salmoon-blog · 3 months
hiiiii I heard about your essay writing skills
I have this friend who has a huge crush on Jakub Gierszał, can you write an essay about him?
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hiiii 👀 of course, i’m at your service! Jakub Gierszał is an accomplished, talented and I think still a bit underrated polish actor. Due to the fact he spent his childhood in Germany, he is also bilingual which gives him much more job opportunities when it comes to working abroad. He made some projects outside of Poland but still, he built his career there. Quite broad and diverse career in my humble opinion. At the beginning of it he won Shooting Star Award which is prestigious one for promising young actors in Europe. He debuted with film All That I Love in 2008 when he still attended acting classes. However, it was Suicide Room in 2011 which brought him the popularity. He played depressed, entitled, well-off teenager who gets lost in the cyber life. He even dyed his (beautiful blonde! ✨) hair for this role. No wonder why he got two awards and one nomination for it! Later on he starred in a couple of german productions. In the meanwhile he got leading role in Yuma (2012) telling the story of young Zyga who becomes 'Robin Hood’ of his town. In 2014 he got small role in American film Dracula Untold. A project, which seems interesting for me because of the idea behind it, is definitely Lure (Córki Dancingu). It is combination of the fairytale and musical on the basis of polish folklore. I must say that sometimes I still blast the soundtrack from this movie! Overall, 2017 was the year of GIERSZAŁ. He starred in four films and all of them were part of Gdynia Film Festival, let me introduce: Najlepszy (Breaking the limits) - based on the real story of Jerzy Górski, who was addicted to drugs but thanks to sport he fought dark times in his life and won Double Ironman. (Kuba killed it with this role 🤧🤍), next one was Beyond words which takes in the subject of immigration and identity. Spoor is about retired woman who becomes mixed up in a mystery when avid hunters in her mountain village start turning up dead and there are deer tracks next to their bodies. Then there was also film called Zgoda which takes place after the second world war and it is quite tough movie about sacrifice and love. I think Kuba chooses his work really precisely and he needs to be convinced to the project and characters he plays. It was quite chaotic during pandemic, but he even agreed to star in tv series which was quite shocking for me. He had been always denying to take part in tv series because it were films he loved the most. Nevertheless, he played a killer psycho and I was sold, me loves. Recently we could see him in Zadra where he plays a rapper! 👀👀👀 and in Doppelgänger where he plays a spy, the plot takes place in 70s/90s. I’m sorry for being chaotic! I might have omitted something but I said about his most acclaimed projects. I admire Kuba’s energy, he is a modest, kind and adorably shy human being, who doesn’t like attention and he is really private. He just wants to do his job and I admire him a lot. I could listen to him forever, his train of thoughts are always interesting! I think that the future of polish cinema is in good hands. Recommend to look his projects up ✨🤍
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salmoon-blog · 5 months
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Had this au spinning around my head for awhile, finally got some drawings done for it lol
It’s a complete reverse au where instead of the Magnus Institute and Jon being the chosen one, it’s Martin and it’s now a Lonley aligned hotel: The Lukas Hotels, where you’ll never want to leave.
Also don’t mind the layout inconsistencies I am still working on how this hotel looks
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salmoon-blog · 5 months
Absolutely obsessed with TMagP on an existential, soul-shattering level. Re-listened TMA 7 times in 2 years, crying, screaming and staring widemouthed at the wall sitting on the floor
Mr. Sims, you are my god and biggest terror, as well as an inspiration for a poor author such as me
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salmoon-blog · 5 months
Things to remember about Magnus Protocol:
1. It's in a parallel universe. In which, the events that took place during the story of The Magnus Archives podcast, never happened. Due to the fire taking place circa 2000 (I believe it was stated as 1999)
2. Any statements that were given or events that took place prior to the fire? Head cannon what you want at this point. We're two episodes in. Nothing means anything yet.
3. Clearly Jonny and Alex are playing some form of "character". Would it make "sense" if somehow they are are Jon and Martin? Possibly. Probably. Or are they just a way to keep the primary storytellers from the original series in the new show, in a way that doesn't murder "established canon". Either way, Nester or Chorris ship fans stand up!
4. The entities? Avatars? Artifacts? Rituals? Anything? They might not even remotely apply here. I believe both Alex and Jonny have said that you don't need to have prior knowledge of The Magnus Archives to enjoy Protocol. Will it help? Fucking maybe? Or not?
5. It is a podcast.
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salmoon-blog · 5 months
Lmao my TikTok was too long to upload here so I’m just gonna retype it all out
Chester and Norris: Are they really Jon and Martin?
Wrong question imo! The BETTER question is: How MUCH of Jon and Martin are Chester and Norris?
The fact is these programs have SOME link to Jon and Martin, Jonny and Alex would not be voicing them otherwise, so what it comes down to is how much of a link?
Because it could be that it’s ONLY their voices. Annabelle explained to Jon that the tapes belonged to the Web, and that by “taking his voice” Jon was therefore bound to the Web and the other fears by extension. It’s entirely possible that when the Fears left Archives’ universe, they brought Jon (and Martin as he was also on the tapes) voices over with them, but JUST the voices. Nothing else. It’s just a coat of paint over the entities methods of collection, Chester and Norris aren’t Jon and Martin anymore than glasses are the person wearing them
But I’m not sure that’s the case. There’s a lot of holes there. The main one being: why? If it is just hollow voices, then why? What’s the purpose of the fears using them? It’s only been two episodes, so it might be answered later, but let’s talk about the second possibility
Chester and Norris ARE Jon and Martin, they just aren’t aware. When Martin “cut the tether” in episode 200, he didn’t cut the Fears away from Jon, he cut the Fears away from the world and at that point, as the Pupil of the Eye, Jon was part of the fears. Since Martin was in the panopticon when they went, he went too.
And now we have a disembodied Jon and Martin existing in a dazed but still hungry state. They seek out whatever’s familiar and since there’s no Magnus Institute, they go to the OIAR, get into their system, and read out any “real” statements they can find. Feeding off of them.
In this possibility, Jon and Martin are effectively asleep. They aren’t aware of what they’re doing really, just going by their new instincts/nature. But I think the more they feed, the more conscious they’ll become, and we’ll start to Chester and Norris break script. Stutter over a word. Add words. Things that a text to speech program simply CAN’T do even if glitched to shit
What complicates this possibility is the fact that Alice said they only showed up a year ago when it’s implied the OIAR has existed much longer than that as well as the fears in this world. It could be they move from place to place feeding off what they can, and when that’s bled dry, they move somewhere else? If they’re as intertwined with the fears as this theory implies, they could exist across infinite universes, staying alive like this
I’m not sure! It’s super interesting tho. I think the saddest ending would be if it’s never really answered, and Jon becomes, at least in some ways, a mystery
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salmoon-blog · 5 months
OKAY with The Magnus Protocol airing tomorrow, here’s my understanding of the tagging system!
TMA = The Magnus Archives, please don’t tag Magnus Protocol posts with TMA unless it actually involves both
TMAGP = The Magnus Protocol, not using TMP as that already exists in the Star Trek fandom
TMAGP Vague = Tag for vaguing about the newest episode for patrons who get the episodes a day early
Magpod = Catch-all tag for all things Magnus
Any others I missed?
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salmoon-blog · 5 months
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SAM: Uhhh, Alice? // ALICE: Yeah? // SAM: I think the text to speech AIs are in love with each other. // ALICE: Heh. Chester and Norris started flirting mid-paragraph again? // SAM: A-again? // ALICE: Ya, they do that when they get side-tracked by outside data. It's just a bug, wait it out. // SAM: Wha??
Could you imagine
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salmoon-blog · 5 months
Ok ok, I'm into it. I love this new format, so much more flexibility and opportunity for cool stuff. I have like a million thoughts that I can't organize into anything coherent yet.
Very interesting how they've incorporated Jonny and Alex's voices. It is Jon and Martin? I'm guessing that's the implication. Fascinated (and a bit nervous) to see where that goes. I wonder who the third voice is. Obvious guess is Elias/Jonah but who knows. So much stuff was set up in these first two episodes i feel like I need to relisten and like fucking take notes or something.
Absolutely love Gwen and Colin.
Two things I find interesting. Repeated references to the fact that they can quit. The whole thing starts with someone quitting and multiple people say, well why don't you just quit? Interesting when a big plot point of Archives was their inability to quit.
Second thing is Alice's telling Sam that the only way to deal with the job is to not pay attention and forget everything you hear. I'm very interested to see how that develops especially for Alice's character arc. It seems like Sam is not going to take that advice.
Lastly, very worried about Alice's brother. We all know what happened to the last brother of a main character in a Magnus podcast. 😬
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salmoon-blog · 5 months
jmart? nah, I've never heard of it. I only know Norris and Chester. call it NoChest
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salmoon-blog · 5 months
Ruins of The Magnus Institute FACTS WE KNOW:
Someone (who runs an urban spelunking forum 👀👀👀) marked it as “cleared,” which has led to a lack of exploration
Pictures don’t upload to the internet and also just fucking. disappear.
People leave with a weird sense of paranoia
Scorch marks from fire 20 years ago 1999 (FIRE? 20 years ago??? Web bond gertrude/agnes hilltop road tree????????)
Third floor mostly gone
Feeling like doors were gonna close and TRAP YOU INSIDE
All! The! Fucking! Papers! In! The! Archive! Are! Gone! FUCK!!!
Old graffiti: symbols - also found on an empty wooden box???
Gross stains all over the floor (hello smooshed worms)
Only images posted (after graffiti images were promised) were of gross/gory Eyes
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salmoon-blog · 6 months
No, no no no no, hold. Stop the story.
Stanley, I need you to be honest with me, now more then ever. Do you. . . Really get no bitches? None? Stanley I need you to be serious with me right now. Surely this is a joke-
It's. . . It's not? I- Stanley, I've given you story after story, adventure after adventure, and you still aren't getting any bitches? I gave you a wife Stanley, I gave you bitches! Are you just not appreciating my work for you?! Stanley, I'm starting to get seriously concerned for your health. If you still can't get any bitches after this I don't- I can't help you Stanley. Let's just- okay. Here, let's do something different this time. Okay? Okay.
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salmoon-blog · 6 months
Finally some art of my favourite song on this planet
So rain down on me
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Will you cleanse me with pleasure?
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salmoon-blog · 6 months
The Four Vessels
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I finally finished them all! I am really happy i got to make all of these!
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salmoon-blog · 1 year
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Mother spore
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salmoon-blog · 1 year
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The holy trinity of outsiders finding out stuff about TMA
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salmoon-blog · 1 year
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The bad boys are back in town
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salmoon-blog · 1 year
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i have a collection of posts that remind me of convex that i save to draw them as later
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