rpsnitched · 4 years
as someone who is ace, I’ve always found smutting uncomfortable + do usually blacklist tags and all that but not educating oneself on all sexualities um chile anyways
not knowing about a Whole sexuality is a lot ,,, esp when educating yourself isn’t hard ?! one google search is all it takes .
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rpsnitched · 4 years
u know all london had to do was not try to gain exposure off of the back of anothers down fall and their shitty ways wouldnt be getting aired
they’ve been called out for being problematic in the past too but the difference is ppl are paying attention now
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rpsnitched · 4 years
kinda confused why londonhq called out manchesterhq and then changed their theme and graphics (that looks like they took more than a few hours to make may i add)
fuck knows at this point
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rpsnitched · 4 years
i agree that manchesterhq and londonhq are similar but the fact london couldn't even wait for manchester to have a chance to change things and were so quick to try and tear down a new rp is sus.
i agree 100% , that coupled with the whitewashing psd , lack of diversity , ignoring ace writers as a WHOLE , no read mores ,,, it’s a lot .
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rpsnitched · 4 years
been facing a lot of very directed mean quirking at my muse when i just joined yesterday ): how do i fix it
first & most imp thing to remember is that this is an ic thing , even if it’s hard try to imbibe that , don’t let it impact you ooc in terms of feeling more anxiety or feeling unwelcome or that you’ve done something wrong . as for fixing it , if it’s something you feel your muse would outright address ic then go for it , everyone loves ic drama imo but as long as all parties involved understand the distinction between ic & ooc & this doesn’t become an out of character issue . if you think they’d laugh it off or do it back , go with that . whatever feels natural for your chara .
another thing , which is always one of the best options imo , is to talk to the mun / muns involved ooc & just let them know gently that they’re making you uncomfy . most decent people would take this into account & actually stop . if this doesn’t work after you’ve tried , go to an admin . they’re there specifically to help you deal with issues like this & most of the times muns are too afraid to talk to admins ab problems but really .. think ab it this way . they’re no different from u , all they did was open an rp . they’re still just rp-ers at the end of the day .
if none of this works , i’d suggest removing yourself from the situation . esp if you can’t ignore it / it doesn’t get better , maybe find a more welcoming place for your muse !
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rpsnitched · 4 years
i'm in stardew and i wasn't in any of those previous groups but i still feel welcome and it doesn't feel cliquey to me. i'm not trying to invalidate how anon feels but it could just be that you're fixating on them being ex-kildare members?
everyone has their own experience tbh but i’m glad urs has been welcoming & good & i hope it stays that way <3
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rpsnitched · 4 years
not only did london make read mores optional, don't know what ace means, but they also whitewash the few poc faces they have with an awful psd and refuse to change it. yikes.
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rpsnitched · 4 years
Londonhq’a also in the tags claiming to own the Union Jack so ???
i did read both the psas on this and from what i can tell yes londonhq had a basis to complain considering the theme was the same & the graphics themselves were similar enough but ?? red and blue is a very common colour scheme imo esp when it comes to city rps based in the uk ( for obvious reasons ) n yet they were willing to change everything from the graphics to the colour scheme so
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rpsnitched · 4 years
londonhq made read mores optional for smut lmao wtf??
yeah i’m .. What ?!?!??!
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rpsnitched · 4 years
Hi so, i don’t have an rph blog and i’m not comfortable making one. But i really hope that maybe you will also see this is wrong. This is from londonhq. 
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Them specifically saying they are not aware of what ‘ace writers’ is. it’s a sexuality a very common on one in this rpc. and then them specifically ignoring it so that they can continue to write smut on the dash with no read more. I personally find this disgusting in 2020. Have some awareness of sexualities that aren’t het. 
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rpsnitched · 4 years
the admins at msu are super dedicated and the muses there are lovely
glad ur enjoying <3
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rpsnitched · 4 years
the ex kildare members migrated to stardew and are now treating it like kildare 2.0. uncomfortable :/
oof i’m so sry ur uncomfy over there :/ find someplace you’re happier it’s not worth it if u ask me
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rpsnitched · 4 years
theres so much he said / she said about kildare i'd rather wait for someone to speak out off anon before i believe in any of it
yeah ur right idk any ex members of kildare or i’d ask but most ppl did seem to really enjoy being in it for the most part? almost all rps have good / bad shit said ab them
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rpsnitched · 4 years
An rp that blatantly plagiarized the group I’m in died after like 2 months and I don’t even feel bad for celebrating. Cheers to that lmao
JDNDKSNSK clink clink ig but tell me more
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rpsnitched · 4 years
also the only two situations i could think about that people might have left the rp bc they were "bullied" are probably the ones sending those anons in bc they made their chara slut shame another chara or their chara can dish it out but couldn't take it when other charas did the same to them.. none of that had to do with cliqueness or bullying though and that's definitely not why they closed. i really loved kildare and every single character in it
also a note that slutshaming ? can we stop ? can we also stop making ic stuff ooc i’ve been seeing this / hearing a Lot of stories ab that stuff lately & that’s what happens when u make ur charas all self insert .. play a chara not urself w ur fav fc it’s simple
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rpsnitched · 4 years
another ex member of kildare here ACTUALLY it was not bullying that caused any of the rps to close, it was bc people were losing muse and life started to get busy for them outside of rp. that rp was open from like april/may to like the end of august! it was active and fun but people just slowly started to not come on and it died..
sometimes the best rps die n it sucks sry something u enjoyed closed down :/
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rpsnitched · 4 years
There were 2 Kildare groups at the same time. One died due to no activity. The other might have died from bullying who knows.
i also do not know
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