saltbabypidge · 3 years
Drawn/written CP of Fictional characters doesn't exist and you need to quit encouraging teenagers to trust random strangers online.
First of all, what is child pornography? Well, it's an outdated term that, in the broadest sense, means any picture/video of a real life child in sexually explicit act/pose/position.
Why is that term outdated? Because the term pornography means that the person depicted can consent— which children cannot, so the proper term to be used when calling something CP, should actually be CSEM. Child Sex Exploitation Material.
Now what is Child Sex Exploitation Material? It's child porn! It is the exploitation of a child who cannot consent to sexual activities into taking pictures/videos either by force or coercion, as no matter what, a child cannot willingly consent to those sex acts. Even if they were manipulated or drugged, no matter what they say, they COULD NEVER consent, and that is the sex exploitation part of the term.
CSEM is a correct term to refer to CP, and it requires an actual child to exploit and harm sexually.
Now let's look at fictional characters, more importantly, explicitly stated in canon or by the fanartist that they are under 18 fictional characters. Can they be exploited? No. They have no human rights, they have no feelings, actually, they can't consent to anything, regardless if it's fluff or sex, as they're unable to consent or even not consent. Because well, they can't speak, they can't think, everything they are is inside your head.
"I kin this character, so porn of them is porn of me, who's also a minor!"
That sounds like a personal problem that you should see therapy about. Porn of Fictional characters is gonna exist whether you like it or not. I literally saw a post on Instagram comparing the amount of Lisa Simpson (underage child) porn to Lisa Lisa (legal MILF) and the underage child had like 7k more images, on Rule34 alone. It's inevitable that if it exists, there will be porn of it, yes, even for character's who were made before you were even born.
"but it will be used to groom children!"
Groomers will use anything to groom, it can be porn, it can be fluff, it came be suggestive, it can be real or Fictional, but blaming the fiction for existing is directly taking blame off of the predator who grooms, take the groomer responsible first. And reminder, when Antis talk about "art being used to groom", they most likely mean that Jojo anime character who's 15 in canon but looks like he's 35. Why would a pedophile age up a character to look older, btw? Shouldn't they be the ones aging DOWN characters to make them look younger?
"Adults shove it in kids faces!"
No, they don't. Tumblr and Twitter are both 17+ on the app store, meant for mature teens and up. Sure you can be 13 and have an account legally, but that's because 13 is the minimum age for that website to get your consent to use your ad data (per COPPA's rules). The only major social media I'd say a 13 year old should be on nowadays is Instagram, there is where they apply heavy censorship to butts and boobs, and if they see a cock its on sight for them to delete that post. Tumblr still has NSFW fanfic (and still a decent amount of hentai tbh), and then Twitter just full on allows all NSFW. Fanfic and pictures, including real life adults. Almost all NSFW artists will put warnings and tags to help you protect yourself, so listen to them and protect yourself (and no that doesn't mean attacking them). If they forget to tag something, ask them to, if they don't, then oh well, they don't have to, and you also are not entitled to their art, they can block you just as much as you can block them.
"but it's gross! They're thinking of a fictional minor sexually!"
For one, let me just say that many artists will add the "all characters depicted as 18+"warning because while the character designs may not have changed much, they still don't want anyone thinking the characters are underage, that's for personal comfort and I understand that. Two, even when artists DO age up characters, Antis will still complain because "wahhhhhhh you were thinking of them sexually as a minor WAHHHH", when no, this is how the aging up process usually goes:
I really like this character, I'm gonna make an AU/timeline where they're a bit older because I'm older and I want to relate to them more (or hell, the aging up may even be canon, like with Jotaro), now that I've got my AU/timeline sorted out, I can add all my HCs and traits to the character to make them more in depth because the canon doesn't add as much as I want, oh well, now that's they're an adult they're probably gonna have sex, might as well write about it with my version of a character who has lots of time and effort put into making them unique and though they are the same character as the canon version, my version is my own personal interpretation and I feel comfortable sexualizing them now that they're a adult.
It's also valid to just go: I want to sex this character, but they're underage and I'm not comfortable with that, so I'm gonna age them up for my own comfort.
"but kids—"
There are no kids online. It's literally, and I mean this legally speaking, not allowed. 13 and up. Teen and up. There are no "kids", those are teenagers. ThirTEEN. If you see someone who's under 13 online, (and the account isn't run by their parents), report it. That is actually doing the thing y'all love to preach about- protecting children.
It isn't the responsibility of random adults online to take care of children, that's just encouraging real predators and pedophiles to go "I'll take care of you :) I'm a good adult I'll show you how the internet works :) you can trust me, didn't you see the post saying adults should take care of teens online? I'm an adult and I want to take care of you :)". Which is fucking creepy, why are Antis ENCOURAGING teens to forget about stranger danger? I don't know about y'all but that's a pretty good policy, especially online where anyone can lie about anything.
Can drawn CSEM exist? Yes. If it's of a real child, and indistinguishable from a child who exists in the real world.
Do fictional characters fall under that? By all means no, but there are always exceptions: if they're drawn in such a way that they look like a real child who could plausibly exist (aka hyper realism), then I'd reccomend you report it. (If the art is sexual at least, hyper realism isn't inherently bad, it's only bad when you use that to sexualize characters in a way that makes them look like they're real kids.) In some places though, things like that are legal, so it's best to report it and then block, if you share that content (even censored) you yourself may also get into legal trouble should it be against the law.
So, TLDR: Fictional characters cannot be exploited for porn of themselves, and it's up to you to block (and possibly report it). Do not share the content with anyone, especially if you think it may be violating the law. Even downloading it can implicate you in the crime, and sharing it (no matter how censored or warned about) can definitely get you into legal trouble should the drawing be found in violation.
I'd also like to quickly mention the hypocrisy of Antis saying "fictional character porn is CP!" And then them sharing it to their friends and followers, yes I'm looking at you Instagram flop accounts, because sharing CP/CSEM is illegal and you most likely will be fined and possibly jailed for even owning it, and sharing it? Definite jail time. Aren't y'all Antis lucky most of it turns out to not be illegal at all? If it was illegal I could report you to the FBI after all.
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saltbabypidge · 3 years
LITERALLY some of you don’t fucking know what “disposable income is” like i cannot stress ENOUGH that someone who was able to get animal crossing on day 1 of launch or a ps5 preorder that is still only working minimum wage job and/or cannot pay their rent on a monthly basis is NOT your enemy bruv they are NOT “the rich” like PLEASE cement that in your head. 
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saltbabypidge · 3 years
I had the amazing oppurtunity to participate in the Kamijirou Minibang this year with the wonderful @ktyillustrationandart who created two pieces for my Kamijirou fantasy au fic Please check out their art here
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saltbabypidge · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Hi everyone!! I’m happy to show you my two pieces for @kmjr-mini-bang. Those two illustrations joint with this beautiful fic by @saltbabypidge.
You can read this awesome fic here
Dragonshade contact:  Twitter and Tumblr
Enjoy!! :)
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saltbabypidge · 3 years
hello new followers
[time stamp: 2 Feb 2021]
I haven’t been on tumblr too much for quite a while for a variety of reasons, and I can’t promise that’s going to change (I’m … very ADHD …) I hope that my blog gives you some food for thought.
That said, I want to reiterate a couple of my blogging principles for your consideration:
First and foremost, I use the word ‘anti’ all over this blog - both in old posts and new. When I first started this blog in 2016, its meaning was understood by my audience. However, the meaning of ‘anti’ has become murky and controversial over the years, so let me define it here:
‘Anti’ is short for ‘anti-shipper’ or ‘anti-[ship]’.
Anti-shippers are people in (mainly English-speaking) fandoms who:
demand sexual purity and Americentric morality in fictional content, particularly ‘ships’ (short for ‘[usually romantic or sexual] relationships’), from fans participating in fan discussion and creating fanworks on social media sites,
where the sexual purity and Americentric morality of any given fictional work is frequently subjective and/or openly contradictory.
 Crucially, they enforce their demands via:
violent and bigoted rhetoric
targeted harassment
noise mobs/dogpiling
violations of privacy
threats of physical (and occasionally sexual) violence
threats to income
property destruction, and 
(occasionally) physical assault.
Antis named themselves ‘antis’ back in 2015-2016. They don’t like the label so much now (though they still frequently use it) because of their violent reputation.
This blog is heavily focused on what anti-shipping is, why anti-shippers exist and act the way they do, and the damage anti-shipping does to online fandom communities via thoughtful, reasoned analysis of anti-shipping rhetoric and sociology. The goal is to honestly look past the surfeit of anti-shipping violence and understand why its arguments and methodology have genuine appeal to many fandomgoers without judging those fandomgoers.
There are certainly anti-shippers who spout violent rhetoric because they’re remorselessly abusive, but I doubt that the majority of anti-shippers fit that description.
On the contrary: I believe there are sociological reasons anti-shipper communities are so prevalent in fandom today, and I believe people become anti-shippers for valid, personal reasons. For instance, I believe that the structure of modern social media has fundamentally changed the structure of fandom and how fans communicate. It’s harder to avoid content you don’t want to see, for instance. Has this encouraged the growth of anti-ship communities? I believe it’s a likely factor - one of many.
There is also plenty of evidence that anti-shipping communities tend to be insular and internally abusive. Members are expected to ‘cut off’ anyone who does not share their views on how fandom should conduct itself, and members who leave the community are demeaned, smeared, and targeted for harassment. This makes it exceedingly difficult for anyone who became involved in anti-shipping to escape it.
Furthermore: English-speaking (particularly American) fandom is heavily influenced by the same underlying societal factors that have brought us right-wing-based rising authoritarianism / anti-progressive bigotry / open white patriarchal supremacy today: things like white fascism (which started in the USA), Manifest Destiny, European/American Imperialism, Christian Fundamentalism / Puritanism, the post-Vietnam antigovernmental white supremacist movement, the AIDS genocide/crisis, backlash to the Civil Rights Movement, and backlash against gay and trans rights.
Although most of fandom - including anti-shippers - are themselves targets of right-wing hatred, Puritanical / Imperial / racist / anti-queer / misogynist / transphobic arguments frequently make up the basic elements of the rhetoric anti-shippers use to justify their violent abuse of shippers.
Many of these puritanical/imperial/racist/misogynist/anti-queer/transphobic talking points were dressed up in progressive language before anti-shippers started employing them by faux-progressive groups such as TERFs/SWERFs/radfem enablers, truscum, and exclusionists.
Anti-shippers are not typically aware of this, and may fall anywhere in their conscious desire to gatekeep marginalized communities for real people. (And pro-shippers such as myself are not immune to using right-wing arguments, either.*)
Because of all these factors, I believe it is crucial to understand anti-shipping rather than simply dismiss it anti communities as weird fandom phenomena made up entirely of bullies and jerks. I also believe it’s crucial to understand not only anti-ship rhetoric, but also to identify its origins.
The haters aren’t going away, and we aren’t going to shame them into stopping. But if we understand and dismantle their arguments, we can limit their influence more effectively and - most importantly - maybe provide an escape rope out of an abusive anti-ship community for those who need one.
Thanks for being here.
Keep reading
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saltbabypidge · 3 years
For the people who are out there “fighting the good fight” and “trying to make fandom a better place,” I have two important questions for you:
1. Is the author dead? x
2. Is your baby in the bathwater? x
What do I mean by those things? Let’s start with #1. The Death of the Author is a type of literary criticism, the extreme cliff notes version of which is that art exists outside of the creator’s life, personal background, and even intentions. I’m using it slightly differently than Barthes intended, but that’s okay, because the author is dead and I’m interpreting his work through my own lens.
In fandom, the author is dead. In fact, the author was never alive in the first place, not really. The author has only ever been the idea of a person, because unlike published fiction, the only thing we know about a fanfic author is that which they choose to tell us about themselves.
Why is that important?
Because it might not be true. Hell, that happens in real life with published authors, who have SSN’s on file with their publishers, who pay taxes on the works they create and have researchable pasts. If the author of A Million Little Pieces could fake everything, why can’t I? Why can’t you? Why can’t the writer of your favorite fic in the whole wide world?
Stop me if you’ve heard this before: “you can only write about [sensitive subject] if [sensitive subject] has happened to you personally, otherwise you’re a disgusting monster that deserves to die!!” Or maybe “you can only write [x racial or ethnic group] characters if you’re [x racial or ethnic group] otherwise you’re racist/fetishizing/colonizing!”
You can play this game with any sensitive subject you can come up with. I’ve seen them all before, on a sliding scale of slightly chastising to literal death threats.
Now, I could tell you that I’m a white-passing Latina whose grandmother was an anchor baby. I could tell you that I speak only English because my family never taught me to speak Spanish, something which I’ve been told is common in the Cuban community, though I only know my own lived experience. I could tell you that I’m mostly neurotypical. I could tell you that I’m covered in surgical scars. I could tell you lots of things.
Are any of these true? Maybe! I could tell you that my brother has severe mental development problems, so uncommon that they’ve never been properly diagnosed, and that he will live the rest of his life in a group home with 24-hour care. Is that true? Am I allowed to write about families struggling with America’s piss-poor services for the handicapped now?
Am I allowed to write about being Cuban? After all, I did just say that I’m Cuban. But is it true? Can I instead write a character that’s Panamanian? Maybe I really am Panamanian, not Cuban. Maybe I’m both. Maybe I’m neither. Maybe I’m really French Canadian. Should we require people to post regular selfies? I can’t count the number of times I’ve had someone come up to me speaking Arabic, and I’ve been told that I look Syrian. What’s stopping me from making a blog that claims that I am Syrian? Can you even really tell someone’s race and ethnicity from a photo?
Am I allowed to write about being a teenager? Am I allowed to write about being a college student? Am I allowed to write about being an “adulty” adult? Can I write a character who’s 40? 50? 60? How old am I?
All of this is to say: you can’t base what someone is or is not “allowed” to write about on a background that may or may not be real. No matter how good your intentions. And I get it - this usually comes from a place of well-meaning. You’re trying to protect marginalized groups by stopping privileged people from trampling all over experiences that they haven’t suffered. I get that. It’s a very noble thought. But you can’t require a background check for every fic that you don’t like.
If you say “you can only write about rape if you’re a rape victim,” then one of three things will happen:
Real survivors will have to supply intimate details of their own violations to prevent harassment
Real survivors will refuse to engage and will then have to deal with death threats and people telling them to kill themselves for daring to write about their own experiences
People who aren’t survivors will say “yeah sure this happened to me” just to get people to shut up
Has that helped anyone? I mean really - anyone??
So now let’s get to point #2: is your baby in the bathwater?
If your intention is to protect marginalized people from being trampled upon, stop and assess if your boot is the one that’s now stamping on their face. Find your baby! Is your baby in the bathwater? Which is to say: find the goal that you’re advocating for. Now assess. Are you making the problem worse for the people you’re trying to protect? Does that rape victim really feel better, now that you’ve harassed and stalked them in the name of making rape victims feel safe?
Let’s say you read a fic that contains explicit sex between a 16 year old and a 17 year old. Is this okay? Would it be okay if the writer was 15? 16? 17? Should teenagers be barred from writing about their own lives, and should teenagers be banned from exploring sexuality in a fictional bubble, instead of hookup culture? Is it okay for a 20 year old to write about their experiences as a teenager? Is it okay for a 20 year old to write about being raped at a party as a teenager? Is it okay for a 30 year old? How about a 40 year old? Is it okay so long as it isn’t titillating? Is it okay if taking control of the narrative allows the writer to re-conceptualize their trauma as something they have control over? Is it okay if their therapist told them that writing is a safe creative outlet?
Is your author dead?
Is your baby in the bathwater?
Now let’s take a hardline approach: no fanfiction with characters who are under 18 years old. None. Is the 16 year old who really loves Harry Potter and wants to read/write about characters their own age better off? Should they be banned from writing? Should they be forced to exclusively read and write (adult) experiences that they haven’t lived? Will they write about teens anyway? Should they have to share it in secret? Should 16 year olds be ashamed of themselves? Should we just throw in with the evangelicals and say that the only answer is abstinence, both real and fictional?
Let’s say that no rape is allowed in fiction, at all. None. What happens to all the hurt/comfort fics where a character is raped and then receives the support and love that they deserve, slowly heal, and by the end have found themselves again? Are you helping rape victims by banning these stories? Are you helping rape victims by stripping their agency away, by telling them that their wants and their consent doesn’t matter?
Is your baby in the bathwater?
Fandom is currently being split in two: on one side, the people who want to make fandom a “safer” place by any means necessary, even if that means throwing out all of the marginalized groups they say they want to protect - and on the other, people who are saying “if you throw out that bathwater, you’re throwing the baby out too.”
The whole point of fandom is to be able to explore all kinds of ideas from the safety and comfort of a computer screen. You can read/write things that fascinate you, disgust you, titillate you, or make your heart feel warm. This is true of all fiction. People who want to read about rape and incest and extreme violence and torture can go pick up a copy of Game of Thrones from the bookstore whenever they want. Sanitizing fandom just means holding a community of people who are primarily not male, not straight, not cis, or some combination of those three, to higher and stricter standards than straight white cis male authors and creators all over the world.
There is nothing you can find on AO3 that you can’t find in a bookstore. Any teenager can go check out Lolita, or ASOIAF, or Flowers in the Attic, or Stephen King’s It, or Speak, or hundreds of other books that have adult themes or gratuitous violence or graphic sex. The difference is that AO3 has warnings and tags and allows people to interact only with the types of work that they want to, and allows people to curate their experiences.
Are these themes eligible to be explored, but only in the setting of something produced/published? Books, movies, television, studio art, music - all of these fields have huge barriers to entry, and they’re largely controlled by wealthy cishet white men. Is it better to say that only those who have the right connections to “make it” in these industries should be allowed to explore violence or sexuality or any other so-called “adult” theme?
Does banning women from writing MLM erotica make fan culture a better place?
Does banning queer people from writing about queer experiences make fan culture a better place?
Is M/M fic okay, but only if the author is male? What if he’s a transman? What if they’re NB? Who should get to draw those lines? Should TERFs get a vote? What if the author is a woman who feels more comfortable writing from a male character’s perspective because she’s grown up with male stories her whole life, or because she identifies more with male characters? What about all the transmen who discovered themselves, in part, by writing fanfiction, and realized that their desires to write male characters stemmed from something they hadn’t yet realized about themselves?
How can we ever be sure that the author is who they say they are?
Who is allowed to write these stories? How do we enforce it?
Is it better for none of these stories to ever exist at all?
Have you killed your author?
Have you thrown out your baby with the bathwater?
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saltbabypidge · 4 years
Gai: Oh, I’m not looking for a nemesis right now, Kisame.
Kisame: What.
Gai: It's just, well, I already have a rival.
Kisame: What.
Gai: And I guess we have fought a lot, but it was just professional for me.
Kisame: What.
Gai: I’m sorry if I led you on, I never intended to come across that way.
Kisame: I will rip out your entrails and strangle you with them.
Gai: …yeah, that doesn’t really do anything for me, sorry–
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saltbabypidge · 4 years
If you message or comment an author or manga-ka with threats in an attempt to make your ship canon you're a disgusting entitled human being.
Let writers write the story they want. Fanfic and fanart exists for everything else.
Didn't people learn from voltron?
-It ended early
-was rewritten last minute and the writers and vas had to work so hard to change what had already been written in short notice...and was rushed.
All because a bunch of whiny entitled fans thought threatening people over a SHIP was ok.
If you pull this shit you should not call yourself a fan of the series.
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saltbabypidge · 4 years
Just a reminder to all fandoms.
Shipping is a personal like or dislike. You have no right to tell someone not to like strawberry ice cream, and no right to tell them what ships they should like. Some people enjoy the conflict and story of ships that aren't perfect.
Copy pasta'd from someone on main:
Dear MHA fandom,
If you go out of your way to seek out fans or pages of ships you don't like and comment how much you hate it...
YOU are the toxic one
If you argue that your ship is canon and put down others...especially when there has been no ship set sail...
YOU are the toxic one
If you go out of your way to comment negatively on specifically yaoi and yuri ships, OR specifically het ships...
YOU are the toxic one.
If you send letters to anyone involved in the creation or voiceing of the series threatening them to make your ship canon...
Canon is not the be all end all. This is fandom. Fanfiction and fanart were created because people had different visions from the creator AND EACH OTHER and THATS OK. It is FINE to prefer a het ship, It's FINE to ship yaoi or yuri, it's FINE to ship something that makes no sense to the rest of us. Some people don't like specific ship dynamics and thats FINE.
Explain why you prefer a ship and have debates? Awesome.
-just don't put people down for what they like, and don't try to force ships on people, because that is when you BECOME the toxicity in the fandom.
If your comment starts " Ugh" or " That's gross" then rethink it and move on.
The people who jump everyone for liking gay ships are just as bad as the yaoi shippers who comment that their pairing is the only real one.
It does not take anything out of your life to ignore it and move on to the ships you do like. It doesn't effect the series as a whole because that will keep chugging on unless people get toxic towards the creator. Let people enjoy what they enjoy.
If it's creepy because it's straight up pedophilia in every country of the world..scroll on or unfriend the person. Odds are fighting about it is not going to change their opinion- OR they posted it looking for a reaction. Don't give them one.
All in all? Grow up. The general public fandom isn't about just you, It's also not to force the creators to do what you want. It's for everyone to have fun and express things they like. Enjoy different dynamics and new content, bring your imagination to play.
Try not to get so invested in a ship that you miss others that you may like because they have the same characters. You CAN ship more than one ship. It's ok. Really. It's not illegal. It's ok to have an OTP too, but that's a you thing.
What's not ok is attacking anyone over it.
Chill out.
Don't be the toxic one.
Let people have fun.
A long time fan
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saltbabypidge · 4 years
Ma-ia hi
Ma-ia ho
Ma-ia ha
Ma-ia ha ha
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saltbabypidge · 4 years
BKDK Birthday part 2!
This is the second part of my Bakudeku Birthday fic for CB Part 2 Izuku knew that Katsuki  was aware of the little camera he had in his bedroom. His lover...enemy...lover, stripped in front of it far too often not to be fully aware of it.Izuku loved the teasing, it made him all the more excited for their next encounter, even though it meant Katsuki could control what he saw.  As he settled himself in front of the feed, he shook slightly with nervousness and glee. His love letter would reach Katsuki today and he wanted so badly to see his reaction, that he had written on the envelope that Katsuki should open it in the bedroom. With luck, the ash blond would assume it was something dirty and do just that. Sure enough, he saw the door open and his god came through the door, throwing his bag on the bed. Izuku leaned forward eyes intent-where was it? Where...yes. His childhood friend was clutching the envelope tightly in his hand. A soft smirk spread over the villians' freckled face as his sexy lover sprawled on the bed and tore into the envelope with an irritated look. Izukus breath grew shorter as he watched crimson eyes flicker over the paper, brow wrinkling in that adorable look Kacchan got when he was puzzled...and then his face went pale. Izukus hand came to his lips, biting softly on his own finger as the large man dug frantically for his cellphone and called a saved number.... then again....then another. "They're not going to answer" The singsong voice said to the video screen as if he could be heard even though he knew he couldn't. He was waiting for it when his own phone rang. The burner he used specifically for Kacchan.  Waiting for it to ring once more he picked up with a cheerful greeting. " Hello Kaccha~" But was interrupted with a string of profanity. " Don't fucking hello. Where are they Izuku? Where the FUCK are they? If you hurt them I swear I will kill you and they will never find the body. " Izuku hadn't expected that level of vehemence from his rival, there was an edge to it that had him wondering if he had miscalculated, losing Katsuki was never an option. He shook his head, the mess of his hair bouncing, no, as long as Kacchan followed the rules, it would be fine. " Kacchan~ You know me. I'm just having them over for tea, " He smirked at the phone, twirling the key to his captives cells over his fingers."I wanted to get to know my future in laws..." " I thought I knew you, you fucking piece of shit, I thought you knew better not to touch them. MY PARENTS ARE OFF LIMITS FUCKER. Return them now and you get to keep your head."Izuku licked suddenly dry lips, simultaniously scared and turned on. The edge to Katsukis voice, and the lack of any insulting nick-names, said that he was truly mad-maybe he had messed up? He had to see this through though, once he had started he never backed down, Katsuki knew that. " Make me a scarf Kacchan..." He crooned " Make me a scarf and give it to me for my birthday  and they'll be returned to you safe and sound."  He ignored a deep breath his lover took, the beginning of some new threats and tapped the button the end the call. There was absolutely no reason for him to remain on the line...Katsuki would have to do what he asked or...Izuku would be forced to do something very regrettable. He actually liked Kacchans parents. They had been nice to him when he was younger, and he knew to kill them would be something he would punish himself for for years to come, but at that point...wasn't it Kacchans fault? The villian was aware that he wasn't all there, there was something that other people had that he didn't, but he saw it as an asset. He sighed aloud, hands running through curly green hair , it was just about time to bring his guests dinner. He wanted to treat them well, after all, if he didn't have to kill them they would be his in-laws. That made them special. The fact that Katsuki was one of few to know who he was without a mask made it easy enough for the wide eyed twenty year old to pick up food from a local restaurant. Thanks to his childhood with them, and subsequent stalking of their son, he knew their favorites and picked up something he knew they would enjoy. Slightly more cheerful at the thought of spending dinner with Kacchans parents, the greenette hummed to himself as he slipped into his hideaway, headed for the cell he had prepared just for them. He paused outside of the room and knocked politely-they may be prisoners but it took nothing from him to be polite after all. This would be the first time they saw him without the mask and he wanted to make a good impression. The green-haired villain unlocked the door and walked in,telekinesis quirk holding back the couple. Mitsuki reminded him so much of Katsuki when she was angry, and that resemblance was all over her face right now. He tilted his head and smiled at her, watching anger turn into confusion and then, denial as she recognised him as the little boy that had tagged along behind Katsuki all those years ago. " Hello Masaru-san, Mitsuki-san, It's been a while. I hope I remembered your favorites, right." Izuku spoke casually as he set out the meal on a small table in the corner of the room and took the third seat casually. " You can join me, the food is safe. I'm not planning on killing you. It's just part of a game between me and Kacchan." He smiled again and this time his face was full of childlike innocence. " Kacchan would never kiss me again if I really hurt you." He had realized that when he had heard his rivals' voice over the phone. It was something he would have to think about if Kacchan didn't...but he would. He loved his parents and he loved Izuku. He wasn't entirely lying. he wasn't planning on killing them, and if he had to he would be sure to make it painless. When they didn't move immediately, he frowned in confusion then blushed boyishly. "Oh, right. I'm so sorry." He had forgotten that he was using his quirk to keep them in place, he had trained it into an unconsious ability. "Now you can come join me." he said softly, releasing the two.  The couple exchanged looks until, Mitsuki huffed and crossed her arms, crimson eyes narrowing calculatingly. "Izuku. Your moms been worried about you. You should let us go and let her know you're alive."   Izuku sighed as he visibly popped the seal on a bottle of wine. " Mom will be better off without me for now...one less mouth to feed. " His voice was melancholy as much as he tried to keep his feelings out of it. " Please. come, eat. You must be hungry." The blonde woman snorted, " You're insane if you think we're just going to sit here and eat with you. You kidnapped us. Is this revenge?" Izuku sighed as if put upon, " Revenge? That's ridiculous. I told you, it's nothing serious, just a game. Once Kacchan gets his part done you can go home. You should eat. You need your strength."  He placed a nice rare  piece of steak into his mouth from the third plate he had bought and chewed. " Eat. It's delicious."   The two stared at him increduously. Masaru was the first to move, which surprised Izuku, Mitsuki was normally the forward one. Neither had eaten since he had taken them and he had made a small error with the sleeping gas, they had been out longer than anticipated. The vilian watched Katsukis father move to the table and sit, taking a sip of the wine, Izuku saw a flash of fear in Mitsukis eyes before she hid it. Katsukis parents indeed. " I'm going to trust you for now. You could have killed us whil we were asleep." The quiet man looked at him through narrowed eyes, and Izuku suddenly wondered if some of his father was in Katsuki after all. " But if you harm a hair on my wifes head..." " Relax. Kacchan's working on my present. we'll all be together on my birthday. " He watched Mitsuki settle herself down to eat, never taking her crimson eyes off of him as she started to interrogate him on this "game". That set the tone for the evening. He tried to keep it...homey but he knew neither forgot that they were being held captive. Nor did they truly believe he wouldn't harm them... He had always known that the Bakugous were smart. But the dangerously intense way Mitsuki was looking at him was concerning.As was her constant criticism of his courting methods, once she realized exactly what he was doing.   ____
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saltbabypidge · 4 years
Posted this on the wrong account.
Part one of my fic for the #bakudekubirthdayexchange for CB who I don't know if is on tumblr. I saw someone say they would post theirs chapter by chapter and I kind of like the idea. Especially since I'm waiting for my Ao3 password reset.
Notes: in this AU Izuku didn't gain OFA from Allmight.
Courting a Villian-
The warehouse was silent, save for the drip, drip, drip of the rain and the soft whimpers of the woman bound to the wall. The sole other occupant of the building was waiting on the thin catwalk above for the rest of the players to set the stage. 
Izuku Midoriya-Deku- former hero enthusiast- and currently one of the most dangerous villains Musutafa had ever known- was done playing games. Someone would come busting into his sanctuary soon, and who it was would decide his captives fate. If they had decided to play nice and read his little love letter, he knew exactly who it would be...and if they hadn't, he got to play-it would be fun either way. A shiver of excitement traveled down the emerald haired villains spine, Ground Zero would be here soon ready to fight, and -if he was lucky something far more enjoyable.  The dark grey and green-clad figure rose from his crouch with a soft creak of metal, the catwalk was in disrepair, covered in rust but he was confident that it would do its job. The pale man's lips twitched as he heard a soft sound, neck rolling as he looked to the side. There was no extra light, he had known there wouldn't be, but the heavy tread of combat boots was hard to miss. In one smooth movement, Izuku launched himself over the safety rail, freefalling to land like a cat on the dirty concrete. 
"Welcome, Kacchan"  He rose from his crouch as he spoke, lips spreading into a wide, slightly deranged grin. With a small click of the remote in his pocket the lights came on, illuminating his freckled face, and most importantly, his captive. The villian was far more interested though, in the hero that opposed him. The low light cast shadows over his face, but Izuku could imagine the way his brow creased in anger. Ground Zero was always ten times more attractive when he was angry...Or maybe that's just him being twisted. He had been told he was insane by more than one person-of course they usually ended up dead...but that didn't matter.  Bakugou was the focus of his universe. They had shared a dream, a dream to become the number one hero, but Izuku had been born quirkless. Once All Might himself had told Izuku that he could never be a hero, he had spiraled into a deep depression, he had turned his back on All Might after Kacchans rescue, even though the hero had tried to talk to him again. Being told off for trying to save a friend had been the last thing he'd needed and he was positive that, that was what his idol had had in mind. Watching Katsuki get prepared for the U.A. Exam...being told he would never be a hero- It had broken him. His dreams had been gone.  He had continued to hero chase, and record and theorize by habit, but the fire behind the curiosity was gone. That had all changed when he had stumbled upon his childhood doctor meeting with a group of known villains. 
     / Izukus hand was shaking as he wrote slowly in his notebook, mouth dry with fear. He was going to die. As much as he had thought about it in the wake of his recent setback, being faced with the reality was terrifying. He didn't want to die. He couldn't move other than the delicate scratch of pen across the paper.  A soft shuffling sound came from behind him and his heart jumped with terror, there was an impact against his head...then blackness and he knew no more/
The villain shook his head to clear it, he shouldn't be thinking about the weakling he had been. The Doctor had seen his analytical mind as an asset, had given him a quirk, a way to be useful. Izuku hadn't realized until Katsuki was in his second year at U.A. that the powerful quirk he had been given had been his own that the doctor had stolen from him as a child. It was then that he had decided never to let anyone take advantage of him again. He had left the League and made sure they would never try to take him back. He would become the number one villain, Kacchans foil.  He was more than a little in love with the hero that currently stood in front of him, growling with impatience, but Izuku was standing silent with a crooked grin on his face. Finally, Ground Zero had had enough and stomped forward towards his silent rival, fists crackling menacingly with explosions. 
"What the FUCK are you doing you crazy nerd? You told them to send me and I fucking came. Give me the hostage and crawl back into whatever hole you came out of."
Izuku raised a finger and waggled it back and forth, taking a step back and waving an arm grandiosely in the direction of the struggling woman. "  The wife of....whatever his name is is right there. I haven't hurt a hair on her pretty little head." He twitched a finger and the chain wrapped around the woman's neck tightened. " Yet."
He tilted his head to the side slowly, green eyes meeting masked crimson. " She's not important, just you..." He took a step towards Katsuki. " I needed you to come because you weren't answering my calls" A pout fell over Izukus freckled face " I wanted to ask you out Kacchan...expecially after all of the fun we've had." The metal jangled and tightened again ripping a strangled gasp from the woman.  " Since you wouldn't let me ask you out, I've decided that you get to court me instead." He tilted his whole body to the side and looked at the ash-blonde hero through green bangs. " Doesn't that sound fun? If you agree I'll give her to you as a...faith gift. If you refuse, she dies and you get to tell the head of the Heroes Commission that you let his wife die...so sad for you and your victories" The answering snarl was music to Izukus ears.  He continued quickly before Katsuki could get a word in. " So Kacchan, this is how it'll be... You. court me. Bring me presents...ask me on dates" He waved a hand. " Knit me a scarf" His smirk grew into a grin as he added that little bit of humiliation in...Katsuki hated knitting. Forty-Five calls and over a hundred text messages from various burner phones and Katsuki hadn't responded to a single one. Izuku was feeling a little ghosted to say the least. He knew he'd have to take drastic measures to get what he wanted. 
" You're out of your fucking MIND if you think I'll agree to that bullshit." The blonde had grown better at keeping his temper from effecting his quirk, but Izuku could see the glow of his palms as he clenched them tightly. " I'm not going to act like a fucking girl."
"ah, ah, aaah men can knit too" Izuku waggled his finger again. " Do you really want to lose your perfect streak? I thought you wanted to be number one, Kacchan" He shrugged slowly as his rival seethed. " A hero always wins....isn't that what you said once?"  The green-haired villian started to walk towards the woman on the wall only to be body blocked by Katsuki. A feral grin spread across the villians face, that was more like it. 
He may not have a strength quirk but he was durable, and he'd been through hell in Musutafas underground. He and Katsuki had met each other in battle more than once and had broken even. 
The green-eyed Villian jumped back from the hit to minimize its strength, bringing the power of his mind to bear to keep Katsuki away from him for now. Their usual fight and fuck routine wasn't his aim right now and he knew if they got into a brawl that was exactly what would happen. Izuku could feel the adrenaline singing through his veins pushing him to fight, but he wanted more than that now. 
His hand raised and his captive gagged again. " We're not here for that Kacchan. No fighting this time. Deal or no deal." Was dating him...wooing him so objectionable that Katsuki would let someone die to avoid it? Or was it the scarf thing? It didn't matter. Date or Death. That's what it came down to. Green eyes held crimson yet again, but this time Izuku wouldn't turn away, jaw set in a stubborn line as his captive passed out from lack of oxygen.  Katsuki snarled and punched the scarred villain in the jaw before turning towards the woman. " This is the worst fucking way to ask someone out, nerd. No fucking girly shit but I'll take you on a goddamn date like you want." Ground Zero freed his captive, checking her pulse and throwing a nasty smirk over his shoulder. " Should have known you'd be begging for more after you'd had a taste." The heroes cocky voice sent a shiver of arousal through the villain even as is irritated him.  " Am I begging Kacchan, or do I have you exactly where I want you?" He whispered as he let the hero carry her out the window. Apparently he'd need something a little more convincing to get the kind of reaction he wanted from his obsession. He really wanted that scarf. He wanted Katsuki to make something...show Izuku that he was worth the effort. He had seen a teenager work for hours for her beloved. it was a connection between them, those feelings. He wanted Katsuki to prove he felt something more for him than lust...even though they would always be on different sides and one would kill the other eventually...that was an understanding he knew they had. Katsuki would never let anyone but Izuku kill him, and Izuku refused to let anyone but Katsuki have that honor...but at least they would have now. 
He would need to send a more strongly worded love letter, luckily he knew exactly where to find it. 
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saltbabypidge · 4 years
Copy pasta'd from someone on my main:
Dear MHA fandom,
If you go out of your way to seek out fans or pages of ships you don't like...
YOU are the toxic one
If you argue that your ship is canon and put down others...especially when there has been no ship set sail...
YOU are the toxic one
If you go out of your way to comment negatively on specifically yaoi and yuri ships, OR specifically het ships...
YOU are the toxic one.
If you send letters to anyone involved in the creation or voiceing of the series threatening them to make your ship canon...
Canon is not the be all end all. This is fandom. Fanfiction and fanart were created because people had different visions from the creator and THATS OK. It is FINE to prefer a het ship, It's FINE to ship yaoi or yuri, it's FINE to ship something that makes no sense to the rest of us-One of the biggest Naruto ships involved people who had met ONCE at the time that it was huge af. - Some people don't like specific ship dynamics and thats FINE.
Explain why you prefer a ship and have debates? Awesome.
just don't put people down for what they like, and don't try to force ships on people, because that is when you BECOME the toxicity in the fandom.
If your comment starts " Ugh" or " That's gross" then rethink it and move on.
The people who jump everyone for liking gay ships are just as bad as the yaoi shippers who comment that their pairing is the only real one.
It does not take anything out of your life to ignore it and move on to the ships you do like.It doesn't effect the series as a whole because that will keep chugging on unless people get toxic towarss the creator. Let people enjoy what they enjoy.
If it's creepy because it's straight up pedophilia in every country of the world..scroll on or unfriend the person. Odds are fighting about it is not going to change their opinion- OR they posted it looking for a reaction. Don't give them one.
All in all? Grow up. The general public fandom isn't about just you, It's also not to force the creators to do what you want. It's for everyone to have fun and express things they like. Enjoy different dynamics and new content, bring your imagination to play.
Try not to get so invested in a ship that you miss others that you may like because they have the same characters. You CAN ship more than one ship. It's ok. Really. It's not illegal. It's ok to have an OTP too, but that's a you thing.
What's not ok is attacking anyone over it.
Chill out.
Don't be the toxic one.
Let people have fun.
A fan
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saltbabypidge · 4 years
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go mirko, go!
“keep working hard, rumi. you can be a hero, too!”
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saltbabypidge · 4 years
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Belated Happy Star Wars Day and Revenge of the 5ith. Darth Decay and Grey Jedi Jirou. Im sorry. I vant draw hands for the life of me
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saltbabypidge · 4 years
I don't have accessto anythibg but my tablet, but I wanted to draw a picture of Katsuki for his birthday. Its a little blurry...not sure why. Happy Birthday Bakugo.
[ Im a sucker for undercut Baku...]
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saltbabypidge · 4 years
This fic was created as a pinch hit for the BKDK Katsuki Birthday Exchange 2020 as a gift to @kacchansass #bkdkbirthday
Happy Birthday, Kacchan
Summary: Izuku's trying to do something romantic for Katsukis birthday but Katsukis confused.
Fluff, reminiscing, BKDK, sexual situations.
A/N: Please bear with me, I had a small mishap where the cord to my laptop broke and I was unable to get my progress off of it before the battery died. I had to rewrite it from memory on my phone. The original will be posted when my new cord comes in.
EDIT; I TOTALLY FORGOT. Minor movie spoilers. If you dont want to be spoilered, skip from Bakugou saying " That wasnt our first kiss..." and come back after the italics.
The sun filtered through the curtains, throwing highlights over dark green hair spilling across a black pillowcase. Bakugou Katsuki always made it his goal to wake up before his partner, claiming to like the peace and quiet, but in reality he liked watching the way Izukus nose wrinkled in his sleep. Today, his eyes were caught by his boyfriends freckles, he refused to admit it to anyone else, but to him they were like stars scattered across the sky.
His crimson eyes were soft as they glanced at the clock, growing wicked as he saw the time. The nerd had decided that they would start celebrating his birthday on the nineteenth, so they could have a whole day to themselves. He'd insisted that they be up no later than eight and it was now eight thirty. Katsuki leaned in, brushing a kiss over his boyfriends freckled cheek,, lips following his fingers as he brushed the wild fall of green behind Izukus ear.
" OI, DEKU!"
With a yelp and thud, the peaceful scene was ruined as Izuku flailed and fell in a tangled heap of blankets to the floor of their apartment. Some things never changed, and even after five years of being Pro-Heroes, and living together for four, he never failed to startled the shit out of his lover. Sometimes he wondered if Izuku had a blind spot where he was concerned, he was rarely taken by surprise by anyone else anymore. Blindspot or not, the ash blond would never get tired of the sight of his taller lover flailing like a fish. It served him right for having the audacity to be half a foot taller than him.
" What? Were we called? Kacchan why are you laughing..." Izuku was slowly trying to extricate himself from the blanket, sun warmed muscle dotted with freckles making an appearance as he untangled his arms. He would look like an oversized child as he stood, wrapped in their large quilt as he rubbed sleep crusted eyes, if it hadn't been for the scars that littered his body.
The birthday boy didn't bother answering, he just jerked his thumb at the clock, laughter dying out into a smirk as he watched bleary emerald eyes blink in confusion at the time then widen as coherent thought filtered in. He knew exactly when the light went on because those eyes widened in panic and his boyfriend launched himself towards the dresser, one foot trying to shake off the remainder of the blanket, like a puppy with a wet foot. Clothes launched themselves around the room as he dug through the drawers.
"Why didn't you wake me earlier? Get dressed, I hope we have enough time to do everything now, I tried to plan extra time in case we got distracted or called but..."
"Don't tell me what to do, I'm the birthday boy here, you better not forget that." With a cocky smirk, Katsuki tuned out his nerd as his words devolved into a mutter about time and plans, and the possibility of rain. The soon to be twenty-two year old had no idea what his boyfriend had planned for today, and of course he was fucking curious, but after the sheer disappointment on Dekus face the last time he'd ruined his own surprise, he hadn't even tried to dig. That didn't mean he wouldn't be an asshole. He made sure to stretch, loosening his muscles nice and slow before he started towards the closet to get dressed. He knew those deep green eyes were on him from the first crack of his neck, through the shoulder roll and into the lunge because the mumbled words had trailed into silence.
. " Aren't you getting dressed, De~Ku? We don't have much time right?" Katsuki said with a smirk before dropping his sleep pants and tugging on a pair of black jeans. He wasn't sure what was planned today, but with enough incentive he knew Deku would agree that birthday sex was in order today, as well as tomorrow. Their relationship may have evolved over the years, but they were both very physical people. They tested each other, got stronger and tested each other again, whether in their hero career or in the bedroom.
The blondes mind started to wander as he pulled his shirt over his head, only to have his thoughts interrupted by strong arms sliding around him, pulling him against his boyfriends hard chest. He tilted his head back, one pierced eyebrow raising at the taller male, the smile on Dekus scarred face was stupidly endearing.
" I never gave you your good morning kiss, Kacchan."
He was ready to roll his eyes- he didn't NEED a good morning kiss- when a large warm hand cupped his chin, tilting his head back into position for the taller man to press their lips together. He didn't need a good morning kiss, but he always wanted one. Stupid Deku always knew how to read him, even when he didn't want him to. The kiss should have been awkward, but they'd had years of practice, and their lips slotted together easily, the awkward position non withstanding. Even here, Katsuki was competitive, reaching up to fist a strong hand in his lovers green curls, taking control of the kiss. It was HIS birthday kiss after all, and he'd be the one in charge.
When they finally parted he licked his lips and pulled himself out of Dekus arms. He could feel himself going soft, warmth for his lover welling in his chest, and a smile tugging at his lips.
Bakugou Katsuki did not get soft when the sun was high in the sky. That was reserved solely for late nights and early mornings damnit.
" You're the one in the fucking hurry, get a shirt on and lets go." He knew Izuku was used to his swift mood changes, and the nerd was on some imaginary time crunch, so they should get going before he got even more time obsessed..
The sun was even brighter outside, warming the otherwise chilly spring morning. It flickered through Izukus curls as Katsuki watched him from the passengers seat of their rarely used car. He had no idea where they were headed, so he spent the time watching his boyfriend take turns like a madman. From their personalities, most people would think Bakugou was the reckless driver, anyone who had ever been in a car with the heir of One for All could attest to the opposite. Deku drove his car the way he drove through life, with sheer controlled chaos... Katsuki wouldn't want him any other way
Bakugou Katsuki was in love with Izuku Midoriya. He had finally admitted it to himself after they had been dating for three years. He was just bad at showing it in any normal fashion. Thankfully, the nerd knew him well enough to realize that he wouldn't get many " I love yous" from the explosive ash blond. His contemplation of his boyfriends faults were interrupted by a question.
" Kacchan, what do you want for your birthday?"
Broad shouders shrugged as Katsuki tilted his head to the side. " It's a little late to be asking me that, don't you think Deku~" He smirked. " My birthdays tomorrow. Anyway, I think I told you what I wanted last time you asked,or did you forget, loser" The green haired man flushed crimson as he stopped the car in a parking lot. Katsuki knew he was thinking back to last week when he'd asked that question for the hundredth time while they had been in bed. The crimson eyed pro-heroes smirk widened as he remembered the event himself.
" What do you want for your birthday, Kacchan?" Izuku had been sprawled on top of his boyfriend, knowing the other loved using him as a human blanket. Katsuki had become sick of the question. He didn't need anything for his birthday, so he hadn't even bothered to open his eyes as he moved, smirking as he answered.
"I have everything I want here in my hands"
Izuku Midoriya, six foot seven of broad muscle, and bearer of One for All had let out a surprised, and very unmanly squeak when he felt strong hands grip his ass roughly.
" Yeah, you remember. so stop asking." the blush had said it all. He watched as Izukus brow wrinkled thoughtfully, smoothing out as he turned the car off. " We're at our first stop. Katsuki looked around unimpressed, the lot overlooked the river, but he didn't see anything special about it. There had to be something, or Izuku wouldn't have the excited look in his eye. He wouldn't be grabbing Katsukis hand and dragging him towards the water, wouldn't be fucking LEAPING OVER THE SIDE and dragging the other with him. When they landed- they were pro's and taking a fall like that was nothing-the irritable blond smacked his boyfriend in the back of the head. " Warn me next time! Now what the fuck is to special about this pla...." He paused as he looked around, red eyes narrowing as the broken shoreline brought up whisps of memory.
"...You are a fucking idiot."
A soaked form in green was slammed against the ground with a muffled thud, wet curls sticking to a pale, freckled face as lips pressed hungrily together, relief mixing with adrenaline- ,
The newly minted Ground Zero felt like he couldn't get enough air. He had felt his stomach drop when he had seen his rivals limp body tossed over the barrier toward the water below. They had been chasing this villain for hours, and Deku had been taken by surprise. Katsuki had incapacitated the man with an aggressive AP shot and dove after his partner. The rescue had led to...
"....You're a fucking sap." Katsuki could feel his face heat a little at the memory. It hadn't exactly been their most shining moment.
" Come on Kacchan, it was where we had our first kiss..." Izuku was smiling as he slid an arm around his waist. Katsuki shoved at his chest. " Because you almost died, and I was a dumb teenager... and it wasn't our first kiss." He looked up at his boyfriend with a shit eating grin. Izuku crossed his arms, flustered again.
"I don't remember that one, Kacchan...."
Katsuki did. Visions of a different shoreline flickered through his mind.
Bakugou had landed hard, both of his arms were broken, so his attempts to get up resulted in him flopping like a useless fish. The pain was making his vision fade in and out, hyperfocusing on a mop of green hair. He could feel the thrum of Izukus quirk under his skin as he dragged himself painfully towards his rival. Bakugo Katsuki had dreamed of being like All Might as a child... The man who always won to save everyone, but not like this. Not with a quirk that was not his own...Not when Izuku wouldn't stand beside him. Having his rival as a foil had become important at some point. He rolled to his side, trying to lift his arm, he knew he needed dna to give the quirk back, but he couldn't. He was too weak. " FUCK this shit. take your quirk back you shitty nerd." the explosive blonde could taste blood on his lips and before he could think through what his exhausted brain had suggested, he was suiting though to action and lifting himself with his abdominal s to awkwardly press his lips against Izukus, cracked bleeding lips meeting cracked and bleeding lips as he thought hard about how much he didn't want this god damn quirk. He would make it to the top with his own power, or it wouldn't mean a damn thing....He hoped it was enough, he couldn't keep conscious anymore and slid off of his rival, darkness taking him.
"Yeah, you were out like a light. Fine. he'rs the first kiss we BOTH remember. Why are we here"
Izuku looked sheepish. " I was hoping maybe we could kiss here again, without the near death experience?" The shorter male leaned into his boyfriends reach. " Kiss me, and lets get out of here..." He hated seeing the shuttered look in Izuku's eyes, but he had had nightmares about the incident that had gotten them together for years. He cursed internally, nails digging into his palms as Izuku kissed him softly and they made their way back up to the car. Katsuki punched the car, causing startled green eyes to fly up to his face. " Look...It's cute, but I don't like thinking about you dying." His nerd nodded, shoulders still tense and unsure as he spoke. "The next place we can walk to...so lets get some fresh air."
Katsuki preferred walking if he could,so he nodded and fell in next to his lover, shoulders growing tenser, and teeth gritting in anger as the silence continued. He finally reached out to grab Izukus hand, squeezing it tightly, though he wasn't looking at him. Deku better understand. Katsuki hated PDA with a passion, a kiss or two was fine but he didn't hold hands...unless he thought Izuku needed it. Even after four years of dating, he did it so rarely the public sometimes forgot that the Wonder Duo were a couple at all, something he knew weighed on Izukus mind. Katsuki didn't think that they needed to shout it from the mountaintops, but he was almost ready to, to keep his nerd happy.
The landscape was becoming more familiar as they walked, and Katsuki sighed as they moved past their childhood homes, and Izuku headed towards the school. He moved so he was walking slightly in front of Izuku and crossed his arms
" What is this, a trip down memory lane?" The chaotic being that was his boyfriend and hero partner just gave him a sweet, disarming smile, pulling out two passes into the school as he answered. " Something like that." The explosion user was a little surprised at how well planned this was...whatever it was. At this point he was along for the ride, so he followed his boyfriend out past the school proper, past the dorms where a new class was training to be heroes. They walked, following a path he hadn't seen in years to the mock up of a city, it didn't look any different than he remembered, the place having been repaired time after time. So much had happened here for them...
"I got permission from the school to rent it..."
"Ground Beta..." Ruby eyes met emeralds as they were assaulted by memories.
"Fight me Deku" His emotions were in turmoil. He wasn't strong enough, Izuku had been the one All Might had chosen, not him...and Katsuki had been the one to cause All Might to lose his quirk forever.
Izuku was the only one who could accept and receive those feelings, the only one who could come near him in a fight, and Izuku had still lost to him.
Why? Izuku was weak, but he had been chosen by All Might...Katsuki was weak because he had been taken, but Izuku was weaker than him. The fight had been charged with emotion on both sides, it had been a crux of them overcoming the past and becoming true rivals...and eventually friends and lovers.
Katsuki could see the light of challenge blooming in his boyfriends eyes, and he could feel adrenaline pumping up his spine. They moved like two predators, Pro-heros in their own right as they squared up a few feet apart. It felt familiar, the surrounding, the energy between them, but this time it was without the weight of confusion and sorrow. And the dialogue was different.
"Fight me, Kacchan" Izuku stood, feet apart, hand out in a come-at-me gesture as he waited for Katsuki to make a move.The explosive hero could feel small crackling explosions lighting his palm, as the excitement got the better of him. If this was what Izuku had planned for his birthday present then he fucking accepted. It had been far too long since they'd had a decent spar.
" Come at me, Deku"
Those were the last words spoken until the end of the bout, knowing each other as well as they did, fighting as partners for so long, they knew what the other would be doing intuitively. It was more like a deadly dance than a spar...or, if you were them, foreplay.
Moving on some unknown signal, Katsuki shot himself forward with barehanded explosions, pivoting midair to launch a kick at Deku's head. He felt air whoosh by under him as the taller man ducked and rolled under him, bringing his arm back around to block the retaliating blow. Each blow was met with a counter. The ash blond smirked as an air shot scored a line of blood across his cheek, exes glowing with excitement as he launched himself back to avoid his incredibly fast lover. Narrowed, alert eyes flickered over the battlefield looking for any weakness in his opponent. He saw it before Izuku. Something small tumbled out of Izukus pocket and the idiot dived for it instead of blocking. Katsuki took advantage of his mistake and pinned him face down against the asphalt. He leaned over his boyfriends prone body to whisper in his ear huskily. " I win...again."
He wouldn't have seen the small shiver that ran through the larger mans frame if he hadn't been looking for it. Katsuki was definitely ready for some birthday sex, and from the soft noise that escaped his partner when he ran his tongue over the selfsame ear he had just whispered into, so was Izuku.
So he was floored when his lover pulled away and whipped around, hand out, as if to keep a beast at bay.
Katsuki wanted to growl at getting denied, but the situation was so...stupid he snorted.
"What's wrong, Deku? We've done it in more public spaces and never gotten caught...and I know you wish I'd fucked you here back then..." He moved towards Izuku, gravelly voice seductive. Izuku took another step back.
"Kacchan this isn't what I came here for...I mean it is...but...not..." He was fiddling with the small box that had caused his loss in the first place, then stopped, back straightning. " You...said what you wanted for your birthday...was me right?" His eyes were pleading and Katsuki realized he wasn't just talking about for sex. He growled and looked away, shoulders tense and emotions riding high.
"Yeah....I mean. I already have you, you stupid Deku. You're mine." He reached out and took Izukus free hand, fingers lacing with his. He wanted to know what had the other so nervous. " What is that stupid box."
Katsuki Bakugou had never felt more like an idiot in his life when his boyfriend slid to one knee in front of him and opened the box that he'd been fiddling with.
The box that had plainly been a ring box the whole time.
"So...Yeah. I'm already yours, Kacc....Katsuki." The green haired giant stumbled over the words and shook his head. " Kacchan...So I can't give you anything but more of me...for the rest of our lives." The world seemed to hold it's breath as terrified green eyes met his and it hit him like a tidal wave what this whole day had been about. Izuku was proposing.
The ring sitting in the casing was actually two rings. Two halves of a whole. -Just like them- They were about as manly as engagement rings got, tungstun steel bands with a single gem set in each band, one emerald, one ruby.
The blond didn't know how to process this. Of course he was going to marry the nerd, he'd just assumed he'd be the one asking. He could see his hesitation feeding that stupid insecurity his lover still carried and reached out his hand to snatch the box. He pried the rings apart and handed the one with the green gem out to Izuku with a slightly shaking hand.
"Youre supposed to put this ring on my goddamn finger right? Now give me your left hand Deku." He slid the ring onto his boyfriends left ring finger with a gentleness that belied his rough actions, and felt the slim band slide over his knuckle as Izuku followed suit. He pressed his forehead against Izukus, eyes meeting as a smile flickered across Katsukis lips, before eyes closed and their lips met.
"Happy Birthday, Kacchan"
Katsuki pulled away from the kiss with a snort.
" Shitty nerd getting yourself the better present for MY birthday" Katsuki crossed his arms cockily, the ring on his finger glinting in the afternoon sunlight. " I know I'm just that awesome." He ran his tongue over his lips. " But you did get me one thing I wanted..." The explosive heros arms moved to pull Izuku to his chest. " So I guess it's not too bad..." His hands slid down to squeeze his boyfr...fiances plump ass. " What do you say we celebrate this by giving me the other thing I wanted..." His smirk grew as he felt a twitch against his thigh, even as his boyfriends voice raised an octave. " HERE?"
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