First Post!!
Hi guys,
This is my first time posing on Tumblr. Just made this to vent. Been having a rough time recently.
I have allllwayss wanted a tumblr, but my parents wouldnt let me have one because of Nudity. e______e i hate my parents!!!!!! But NOW i can, lol 
still this is all new. I fell like i missed the fad of edgy tumblr post and reposts. I have seen them all on instagram and plan on doing that here.
My parents only rule was to keep my identity a secret, so call me a slitherpuff because that is my hogwarts house.  
to my day, so my friends were talking shit about me behind my back and have been going on all these double dates without me, beaucse I dont have a freaking boyfriend and I said they were some libtards and then I went and cried becaue no one loves me and it is really hard out here taking this L.
send love <3
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