sarcasticsweetroll · 3 years
5 Perfectly Legit Things in Oblivion that Feel like Cheating
While the TES IV: Oblivion undoubtedly does its best to maximize immersion and sometimes can be pretty unforgiving, it has a couple of game mechanics that feel pretty unfair, at best. What are the five things which make you feel like a cheater?
1. Conjuration
Everyone who has ever played a mage is probably familiar with the mischievous pleasure from conjuring some dangerous creatures to help one in a battle. Let’s face it, every ally counts, especially when one is outnumbered. However, in the game nothing really prevents us from depending entirely on conjuration, when we just summon whatever creatures over and over again while hiding around the corner and watching the show. Who could resist it!
2. Invisibility
The ability to turn oneself invisible can be pretty handy, even though it is not exactly a basic skill, as to be able to use the spell one must reach a pretty high level in illusion, and invisibility potions are not so easy to find. This said, using invisibility should feel like a well deserved advantage, except it doesn't. Not to mention that leveling sneak skill while sneaking around as invisible is very much real and possible in Oblivion.
3. Fast Travelling
Fast travelling can be a big help in very extensive open worlds, such as Oblivion. It saves time, helps skipping boring walking (unless you enjoy it), and it is somewhat safer, as there is no chance of encountering anything dangerous. However, exactly for the very same reasons some players may feel like fast travelling should not be part of the game experience. Sure, there are limits, such as an inability to fast travel to places not yet discovered, and restrictions for vampires, but even so fast travelling can feel lazy and far too easy.
4. Using Potions During Battle
We all have been there - fighting for our lives and finding ourselves in need of a life saving potion. How convenient is having a couple of them in our inventory! Now we can just gobble potions in the middle of battle, without actually pausing it, with instant effect, and without giving the opponents the same chance. OK, sound legit, and totally fair!! Even though Oblivion (unlike other TES games) tries to reduce this unfair advantage by limiting the potion consumption, it still feels like something we couldn’t really do in real battle.
5. Soul Trapping Conjured Creatures
If you have ever played as a conjurer/enchanter, you might have discovered very convenient game mechanics. And quite disturbing as well. Namely, the game allows you to charge soul gems with souls of conjured creatures. And why exactly is it disturbing? I mean, if you can trap the souls of your conjured creatures, it means… They have souls! It also means you have the ability to conjure thinking feeling beings - with a soul. By the Nines, if this is not evil, I don't know what is!
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sarcasticsweetroll · 4 years
12 Most Baddass Female NPCs in Skyrim (Ranked)
Maven Black-Briar
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OK, you can tell whatever you want about this lady (yeah, don’t you think I didn't see those memes!), but you just can’t deny the fact that she is a powerful b**ch. Nothing, and by that I mean LITERALLY nothing in Riften happens without her consent, including the actions of the Thief Guild or the Dark Brotherhood. And that's some sort of badass power, my friend! And in case you've stuck with the Empire in your gameplay, you might’ve witnessed her becoming the Jarl of Rift. And if this sort of power doesn't make one badass, Idk what does.
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Mirabelle Ervine
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The Master Wizard of the College of Winterhold has earned her place in this list for her deep knowledge and her managerial skills. While Savos Aren serves as a figure in the position of the Arch-Mage, it is actually Mirabelle who is responsible for “the day-to-day operations of the College” (so she’s basically the boss). Even though, unfortunately, she had no chance to prove herself in an actual battle (which is such a big shame, she would make an amazing follower!), she proved that she cares deeply for the College, and is ready to sacrifice her life for her fellow magues (and as she eventually does). And she would make a perfect Arch-Mage, if she didn’t die defending one! 
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“Our little Vex”, is a phrase one can hear way too often, if one joins the Thief Guild in Riften. The truth is, Vex is not much more little than anyone in the Guild, at least in terms of her abilities. Actually, she is one of the best thieves around, and her reputation precedes her, as we can hear different cool stories about her from almost each member of the Thieves Guild. Whether they’re about her fleeing from the crime scene, or defeating a pack of wolves and recruiting a new guy in a process, she's definitely a badass b**ch who additionally cares deeply for the Guild. She definitely doesn’t take shit from anyone, especially from male members of the Guild, who think it is OK to sexually harass her, just because she’s young and hot. So, Delvin, give over...
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Aela the Huntress
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Aela is a very cool character, indeed. I can totally understand why she has become the number one of the Skyrim coolest spouses. She's hot, strong in combat, and she’s wearing this tiny armor, which is a perfect example of underpowered yet sexy female armors in games. Oh, and she’s a werewolf, if that wasn’t enough! She is the only female member of the Companion’s Circle (until the female Dragonborn joins, right? RIGHT??), and she is the only one who completely embraces Hircine's gift, and never decides to get rid of the beast blood. Do I need to say more?
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Astrid is way more than just a seductive voice and a spotless skin. Even though we never actually had a chance to see her in action, she still keeps this aureole of a cool and strong woman boss. After all, she is a leader of the once powerful faction of Tamriel - Dark Brotherhood. I’m sure she would bring the Dark Brotherhood back to glory, if she didn’t become too self-absorbed by her own power.
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Not gonna lie, Mercer’s interpretation of Karliah as a power-hungry murderer would gain her way higher rank in this list. But even as “only” prominent member of the Thieves Guild and the Nightingales, she makes quite a high rank, given her marksman skills, her high moral status, and her loyalty to Gaius. And she never forgets. As a classic said, revenge tastes the best served cold. And it hella worked here!
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If one follows the main questline, Irileth is quite a familiar character, being a housecarl of Jarl Balgruuf the Greater of Whiterun. Even though she doesn’t get much attention during the questline, she proves herself to be one of the bravest, and the most loyal NPCs from the whole game. She is seen as very protective, and if you happen to cooperate with her in a battle (whether the fight with the dragon, or the Battle for Whiterun), she really proves herself as one of the most powerful fighters in the whole game. Too bad she can’t be recruited as a follower! Anyway, what gives her this high rank is the pure fact that she can be trusted, which is quite a rare quality in Skyrim, if you know what I mean.
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I know, I KNOW! We all hate her, and we all know why. But let’s just step away for a while from the reason that makes her the worst c**t of the whole game, and appreciate the reason that makes her quite a badass chick? Shall we? First of all, she is a member of Blades, the oldest order of the Emperors’ guards, which is, by itself, quite cool. And, if that wasn’t enough, there is the Thalmor report describing her as quite… Well, at least worth our attention. She is one of the most dangerous women in the whole game, and we should appreciate that. Luckily, one doesn’t really get into a fight with her. ... Omg, that would be..., Deadly.
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If you joined the Imperial Legion during your gameplay, you definitely met Legate Rikke, a woman in heavy armor, and additionally with a high army rank. Not enough to make her badass AF? Just watch and admire! Legate Rikke is a Nord who values her kin’s traditions, despite her loyalty to the Empire. Even in the Ulfric’s last moments she shows compassion by expressing her belief in Talos and Ulfric’s good fate in Sovngarde. She doesn’t seem to agree with General Tullius's methods, but as she is a good soldier, she always puts her duty first. Let’s just wish she will make it to the General place one day. She would be just great there, don’t you think so?
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With no doubt, this vampire princess makes one of the most badass characters in the whole game. Which shows itself right away in the first battle - if you tried the Dawnguard questline soon enough (read, not powerful enough), she might actually finish each battle before you even aim with your bow - which might be quite frustrating (trust me, I’ve been there!). Even though she is “not the kind of girl who sits in a castle all day long”, she certainly complains as such, but hey - wouldn't you complain if the sun and fresh air hurted your skin? Even though she definitely has an attitude, you just want to have this woman and her conjured creatures to cover your back all the time.
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This powerful Nord warrior can be met once one pays a visit to the Temple of Miraak in Solstheim. Here she is, you guessed it, doing her best to save her people from the Miraak’s curse (unlike the rest of the island, duh). She is a true Nordic heroine, ready to stand up for her village with a war axe in each hand. Oh, and she is also the daughter of the Skaal shaman, whose position she takes over after witnessing his violent death. Badass girl alert!
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Gormlaith Golden-Hilt
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Is there anyone more badass than the ancient Nord heroine who managed to single-handedly slay four dragons in one day? No, I didn't think so. Gormlaith Golden-Hilt is a truly honorable member of Sovngarde, and one of three heroic Nords who managed to defeat Alduin (the evil dragon, you know). As such, she plays a key role in the final boss fight, as she helps the Dragonborn defeat the bad guy once again.
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Honorable mentions:
Exceptionally skilled archer who found refuge in the mountains after taking revenge on a pair of soldiers for killing her family.
Brina Merilis
Retired Legionnaire and skilled leader who takes charge of Dawnstar once the Civil War is over.
Former housewife who left her peasant husband to become a bandit leader.
Ildari Sarothril
Extremely powerful mage and necromancer, taking revenge of Neloth, who, well… Accidentally killed her (so she kinda has a point).
Badass girl with tragic past, as a child was kidnapped and raped by bandits. However, instead of dying she managed to kill her abductors and flee, then joined Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild, respectively.
Powerful vampire lady, master conjurer, alchymist and necromancer, the Soul Cairn is her summer house.
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