sabrinaxinigo · 6 years
My heart hasn’t felt this happy in a long time but my walls are still up until I get my shit together even though I want to break down every inch of them for you. 
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sabrinaxinigo · 6 years
Here we go again.
It’s been 7 years, dude. I cannot believe we’re back at it again. There seems to be some hope to our little story, some reassurance to those feelings I once had for you. However, if this finally works out and my thought in finally meeting you actually comes out the way I hope it does ... I don’t know how I’m going to be able to bounce right back up because at that very moment, I will fall for you like the way I did when we were 15 years old. I hate you. I hated those feelings you gave me then and I hate the feelings you can potentially give me once again. Get my hopes up, I dare you. If you do, I’m done with you. For good this time.
I just got out of a relationship that literally emotionally drained me. So, I’m tired of the games. I’m tired of the lost hope. I’m tired of the helplessness. I have too much shit to do for myself to worry about someone who isn’t even going to do me any good in the future. So, I’m cautious with you, but my mind is open to you once again. Please don’t disappoint me. 
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sabrinaxinigo · 6 years
What would life be like if we weren’t constantly faced with new challenges? How would we grow? How would we improve, learn, and develop? Imagine how boring life would get. With nothing new to push us to our limits, how would we ever expand? So, take on new challenges with open arms. Allow them to teach you and help you to grow.
Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin (via thepowerwithin)
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sabrinaxinigo · 6 years
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sabrinaxinigo · 6 years
The person you’re meant to be with will never have to be chased, begged or given an ultimatum.
Mandy Hale (via wordsnquotes)
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sabrinaxinigo · 6 years
Not everybody loves you. But the right people who you want to be loved by love you. Know that.
suir (via islandofsuir)
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sabrinaxinigo · 6 years
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sabrinaxinigo · 6 years
You are far in distance but close to my heart.
badaax, writing prompt #65: write a ten-word-story (via wnq-writers)
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sabrinaxinigo · 6 years
please like me or love me even I’m not so romantic and perfect as you expect me to be and this’s not a desperate cry for attention and help more a distorted version of a galactic narcissus mirrored in solitary magic imagination
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sabrinaxinigo · 6 years
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sabrinaxinigo · 6 years
Bittersweet Come to me in all of your disheveled sorrows And with that the weight of every burden Oppressing your already tender heart, For I will not let go of your hand. Come to me in all of your exhaustion From using every last bit of strength To hold your head high; Here, you may rest. Come to me in all of your remorse, Show every shameful bruise that blackens your skin; I will turn on a light to show you That your silhouette is still the most beautiful. There’s no need to run when you feel your heartbeat. My dear, loving you has been bittersweet.
Emma Hill, writing prompt #67: write about an almost relationship, which broke your heart (via wnq-writers)
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sabrinaxinigo · 6 years
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sabrinaxinigo · 6 years
…and I needed relief from myself.
Mary Szybist, Incarnadine: Poems (via wnq-writers)
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sabrinaxinigo · 6 years
There are some things about myself I can’t explain to anyone. There are some things I don’t understand at all. I can’t tell what I think about things or what I’m after. I don’t know what my strengths are or what I’m supposed to do about them. But if I start thinking about these things in too much detail the whole thing gets scary.
Haruki Murakami (via quotemadness)
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sabrinaxinigo · 6 years
1. It will get better. I promise all these problems will be stories one day and you’ll laugh at them thinking how silly you were. 2. Don’t make promises you can’t keep. If their laugh isn’t music to your ears or you don’t see the whole world in their eyes, don’t promise to love them forever. 3. Your grades don’t define you. The test you almost failed won’t matter in 10 years, what will matter is how good of a person you are. 4. However, don’t ignore your education. Education is one of the most powerful weapons you can ever have. Read as many books as you can and never ever stop learning. 5. Listen to your mother, I promise whatever she advises you is probably the best for you. No one truly wants the absolute best for you as much as your mother. 6. Never ever comment on anyone’s appearance, if they can’t fix it in 5 minutes. Criticisms stick and they will see that there’s something wrong with them everytime they look in the mirror, even if it for a split second. 7. Compliment people as much as you can, kindness goes a long way in such a cruel world. 8. Never ever forget where you came from no matter how high you reach, be as humble as you can, because you can lose everything in a second and you won’t have anywhere to go except back home. 9. If they want to leave for no reason, hold the door open for them. If they think you don’t deserve an explanation for why they’re leaving, then they don’t deserve a second of your time. 10. Love yourself, love yourself, love yourself. I can’t stress this enough, it is a long process, but every time you see a flaw in yourself, learn to love it, then watch yourself slowly change it.
Reem, writing prompt #62: list 10 pieces of advice you’d give yourself (via wnq-writers)
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sabrinaxinigo · 7 years
Not everything is supposed to become something beautiful and long-lasting. Sometimes people come into your life to show you what is right and what is wrong, to show you who you can be, to teach you to love yourself, to make you feel better for a little while, or to just be someone to walk with at night and spill your life to. Not everyone is going to stay forever, and we still have to keep on going and thank them for what they’ve given us.
Emery Allen (via perrfectly)
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sabrinaxinigo · 7 years
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