sassy-goat · 8 years
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Young, dark haired Peta dancing in Burn the Floor 
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sassy-goat · 8 years
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Young, dark haired Peta dancing in Burn the Floor 
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sassy-goat · 8 years
Bruce now Caitlyn (sp?) Jenner really was a superstar when he won his gold medal. So was Mark Spitz when he won his seven gold swimming medals. But it does seem true, they don't really lead superstar lives. Oh, didn't Muhammad Ali win a gold?.
1 Gold Medal and she's a superstar lol. Shippers act like she won the first gold medal for USA ever. Yes for pairs ice dancing Meryl AND CHARLIE won the USA the first gold medal for ICE DANCING. USA has tons of gold medals for lots of the different sports. Michael Phelps has like 20 and not even him is a superstar really. Meryl isn't a superstar. Sorry.
No Olympic gold medalist is a super star.
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sassy-goat · 8 years
Oh god. I don't know why I waded into this BUT there is a difference between a Mormon church and a Temple. Anyone can go to the church. Only active Mormons with the proper credentials can attend a Temple "sealing". Apparently it's nothing like a marriage ceremony. Typically girls don't wear their wedding gowns they wear Temple garments. It's supposed to go very fast and then they get changed and have a more inclusive ceremony. Not everyone gets married in a Temple. Some just settle for the Death do us part ceremony. The Sealing in the Temple is for Time and All Eternity. I think if you grow up in a big Mormon community there's pressure for a Temple wedding but in my little neck of the woods it's not as common, although my grandparents had a Temple wedding. The 15 minutes this ceremony takes isn't worth all the hard feelings it makes for those who can't attend. Also, there's nothing stopping a couple from having a normal wedding and then slipping away on their honeymoon or on an anniversary and doing the Temple ceremony then.
I'm pretty sure Brittany is an Ex-Mormon as well so I don't think that thing about Ex-Mormons not being aloud in is true. Not really sure what classifies a person as an Ex-Mormon either because Derek was just seen in a Mormon church with his family in Utah few days ago lol.
Again, I have no idea. I’m not fact-checking any of this, just sharing what people share with me. Everyone can take all of this with a huuuge grain of salt.
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sassy-goat · 8 years
Yo, judgemental guy. I tried the non crating learning from the precious soul of my pet-being...and then I started shitting on the floor. Damn. It was so hard for my pet-soul to break me of that. But he did. He finally put me in a friggin crate!!!
And yes, this is just a bullshit story. Lol and all that.
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I know people stack their crates on top of each other but how do you make sure they are stable? Boyfriend wants a larger table so we need to do something like this.
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sassy-goat · 8 years
Sob!! It was all so beautiful 😭😭😭🎤And we'll never have that recipe again...OH NO!!!🎶
Ames, I can't believe it has been a year already. A full damn year since analyzing the age of the dog in the fondling couch pic. A year since shipper anons were upset about St. Martin, Marteeeeen, Martene, Marteen, where the first Peta Maks lovey dovey pics came out. Spelling or the dog could not save the shippers. Wow!!! what will next year bring ;)
Haha I know.
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sassy-goat · 8 years
Hard to believe so many people were sucked into that particular fantasy, myself included. It was the perfect "shipping storm". Much more fun than the present (yawn) situation. I actually think they're well suited, but where is the excitement in that??
Maks went to Alice+Olivia last year to shop for dresses for his mom. He also wanted an airline ticket for Meryl to join on vacay. The only reason Peta went to St. Maartteenn was because she was depressed and Maks was helping her get off drugs. She was also subbing for Meryl in the Childhelp event. Those were the gems from last year LOL.
Yup I know lol
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sassy-goat · 8 years
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young Kate Middleton and Prince William 
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sassy-goat · 8 years
It doesn't seem like either of them have had time for a college-type education. They've been dancing their whole lives.
Thought Maks was bright and somewhat educated, but not so sure anymore. He didn't know what city Peta is from (said something like "No fair, geography") and spelled, "Diner" when meant "Dinner". Know English is his 2nd language but still though he is much smarter than Peta -- now don't know. Maybe they are sharing a brain with everything else.
Spelling errors don’t necessarily signal poor intelligence, but neither of them is an intellectual, that’s clear.
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sassy-goat · 9 years
Great story!
Shot of Smirnoff
The night was coming to an end when he got the call, forcing him to step outside and away from the celebrations of his proposal.
“Hello?” he answered.
“You did it again?” a familiar voice whispered from the other end.
“Karina?” he breathed.
“…and in front of her.”
“She’s happy for me.” he said trying to convince her. Or himself, whichever one came easier.
“I thought you were getting better when you met her Maks…” she continued like he wasn’t even responding back. “…you never even looked at me that way…”
“What are you talking about?”
“Meryl! I am talking about Meryl!” she snapped. “You have never loved someone more than you have loved her and yet you go and propose to another woman.”
“Peta has always been it.” he said in justification.
“Oh, I see.” she paused on the other line. “I think I read that article.” she hissed. “Tell me Maks, how exactly was she “it” during season 18?“ “Was it when you were holding Meryl’s hand or while Peta was shoving her tongue down her partners throat?” A pregnant pause cracked between them, the male not knowing what to say.
“Most people call to congratulate.” he said after a while.
“Most people learn their lesson after their first failed proposals.” she shot fire.
“Why do you even care.” he sighed in frustration, kicking the pebbles at his feet into the wet gutter of the side walk he currently paced on.
“Because your brother and friends obviously don’t.” she said softly. “She’s a good person but she’s not it Maks, the only difference between me and her is that I loved you enough to walk away. ”
“I loved you…” he frowned into his I Phone.
“You loved the idea of me Maks. You loved the idea that I would be your wife, that we would have a house, and kids, and dogs, and just grow old but…” she trailed off. “…You didn’t love me like you did her, you didn’t look at me with fascination , talk about me as if I conquered the world…” she stopped. “…you never wanted to hold my hand.”
“I lost her Karina!” he interrupted her. “I lost her and I cant get her back, it’s too late. ” his eyes glossed over as he watched the white steam escape his mouth, there chilly night blanketing him.
“Wouldn’t be the first proposal you broke off…”
“I was trying not to do that this time!” he snapped. “…what will be waiting me for if I break it off, huh?” “Meryl is off doing her own thing, I have nobody Karina. ”
He could hear her breathing on the other end of the phone, neither knowing what to say.
“How’s shes doing?” she asked out of no where.
“I haven’t talked to her.” he admitted.
“I-don’t know…I just dont think it will do us any good.”
“You weren’t suppose to propose…”
“But I did.”
“To the wrong person.”
“To the person that didn’t leave me.” he snapped.
“You should of fought harder.”
“I am tired.” he whispered. “And I am tired of waiting for something to happen, I am going to be 35 Karina.”
“It’s not going to work.”
“I never said I wanted it too.”
“Just give it a year then… and I am sure you’ll know what to do from there.” she whispered. “Goodbye Maks.”
“Goodbye Karina.”
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sassy-goat · 9 years
Tap on this to get to the audio.
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sassy-goat · 9 years
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sassy-goat · 9 years
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sassy-goat · 9 years
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sassy-goat · 9 years
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sassy-goat · 9 years
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Dancing With The Stars.
“Switch Up” Week.
October 12, 2015.
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sassy-goat · 9 years
These two cuties!!! I ship this all the way around the world, to Neptune and back to planet Earth! This was hot as FUCK! Love seeing Emma dance with a MAN near her age because she was SMOKING in this and Alek is already good looking and a great dancer! 
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