sarjanasworld · 9 months
Belakangan hidup terasa lebih sulit
Tidak ada pegangan, tidak lagi punya sandaran, tidak lagi punya matras tebal yang siap menampung ketika jatuh tersungkur
Banyak yang terjadi dalam kehidupan.
Pada akhirnya memang semuanya meninggalkan, pergi ke jalurnya masing-masing.
Dan semuanya terjadi, pergi, meninggalkan, kosong, sepi, frustasi, lagi.
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sarjanasworld · 10 months
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Hey, you.
I miss you. I’m bloody missing you. Just keep smilling, I’ll be keeping you from afar.
Love you, 8.
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sarjanasworld · 10 months
I feel dysfunction.
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sarjanasworld · 10 months
Kamu tau kabarku?
Baik, tiap malam aku harus minum alkohol supaya bisa tidur nyenyak.
Baik, tiap hari aku harus minum obat untuk bisa bangun dari tempat tidur.
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sarjanasworld · 10 months
Hello, moon.
How are you?
Hello, be.
Why are you dont call me?
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sarjanasworld · 10 months
Aku hancur.
Gak punya matras,
Gak punya pelindung
Gak punya apa-apa lagi.
Aku hancur.
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sarjanasworld · 10 months
Man, loneliness is underrated.
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sarjanasworld · 10 months
“Footprint in the sand. Longing for a pair.”
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sarjanasworld · 11 months
Ain’t anybody help me?
Ain’t anybody find me where the light is?
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sarjanasworld · 11 months
Haluan kapal berputar menjauh,
Dekati halau yang riuh
Sebentar tiba gemuruh yang badai
Tanpa berani dahulukan tetes yang rinai.
Menepilah, menepi.
Hari sudah terlalu malam.
Jelaga kunjung padam,
Sementara kamu sudah terlalu dalam,
dan kapal kita kadung karam.
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sarjanasworld · 2 years
I miss fcking miss you.
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sarjanasworld · 4 years
In the middle of the night of the pandemic one. We usually think a lot.
That’s a normal thing to do, that’s common thing to do.
We learnt a lot about something that usually we never thought it before.
And whatever thought that you think about, here’s for you.
“Give a little a space, give a little time, take a little brake, breath and slow down.”
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sarjanasworld · 4 years
And he knows, he only lives with one other, his mind. Nothing more, nothing less.
One day, he told me, his mind was a place where he could be living free and the joy surrounding over him. Such a marvelous emotion, huh?
Then another day, came the moment when he had to say, “i cant handle this life. No more.”
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sarjanasworld · 5 years
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you (noun)
The manifestation of an iceberg. The epitome of “cold hands, warm heart”. A stash of unspoken truth. Looking strong enough, but fragile inside. A symbol of perfection.
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sarjanasworld · 5 years
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Music heals you.
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sarjanasworld · 5 years
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Gurat senja melipir tanggalkan remang lampu ibukota.
Kabur membaur, beranjak pergi.
Buram memadam, selalu nanti.
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sarjanasworld · 5 years
Tonight you incarnate as a paragraph that grammatically beautiful. And I want to read it over and over again.
Then another night you become a harmonic orchestral that humming all over the night. It sounds perfectly in my soul and I never get tired to listen over and over again.
Then the night after another night, you become a sweetest nicotine that filling up my lungs and poisoning my vein. But if I could burning it all the time, I would like to do it over and over again.
“So, if you could be anything every night. How could I stop dreaming about you over and over and over again?”
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