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Sanctuary moon sounds batshit insane ngl I would also watch it
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Murderbot doesn't like gurathin; I also don't like gurathin
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Imma start doing this when I'm uncomfortable - just face the wall away from the people trying to talk/comfort you
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I have nothing to add to this
It just had to be included
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This is again just very toothachingly sweet and. I. Love. It.
I love how it calls this a problem - actually on that note i love how the whole book is very much written in the tone of murderbot who while clearly has emotions still doesn't exactly behave or think like a human
That's why sometimes first person works better for certain books! This wouldn't work as well as it does if it was written in third person!!
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You know that scene from Brooklyn99? Tell me that isn’t the plot of All Systems Red.
[ID: a two panel comic based on a scene from Brooklyn99. In both, Murderbot is in armour but without its helmet. It holds the PreservationAux humans, who are small and chibi-fied, scrambling all over its hands and trying to escape, in both hands. All humans are wearing a green Preservation uniform. In panel one, Murderbot looks at the small humans and says “I’ve had Team PresAux for a cycle and a half,” in the second drawing it looks past the camera and says, “but if anything happened to them I would kill everyone in this habitat and then myself.” /end ID]
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Based on this.
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When the niche community discourse has indeed reached the "having imaginary friends and daydreaming as an adult means you hate abuse victims and want them to suffer" threshold
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Do you know this queer character?
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Murderbot is Agender, Aromantic, and Asexual and uses it/its pronouns!
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People need to realize that there’s a difference between straight people and Straight People™
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Murderbot and ART need to stop agro-flirting on the general feed during life-and-death situations(please don’t stop; it’s adorable).
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The thing neurotypicals tend not to understand about the ADHD brain is that it really only has two gears
I turn to the chalkboard and carefully write out
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Hey guys, I have a priority fundraiser rotation for you:
Fadi & Shahed: 5,885 USD out of 62.5k
Sana'a & Sujood: 15,049 £ out of 50k
Mahmoud Qassas: 12,466$ out of 200k
Ezzideen Shehab: 11,075€ out of 32.5k.
Hussam Aburamadan: 17,657€ out of 148k.
Hamdi Hijazi: 6,614$ out of 25k.
Suheir Hojok: 17,557 AUD out of 70k.
Madleen Abu Jayyab: 33,808$ out of 70k.
Hani Al-Hajjar: 2,536€ out of 50k.
Little Yusuf: 664€ out of 85k.
Nael Helles: 255$ out of 50k.
Alia's family: 516€ out of 30k.
Hala's family: 350 CAD out of 50k.
Mohammed Al Shaer: 150£ out of 50k
Mona Abu Hamda: 75k out of 150k.
Sahar El Tibi: 15€ out of 30k.
Youssef Munir: 596£ out of 50k.
Muhammad Munir: 1,528£ out of 45k.
Amal & Ruba A.S.: 0€ out of 50k.
I have personally verified every one of these campaigns listed here.
The invasion of Rafah grows nearer everyday. Please understand the urgency of this campaign.
Version date: April 30th 2024.
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It's been raining SO much and people at work love blasting the aircond for some reason and me being sensitive to cold have to bundle myself up to not die from freezing. Also @kriyonce 's halloween drawing of eddie in a coat is just super cute and huggable :') I can't help myself
This might also be my last reddie drawing for now goodbye (ಥ﹏ಥ)
(Edit:fixed the dialogue a bit)
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Steve walks into his and Robin’s shared living room in the middle of the night to get a glass of water.
Mid gulp, Steve’s hears a soft “hey.”
Steve has only four years of the Upside Down to thank for not dropping his glass and shattering it everywhere. He knows the dangers of a little cut.
It doesn’t help the startled scream he releases.
Steve stares at his couch in horror as the intruder turns the light on.
Robins feet pound quickly into the living room, a metal baseball bat in her hands, “What do I need to kill?”
Steve says nothing. Instead, he points at their couch, where Robin turns and lets out a small gasp.
Because in the middle of their living room is Eddie Munson, famous rockstar and, more importantly, ex-best friend of Steve and Robin, who they haven’t heard from since 1991, sitting on their couch.
🐝・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・✦ʚɞ
now with part 2!
pt. 3
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Eddie chronically leaves his rings at Steve’s place to the point that Steve checks the bathroom and kitchen sink every time after he leaves, only to find one of them there every time.
Not that Steve is entirely complaining since this means he gets to call him and Eddie gets to stop by on his own to pick them up.
But when they’re at the Wheeler’s place, and Eddie says he’s going to the bathroom, Steve says, “Be careful not to leave one of your rings behind,” with a wink that has the kids exchanging confused looks. But Steve doesn’t notice because he’s too distracted by the light blush coloring Eddie’s cheeks.
“Why would Eddie leave one of his rings behind?” Dustin asks Steve when Eddie’s out of earshot.
Steve laughs. “He leaves one behind every time he washes his hands I swear. I don’t know how he hasn’t lost one at this point.” But his amusement is quick to die down when he realizes the kids are staring at him as if he’s absolutely insane. “What?”
They all glance at each other, and Steve is surprised when Mike is the first to pipe in, “He never leaves them anywhere. They’re like his prized possession. I’ve never even seen him take them off.”
Steve frowns and glances around at everyone, sensing that there’s definitely something he’s missing, so he’s quick to lie, “Well, I guess it was only once or twice that it happened. Maybe it was my fancy soap. Made things too… slippery.”
He gets a few eye rolls at the comment, but the group is quick to move on especially when Eddie comes back a few moments later with all his rings on his hands.
Steve gives him a quick smile, and Eddie is quick to return it, eyes lingering on him for a few seconds longer than necessary and the same blush from earlier returning.
It hits Steve very suddenly.
The rings are an excuse to come back.
And with this knowledge, Steve’s let’s his own gaze linger on Eddie longer than he usually allows, moving into his space more often than not, and carefully keeping track of time, waiting for the hang out to end.
When it finally comes to a halt, Steve is quick to say his goodbyes, hoping that Eddie will join and let the kids have their unnecessarily prolonged goodbyes in private. And luckily, Eddie is quick to move out of the basement, following after Steve in a way that’s supposed to look causal but is anything but casual now that Steve knows to look for the signs.
When he and Eddie silently go out the front door, Steve is quick to turn to him and hold out his hand. Eddie gives him a confused look but offers his hand which Steve takes and slides one of the rings off of.
Eddie stares at it for a moment, looking slightly frightened, as if he’s been caught doing something he isn’t supposed to.
Steve is quick to soothe the fear as he pockets the ring and says, “Just so you’ll have an excuse to stop by later tonight.”
Eddie’s cheeks flush bright red and he runs a hand over his face. “Shit.”
Steve laughs, “So it has been on purpose?”
“No,” Eddie clearly lies, pulling a strand of hair in front of his face.
“And what if I told you I wanted it to be on purpose?” Steve asks.
Eddie freezes for a moment as if he’s waiting for Steve to tell him that he’s joking, but Steve sits in the silence, letting the question settle between them.
“Then,” Eddie starts, taking a small step forward into Steve’s space, “I would-”
The door behind them bursts open and Dustin yells, “Hurry up I have a curfew!” as he races off to Steve’s car.
Steve rolls his eyes at the kid and takes a step back as everyone else makes their way out the door to the cars or their bikes.
Steve and Eddie linger behind for a moment, which Steve uses to quietly ask, “I’ll see you tonight?”
Eddie gives him a bashful smile in return and nods. “Yeah, I’ll see you tonight.”
Steve resists the urge to celebrate in any way in front of the kids and instead puts his hand in his pocket, fingers curling around Eddie’s ring.
As he gets into his car, ignoring Dustin bitching and complaining, he slips the ring over his finger and smiles at it.
He notices the car go quiet and he nearly groans at his mistake.
“Is that Eddie’s ring?” Dustin screeches.
It’s going to be a long drive home, but Steve doesn’t mind when he has Eddie to look forward to.
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In today's edition of: the kids are alright- so, I work at an 18th century history museum where we do the whole school tour shebang and we have clothes for the kids to dress up in. And we always say the rule is they can dress up as a girl or boy as long as they do it with respect. I usually don't have any takers but today three boys (and one adorable girl) decided to take the plunge together and oh man. Nothing fills your heart more than watching a 9-10 year boy cinch the drawstrings on a horribly inaccurate petticoat like "oh this is drip. Oh I've got MAD drip." Like 😊😊😊😊😊 yeah he fucking did.
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Zionism and Semitism are not, never have and never will be, synonymous
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