rvencraft-blog · 5 years
(shouting through megaphone)
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rvencraft-blog · 5 years
the fool, the emperor, the lovers, wheel of fortune, the moon uwu ✨💖
tarot questions.
the fool: do you have any nicknames?
Andy & Winnie Pooh.
the emperor: what are some names that you like? 
Andrés, Levi, Elías, Sara, Marco, Silas, Emmanuel, Bethel, Carolina.
the lovers: do you have a crush?
I’m just a poor boy, nobody love’s me.
wheel of fortune: first three songs that come on shuffle?
01. Just like fire.
02. Centuries.
03. Billy Jean.
the moon: have you ever written a love letter?
Una sola vez en mi vida.
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rvencraft-blog · 5 years
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“Thank you,“ he finally said. He couldn’t say he meant thanks for all of it: the keys, the trust, the honesty and the kisses. Hopefully Andrew would figure it out eventually. “You were amazing.”
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rvencraft-blog · 5 years
eres una puta patria, no roleas, no haces nada, ni eres activo en tu blog y cuando lo haces eres una mierda que llena todo de spam. plsss go and kill yourself
Vale. Gracias por tu importantísima opinión.
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rvencraft-blog · 5 years
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rvencraft-blog · 5 years
a list of needless au ideas
“you never go to school because of mental health reasons and the school sends me over to give you handouts and assignments and i find you sitting on the couch singing along to disney and i join in and now we’re marathoning movies and shouting lyrics and i’ve forgotten about school entirely” au
“we go the same high school and you’re really punk and i’m really pastel and we’re both in the school play and we have to play characters that are our opposites and we’re always asking each other for help on our roles at really weird times” au
“my dog chases you up a tree and i find you two hours after i’ve lost it and you’re still up there and i laugh at you and you throw a rock at my head but then i bleed a lot and suddenly we’re in the ER and you’re apologising for throwing rocks and i’m apologising for not taking care of my dog and i end up asking you out to apologise” au
“you have three jobs and a kid and you hire me as the babysitter and i end up staying around your house all the time and then one day i realise it’s not just for the money and wow you’re really cute does this breach customer rules?” au
“you work at the new bakery and you have to wear a really cute french maid outfit but you’re a guy and it shouldn’t look so good but it does and i can’t remember my order because i’m staring and are you wearing heels too?” au
“you’re singing a song dramatically at the bus stop and you get a word wrong and i correct you and we end up fighting over it and you drag me to your house to google it and i end up hanging around because you actually have really good music oh my god is that a signed edition?” au
“you’re a really famous actor and i am completely obsessed with you but then i see you getting swarmed by fans one day and you look really distressed so i run in heroically and save you and now we’re hiding in a dumpster and you’re complaining about the smell and i’m trying to keep my cool as we wait for the coast to be clear” au
“i work at the cinema and you come to see the same movie for a month and on the last day i ask you why and you convince me to watch it with you and oh my god this movie is so good holy shit” au
“i bought a rubix cube one day and i couldn’t solve it so i threw it out of a window and you happened to be walking by and you pick it up and knock on my door and by the time i’ve answered it you’ve casually solved it and i bug you to teach me how to do it” au
“i work at the donut place and you work at the bookstore and i bring you free donuts for a free book” au
“we both live in a really tiny suburb in the city but there’s a lot of crime and bad rep and you decide to become a superhero and just for kicks i decide to be a supervillain to rival you and end up helping you instead” au
“we both work for a secret agency and we’re rivals so when we go undercover at a local school as teachers we’re always trying to reveal each other to the public so we get fired and everyone just thinks we’re dating” au
“i’m the snake charmer at a carnival and i accidentally lose the snake and i ask you to help me and you end up finding it and charming it better than me and it turns out you own a snake sanctuary and i’m actually really bad at this job” au
“you work at corner store as the new checkout chic and i think you’re really cute but i don’t know how to talk to you so i end up just buying a bunch of things i don’t need whenever you’re on shift and in the end i ask you out through spelling it with candy wrappers” au
“we get fake-married when we’re in preschool and we’re in highschool now and i have a massive crush on you and you have no idea and then one day i try to ask you out but end up proposing by accident and you’re so shocked you say yes and suddenly everyone thinks we’re getting married again and helping us make plans and making a fuss but we haven’t even had our first kiss” au
“you’re an activist protesting outside my family home because my parents are bad people and you’re really cute and your sign is funny so i sneak out of the window and join in to the rally and now it’s two years on and i’ve moved out and we’re partners in crime and i really enjoy it and it’s really fulfilling and nice, and you ask me why i joined up and i blurt that you looked really cute and you think i’m just in it for that when i’m really not” au
“you’re a fanfiction writer and i always read your works and one day you stop writing my favourite fic and i hear you talking about it at school with your friends and once i’m over the shock i shout at you to continue it and now i’m at your house throwing chips at you for motivation as you write out the next chapter” au
“we’re youtubers and we live across the world from each other and we met and form a friendship and then in one of our videos you say something about having a crush on someone and i get really jealous and then i’m freaking out about possibly being in love with someone that lives a million miles away and someone starts a funding system and suddenly i’m on a plane going to meet you” au
“there’s a noise coming from the bathroom and i don’t know what it is and you’re my neighbour so i go to you for help and you get a cricket bat and kick the door down and it turns out to be a frog on the windowsill and it’s three am and we’re both half-dressed and it’s suddenly awkward” au
“you’re rich and famous and i’m homeless and your agents think it’s a good idea if you ‘help out’ a homeless person and you agree and you find me and at first you’re an arsehole and i refuse but then i slowly start making you see how bad it really is and you really get into it and donate and help out and use your name to spread the word and it’s really great” au
“you have a plastic pink flamingo on your lawn and it’s snowing so i put a scarf around its neck and you see me doing it from your window and i end up ripping the scarf away and accidentally taking the flamingo with me and that’s the story of why you tackled me into the snow screaming about me being a bird-stealer” au
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rvencraft-blog · 5 years
wheel of fortune, justice, the hanged man, death, temperance.
wheel of fortune: first three songs that come on shuffle?
01. I put a spell on you.
02. Rock you like a hurracaine.
03. Somewhere over the rainbow.
justice: favorite color of rose?
Si son rosas (las flores) diría que blancas o rojas. Si hablamos del color rosa, estaría entre salmón y palisandro.
the hanged man: favorite movie soundtrack?
Purple Rain sin dudarlo. De las más nuevecitas, creo que las OST’s de Guardians of the Galaxy están bastante bien.
death: what are three things you want to do before you die? 
Colaborar en una ONG que trabaje con niños en estado de alto riesgo (listo). Darle la oportunidad a mi padre de regresar a su antiguo país (pendiente). Enamorarme sin parecer un pendejo (imposible).
temperance: can you describe a strange dream you’ve had?
Mi sueño fue tan extraño que a día de hoy se me hace difícil recordarlo. Sólo diré que fue una escena muy perturbadora con los personajes de Sesamo Street.
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rvencraft-blog · 5 years
I’m lovely
I play a butt ton of characters
I ship a butt ton of ships
I give my partners feels.
I’m lovely.
I’m slower than a fucking snail.
That’s basically it.
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rvencraft-blog · 5 years
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cartoon aesthetic: winx club 
“It takes a strong heart to cry, but it takes a stronger heart to say why.”
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rvencraft-blog · 5 years
❦ ☹ ø ☏ ( porque chismosa se nace, no se hace )
preguntas para múltiples musas.
❦ ¿Alguna de las musas está enamorada de otra?
Tanto como enamorado, no. Lo más cercano es el crush adolescente que tuvo Billy con la faceta súper heróica de Steve. Es que a esa edad las hormonas están a millón, qué se va a hacer.
☹ ¿Cuál musa es la más llorona? 
Billy en primer lugar, sin dudarlo. Que su madre fuese psicológa ayudó muy poco; tenía demasiado miedo de preguntar la forma correcta de manejar sus sentimientos, así que acabó siendo alguien bastante frágil. Un poco más cerca se encuentra Park, pero ese sí es llorón porque le da la gana.
ø - Estás organizando un juego de fútbol/baloncesto con dos equipos de cinco miembros, ¿cuáles musas son las más deseadas y cuáles las rechazadas?
Lás más deseadas, en la sección original, serían Otto, Douglas y Malik. Entre los marginados tendríamos a Holden y Park. Diego se desentendería de jugar porque es muy superior para cualquier horrible mortal..
☏- ¿Cuál musa es la mejor cantante? 
¿De las que tengo creadas actualmente? Ninguna, palabra. Todos cantan horrible.
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rvencraft-blog · 5 years
preguntas para múltiples musas.
❣  Entre todas las musas, ¿quienes son más cercanas?
Holden es una de las personas más tiernas que te podrás encontrar. Uno de sus pasatiempos preferidos es rescatar animales que han sido abandonados; se lleva más por las emociones que por el instinto lógico.
Park no es la mejor persona del mundo, pero cree que todos merecen una segunda, tercera, cuarta y quinta oportunidad. Es de esa clase de amigos que siempre está montado encima de los demás, buscando hacerlos reír y cayéndose al suelo cada dos por tres. También se ríe como foca.
Duncan aparenta ser un muchacho bastante centrado, hasta que lo conoces. Pasa de ser el arquetípico maestro de preescolar a convertirse en el ejemplo perfecto de un niño de preescolar. Sí que tiene su grado de malicia, pero dudo que la utilice para hacer daño. Es un corazón de melón.
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rvencraft-blog · 5 years
preguntas para múltiples musas.
                   Ninguna, son tan tontas que un momento dado organizarán una fiesta zombie, que acabará en una masacre a gran escala. Poniéndonos serios, y tomando en cuenta sólo a las originales, diría que…
Douglas es un hombre que se guía por el instinto; agregado que antes de buscarse la vida como detective, solía ser policía. Imagino que no se dejará contaminar tan rápido.
Ottello tiene un carácter bien puesto, nunca se ha dejado amedrentar por los más grandes ( sin importar si poseen o no condición inmortal ). Es que lo veo encerrado en su taller, armado con una llave de tuercas y me hace pensar: Quiza este sí viva.
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rvencraft-blog · 5 years
Send a symbol for a  𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑
🗣 If you are a little shy shit like me then you know the struggle of making friends & starting new threads with people. That’s why I decided to create this post. If we are mutuals, or not, maybe you don’t even follow me, it’s still the perfect opportunity to start an adventure together. Send me through askbox one (or more) of those symbols & I’ll write a starter for you based of the thing you choose & tag you it in. Let’s make 2019 full of new amazing threads!
🇾🇴🇺 🇨🇦🇳 🇸🇪🇳🇩 🇦 🇫🇪🇼 🇸🇾🇲🇧🇴🇱🇸 🇦🇹 🇴🇳🇨🇪 🇹🇴 🇲🇦🇰🇪 🇹🇭🇪 🇷🇪🇶🇺🇪🇸🇹 🇲🇴🇷🇪 🇸🇵🇪🇨🇮🇫🇮🇨 *  𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐝𝐝 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐲𝐦𝐛𝐨𝐥𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧/𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐢𝐭
👩  — for a starter from a female
🧑  —  for a starter from a male
👥 — for a starter with multiple muses
😭 — for an angsty starter
😍 — for a fluffy starter
😝 — for a funny starter
❤️ — for a romantic starter
🤝 — for a best friends starter
💋 — for a starter where our muses are kissing
😤 — for a starter where our muses are fighting/arguing
🤭 — for a starter where our muses are flirting  
💻 — for an online relationship/friendship starter
🤰 — for a pregnancy starter 
👶 — for a baby starter
💍 — for a starter where out muses are engaged/married
🧜‍♀️ — for a supernatural starter
🎖️ — for a military starter
💣 — for a dangerous/criminal starter
🚫  — for a secret relationship/fwb starter
🏫 — for a high school starter
📃 —  for a university/college starter
📦 —  for a roommates starter
🎥 — for a starter based off a movie
⌛️ — for a starter with age difference
🆘 —  for a starter where our muses are stuck somewhere
🚙 — for a starter with trip/traveling involved
☀️ — for a summer-themed starter
🌺 — for a spring-themed starter
🍂 — for an autumn-themed starter
❄️ — for winter-themes starter
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rvencraft-blog · 5 years
☀️🌙✨ tarot questions ✨🌙☀️
the fool: do you have any nicknames? the magician: have you ever written a poem or song about somebody else? the high priestess: what is your dream date? the empress: do you think you will ever get married? the emperor: what are some names that you like? the hierophant: do you believe in ghosts? the lovers: do you have a crush? the chariot: thoughts on astrology? strength: what is your dream occupation?  the hermit: what is your favorite soda pop? wheel of fortune: first three songs that come on shuffle? justice: favorite color of rose? the hanged man: favorite movie soundtrack? death: what are three things you want to do before you die? temperance: can you describe a strange dream you’ve had? the devil: do you enjoy thunderstorms? the tower: favorite colors to wear? the star: have you ever seen a psychic? the moon: have you ever written a love letter? the sun: do you believe in magic? judgement: do you enjoy school? the world: do you like waking up early?
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rvencraft-blog · 5 years
            Me he puesto a buscar caras para nuevas muses, y ahora tengo como treinta niños en mente... so please, send help.
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rvencraft-blog · 5 years
☑ ♥
                    Yo igual, cariño. Cómo le dije a la carita, intentaré buscar algo de tiempo para sentarme a responder los mensajes de todos los que me han pedido algún rol. ¡Que pases una buena mañana!
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rvencraft-blog · 5 years
☑ honestly
                    ¡El sentimiento es mútuo! Estos tres días los he tenido complicados, pero hoy seguro me paso por el chat para terminar de planear todas las cositas. ¡Mucho amor!
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