going white as he dumps everything he’s worth inside of you. 
As he stills himself inside of you and spills his hot release against the soft walls of your cunt, you feel yourself reaching your own climax. You clench around him impossibly tighter and gush around his shaft, and you can practically feel the way your fluids are mixing with his.
It’s dirty, it’s vile, and you both can’t get enough. 
Spencer lets his orgasm ruin him as he starts to fuck up into you more, pushing his release and your arousal further into you, and you can feel everything dripping out of you. 
“I-I love you s-so much–fuck–Ma’am.”
The man whimpers against your neck as he can just barely fight the urge to pass out from how overwhelming the feeling of you cumming around him is, and how exciting it is to think about your body taking his release in, and making you his forever. 
“I love you too, Spence..”
His body finally goes limp against the couch, and you collapse against his chest. Your heart pounds out of your chest and as you lean against him, you know he’s feeling the exact same. 
And so you both lay there for a few moments, heavy breathing and letting out soft sighs of contentment, simply enjoying the calm after the storm. It takes a few minutes, but you pull away from him with a fucked out smile. 
“How was that for a dare?” 
Spencer blinks tiredly and grins at your words. He takes a deep breath and presses his tongue against his teeth in thought. 
“I-I think I learned more about myself than I did about you..” 
Throwing your head back in a soft laugh, you pull him into a sloppy kiss. The taste of liquor is no longer lingering on his lips, but instead, all you can taste is the pure, concentrated flavor of undeniable love. 
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satan-666s-things · 1 year
Not So Smart Now (S.R.)
Spencer’s intelligence and cocky attitude has always infuriated you. So, when given the chance, you revel in putting him in his place.
Word Count: 2,882
Warnings: sub!s7!Spencer, dom!reader, smut, unprotected sex, hate sex, dumbification, slapping, degradation, alcohol consumption, language
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cocky Spencer is so yummy I wanna rip him apart
This case had been rough. The unsub had slipped through your fingers again and again and each time it seemed like he slipped further away. You forced your eyes to focus as you combed through a plethora of files, trying desperately to find something that could link the unsub to his victims. You sipped your coffee like your life depended on it, but not even the caffeine could help you find what you were missing. Morgan was sitting opposite you and he sighed in frustration. Emily paced back and forth going through the case in her head. You were all stumped.
You looked up at the investigation board, trying to give your eyes a rest from the tiny black letters they’d been staring at. You scanned the photos of the crime scenes. All of the women were found dead in their backyard. Drowned in the clean blue waters of their outdoor pools. You raised a brow, your eyes flicking frantically between the photos. The clean… blue… CLEAN!
“Oh my God, that’s it!” you exclaimed, springing out of your chair in excitement. Emily and Morgan looked at you with expectant expressions.
“What?” Emily asked after you stared in awe at what you’d missed for so long.
“All the pools, they were-,” you began, but just as you were about to explain your theory, Spencer burst through the door, not even aware that you were revealing a crucial part of the case, and began rambling.
“Guys, all the pools were cleaned the day each victim was killed. There wasn’t so much as a leaf or a bug sitting on the surface of the water. So, I checked, and they all hired the same pool cleaner.”
Spencer set a file down on the table that contained a picture of the guy you assumed was the unsub that had been evading you for so long. But you couldn’t even feel relief that you’d finally found him. Because you didn’t find him. Well, you would’ve if Spencer ‘boy genius’ Reid hadn’t of found him first.
The team rifled through photos and records of the unsub for a few minutes before Morgan finally asked you, “Oh, what was it you figured out?”
You glanced over at Spencer with a look that could kill before answering, “It doesn’t matter now. I think Spencer’s got it all covered.” Your voice was higher pitched than usual as you tried your best to fake a pleasant tone. You plastered a false smile on your face and Morgan shrugged, looking back down at the pages on the table.
You tried to follow suit, picking up a page printed with the guy’s phone records. You knew the only thing on your mind should be figuring out how to find this son of a bitch. But you couldn’t concentrate. You were literally seconds away from saying exactly what Spencer said before he stormed in and stole your thunder. He did it all the time. And you hated him for it.
The case was solved and the unsub was found. As always, the team congratulated Spencer on figuring it all out. And you allowed them to. One thing didn’t want to do was make a fuss and say you solved it too. But if he smiled that stupid, cocky smile one more time, you weren’t sure if you’d be able to contain your anger. And sure enough, you couldn’t.
You had just touched down at Quantico. You walked with Emily and JJ to the bullpen to collect some things before leaving. Then, as always, you ended up standing around your desk chatting about the case.
“I don’t think I’ve ever drunk as much coffee in a 24 hour period than I did on that case,” Emily laughed.
“It was rough,” JJ sighed. “I’m glad we got him. I don’t know how many pools there are in Florida but if we hadn’t of caught him I’m sure he wouldn’t have run out of victims.”
You smiled. Finally this was something that would prove your intelligence to the group.
“Actually there’s one mill-,”
“There are one million, five hundred and ninety thousand pools in Florida.”
You turned around to glare at who’d interrupted you. Your eyes narrowed when you saw Spencer sitting at his desk. He hadn’t even looked up from his computer before he’d stolen your opportunity to be smart.
“Oh my God!” you shouted, your eyes widening in disbelief. Of course he had interrupted you again.
Spencer turned to face you at the sound of your raised voice. A puzzled expression spread across his face. He was clueless. He didn’t even know he was doing it.
You knew you should just let it slide and say, “Yeah, that’s correct,” or “That’s what I was going to say,” but you couldn’t this time. You were done putting up with him constantly undermining you.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” you said, almost laughing at just how much of an ignorant asshole he was.
“Huh?” Spencer grunted, getting up from his desk and walking towards the three of you.
“You don’t even know what you’re doing, do you?” you asked. You stepped forward so there were only inches between the two of you. Your eyes stared daggers into his.
Spencer shook his head in confusion, his breath wavering slightly. You pretended not to notice the blood rush from his face and down his neck towards… Nope. You weren’t thinking about that.
“You know what, just forget it,” you said, stepping away from him. “You’re not worth my time.” You grabbed your bag, stormed out of the building, got in your car, and sped home.
It had been about thirty minutes since you’d slammed your apartment door, grabbed a bottle of vodka from your cabinet and sat on your couch, scrolling aimlessly through random TV channels. You drank straight from the bottle, your mind reeling with hatred for Spencer. It was like he had some sort of radar that could sense when you were going to say something impressive. And when that radar went off, he had to come in and ruin everything. He was such a know-it-all. And maybe he did know it all, but he didn’t have to rub it in everyone’s faces all the time.
You took another swig from the bottle and sighed. You had no idea how you were going to face him the next day. Being on the team with him was becoming insufferable. You had to do something to stop yourself from wanting to punch him every time you saw him.
It was just past midnight, but you were still wide awake, when you heard a knock on your door. Your brow furrowed as you considered who it could be at this late hour. You set the bottle of vodka on the coffee table and went to unlock the door. When the door swung open your eyes darkened at the figure in front of you. It was Spencer.
“What is your problem with me?” he asked, not even bothering to say hello.
You let out an uncontrollable laugh of sheer anger at his utter obliviousness. The only reason he should be showing up at your door in the middle of the night was to apologise. And yet here he was, not even aware of what he’d done wrong.
“You are unbelievable,” you sighed, turning away from the door and walking back into your apartment. Spencer took that as an invitation to come in, so he stepped forward and shut the door behind him.
“No, seriously, why don’t you like me?” he insisted. “Because I can’t think of anything I’ve done to you that should make you act like this.”
Spencer’s voice raised and his tone became sharp. You couldn’t believe this. He was angry? He had no right to be angry with you.
“Well, Doctor Reid, maybe you’re not as smart as you think you are if you can’t figure out something that’s so painfully obvious,” you snapped.
“Enlighten me, then. Tell me why you hate me so much,” Spencer retorted.
“No,” you said. “If you can’t see what you’re doing wrong then I’m not telling you.”
“Tell me why you hate me and I’ll tell you why I hate you.”
You paused for a moment. You knew your feelings towards him were of hatred, but you had no idea he returned those feelings. Now you were curious
“I hate you because you can’t shut up for one second to let someone else say something smart for once,” you began hastily, desperate to know what he hated about you, but also relieved to get everything off your chest. “Everyone knows you’re a genius, Spencer. You don’t need to prove it all the damn time.”
“What, so you hate me because I’m smart?” Spencer questioned.
“No, I hate you because you don’t let anyone else be smart. I hate you because you get that stupid little grin on your face every time you say something smart.” You began walking towards him, slowly backing him against the wall. “I hate you because every time I see you I have to force myself not to slap that cocky grin right off your face.”
Spencer stayed silent for a moment. He was almost right up against the wall. Your face was so close to his you could feel his breath. You could also feel something else starting to grow in his pants.
“Well, don’t force yourself this time,” Spencer breathed.
“What?” you asked, confused.
“Hit me,” he said bluntly, his mouth widening into that familiar, infuriating grin.
“Oh, don’t tempt me,” you said, taking a step back.
“No, do it. Hit me,” he said, genuinely.
You gave him a hesitant look but he continued to smirk like he was the smartest man alive. You made up your mind. He was giving you the opportunity and you weren’t going to turn it down. You raised your hand and slapped him hard on the cheek. Spencer whined and his hand flew to his face. He rubbed the red mark that was appearing on his cheekbone but his eyes never left yours. And that stupid grin remained on his face.
“Just out of curiosity, is there anything you do like about me?”
You seriously considered his question. You tried to think of one thing you liked about him. It was harder than you thought. Until you remembered the way his breath hitched when you got near him.
“I like that when you look at me your dick gets hard,” you said calmy, grabbing his wrist and pulling his hand away from his face. “I like that I have the power over you to make you do that.” You traced your fingers over the red spot where your hand hit his cheek. “You might be a genius but you’re still just a man. You have needs.” With your other hand, you lightly touched the bulge in his pants. He swallowed but still his eyes remained locked on yours. “Your mind might be one of the greatest of our time, but your body is just like every other man’s. You say you hate me but your body’s telling me something very different. It’s pathetic.” You pushed him back again so he hit the wall. “I could lower your IQ one hundred points just by fucking you,” you whispered.
“Wanna bet?” Spencer raised an eyebrow.
Without hesitation you slammed your lips onto his. He whimpered as his head hit the wall behind him, but soon he melted into the kiss. You could feel his lips curl upwards against yours. He was fucking smiling. He was enjoying this. That only enraged you more. You pushed yourself away from him and glared at him.
“Come here,” you said, turning around and walking towards your bedroom. You escorted Spencer inside the dimly lit room and turned to face him again. You looked down at the ever-growing bulge in his pants and began unbuckling his belt in silence. He sighed when you pulled down his underwear.
“You know what? I excepted more from you, Doctor Reid,” you said finally, smirking down at his below average sized cock that was now fully exposed to you.
Spencer said nothing, but, for the first time, his eyes drifted away from yours.
“Oh, don’t worry. That’s not a bad thing,” you smiled, wrapping your hand around it. “That just means I can take it for longer.”
You picked up the pace of your hand and Spencer moaned quietly. His head fell to lean on your shoulder and he sucked a spot on your neck. Eventually, you lifted your hand from his dick and began unbuttoning his shirt. When you pulled his shirt off his arms you turned your mouth to his ear and whispered, “I’m going to fuck you dumb.”
You pushed him down onto the bed. He lay there while you undressed, taking in your figure. You climbed on top of him and his hands immediately travelled to your thighs. He stared up at you with that smart ass glint in his eye. He wouldn’t look like that for long.
You didn’t flinch as you lowered yourself onto his dick. Spencer squirmed slightly beneath you, trying his best to stifle a whimper.
“I- I know a ton of other facts about Florida, you know. Not just how many pools there are” he said, his smugness slowly draining from his body as you rode him.
“You won’t know them for long,” you smiled, alternating your pace between fast and slow. Your inconstant rhythm was torturing Spencer.
“It’s state flower is the orange blossom,” he said confidently. “And it’s the flattest US state.”
“Shut up,” you whispered, anger flaring up in you again. You wished you could tear his brain right out of his head.
“It’s also 65,758 square m-miles, making it the 22nd largest s-state,” he continued, his words slowly starting to slur.
You looked down at the egotistical smile that was still plastered on his face, despite his stuttering. “Shut up!” you said, raising your voice. You lifted your hand and slapped him again. Harder this time. The whimper that Spencer had been holding in since you started finally escaped his lips.
And, at last, he shut up. The only noise he made was the occasional whine every time you quickened your pace.
“You masochistic fuck,” you laughed, grabbing his shoulders as your thighs began to burn. “All I had to do was hit you again and you’re reduced to a whimpering mess.”
“Shit,” Spencer breathed. “I- I’m go-.” But he couldn’t even warn you before you felt his cum shoot inside of you.
“Not so smart now, huh Doc?” you said shakily. Your breathing was ragged but that didn’t stop you. It didn’t matter that Spencer was finished. You weren’t.
Spencer didn’t get time to recover from his high as you immediately began to pick up your pace again, grinding harder and harder as his cum seeped out between your legs.
“Why don’t you tell me another fact?” you taunted. He looked as though he couldn’t speak, never mind tell you a fact. “What about an easy one? What’s the population of Florida?” you asked.
“It’s, uh- I don’t-. Fuck, I don’t know,” he stuttered.
“Seems like I won the bet then,” you panted. His hips jerked up and you moaned at the sudden movement. Finally seeing Spencer a pathetic heap below you sent you over the edge. You came without a uttering a word. The sensation caused Spencer to shake beneath you as he came for the second time.
You rolled off him and sighed. Spencer’s chest moved rapidly up and down as he tried to catch his breath.
“Fuck,” he said under his breath, brushing his hands through his hair.
“What? Are you annoyed that I made you dumb?” you asked, your voice laced with patronization. He rolled his eyes at you and you turned onto your side so your face was close to his.
“You know, you never told me why you hate me,” you said, running your finger down his chest, making his stomach tense.
“It doesn’t matter,” Spencer mumbled, his face flushing slightly.
“Yes it does,” you argued. “I told you, so now you have to tell me.”
Spencer hesitated for a moment before he whispered, barely audibly, “I hate you because… Well, I-.”
“I can’t hear you,” you said, looking at him expectantly.
“I hate you because I’ve wanted you to do that to me since the day I met you,” he blurted out.
You chuckled, grabbing his chin between your finger and thumb. “Well, if you’d told me that when you met me then this could’ve happened a lot sooner.”
“You wanted this to happen?” Spencer asked, a smile forming on the corners of his mouth.
“I wanted to prove you’re not a genius all the time. The sex is just an added bonus,” you explained.
Spencer’s cocky grin appeared back on his face and in an instant you were reminded of how much you detested him.
“Oh, it’s a bonus?” Spencer smirked. “Does that mean you want to do it again?”
You scoffed at his confidence. “I hate you,” you groaned, as you climbed back on top of him, ready to leave him a dumb, pathetic mess once more.
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satan-666s-things · 1 year
omfg 43 (sex pollen) with sub!spencer and reader!! 💞💞
spell on you
ೃ⁀➷ subby spencer reid x afab! reader
ೃ⁀➷ word count 1.4k+
ೃ⁀➷ a/n: hi baby! i loved writing this little one shot! i hope you like!
ೃ⁀➷ warnings: slight dub con (under the influence), dry riding a pillow, masturbation while reader watches, hand jobs, blow jobs, dom/ sub, dom reader, teasing, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, praise kink, ending is pure fluff
ೃ⁀➷ please reblog & leave a comment with your thoughts 🫶🏻
╰➤ linktree ╰➤ pinterest╰➤ requests open check rules
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it was a freak accident. reid had been hit with some pollen by a mad scientist type of unsub, but no one could discern if it was dangerous, every ‘specialist’ told the team to wait it out.
you had the most expertise in medicine, so you decided to stay with boy wonder in your hotel room, while the rest of the team solved the high-stakes case.
you wiped your sweaty hands down the fabric of your jeans. he paced the short length of the hotel room.
“spencer.” you called him, trying to get him to calm down. “spence!” you raised your voice.
“i don’t know! i don’t know okay!” he whined, dragging his fingers down his hair.
he stared at the ceiling, frustrated. he was stuck with you, his beautiful co-worker who he had been crushing on since you walked into the BAU building. your prissy work clothes and your nose in the air, he had thought you were slightly stuck up, he had not meant to be mean, he just did not know how to react to you.
and then he got to know you, and every day his heart would break a little bit. each piece of shattered heart with your name on it.
god he was whipped, he had no chance with you.
and he was heavy breathing, his heart pounding in his chest, legs trembling from something, some visceral need deep in his body. he keeled over, hands on his knees. you sat up from your position on the edge of the king-size bed, making your way toward him you softly laid your hand on his back. he hissed and shuddered. you immediately lifted your hand.
“spence?” you bent your knees, “what’s wrong?”
“hng….” his limbs failed him and he fell on his side, curling into a moaning ball. you hurried to your cellphone, which started to ring,
“garcia! what’s up?”
“hi, baby girl! so good news we figured out the substance…”
“it's… um… an aphrodisiac… of some sort!”
“WHAT?” you yelped, “what?” you coughed.
“we are trying to create an antidote based on a sample we found in the unsub’s meth lab. but it will take some time, maybe even half a day or more.”
“fuck….” you sighed softly.
“it’s going to get worse, it messes with hormones, be sure to help him relieve the pain, it will get painful.”
“garcia! i can’t do that!” you hissed, “that's slightly dubious!”
“baby girl! he has been harboring a crush on you since you stepped foot in the bau. he has been hiding his ridiculous schoolgirl crush on you it’s so cute.”
spencer moaned in pain.
“ok, garcia i’ve got to go.” you were quick to hang up and rush to him.
you moved to touch him before stopping yourself.
“spencer the pollen was an aphrodisiac, i don’t know how long it lasts, but i do know it will get really painful. i need you to tell me before you lose your mind if you want me to help.”
“NO!” he moaned,
“okay spence, do you want me to leave?”
“no! i don’t know! this is embarrassing, you should leave!”
“okay spencer, anything you want.”
“i don’t want you to see me like this but i don’t want you to leave!”
“spence, it will be alright,” your voice was soothing. “how can i help?”
“my skin hurts! the clothes! they burn!” he whined.
“can you stand up baby?”
“don’t- don’t call me that! you don’t mean it! and it hurts for you to pity me when i feel so much for you! god, i can’t stop talking!”
“come on baby, let’s make you feel better.”
he stood up, with shaking legs, fumbling with his clothes, he took off his vest and struggled to unbutton his shirt. you offered to help but he brushed you off. as he wrestled with his clothes you shamelessly stared at his sweaty, flushed skin.
he threw himself into the bed face up, only wearing boxers.
“spence do you want me to leave?”
“you know, it is a nightmare and a dream to be in this situation with you.”
you blew out a breath. “what do you mean?”
“i have fantasied too many scenarios where i was completely naked and you would stand over me completely clothed…” he whined. his hips bucking softly, hands grappling with the bed sheets.
“do you want to relieve some pressure? huh, baby boy?”
“yes! please!” he whined. heels dug into the hard hotel mattress.
“okay, then baby. take off your boxers. you have a really beautiful cock spencer,” he blushed, you continued “grab that big pillow. good, now kneel, and slid that pillow between your thighs. does it feel good?” you did not wait for a response. “let your weight fall on the pillow, lean your cock against the pillow.”
spencer moaned loudly.
“that’s good baby, now move your hips, sweet boy, that’s it. take what you need.”
spencer moved his hips back and forth, throwing his head back, and sighing in relief.
you leaned softly into his orbit, sliding your hands into his hair. “is this okay spencer?”
“yes! don’t stop!”
“okay baby.” you scraped your fingers into his scalp. and he whined. his hips spluttered and he yelped, spending all over the pillow. his lean thighs trembled with the aftermath.
spencer threw himself back on the mattress, cock still hard, angry red and leaking.
“can you…”
“are you sure spencer? you won’t regret this tomorrow?”
“no! please!”
you hummed and wrapped your hand around his cock lazily, you tightened your fingers in a flash and he yelped, hips canting as he came again. this time he cried out, tears streaming down his cheeks.
“more! please!”
“alright baby.” who were you to deny him? you opened his thighs and without warning licked a stripe up his length. he yelped, hips bucking wildly.
you peppered kitten licks all over his aching cock, swirling your tongue on his swollen tip. you slid his dick inside your mouth, hollowing your cheeks, making sure to not hurt him with your teeth. you swirled your tongue and tried to stuff your mouth with him until you gagged, he came with no warning, the climax sneaking up on him.
you crawled on top of him, jean-clad legs protecting you from him.
your clothed pussy weighed down on his cock and he groaned loudly. “you are doing such a good job baby!”
“please!” he could barely form words, he was so sensitive and the drug was making him need more, come more, his metabolism work faster, and he could barely see straight with the amount of need and desperation running through his veins. he dug his nails into your hips and thrusted up, chasing his pleasure.
you were a mere toy for him to use. and use he did, dry humping you silly until he passed out. your jeans were soiled with cum, you took them off and locked yourself in the bathroom, before calling garcia.
the phone call was fast. there was no antidote, the body had to flush out the drug through orgasm until he passed out, and he did and now you had to wait for him to wake up.
you were worried about how he would react, but you did not want him to wake up alone, so you curled up on the couch
you woke up to a loud sound, spencer had woken up and he was hyperventilating, you rushed to him.
“spence! baby! calm down, it’s okay! you’re okay!”
“you’re not mad at me?” silver lined his eyes.
“no baby, god no.” you wiped the tears from his cheeks with your thumbs.
“if you want we can just pretend this never happened.” he seemed forlorn, you did not like that.
“or you can talk to me and we can go on a date.”
he flushed and closed his eyes.
“a little birdie told me you have been crushing on me for a while!”
he tilted his head.
“why didn’t you tell me spencer?!”
“because! you are so out of my league!”
“that’s not true baby!”
“i am a virgin!” he blurted out, eyes flying open in surprise at his own words.
“we can fix that!”
he scrunched his nose and flushed, “really?”
“how about a date before huh?”
“yes please!”
“whatever you want my sweet boy.”
and as you drew him into you with your arms, spencer was where he belonged.
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satan-666s-things · 1 year
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study buddies | ethan landry
summary ― .゚‪‪ ˖ in which you invite ethan to your dorm to help you study for your bio chem exam, but by the end of the night, the two of you don’t end up doing much studying. 
warnings ― .゚‪‪ ˖ MINORS DNI ( 18+ ), language, graphic smut, unprotected sex (wrap it before u tap it!), praise k!nk, dirty talk, dry humping, mentions of m!masturbation, degradation, riding, teasing, fem!oral, sub!ethan & dom!reader, ethan crying during sex ( if that’s even a warning lmao ), mommy k!nk ( oh my god somebody sedate me )
word count ― .゚‪‪ ˖ 3.2k +
pairing ― .゚‪‪ ˖ sub!ethan landry x fem!reader
author’s note ― .゚‪‪ ˖ this is a spoiler free zone! also sub!ethan makes me weak in the knees, so enjoy me crawling out of my whole to write this for u guys <33 note i decided not to make ethan a virgin in this, he’s just suuuuper inexperienced. also sorry the beginning is lowkey rushed and crappy but who cares honestly. sorry for any typos. hope u enjoy!
publishing date ― .゚‪‪ ˖  march 19th, 2023 |  © HEARTSHAPEDMISERY
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satan-666s-things · 1 year
subspence w reader who has an oral fixation omgomg
hope i got this right <3
warnings; oral!male recieving, kind of subby spence, oral fixation ( i had to research this, so i hope i got it right? )
"baby.." he whines, as your tongue swirls around his tip teasingly.
most nights ended like this, spencer sitting on the edge of your couch or bed, you kneeling before him. it was only some time ago, even despite spencers wide range or knowledge, that he discovered why you had a constant need to.. well you know. after a brief research in his office after hours, he decided that you had an oral fixation.
even though, you were the more dominant type in your relationship with spencer, you still often found yourself pleasuring him more. like now, when spencer sat on the edge of the brown couch in his apartment, head thrown back and hands twisted in your hair.
spencer was so close, your teasing proving purposeful. spencer tugs on your hair, a little too roughly and you pull off, glaring at him.
"careful spencer, you don't want me to stop do you?"
"no- no.." he murmurs, desperate for you to continue.
"good boy." you say, leaning back down and resuming your previous actions.
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satan-666s-things · 1 year
Study Break
Feb, Request-6
In which Y/N asks Spencer’s help with studying and they get a little carried away
Warnings: smut, semi-public sex (library), Sub!spencer, soft/nice dom!reader, handjob(m rec), fingering(f rec), shy!spencer, praise, finger sucking, both reader and Spencer are over 18 years old!!!! He doesn’t ever say he’s a virgin but you can defo tell so virgin!spencer
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Spencer could stare at her all day.
She was so pretty with her pencil between her teeth. The white jumper she had pulled over her black tank top fell off of her shoulder, showing more skin than Spencer could handle.
“So, existentialism is rooted in the philosophical idea that humans have free choice, and because of that free choice, we can create purpose and meaning in our lives. Existential theory suggests that we have a choice in who we desire to be.” Y/N read from the text book. She sighed and groaned, leaning back in her chair.
Spencer stared at her smooth skin that glowed under the light of the secluded section on the campus library.
She opened one of her eyes. “Need somethin’ Spence?” She asked, her voice sweet. Spencer swallowed and shook his head. “We’ll thanks for agreeing to help me study.” She sat up. “You’re like the smartest guy here.”
“Y-you’re w-Welcome.” He said quietly, clearing his throat, looking away from her.
She looked at him, trying to get him to make eye contact with her. “Why won’t you look at me?” She asked with a small, innocently seductive smile on her face.
He gulped again and glanced at her thighs that showed from her skirt. “I- you uh… you’re really pretty.”
Y/N tilted her head. “Aw that’s sweet, Spence.” She smiled. “So, I make you nervous?” She asked, her fingers dancing on his knee. “That why you won’t look at me?”
Spencer bit his lip and nodded a little, glancing at her hand on his knee. He looked up and stared at the lazy smirk she held on her lips.
“You’re pretty too, did you know that?” She asked in a hushed tone. His eyes were still on her lips as he shook his head.
Her hand reached up and grabbed his chin, lifting his head so his eyes were on hers again. Her other hand was still sliding up his thigh. “Is this okay? I’ll stop if you want.”
He shook his head, his heartbeat picking up. “I… I don’t want you to stop.”
She smiled and leaned forward, kissing his lips softly as her hand slid over his crotch area. He tended and kissed her back shyly.
She pulled away from him and stared at his red face. “You’re a good kisser.” She nodded, taking her hand off of his face. “You ever kissed anybody before now?”
He nodded. “A… long time ago.” He nodded.
Y/N jutted her bottom lip. “Has anybody ever…touched you?” She asked.
Spencer shrugged. “Touched me?”
She smiled at him. “You know… made you feel real good.” He shook his head now understanding what she was talking about. “Why don’t we take a study break, huh?”
He bit his lip and nodded.
“I can make you feel real good if you want.” She asked, her shoulders raising a little as she leaned forward to kiss his neck. He bit his lip and glanced around.
They were in the back part of the library, a place where no one really went.
He nodded again as Y/N’s lips kissed his neck. “Tell me you want me to make you feel good, Spence.” She whispered, gently biting his ear.
“I w-want you make me feel good, Y/N.” He shuddered as her teeth grazed the skin on his neck.
She sat back in her chair and slowly lifted one foot up, setting it on the empty space on Spencer’s chair. Her skirt rode up, almost completely showing her panties and Spencer diverted his eyes.
“Oh, Spence. You can look if you’d like.” She nodded, scooting closer to him, her knee bending causing more of the skirt to flip up.
He gulped as he looked down at her shiny smooth legs before trailing up to her white panties.
She leaned forward again to press her lips against his as her fingers played with the zipper on his slacks. “I’ve never met a boy who dresses as nicely as you, Spencer.” She whispered in between kisses. “Never met a boy who looks so cute in glasses either.” She smirked against his mouth.
She finally pulled the zipper down and Spencer’s body froze a little. “You gotta be quiet for me, Spence. We are in a library after all.”
She kissed him again as she reached into his pants and palmed him lightly. His chest rose and fell faster and his breaths were beginning to turn audible.
Y/N felt his already hard length under her hand. She bit Spencer’s lip before sliding her tongue into his mouth. She hummed at the tease of his minty fresh and pulled away still palming him through his underwear.
“You need more baby?” She asked, seeing his mouth fall open a bit. He nodded. “You give and you get.” She told him, grabbing his hand and guiding it underneath her skirt. “Do you know what I want you to do?” She asked.
Spencer shook his head. He truly didn’t know what he was supposed to do. He didn’t even think he comprehended the words correctly because he was too distracted by the fact that he was touching her and she was wet.
“I want you to move rub me. Make me feel good.” She breathed kissing him slowly. Spencer’s hesitantly began to rub hr clit over her panties, afraid he would do it wrong. Her hand moved a little faster against his hard on. “Is it okay if I touch you under the boxers?” She asked, kissing his jaw.
“Y-yes.” He whispered. “And c-can I… t-touch you under your Um… panties?” He asked shyly. He was close just thinking about how good her pretty hand would look wrapped around his cock.
“Of course you can, baby.” She smiled. Her hand dipped below his waistband and she took his cock out. He hissed and shakily moved her underwear to the side.
His cold fingers made contact with her clit and she let out a moan, stifled by his shoulder. She bit down on it and started to moved her hand up and down around his dick. “You have the prettiest dick I’ve ever seen.” She nodded.
Spencer squeezed his eyes shut and kept his lips clamped shut as he felt her hand move faster. His fingers circled her clit a little faster and she moaned, lifting her head off of his shoulder and looking at him. “You can put them in if you want to, baby. I would love to feel your fingers.”
“I- i don’t know how.” He said, a little embarrassed but quickly letting the feeling was away as her thumb ran over the tip of his cock, spreading.
“It’s really easy.” She nodded, kissing him. “All you gotta do is push them in and out. It feels really good.” She smiled. She used her other hand that wasn’t pumping his dick to bend three of his fingers down, leaving the pointer and middle out. Her mouth dropped open as she guided them down to her entrance.
“Go ahead, baby. Put your fingers in me.” She instructed.
She gasped quite loudly when he did as she told him to. “L-like this?”
“Yeah, baby just like that, fuck—“
He started to thrust them in and out as her hand moved faster around his length. He bit his lip trying to hold in his loud moans.
“You’re doing so good for me.” She moaned quietly. “Fuck, baby you’re a natural.” She kissed his lips. “You’re gonna make me come,” She smiled as her hand worked faster.
“M-me too. I’m gonna c—“ He was cut off when she gasped and he couldn’t control it anymore. He came all over her hand just as she came all over his.
She looks up at him and then down at his dick. “You’re so sexy, Spence.” She smiled.
“I’m sorry— I didn’t mean to I just couldn’t h-hold it—“ She interrupted him by pulling his fingers out of her and putting them in her mouth, sucking her juices off of them. He tilted his head and his mouth dropped open again.
“What, you want a taste?”
He hummed and nodded.
“You’re gonna have to wait for next time.”
Baby Spencer is such a sub. Like bro whimpers, bro begs—
Anyway! Thanks for the request!! I love ya to the moon and back!!
Also more or the sick surprise series is gonna come out! I’m so glad y’all liked that one :)))
Feel free to request anything you’d like!
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