sanjiexxx Β· 6 months
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Sunbeams pirouette in the depth of your eyes, each twirl a mesmerizing hue, painting a canvas of warmth and light. Those open eyes, like windows into the vast expanse of our souls, reveal a connection so profound, a delicate thread that binds my essence to yours. It's a string woven by destiny, an unbreakable tie that defies the whims of time.
Amid life's tempests, your eyes stand as tranquil sanctuaries, serene gardens of hearts where storms lose their fury. Your gaze, a soothing elixir, has the magical ability to calm the deepest sorrows of my life, turning tumultuous seas into tranquil waters. It's a rare gift, a superpower you wield with the grace of an ethereal being.
The glint in your eyes holds a power over me, rendering my knees weak, like stepping on clouds as soft as marshmallows. How can I resist the magnetic pull when your gaze locks onto mine? It's an enchantment, a dance of emotions, where words often fall short, and the heart takes the lead.
Through the looking glass of your eyes, I find a calm sea, a serene expanse that mirrors the peace within your soul. Your gaze becomes my guiding star, leading me through the labyrinth of life's uncertainties. Oh, how I yearn to hold your hands tight, to walk this journey together, navigating the currents of love with unwavering trust and devotion. In the symphony of our shared moments, I wish to linger, capturing the melody of forever in the tender clasping of our entwined hands.
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sanjiexxx Β· 6 months
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A beautiful smile, kissable lips,
Wonderful words from his liar's soul.
Words like a knife stab my feelings,
Trapped, I can't turn back from the scenes.
A nose with a high bridge, how can I tell if you're right?
His hand on my waist, giving me a fantastic love directly in my heart.
His words are sweet, full of sweet lies,
What a traitor to be my partner in crimes.
His eyes are charming, like a dream,
Black pupils that give butterflies I can't resist.
Continuously hugging as if there's tomorrow,
I can't breathe; I thought it was as sweet as yellow.
But it's a torture that I cannot see,
His love for me is like cotton candy, colorful, tasting like sweet coffee.
Behind me, a girl is waiting,
Smiling and lovely, like an innocent girl with a beautiful thing.
How could he say he loves me?
His soft lips full of lies,
His lips wear a fake smile.
How could he say he loves me if his lips are full of lies?
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sanjiexxx Β· 6 months
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Sitting on the old couch, I can't help but wonder how I've made it through this tough life, in a world full of chaos and toxicity.
Did I really do well today, or did I just manage to escape once again? My mom, who smiles in front of me, turns into someone stabbing me in the back, pushing me to do things I don't want.
Life feels so tough; the world seems so unfair – no, it's the people who make it really unfair. And here comes my mom, shouting and telling me to do things her way. I'm not a robot, not a puppet; I'm a person with a life and feelings. How can she treat me like this? Trying to control me, making me her slave, expecting me to give everything without having a say. Oh life, sometimes I wish it could just end tonight.
In the middle of all this pain, on the couch that's seen better days, I can't hold back the tears. It's like everything's falling apart, and I just want a way out. The weight of her demands, the way she tries to control everything – it's too much. Wishing for an escape, even if it means not being here anymore, feels like a desperate plea to break free from this tough reality.
The tears keep coming, quiet witnesses to the hurt that words can't say. The couch becomes a kind of safe place, a spot for a tired soul hoping for some comfort. In the middle of all this mess, I dream of finding a way out from being trapped in this tough life. Life can be so hard, but maybe by facing the pain, there's a chance to get stronger, to find a path to heal, and to take back some control over my own story. The tears, even though they hurt, show there's something deep inside that won't give up in the face of the darkest times.
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sanjiexxx Β· 6 months
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Lost in a whirlwind of emotions, it feels like everything around me is slipping away, like grains of sand slipping through my fingers. Hatred is like a strong storm in my head, making it hard to think clearly. The dictionary, which usually helps me understand, now just confuses me with words that feel too deep.
I'm at home, all by myself, trying not to let the tears flow. Outside, lightning flashes across the night sky, kind of like my feelings swirling inside. The cold wind wraps around me, almost like it's trying to comfort me in this tough moment.
In the darkness, my heart beats really fast, bringing back memories that are hard to deal with. Hopelessness hangs in the air, and there are questions in my mind without any answers. Even though I told myself I would be okay, this night turns into a difficult story where I can't keep the promise I made to myself.
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