samelxo 9 days
My Last Days in Valencia 馃寘
Leaving Valencia has been bittersweet, but I wanted to share some of my favorite memories from my last days in this beautiful city.
Work at ASV
Working on the diplomas for the graduating seniors at ASV was an unexpected highlight. I got to put the official stamp on each diploma, scan them, and then upload them to Google Drive. It was really entertaining and fulfilling to contribute to such an important milestone for the students.
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Last day at the beach :(
One of our final days in Valencia was spent at the beach, watching the sunset. The sky was painted with the most beautiful colours. It was a perfect way to say goodbye to the city.
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Back in Belgium
Now that I'm back in Belgium, I find myself missing the warm weather and the amazing people I met in Valencia. There's something special about the city that has left a lasting impression on me, and I can't wait to visit again someday.
Hasta luego, Valencia! 馃尀
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samelxo 17 days
Last weekend in Valencia :)
ASV kicked off the weekend by relaxing after work with some drinks. The bus ride was filled with music and good vibes, setting the tone for the evening. We headed to a cozy cafe where one of the teachers brought along her adorable dog, Milo. It was a lovely to have him around!
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Later, my friends and I invited classmates from Route 66, Benthe and Luca, to join us at Radio City. We had such a nice time! Live music and great company made it an unforgettable night.
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The morning started with a bit of shopping, buying some souvenirs to remember our time in Valencia. Then, we explored the beautiful Ciudad De Las Artes Y Las Ciencias, followed by a lovely walk in Turia Park. Nature and architecture combined for a picturesque day. Of course, we refueled with some delicious food.
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In the evening, we met up with Luca again, hanging out in the vibrant city center. We went to a nice cafe and had some drinks. It was really nice :)
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We had a lazy morning, catching up on some much needed sleep. Later, we went to a Valencia football game, despite the disappointing 0-3 loss against Girona. Nevertheless, we made the most of the day by taking a lovely walk through the city center before calling it a night. Valencia, you've been amazing! 馃ス馃
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samelxo 19 days
It鈥檚 been a few days since my last post so here鈥檚 an update!
In the weekend we rented some bikes and went to the beach, which was really nice and relaxing. We sunbathed and then headed back. In the evening we went to see fireworks in the town hall of Valencia, it was incredible!
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Throughout the week
During the week we went to our workplaces and in my experience this week went faster than last week, I think it鈥檚 because I鈥檓 more independent now and I don鈥檛 depend on my mentors all the time. After work we tried to make some free time to discover the beautiful city of Valencia!
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samelxo 29 days
First days in Valencia!
Hey everyone! I've officially arrived in Valencia and I'm already loving it here. Let me catch you up on the first few days:
Arriving in Valencia
On our arrival day, we were thrilled to find our beautiful and spacious apartments. It's awesome that each of us has our own room for privacy. After settling in, we headed out for a delicious meal and had a chance to get to know each other better.
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Later that day, we changed and headed to a football game, it was such an exciting experience, even though Valencia unfortunately didn't win. We're already planning to catch another game next week!
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First day in ASV
My first day at ASV was fantastic. Everyone was so welcoming and friendly. I had a tour of the school and met my mentors. I'll be working with four lovely ladies at reception, and they've been incredibly kind and helpful. Plus, the warm lunch they provided was delicious!
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Dinner & groceries
After work, we grabbed some groceries and treated ourselves to sushi. What a perfect way to end the day!
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I can't wait to see what else Valencia has in store for me. Stay tuned for more updates!
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samelxo 1 month
Fun facts :)
Valencia is a very interesting city! Did you know that paella was born here? I can't wait to try the authentic version of this famous dish.
In March, Valencia has an incredible festival called Las Fallas, unfortunately I'll miss it but from the pictures I have seen it looks so cool. Furthermore, Valencia has the biggest aquarium in Europe!
I'm counting down the days to my Valencia adventure :)
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samelxo 1 month
Exciting plans!
I'm excited to explore Valencia and I have been researching a few activities i definitely want to do! First up, I'm eager to attend a football match in Valencia, particularly the one between Valencia and Alav茅s. It's going to be an awesome experience!
Aside from that, going the beach is something we will definitely do! We're also looking forward to visiting la Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias and checking out other famous attractions around the city.
But one thing I'm especially keen on is going to a jazz club in Valencia. I'm a big fan of music, and there's something about jazz that really speaks to me.
With these plans in mind, I'm really looking forward to it a lot!
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samelxo 1 month
Countdown to Valencia :)
In only 2 weeks we'll be going to Valencia, I'm so excited to start my internship at the American School of Valencia! I'll be helping out at reception, which sounds really interesting. I can't wait to learn how the school works and of course meet awesome people :). Plus, Valencia seems like such a cool city. I'm already excited for the sunny weather! I'm pumped to explore and experience how it's like living in such a beautiful city like Valencia :)
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samelxo 3 months
Hello! I am Samantha, an 18 year old student at Sint Maria Geel. In this blog i'll be telling you more about my internship.
The American School of Valencia (ASV) is an international school in Valencia, Spain, focusing on academic excellence from kindergarten to high school.
I can't wait to begin my internship!
Hasta pronto.
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