ryokos-hammock-blog · 5 years
After Closing Hours
I've been obsessed with anything ibvs related lately and I wanted to experiment doing a fanfictions for ships that I like. I might do more Chrisaacs and I'm super hyped. Credit goes to @onebizarrekai For blessing us with the ibvs crew >:"3
"So, this is the end huh?"
  Chris whispered, clutching the strap of his back pack like it's his lifeline. The pain was quite visible in the youth's heterochromatic eyes as he was having a silent dilemma.
He didn't expect such a cliche scene to play in his life. Where the protagonist sees his teary eyed beloved for the last time before departing to the changed setting.
However the male's companion was abnormally calm, his hands tucked inside the pockets of his jeans. Sheltering his talented hands from the cold mist of 4 am in the morning.
Although unfazed he took note that the other's knitting eyebrows were giving  involuntarily exposure of emotions. He decided to not mention it as he wanted to make this as painless and sweet as possible.
The artist infront of him shuffled under his gaze,his disheveled hair bundled up with a cheap hair tie he most likely found lying around his house, while he was dressed in what Chris could relate to being an alternative for pajamas. It was almost like he wasn't ready-
But to be fair
Both of them clearly didn't plan for this sudden parting.
Sighing deeply his mind was conflicted. Was this really the last time he'd see him? How long can he keep sane without him in his life?
He hated how cheesy he was turning out to be. But it's not like he can keeps stoic about this too.
The taller made up his mind as he moved closer, closing the gap between them, bidding his final action of a farewell.
"I'm glad you made it!"
Drew greeted the young adult jubilantly as he draped his arms around his old school mate.
Rubbing the back of his neck, Chris was barely keeping up with the surprisingly taller friend. Puberty definitely hit him hard, the paler was almost jealous.
"Oh Lookie here , you're still alive Jackson?" His companion's bitter half entered the scene smug as ever. Not only did he managed to compete with Drew's height he was seemingly more intimidating.
"Hey Nev!"
Chris spoke grinning, he hadn't said that name in ages.
Joining his brother's side they started to converse and catch up on what they were up to all these years. Wasn't that what they were supposed to be doing in school reunions?
Cross observed both of them while they were sitting on the bar counter. The brothers sandwiched him in between their pillar like figures.
"This is so bOringggG g g!" the child behind him whined as he floated dramatically just besides the bartender who was polishing a few shot glasses.
Cross decided to ignore him for now. Tolerating the phantom cursing him with words only he could hear.
Speaking of the event.
It was his first actually, since he rarely got the time. He kinda felt guilty, but then again it's not like he could control his situation.
Cross shook his head from the useless thoughts flooding his senses and continued to keep his attention to the siblings who were talking about their lives.
The night went on quite normally.
He wished he could've seen more people there too though. However Edward was in Dubai with his family for a vacation. The information expert Barry on the other hand was currently out of town to God knows where. And Dez...well...was traveling around the world with her new wife,or as she calls. 'her waifu' that surprisingly didn't need summoning.
Nevin took note of his yearning aura, studying his tense figure closely and observing his dropping eyes.
Tired of seeing his companion like this he silently let his fingers dance on his screen's keyboard planning whatever miracle he could pull off.
It had been hours since he set foot inside the building and he was fairly drunk. But to be honest who wasn't?
The two finally dismissed themeselves after exchanging phone numbers with Cross' new number. Nevin raised a thumbs up on him before leaving, foreshadowing something he might be too tired to think about.
I mean, it had been a long night.
But he refused to leave.
At least not like this.
"I don't think he's here." Charlie appeared in front of him upside down, blocking his view of vision.
"Who?" He replied back to the ghost who slumped his shoulders behind him in frustration.
The scowl enough on the child's face made the taller sigh. He can't even feign ignorance about him at this point.
Charlie continued to hover all over Cross making a mini orbit as the other drank, hoping to forget.
The night ended, it was already past midnight and his former classmates were decreasing minute by minute. He was sure he had seen everyone inside the facility at least once or twice since he was near the main exit.
And yet he couldn't spot him.
"Let's call it a night!" A new voice consoled him, and this time it wasn't the brat scolding his arrogance.
It was him, his pessimistic ways. The will to let his efforts go to waste just to achieve stability again.
Obviously even he had enough of his bullshit ways. Yet he couldn't move from his seat, his stubborness left him glued to the rotating chair. Hoping that a certain someone would assault his silence and occupy the cold seat besides him.
"Wow isn't this quite the sight."
The taller boy tapped his feet repeatedly on the cold sidewalk catching the other's attention. He had finally given up. He was already outside the building , ready to sulk and find an opportunity to repeat this process again. And yet fate was playing hard to get with him.
He wasn't expecting this at all.
Isaac was currently squatting outside the hotel entrance he was in the whole time. He was dressed in a familiar white hoodie with a black accent holding sunglasses dearly in his chest.
Was his drunk state really this persistent?
This 'imaginary' friend smirked rising from his position locking eyes with Jackson.
Sadly he didn't grow that much so he had to look up.
"Hey C. It's been a while isn't it?"
And there it was his voice. Like a recorded message from the past, the same tone and pronounciation, the splitting image of Isaac Beamer.
The other leaned his side to the wall supporting his tilted state
"How long have you been waiting here?"
"That's Irrelevant." He played with the heels of his shoes while finger gunning.
"Wow Edward is really rubbing off on you huh?" The two chuckled in unison remembering a bit of their memories regarding the former school king.
They had a lot of memories too together right?
However Chris wasn't sure.
Whether the boy...no man in front of him was actually his old best friend.
But he can't prove that can he? Cause he had long forgotten how their conversations worked and how their personalities clashed and clicked together.
Cross felt guilt consume him again.
"You look sad, I can't blame you." His grin faltered into a small frown. He then proceeded to put the dark sun glasses on despite the moon basking in the darkness.
"After all you left your belongings in South California. They were, very lonely without you."
Both didn't know how they ended up in each other's arms, But they certainly didn't care as they relished in a warmth they thought they've both forgotten. Jackson finally finding satisfaction with his fingers entangled in the other's untied locks.
"Welcome home Chris."
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