sappideppo · 6 years
Necromancer: Did you know that dinosaur skeletons in museums are usually fake casts?
Someone: Did the Internet tell you that?
Necromancer: Nope, just a series of disappointing museum trips.
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sappideppo · 6 years
Wait for it
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sappideppo · 6 years
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sappideppo · 6 years
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sappideppo · 6 years
When a character doesn’t realize they’ve been, like, shot or whatever and they hand brushes against their side and comes away wet with blood, and they’re just staring at it like wtf is this and then their knees just totally give out on them and they sink down, maybe gasping a little as the reality finally hits them. That’s good stuff.
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sappideppo · 6 years
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He is on his way back.
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sappideppo · 6 years
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I decided to create a masterpost that would help you with what you are struggling with. Hopefully any of the links below will help you! Reminder; You’re going to be okay. What you are going through will pass, just remember to breathe. 
Here are some distractions to help keep your mind occupied so you aren’t too focused on your thoughts. 
-Draw something
-This website translates the time into colours.
-Create your own galaxy.
-Play flowing.
-Make a 3D line travel where ever you like. 
-Listen to music.
-Ocean mood, do nothing for two minutes.
Sleep issues; 
- 8 hour sleep music.
-Rainy mood. 
-Coping with nightmares.
-How to cope with nightmares, 11 steps.
-Foods that can affect your sleeping, both positive and negatively. 
 Uncomfortable with silence; 
-Rainy mood.
-10 hours of rain and thunder.
-3 hours of rain and thunder.
-Human heartbeat.
-Sound of rain on a tin roof.
-Autumn wind.
-Rain on a tent
-Traffic in the rain.
-Soft traffic. 
-Simply noise.
-My noise.
-Rainy cafe.
-How to stop worrying. 
-Tips to manage anxiety and stress.
-The 10 best ever anxiety management techniques. 
-Self-help strategies for anxiety. 
-Helping a friend with anxiety. 
-All about worrying.
-8 myths about anxiety. 
Sad, angry and depressed/depression; 
-“I’m always sad”
-Feeling sad.
-Going through trauma.
-“I’m always angry”.
-Anger management. 
-All about anger.
-National helplines and websites.
-Self-help strategies for depression.
-Dealing with depression at work.
-Dealing with depression at school.
Isolation and loneliness; 
-Pets and mental health.
-All about loneliness. 
-“I feel so alone”
-10 more ideas to help with loneliness. 
-How to deal with loneliness.
-Alternatives to self-harm and distraction techniques.
-146 things to do besides self-harm.
-More alternatives to self-harm.
-Self-harm alternatives.
-How to take care of self-harm wounds/injuries.
-Getting rid of scars.  
-How to help a friend with a drug addiction.
-What is addiction?
-All about alcohol and addiction.
-The facts about drug addiction.
 Eating disorders; 
-Helping a friend with an eating disorder.
-Eating disorder treatments. 
-Support services for eating disorders. 
-Self-help tips with eating disorders.
-Eating disorder recovery. 
-Recovering from an eating disorder. 
-100+ reasons to recover. 
-Understanding and managing eating disorders. 
 Dealing with self-hatred;  
-3 ways to ease self-loathing. 
-How to turn self-hatred into self-compassion.
-Self-hatred resources.
-10 step plan to deal with self-hate. 
-International suicide hotlines (1)  (2)
-Preventing suicide. 
-Reasons to stay alive.
-Dealing with suicidal thoughts and feelings.
-Coping with suicidal ideation.  
-All about schizophrenia.  
-Helping a person with schizophrenia.  
-Understanding and dealing with schizophrenia.  
-Delusions and hallucinations.  
-Managing your OCD at home. 
-Overcoming OCD.
-How to cope with OCD. 
-Strategies for dealing with the anxious moments. 
Borderline personality disorder; 
-Helping someone with BPD. 
-All about personality disorders.
-Treatment for BPD.
-Healthy relationships VS abusive relationships. 
-Emotional abuse
-Overcoming sexual abuse. 
-Hotlines services. 
-5 ways to escape an abusive relationship. 
-Domestic violence support. 
-Signs of an abusive relationship. 
-What do to if you’re in an abusive relationship. 
-Surviving abuse. 
-What you can do if you’re sexual harassed. 
-Sexual assault support.
-What to do if you’ve been sexually assaulted or abused. 
-How to stand up against bullying.
-How to protect yourself when it comes to cyber bullying.
-How to help stop people bullying you. 
 Loss and grief; 
-How to cope with a suicide of a loved one.
-Grieving for a stranger. 
-Common reactions to death. 
-Working through grief.
(Other loss and grief)
-Moving away from friends and family. 
-Coping with a breakup.
 Getting help; 
-Seeking help early. 
-All about psychological treatments. 
-Types of help.
-All about age and confidentiality. 
Things you need to remember; 
- Don’t stress about being fixed because you’re not broken.
-Remember to remind yourself of your accomplishments. Tell yourself that you’re proud of yourself, even if you’re not. 
- This is temporary. You won’t always feel like this. 
-You are not alone. 
-You are enough. 
-You are important. 
-You are worth it. 
-You are strong. 
-You are not a failure, 
-Good people exist. 
-Reaching out shows strength. 
-Don’t listen to the thoughts that are not helping you. 
-Give yourself credit. 
-Don’t be ashamed of your emotions, for the good or bad ones. 
-Treat yourself the same way as you would treat a good friend. 
-Focus on the things you can change. 
-Let go of toxic people. 
-You don’t need to hide, you’re allowed to feel the way you do. 
-Try not to beat yourself up. 
-Something is always happening, you don’t want to miss out on what’s going to happen next. 
-You are not a bother.
-Your existence is more than your appearance. 
-You are smart. 
-You are loved. 
-You are wanted. 
-You are needed. 
-Better days are coming. 
-Just because your past is dark, doesn’t mean your future isn’t bright. 
-You have more potential than you think. 
- Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.
Please remember to look after yourself and know that you are more than worth it and you deserve to be happy. Keep smiling butterflies x
979K notes · View notes
sappideppo · 6 years
ways to look more angelic:
carry flowers everywhere
pink or gold eye shadow 
wear long ankle dresses
soft humming
have a pink glowy blush
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sappideppo · 6 years
i thought everything was kinda calm but turns out i’m just ignoring every single one of my problems
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sappideppo · 6 years
the chantry be like
“gosh what a beautiful day to help orphans n widows n minister to the sick and the needy and – *trips* *eleven Exalted Marches spill from pockets* fuck those aren’t mine i swear i’m just holding them for a friend i - *slips on seventeen Circle Tower annulments* f u ck no that’s not mine i - *displacement of the Dalish, massacre of various fringe religions, forced conversions and mass imprisonments fall out of pockets* hang on a sec jUst LISTEN”
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sappideppo · 6 years
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sappideppo · 6 years
Hi! I’m Matt Wilde, an old man from the North of England who has worked in visual effects, lighting, and rendering for games since the last century. Most recently, I worked on Variable State’s Virginia. Previously I was responsible for blood, magic, and urine in games as diverse as The Lord of The Rings Aragorn’s Quest (magic/blood), The House of the Dead: Overkill (blood/urine), and Dancing with the Stars: The Official Game (all of the above). Now I’m contributing VFX and rendering to In the Valley of Gods at Campo Santo.
Putting together our announcement trailer provided plenty of challenges, but one thing I spent a fair chunk of time on didn’t actually make the final cut: a scene where Zora and Rashida wade through an ancient flooded passageway.
The starting point was this thumbnail sketch from art director Claire Hummel:
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To bring the scene to life, we’d need nice-looking water, which wouldn’t be convincing if it didn’t react to the motion of the characters and surrounding geometry. A game that does this well is Resident Evil 7 (especially if you’re a fan of floating corpses, like I am).
To this end, graphics programmer Pete Demoreuille (who apparently does exist even though he doesn’t have a Twitter profile) created a GPU-based simulation using a “shallow-water” approximation. It’s a little more accurate than traditional video game techniques, as it accounts for the water’s depth and computes its horizontal velocity along with height. For collision with the characters and the world, a “signed distance field” can be precomputed for the static environment, and characters are added in per-frame by attaching primitives (capsules, in this case) to bones in their rigs. Got it?
The end result is a number of dynamic textures which are fed into the shader for the water surface’s height, normal, velocity, and distance from a blocking object. Timo Kellomäki’s work on water simulation in games is a great reference.
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With these at my disposal, I set about making an actual shader, starting with a simple flow mapping texture—the flowing determined by the simulation. The output is brightened depending on factors like surface normal and velocity. The below was captured right out of the Unity editor and was immediately fun to play with. Imagine the capsule is a rubber duck, like I did. For about a week.
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I gradually built this into a more watery-looking shader with the addition of normal mapping, depth-based transparency, caustic lighting effects, and probably some other things.
By this time the passage scene contained some first pass environment modelling and character animation, so I could try the shader out in situ. But first, Claire produced this handy style guide broken down into layers.
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Isolating each element of the material was really useful in getting the final combined effect to work as we hoped it would. This is how it looked with the breakdown recreated in the shader:
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If you’ve worked with Unity shaders, you may appreciate that getting shadows to project onto a translucent surface is quite challenging. But I think it was worth the effort to enable the subtly visible geometry under the surface, fogged and blurred by depth.
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With the characters and colliders added, the scene was as complete as it was ever going to get. The environment, character models and animation would all be updated in time, and I had plans to add particle splashes, water dripping from the ceiling, and a way to allow the characters to appear to get dynamically wet. But then, the devastating news.
The shot had been cut from the trailer.
Not one to take this kind of thing badly, I quickly brushed it off and it was really no more than a few months and a Balinese yoga retreat later and I was eagerly anticipating my next challenge. Dust motes? Oh no that’s great. Bring it on. I love dust.
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sappideppo · 6 years
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Taking a break from PURGE posts. Here’s a new thing for a thing. Pencil/digital, in progress. #procreate
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sappideppo · 6 years
thor ragnarok fight scene but holding out for a hero is playing
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sappideppo · 6 years
‪From @dukesofbrooklyn #catsofinstagram ‬ [source: http://ift.tt/2ty9mLp ]
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sappideppo · 6 years
Art Critic: the skull in the corner is artfully placed on the periphery of vision to symbolise the omnipresence of death, important thematically to the artist’s conception of life and mortality.
Actual Artist: aw shit, I got all this negative space, guess I’ll stick a skull there that looks pretty rad.
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sappideppo · 6 years
gifted student™ brains are about as functional as horses when you get right down to it 
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