saintcitysinners · 1 year
Dear Saint City Sinners, 
Do you remember the last time you drove a fast car? Do you recall the almost-too-good of a feeling going down the highway late at night just by yourself and the loud music vibrating through the car? I do. Well I shouldn’t say I recall doing it myself but the last time I saw a car racing down the road, I must say it was a special one. In honour of this weekend’s Grand Prix, let’s go down memory lane to last year, on the weekend of June 18th. Whoever said metropoles tend to turn to a bore over the summers clearly missed seeing Montreal's fanatics of formula one overtaking the island.
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I remember the city getting particularly warmer that weekend. It could have been summer finally settling in or the global warming doing its thing but if I were to point a finger, it would be straight ahead to our Montreal very own "it girl" Mattie Alderidge for bringing back the heat from her “work” trip in Monaco. Let’s give her first some credit for the efforts she’s been making on her [daddy’s] production team.
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On paper, it was a perfect lap but behind the scenes we all know you tried to blur out the extra time you spent at the pit stop on a certain driver’s lap. Looking at your record, we know your go-to stops tend to go down the road of “my brother’s friends” but it seems this year you beat your own pal mares now that you’ve been spotted with his teammate. Well, inner circle are your fortes after all.. 
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Speaking of your copy, I believe at this time last year, Montreal’s precious golden boy Vince Alderidge was going down the fast lanes in his signature black McLaren. We all cope in different ways and if any of you had to struggle in the eye of the public, I’m sure you would all wish to disappear. But if there’s one thing Vince Alderidge proved us wrong, it's that he actually thrives off by being the centre of attention. Isn’t it right V? Although I’m sure you have an interesting PR answer to this question, it isn't the most pressing one we have on our minds...Tell us Vince, what worked the best for you: speeding in circles or rushing through your lines before dawn? 
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saintcitysinners · 1 year
Dear Saint City Sinners, 
I hope the last capsule brought back your memory of last year's events and with that said, Welcome to the debut of this year’s Canadian Grand Prix, Formula One Weekend. We all love games don’t we? The ones you play with your friends on a rainy day, the ones you pretend not to play with your frenemies and the ones you play only to prove you are better than everyone. If the Formula One Grand-Prix wasn’t creating enough excitement and tension already, then the Alderidge Annual Garden Party certainly is giving our infamous socialites something more to look forward to. I heard our fierce drivers won’t be the only ones taking on a challenges because it seems that dear old daddy Miles Alderidge is setting up the twins with quite their own in letting them host an Alderidge Garden Party for the very first time. Lucky for them, they have on their side the secret weapon to any successful socialite party... and I am not talking about their daddy’s contacts. In fact, give it up for Saint City’s “one and only” and “life of the party” Mister Xander Voss. Rumour goes, that Voss is actually making his grand return for the occasion after some time spent in a Spanish “resort”.  In difficult times, friendships are often what keeps us going and if there’s one thing we must give to the twins, it is their unconditional loyalty to their best friend Xander. On the topic of European destinations, our trio of nepo-babies were spotted last week on June 10th leaving Ibiza just in time for the weekend …although it looks like the trip back to Montreal was for the boys only.
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Now, do you care to explain your pit stop in Monaco Mattie or should we just assume it was just another "annual" event that happens to be around the same time as last year? Oh, and if we were to assume that was indeed the case, who should we think of : Rarri's driver number one or two?
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But fear not my dear Saint City Sinners, I come reporting the good news that they were all seen together as of tonight at Vince's Lounge Club. Nothing shady.. except for a surprise guest  I do not believe the twins expected. The last time I saw Philippe Clemonte anywhere near them was on that night where Clemonte bought Vince's competitor lounge club and became his business rival. So What is it Vince? Is V still for Vendetta or Vulnerability for your ex "brother"?
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Leaving you off with this last tip, guess who else will make a surprise appearance ?! That's right, whoever you think I am, then be reassured because there's nowhere I'd rather be than at tomorrow night’s event. May the best win.
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saintcitysinners · 1 year
Dear Saint City Sinners, 
They say you should always keep your friends close and your enemies closer. If we've learnt anything from this weekend's top drivers is that everything is about the "lines' ' and especially those only a few will dare to cross to get a trophy. Now here is what you were all waiting for and shall receive my dear Saint City Sinners. Here is my report on the Aldridge Garden Party starting with the imposing, private and elegant stone cold Alderidge residence.
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The party itself combined a mix of socialites, business associates and F1 drivers. It was a perfectly painted picture of frenemies playing in a courtyard. Taking the lead as per family tradition, Vince addressed the guests in his signature modulate and plummy tone.“Ladies and gents, it is an honour to stand here in front of you as a first time host to my family’s annual garden party. I won’t go on for too long because if I’m being honest, I haven’t practice this speech long enough with my PR team!” The crowd obviously breaks into laughter even though it wasn’t that funny. “In all seriousness, it is a pleasure for us, Alderidge, to welcome you into our home and celebrate this weekend's Grand Prix. Enjoy the evening and a toast to our drivers!” Vince smirked and raised his glass in union with his guest before having a sip of champagne. The rest of the evening for our trio of nepo-babies was on brand to each of their characters : Vince spent it shaking hands and then shaking off any traces off the bottom of his nose. Mattie spent it refilling her glass of devil’s wine, pretending she wasn’t upset that her brother merely mentioned her name at her own party.
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Xander Voss spent it as always in the pool house playing devil’s advocate with a preppy “closeted” business intern. Speaking of the devil, I must admit in crossing a line but only for the sake of witnessing two interesting conversations. As the party was dying down, I heard a something that could have raised the dead. It seems the last time we saw Mattie in Monaco she wasn’t playing hide and seek with Rarri’s drivers, she was playing “who’s more likely to backstab Vince" and now that I’ve received video proof of Clemonte arriving at her hotel… I'd say both were.
That might explain the “old flame” cliché conversation I heard Mattie and Philippe Clemonte having at the event. I must also admit having a few Gin & Tonic myself, but I have reasons to believe it went along the lines of Mattie’s taut voice saying “My name was never supposed to be on the lounge’s buying contract Clem'' followed by Clemonte's husky tone “I know..but why is it you’ve always shown me more loyalty than you have to Vince?” as he took a step closer to her face. But that’s not even the half because it seems somehow Vince caught onto their littles games. If Mattie and Phillippe were keeping secrets than so did Vince and Xander. I heard them having a similar talk with their business associate "Congrats gents, you are almost the new owners of the William Gray Hotel, I’ll just get your sister’s sign—” Vince interrupted him as he lit up his cigar and said with a matter-of-fact tone  “No, that won’t be necessary William, thank you.”
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Watch out F1 drivers, you might be playing frenemies on the race tracks for entertainment but the last time I saw the Alderidge twins competing, we got served hell of a race to deep ends.
Ps: If I have reasons to believe in what I heard, it's because I do in fact have the voice recordings. I’m playing a game on a very fine line with some very powerful people so I won’t expose it. Yet... Goodbye for now Saint City Sinners.
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