saferalonc · 3 years
cause i can't keep up with 4 blogs, karl is gonna be on my multi @lostcausc . i'm planning on moving all the threads there!
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saferalonc · 3 years
my favorite part of wotow lore is that werewolves have a Dad / Mom instinct. especially towards their youth but sometimes it spreads to others they care about. they love to protect but also teach and pass down their knowledge and guide and just .... it's amazing
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saferalonc · 3 years
you should all know "you wouldn't wear someone else's jewelry. though you wouldn't object to buying it with the money you made stealing someone else's jewelry." is a 100% canon line about karl. and as elena roasts him like this, his eyes GLITTER. help
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saferalonc · 3 years
bravebartender​ >> CAMI
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She didn’t even want to be here. She had said she was going to avoid the hell out of the situation for the day until everyone was recovered from their almighty hangover, but because of the person she was, well.. here they were. Too nice for her own good, as always. In all fairness, Cami had plans the night before with Klaus and he probably wouldn’t have even known (until later) that his sisters didn’t get home until god knows what time that morning from the night before if not for her. It was kind of her fault, in a way. Which is why she had been trying to calm him down, to no end. Freya looked like her head was going to explode, Rebekah was extremely quiet until she had to run and violently throw up in the en suite with the door open, Klaus was yelling up until whatever spell the Mikaelson witch just uttered took effect. “Oh, this? Yeah, 24/7. Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it. Eventually.”
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              He’s in New Orleans for Elijah, the only reason he does – while he’s a fan of a bit of a thrill in life, there’s a line between fun and stupidity. The middle of a supernatural war belongs to the latter. And, like clockwork, it’s chaos that gets him untangled from his lover – though when they leave Elijah’s bedroom and arrive at the scene of the crime, it’s not exactly the kind of chaos he was expecting. With hair messier than he’d usually allow, he watches the scene unfold. “Ah.” The hangover sisters, the almighty Klaus throwing a fit, Elijah rushing in to stand in between Freya and Klaus ( seems he realized he’s been muted ). “I guess that’s why he’s always so stressed out.” His eyes fall on his boyfriend before returning to Cami. “Would you like to get some – “ He glances at his Rolex ( not stolen but paid for with stolen money ). “Lunch? It’s right about time and they seem occupied. Besides, it’d be rude of us to intrude on sacred family time.” A glint of amusement flickers through his eyes.
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saferalonc · 3 years
fcmilyloved​ >> JEREMY
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         “Very well. There is no form or thing to say that enables you to leave the pack. You can’t just leave. Ask Elena, if you want proof.”
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              A long PAUSE. “ – I don’t remember agreeing to that. Don’t you think you should warn people BEFORE they join?” He shakes his head. “I’d ask Santos, if he was less dead. He left.”
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saferalonc · 3 years
fcmilyloved​ >> JEREMY
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             “Again, there’s a very obvious answer to that. Perhaps you’d like a hint, Karl?”
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               “No, I want AN ANSWER. I don’t know about you, Jeremy, but that’s what I usually ask a question for.”
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saferalonc · 3 years
fcmilyloved​ >> JEREMY
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              “What do you mean, NOTHING? How do you leave the pack then??”
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saferalonc · 3 years
fcmilyloved​ >> JEREMY
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           “That would also be a ‘no.’”
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              “What do you accept, then?”
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saferalonc · 3 years
fcmilyloved​ >> JEREMY
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            “There’s a pretty obvious answer.”
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               “Ah, you accept verbal resignations! That’s handy.”
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saferalonc · 3 years
fcmilyloved​ >> JEREMY
@saferalonc​ said:  would you accept resignation papers @ jeremy
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              "But how will I LEAVE THE PACK, then?!"
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saferalonc · 3 years
@firstbornwitch - freya m/ikaelson, to, witch. main blog and priority. the one blog i will be most active on, with frequent replies, where you can catch / write with me the easiest.
low priority blogs,
aka blogs i'll jump on from time to time, when i have the muse for the particular character, but they won't have consistent activity:
@saferalonc ( karl marsten, bitten/wotow, werewolf ), @lostcausc ( leah m/ikaelson, to, oc, vampire ), @vcwmade ( rebekah m/ikaelson, to, TEST muse, vampire )
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saferalonc · 3 years
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"that guy has never figured out which side of our fence he's on."  "oh, he's figured it out, that's exactly why he takes us out to fancy dinners and updates us on his mutt kills. he's hoping we'll forget which side of the fence he's on."  "not likely. a mutt is a mutt and KARL MARSTEN IS DEFINITELY A MUTT. a dangerous mutt."
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saferalonc · 3 years
@loyalwolf​ anon >>  karl the emo teen /anonymous
random asks
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              A GROWL. “ – is that really how you choose to speak to your elders, Nicholas?”
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saferalonc · 3 years
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Karl is a BORN WEREWOLF. Note: I will place him in different lores but one thing I’m keeping in all verses is that he can fully change into a wolf at will and that werewolves have the urge to maim / eat people that they have to fight. Whether he must change on Full Moon will depend on the verse.
THE WEREWOLF SOCIETY OF WOTOW IS PRETTY FUCKED UP. There are the packs, who are in charge, and then there are Mutts ( who Karl is ). Packless wolves are pretty much treated like second rate citizens by the Pack. Karl was born in the time when the Pack would kill Mutts on sight. While that changed during his life, Mutts are still not able to hold territory and are forced to live on the move. This has caused a lot of resentment in Karl, as he has spent his entire life without a home.
Karl never knew his other and his father was pointlessly murdered by Malcom Danvers, a Pack wolf, when Karl was 16. Since then, he was entirely on his own.
NOTE: while obviously this sort of werewolf society won’t be a thing in all fandom verses, I will always write Karl as a packless wolf who, for one reason or the other, isn’t very fond of packs. Full werewolf lore will be found HERE ( once I write it lol )
He is A PROFESSIONAL THIEF, specializing in jewels but there’s little he can’t steal. His dad taught him how to steal, when Karl was still a kid. First a way of surviving, Karl has grown to like it. He has a reputation of being excellent at it and is sometimes hired by other supernaturals.
He’s also known as a source of supernatural knowledge, especially about other werewolves but not limited to that. He knows people. He knows many people. He also knows more than he should.
But IF YOUR MUSE IS A WEREWOLF, they will most likely know him for his reputation as an excellent fighter … and a bit of sociopath ( he’s not one but that’s what people say about him ). When arriving in a new city, Karl tends to invite all the Mutts in the area for a fancy dinner, pays the bill and then tells them to get out of the town. If they refuse, he kills them at midnight. ( this behavior will be verse dependent )
He’s always well dressed, usually well-spoken, drives expensive cars … it doesn’t show he’s essentially homeless. It’s all a front; a way for Karl to blend in between humans, charm them and hide the beast within. But it’s all an act. Underneath, he’s ruthless and violent – but also way more vulnerable and capable of good.
He joins an Uprising against Jeremy’s pack and, years later, the pack. So in some verses I might write him as a part of the pack too but he’ll never fully fit in the pack life
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saferalonc · 3 years
me: i'm gonna write A BRIEF summary of karl / wotow lore for those unfamilar with it
the "brief" summary: 460 words and counting
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saferalonc · 3 years
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Bitten Appreciation Week ↳ Day 6 - Favorite villain(s): Karl Marsten
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saferalonc · 3 years
fcmilyloved​ >> NICK
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           Sometimes, Nick has to ask himself what the FUCK he’s doing. Seriously, what the actual fuck? If he lays down the facts in their simplest forms ( he likes karl, he doesn’t like his ‘friends.’ he’s sticking with his ‘friends’ and ignoring karl ) he knows that he looks like a lunatic. Hell, he can only imagine how disappointed his dads would be if they knew ( he’s so disappointed in himself already. ) All logic and common sense tells him that his friends are no good, and he should be with Karl, and if he’s honest, that’s what he WANTS. But whenever he goes to say anything; fear takes hold and he just can’t. It’s OFFICIAL! Nick Sorrentino is a massive fucking coward. ( just another word to add to the list of things he is. stupid, moron, thick, pretty, easy - coward. ) “No - that’s not -” it’s not it, he wants to be seen with karl, he wants to hold his hand, go on dates - do all that gooey romantic stuff. “I just don’t know what to DO, Karl. If I say the wrong thing then they’ll hit harder at you.” Sure, Nick, make it seem like you’re not terrified of what you’d be without those people ( he’s had them for years. ) God, he really is as stupid as they say he is. Maybe if he was actually smart, he could think of a solution. Maybe if he was brave, he could just tell them to shove it. “Fuck. I’m such an idiot.”
             He wasn’t angry at Nick before ( hurt, yes. disappointed, maybe. but not angry ) but something about what Nick says makes his temper raise. “DON’T.” His tone is steel, eyes turning to ice. “Do whatever you want, Nicholas, but don’t you fucking dare act like you’re hanging around with them to PROTECT ME. You’re protecting yourself. Which I get. It’s every man for himself and I don’t need you to defend my honor.” But he wishes Nick would. That someone, anyone, would. All his life he’s been alone and he’s tough as nails, but it’d be nice – just once – to soften up. “You’re the one who started this conversation, and I gave you a way out.” He said it’s okay, didn’t he? But the more they talk, the less okay he feels with all of this. “And look, I’m not telling you to drop them or anything. Or to come out – you stay in the closet as long as you need. But if you came here to feel sorry for yourself and for me to make you feel better, GET THE HELL OUT.”
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