rweiruterignvdfiobn · 2 months
Aerti Reading of No Promises to Keep
So, new FF7 theme song, new group of lyrics to analyze, debate about Who It's About. While I'm fairly certain it's about all the people who Aerith came to know and who care for her, I can't help but feel that they lyrics point towards Tifa most of all. Perhaps it's simply shipping vision, but Hollow, while generally being about Cloud's state of mind trying to handle loss, definitely feels like it centers around Cloud's relationship with Zack specifically.
I'm not gonna write an essay about those two, but I will link to a video that pretty much embodies every reason why it embodies Zakkura:
But now, let's break down No Promises to Keep with that in mind. Hopefully I don't kick any hornets' nests in the process.
Walking city streets with worn cobblestones Listening to people rushing past to rhythms all their own Life passing me by, not thinking how the years have flown Until I met you
This portion can apply to Zack, Cloud, and Tifa pretty equally. All three of them played a part in Aerith engaging more in her own life. Zack kickstarted her flower-selling business; Cloud's fall led to her leaving Sector 5 with him and deciding to help rescue Tifa; and Tifa herself became her closest confidant and friend, both of them acting like each other's childhood girl friend that neither of them had a chance to experience.
I won't say that it was fate I won't say that it was destiny But if not, what could it be that drew you towards me? Could it be chance?
Let's be real- the fact that Aerith met Tifa at all is an absolutely wild chain of events from an outside perspective. Because Zack got her to start selling flowers topside, she ran into Cloud and happened to meet him once again when his fall from above landed in a church she frequents to gather flowers from. Then, when she accompanied him out of Sector 5, Chocobo Sam's cart carrying Tifa passed by and fired Aerith up to help rescue her.
Given that the Whispers only show up when the destiny of the Planet needs to be corrected, there's definitely an implication that all of these events were fated to occur. However, given that the Remake Trilogy's themes are heavy on changing destiny and if fates are fixed, these lines could be reflective of how Aerith is trying to fight the future she saw. Thus, she doesn't want to attribute the reason she met these people important to her to something greater. Better for it all to be pure chance that she knows them, that they sought each other out instead of being herded towards one another.
Till the day that we meet again Where or when? I wish I could say But believe—know that you'll find me Promises to keep, we won't ever need
While this is very much a general sentiment of Aerith wanting to be with her friends again after her death, the last line's rather striking to me. She doesn't need a promise for them to meet again- they will, even though she has no guarantee for how it'll happen. It's meant to reassure the ones she's singing to, and when it comes to someone who relied on a promise to keep herself connected to an important person in her life, Tifa Lockhart is the first one to come to mind.
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Tifa has a lot of abandonment issues, rightfully so given... *gestures at her entire history*. At this point in her life, her childhood friend group had started seeing her as a romantic prospect and severely strained her ability to be open with them. Cloud, distant as he was, felt like the only one she could connect with who wasn't openly trying to court her, the closest one to treating Tifa like Tifa instead of a Young Maiden. If he leaves, she would lose the one person her age who talks to her like a person, and there's no guarantee that they would ever see each other again once he's gone. Trace of Two Pasts says that Tifa had a "special 'like'" for him, one that she couldn't afford to lose. So she comes up with the promise, a way to cope with the loneliness, something to believe in, like how she tried crossing Mt. Nibel to find her deceased mother on the other side.
She's the type of person who would need this kind of reassurance, especially with someone she's developed a close relationship with. Rebirth is not shy in showing that Aerith and Tifa are basically inseparable. And given the *ahem* separation which occurs at the end of Rebirth, Aerith would want to try and soften the pain and despair that would come for Tifa through the grief. If she could tell Tifa when or where they'll reunite, she would, but all she can do for now is help Tifa believe that they will meet again, that this parting is temporary and she won't need to mourn forever.
If only I'd never known All the burdens I was born to bear Lived a life without a care in the world save for you… But that won't do
Remake Aerith's gotten some glimpses of what will happen in the future/has happened in the past, something that's clearly weighed on her throughout the games. She's scared of the Whispers stealing away those parts of her, warns Cloud not to fall in love with her, and tries to keep Marlene and Red XIII as out of her memories/visions as best she can. But she knows she's meant to die for the sake of the Planet
Even beyond the meta elements of it, Aerith's status as a Cetra- the last Cetra- and her connection to the Lifestream has prevented her from really feeling as just another girl. She's the centerpiece of Shinra's plan to find the Promised Land, she's watched over by the Turks, she's been trapped since her birth and has never been able to make any real choices.
Wouldn't it be nice to be ignorant of all that? To have even a year where she didn't feel the weight of the world on her shoulders and could live as a carefree girl who loves flowers? But even if she could sweep away all those worries, she would still want to know the important people in her life and all the struggle that comes from caring. Now, that's an impossible dream, a good dream. To go shopping topside with her friends, going on a beautiful date with Tifa in Costa del Sol, basking in the wonder of the Gold Saucer. It would be nice to stay in those fantasies forever, but the future's approaches, it's survival hinging on her playing her part. So she has to let them fall to the wayside.
Till the day that we meet again On our street, I want to believe In the chance that we'll share a glance Promises to keep, we won't ever need
Much the same sentiment as the first chorus, but this time focusing on Aerith's perspective. Even though she put her carefree dreams aside, she needs to hold onto the belief that there's simply a chance for them to see each other again.
Aerith and Tifa have a recurring gesture of turning towards each other to connect, eye-to-eye, heart-to-heart. That's their way to communicate with each other in a way only they get to hear and see.
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Then, in the ending scenes of Rebirth, when everyone's getting up to leave the altar, Cloud and Aerith look back to wait for Tifa, with Aerith in the foreground. When Tifa shakily gets up, takes a breath and turns around, Aerith's not there for her to look into her eyes, to share a mischievous smile with, to whisper their little jokes to. Maybe Tifa can't see Aerith now, but Aerith wants to believe that they might get to share a glance with each other one more time.
Till the day that we meet again At our place, just let me believe In the chance that you'll come Take my hand and never let me go Take my hand And believe We can be Together evermore
I don't think I need to point out how often Tifa holds onto Aerith's hand or has to catch her in her arms. Granted, a number of these happen in life-threatening situations, but we're in a JRPG here- those moments are basically flirting without calling it flirting /s. Honestly, though, these ladies give so much physical affection and care for each other. It'd take forever to put down all the examples, but you could probably find some real easy just by searching up Aerti, so let's move on to the last bit of the song.
Walking city streets with worn cobblestones Struggling against the crowds and finding ourselves all alone Fate and destiny are no guarantee Still I hope someday you'll come and find me Still I know someday you'll come and find me
Once again with walking through busy streets. Though this time the two of them make it through the crowd and get to be alone. The only crowd I can think of is Tifa pulling Aerith through the Gold Saucer crowd to get closer to the front. As for the two of them being alone, off the top of my head there's the room in Kalm and the cargo hold on the cruise ship where they're softly sharing their Pre-Order Pasts with one another... seemingly only with each other for now. And once more, there's a lack of trust put in fate and destiny.
However, she hopes and then knows that she'll be found be this person. Really reminds one of a pretty vulnerable moment Aerith had in Remake does it not?
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She was already found once. She trusts that she'll be found again... someday.
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rweiruterignvdfiobn · 2 months
"Good Morning beautiful~"
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"Good morning my love~"
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rweiruterignvdfiobn · 2 months
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sorry don't know the rules, it's AI generate ,the photos that are AI generate all have been tagged,thanks for remind me.
I use the same promt to test different checkpoint and and different lora and different UI , when the result is good ,I want to post it hahaha
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rweiruterignvdfiobn · 3 months
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rweiruterignvdfiobn · 3 months
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"Tifa,my death is not the end, it will bring a new hope to the planet and everything on it."
"What about me ? Aerith "
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rweiruterignvdfiobn · 3 months
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rweiruterignvdfiobn · 3 months
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rweiruterignvdfiobn · 3 months
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rweiruterignvdfiobn · 3 months
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"Tifa,you are mine."
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rweiruterignvdfiobn · 3 months
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rweiruterignvdfiobn · 3 months
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Yuffie casually confirming that AerTi is a thing.
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rweiruterignvdfiobn · 3 months
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Aerith Tifa combined !
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rweiruterignvdfiobn · 3 months
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rweiruterignvdfiobn · 3 months
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Aerith is so cute! Tifa is so adorable!
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rweiruterignvdfiobn · 8 years
still hear the breaking in my heart
Two years after Warehouse 13 Finale...
Im still like
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then end up like
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rweiruterignvdfiobn · 10 years
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R o o t   x   S h a w  - Mr. & Mrs. Smith AU
Many married couples have secrets, as do couples who have no intention of marrying. But Veronica Sinclair and Samantha Shaw, a New York city couple whose encounters have started going a bit stale following one too many plan cancellations, is a little different. After all neither has even given out their real names and despite the satisfying nature of their sexual encounters both wish for more excitement in what is starting to look like a relationship, but as it happens, each of them is finding plenty of thrills elsewhere. Both are world-class assassins who will take on perilous missions (for the right price and for their country respectively), but neither is aware of the others penchant for spy games and gunfire - Shaw thinks her girlfriend runs a successful computer company, and Root believes hers works as a well sought surgeon. However, when Root and Shaw are both assigned to take out the same target, one Harold Finch, they become aware of each others secret lives, and suddenly both their careers and their… relationship goes through some dramatic and potentially deadly changes. It should be fun, might even change their minds about the whole marriage deal.
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rweiruterignvdfiobn · 10 years
For the domesticity meme you did a few weeks ago, can we have more Root/Shaw? I'm thinking maybe 9-11, 23-25, 42? DEFINITELY 33 and 37!!
do they act different in public and at home?
They do, or at least, Shaw does. Root is Root wherever she goes, the only time she isn’t if she’s playing a role.
Its not that Shaw acts different when she’s home, its that she’s less on her guard. She’s made every precaution to keep her home as safe as can be. she had Root try to break into her home and when Root still manages to find her way in, while she was sleeping, Shaw re-did her security again until it was Root and Machine safe.
"I’d be offended if I don’t also live here," Root told her on their fifth attempt.
"If you and your better half can’t get in here, that means Samaritan can’t either."
Root leaned against the wall, Shaw noticed her smile. “What?”
"Just never thought we’d get here."
"After all your talk of Pandora boxes and hope too."
"That was Her pep talk not mine."
It still catches Shaw off guard, the way Root can go from playful to earnestly serious. It used to throw Shaw off, she didn’t really know how to respond.
Root was looking away and maybe listening to the soft murmurs of the Machine to notice how close Shaw was. Root startled when Shaw held her face.
Outside of these walls, its always been Root who initiated contact, but here where its safe Shaw can allow herself this. She can give Root this. “We’re here now.”
Root’s eyes roamed across her face then slowly leaned her forehead against Shaw’s. “She says there’s a crawl space behind the shelf in the kitchen.”
Shaw chuckled. “You say the sweetest things.”
sleeping habits?
Shaw is a naturally paranoid person, even before she joined the Activity. She can also sleep anywhere but she can also wake-up at the slightest change in her surroundings. So the fact that Root had the drop on her and even managed to kidnap her?
It stuck in her craw so bad she took extra precautions which explains the—
"You’re back early," Shaw mumbled then sat up, in time to see Root remove the modified mouse trap from her left foot.
"When are you going to stop putting traps around the bed?"
"I don’t know, I had a pretty traumatic experience. Some psycho kidnapped me a few years ago. Bitch even tased me."
Root looked at her in exasperation. “Are you ever going to let that go.”
"I have let it go, I’m just not forgetting it."
"Maybe next time I’ll just take the couch," Root said grumpily.
Shaw laughed, caught Root’s hand and tugged, she fell into the bed with a yelp. “And miss all the fun? I don’t think so.”
who steals the blankets?
They’re actually very good about it. Once they’ve fallen asleep, neither of them move positions. Sometimes though, Shaw kicks off the blankets, and somehow kicks the blankets off Root too.
who does the groceries?
Since she’s around most of the time, Shaw. Root tried to buy groceries online and have it delivered to Shaw’s place —- a miscalculation Root regretted because the Machine immediately notified her that Shaw was calling her.
The result ended with a long conversation about safety and boundaries. Root had to talk Shaw down from moving yet AGAIN, she had the computers wipe all traces of the call and she had the delivery sent to an empty building five blocks away from where Shaw lived.
Root decided that maybe for errands like this, its better to be more analog. As a compromise Root decided to bring home any food she could from her travels.
how do they refer to the other in public? how do other people refer to the other? (i.e. “my partner”, “ask your father”, ”dad and papa”, ”how’s your wife?”, etc)
Shaw refers to Root as: “Oh, yeah, she’s Root.”
"But you guys are—"
"Are what?"
Fusco gestured to her, “You guys are dating right?”
Shaw narrowed her eyes, “Is this any of your business?”
Root on the other hand, positively delights calling Shaw whatever she wants: Paramour, lover,  and then it moved on to food: Honey, cupcake, buttercup, pumpkin, apple pie, etc., and she always does it at the most inconvenient moments.
Shaw’s face is always neutral but Root can spot the minute tic in her jaw and Root knows later that day Shaw’s going to make Root pay later. And Root. Can’t. Wait.
do they celebrate birthdays, valentine’s day, anniversaries?
Not really. For most of it, they’re both too busy or away. But there’s always that one day that Shaw never ever fails to call on. Its the day they all walked away. Its always just a simple message that the Machine relays on her either through morse code or voice recordings: “I’m here.”
what are little gestures they do for each other?
Root always makes sure Shaw has something to eat, no matter what time or day. There was one mission, one Number that pulled them away from the city. It was a high stress mission, when John, for some damned reason drops an energy bar into her lap. 
"Root," was all Reese said then he went back shooting the local militia. "Better eat that fast."
Whenever Root comes back home and crashes (after narrowly escaping Shaw’s traps), she wakes up to the smell of good coffee and to several of her phones and her laptop fully charged. Root finds herself grinning, if that wasn’t love, she didn’t know what was.
"Stop grinning like a loon at your computer and come here so I can check your bandages."
Shaw had her medical kit out.
Root’s grin widened. “I really love it when you play doctor.”
Shaw smirked. “I know.”
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