rulesofdeception · 10 years
A careless wave was given to the roommate before they disappeared into Eva's room, her eyes falling on the messed up area with a raised brow. "Now that's not very nice, is it? Remind me to have some fun with her before we go, but you won't have to worry about her again." Eva was pulled to her, fingers finding and digging into her ass as she pulled their hips together. "Because I want you full-time."
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Yeah, Eva had a fantastic ability to make her want like nothing else. The watch could wait a few more minutes, because Cipher certainly couldn't. Her human lover was pushed up against the nearest wall, their bodies pressing close as she stole another kiss - this was far less slow and teasing, heat filling it instead.
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rulesofdeception · 10 years
"Or, you know, someone." Cipher murmured in Eva's ear, giving a little amused chuckle before stepping around to smile at the roommate. "Hello. Thought I should say hi before I compromise her time." With space/time travels and other... more simplistic activities. 
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"It's, hm, I guess this is where I'm supposed to say 'nice to meet you'," she mused, her smile not dropping but the actual statement not attempting to push itself from her throat. "So hi then." Feeling like that was quite enough attention for the roommate, she spun on her heel to face Eva again. "Nice place."
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rulesofdeception · 10 years
Cipher took that kiss, her free hand going to trail down from Eva's neck over her chest and down to her waist, where it finally rested oh so casually. "Oh, love, I'll get you to scream either way." The idea was so intoxicating she couldn't imagine having it any other way. "I'm in love with that beautiful voice of yours." The one that said her name in the most erotic of ways.
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"Now... where do you live? I'm curious about your roommate." And what she was going to be able to do to Eva without her protesting. Her new human companion was so very interesting, and she was having trouble placing it on the regeneration or the humanity? What would happen what that part was taken from her?
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rulesofdeception · 10 years
A careless shrug was given as if the question didn't mean a whole lot to her. "A bit of both, yeah. I've been around. The universe is a big place." Her smile faltered the slightest bit, eyes traveling in front of them instead of at Eva. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you. Promise." Never again, and never by my hand.
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That look was caught, bringing the smile right back. "Why yes, yes I do. If she's going to be judging us I don't see why we can't give her something more interesting to judge." And why not get another round out of it, since there didn't seem to be a problem with the idea. 
Unexpected Complications || forgetandnotforgive & rulesofdeception
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rulesofdeception · 10 years
"Funny, I don't think I've ever been judged for breathing before," Cipher mused. "Some rougher stuff, maybe, and perhaps a war or two, but never breathing." Her smile widened into a grin, the hand in hers being lifted to press a kiss to Eva's knuckles. "That's a nice change. I like it." Simple. Easy to understand.
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"Normal is fun." In short bursts, occasionally. Anything more and she'd likely go out of her mind from lack of using it. "Maybe I'll have to give them something else to judge me for." Oh, now that was an idea. She could definitely give the roommate something much better to judge her for, and have a little extra Eva in her diet ta boot.
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rulesofdeception · 10 years
"I'll give it a shot, yeah, when we're back here." Dot was pulled up, their hands finding each other to hold casually. "And I'd love to learn more about you, too, my little human from Earth." Though she doubted there would be much explaining once they got the watch back. There wouldn't need to be any. Hm. 
Maybe she should have drawn this out a bit.
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She gave her companion a smile, her hooded eyes returning to normal with the little bit of space between them. "I'd love to see where you live. Now there's an adventure I've never had. Living the normal life. Roommates. well, normal roommates. I had one back in school, now she was a special one." Down the corridor they went, out into the control room and back into the park.
Unexpected Complications || forgetandnotforgive & rulesofdeception
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rulesofdeception · 10 years
"I'll need to make sure you hear it all the time, then." Every bit of that kiss was tasted and enjoyed, Cipher making small noises of approval as her body was felt beneath alluring hands. "You're perfect, and you're mine. A wonderful combination, if I do say so myself." The best one for sure. 
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She made a dismissive sound. "It's hard to explain, to be honest. But it was made on my world by my people, and there's something inside I need." Well, technically it wasn't something she needed. More something Eva was going to need in the very near future. Or like a month ago. Two? 
Unexpected Complications || forgetandnotforgive & rulesofdeception
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rulesofdeception · 10 years
"Mm." Cipher captured the lips that teased a trail across her face, hands dropping to a slim waist to pull their bodies together. All that time and she was still there for Cipher. After all she did. "You're perfect. Has anyone ever told you that?" It was something she didn't deserve to have, and something she was bound to lose within hours.
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"There's something I'm looking for before we leave." Her hand left Eva's hips to dip into the drawer behind her, lifting to drop a watch down close to their faces. One day she would need to stop manipulating the woman closest to here. "I'm looking for something that looks like this. Exactly like it. My TARDIS followed the signal to your city, so it's nearby somewhere. Any ideas?" That day was not today.
Unexpected Complications || forgetandnotforgive & rulesofdeception
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rulesofdeception · 10 years
The rest of the bacon was consumed as she swooped forward, making room for her to lay claim to the human's lips. "Because I get people killed," she answered bluntly, tongue swiping across he lips to get the lingering taste of breakfast and Eva. "I get people hurt. Trouble comes to me like it's my best friend." Because it was.
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"I'm not going to stop you; I'd love to have you with me. I just think you should know the risks." A proper disclaimer, but more of her curiosity seeing if Eva would still be interested. Before she wasn't overly keen on the idea of the dangers Cipher went through, and she still came on some of the adventures in an attempt to be together. How was it possible those feelings still lingered? 
Unexpected Complications || forgetandnotforgive & rulesofdeception
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rulesofdeception · 10 years
The distinct scent of cooking bacon filled the TARDIS kitchen the next morning, overpowering anything else in its quest to rule the airspace. Being the lord of the TARDIS that she was, Cipher was sure she'd have been able to get rid of it if she really wanted. Such a thing wasn't exactly hard. Just a small gust of wind and , poof, no more delicious bacon smell.
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"So, you still want to come along with me?" Cipher couldn't help but question, brown irises turning to the other woman. Some of that bacon found its way between her lips, the time lord chewing thoughtfully as she looked at the other. "I guess I should warn you. Being around me isn't safe, love. People get hurt." People she knew and people she didn't, all the same. 
Unexpected Complications || forgetandnotforgive & rulesofdeception
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rulesofdeception · 10 years
"Graphics always get better." The movie was plucked from Eva's fingers, the Time Lord pushing off from the ground to go pop it into the system. Once it was in and playing on the screen to her satisfaction the lights dimmed as if on their own, leaving only the shifting colorful lights that dotted around the rim of the hot tub and movie that played across one wall. I just love not paying attention to movies.
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"Nice choice; I like this one. You know, if it mattered." Lithe steps brought her back to the edge of the tub, and without a second thought cloth was pulled up and over her head. In her mind, modesty was so far gone that it wasn't even an issue anymore. It didn't matter if Eva didn't remember. Cipher's body was all hers. Bare legs slid into the hot water, the alien giving a delighted hiss at the change in temperature. 
Unexpected Complications || forgetandnotforgive & rulesofdeception
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rulesofdeception · 10 years
"I probably have all the movies you've heard of and ten times as many that haven't actually come out for you yet. Copyright any year you can guess on planets you've never heard of." Those hips barely in her grasp were pulled forward to meet hers, the other hand going up to secure in another belt loop.
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"Why don't you go ahead and pick something? Movies are the shelves on the left side of the room, games on the right. Earth movies... hm... front rows, I think." Movies weren't what she usually came into the room for, so she may have been a little rusty. After a second she released Eva and went to dip her fingers into the hot tub embedded in the floor, her body crouched to rest on her haunches.
Unexpected Complications || forgetandnotforgive & rulesofdeception
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rulesofdeception · 10 years
"Humans look Time Lord, so no other forms for me. Just good old fashioned what you're used to, with a few extra things added in. Two nervous systems, low-level telepathy, accelerated brain activity..." And I'm casually like almost one hundred times the age you are as a human. Whoops. That could get uncomfortable for everyone if I mentioned it.
That smile on Cipher's lips turned sultry, her hand gliding down to hook into Eva's belt loop as she pulled her backwards toward the hall. "No problem for me if it's no problem for you. Hot tubs are so much better without anything getting in the way, don't you think?" Sure, the TARDIS could easily make Eva a whole wardrobe... but she could figure that out later.
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"I'll show you my room later." After I unwrap you and get a feel of the love the woman I've been missing. "I think we'll have time for all kinds of not sleeping tonight." With just her thoughts the rooms were rearranged, bringing her beloved game room right near the console room so she could make the walk that much shorter. "What do you think?" 
Unexpected Complications || forgetandnotforgive & rulesofdeception
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rulesofdeception · 10 years
The door closed with a soft creak behind them, Cipher wandering up past Eva to run her hand along the console as she walked around it. "Mm, alien, yes. Time Lord, to be more specific. This is more of a time and space machine than a ship, to be perfectly honest." The best ship in the universe, considering it was likely the last or close to it.
She had to admit that Eva was taking this surprisingly well. Not even the usual run outside to make sure it was still just a box, and no hushed what are you. Just 'kay, you're an alien then?'. Though perhaps that was just covering up something Cipher couldn't quite see on the inside. Hopefully not. Or hopefully it was bringing back flashes of her true life.
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"I can give you a tour, if you like. Or you could decide where to go, since the TARDIS can make any room you want. I personally like the hot tub game room, but that's just me. Anything you want, my baby can get you." Her circuit around the console returned to its starting point, her feet taking her back to stand before the human woman, one hand ghosting up over her jaw. "Or, if you prefer, I can see to anything you desire." 
Unexpected Complications || forgetandnotforgive & rulesofdeception
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rulesofdeception · 10 years
Oh how innocent Eva was as a human. It was like meeting her again for the first time, except with less detention and paint smeared everywhere. And less professors. Plenty less of those, which made this better at least in that regard. The day was passed in a more comfortable way than she could remember having in a long while, until finally the question of returning was posed to her.
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"Yep, weird adventure awaits. Keep an open mind." Her free hand lifted to rest over top of Eva's, the alien guiding her through the darkening streets to the park, where she led the way through the many bushes and trees. "Trust me, I'm promise I'm not a serial killer or anything. It's just a little farther." Several more minutes and a blue police box came into view, Eva being tugged toward it.
Her hand dug around in her pocket for a moment before a little silver key was produced, fitting into the lock easily so she could push the doors open. "This is where I live. Sort of like a mobile home, yeah, just a little more... mobile than the average. More like a ship, really. Actually it's exactly like a ship." A small laugh was given. "Sorry. Told you it was weird."
Unexpected Complications || forgetandnotforgive & rulesofdeception
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rulesofdeception · 10 years
Her thumb brushed over the back of Eva's hand, the timelord relaxing considerably with the familiar contact. "You can come to my place, if you like." Roommates weren't her favorite thing mainly because it meant someone to split the other woman's attention with, and she wanted Eva all to herself for this one night.
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"I have to warn you, though. You should only come to my place if you're alright with both weird and adventure." And have an open mind. And don't freak out when things aren't what they seem. Oh, and if you're alright with the idea of aliens from other planets. Eh, she can figure all that out later. More fun that way. Honestly, Eva was lucky she was getting a warning.
Cipher slid off the bench, pulling Eva along with her and moving to stand beside her, giving an expectant smile. "Lead on. Looks like I'm all yours for the day and night. Food first, though, definitely. I haven't eaten in I don't know how long." Eating tended to be pretty low on her list of priorities. 
Unexpected Complications || forgetandnotforgive & rulesofdeception
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rulesofdeception · 10 years
The smile that came to Cipher's lips was genuine, the pain behind it hidden so well it was unseen. Oh how easily Eva accepted her and she doubted the woman even knew why. And oh how quickly that would change. Still, Cipher's hand turned under Eva's, slowly twining their fingers together.
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"You're right." You always are. There's a reason why I can't function properly without you - you manage to hold the bad bits of me together by being beside me. "Sorry, didn't mean to drag the conversation down." Eva just always had that effect on Cipher that brought out her real feelings, something the timelord was going to have to watch.
Her head tilted up, taking in Eva quietly for a split second. This was probably wrong. She needed to just get Eva back her memories and be done with it, not mess around and pretend like everything was alright. "Looks like I'm yours for the day. And night, I suppose, since you want me to stick around. Anything you'd like to do?" 
Unexpected Complications || forgetandnotforgive & rulesofdeception
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